The Creature - Book Two of the Marcus II Series

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The Creature - Book Two of the Marcus II Series Page 10

by Bonnie Somerville

  Cambridge Landing

  Kaley hadn’t seen much of Eno in the past few days. They were just about ready to depart for the north. Kaley went to the store to pick up a few things she wanted to bring with them to The Cove. Joshua the carpenter had constructed a stroller of sorts so she could transport the twins around town unassisted. As Kaley walked she saw Eno rushing here and there. She too had been assembling supplies to take. Kaley suspected some of her actions were to dispel the anxiety she was feeling. Keeping busy always helped her cope. Eno also made several trips into the forest.

  After dinner Kaley finally caught up with Eno. She was sitting on the porch waiting for Rachael when Eno climbed the stairs, nodded and tried to rush by. “Wait a minute Eno.” Kaley said. Eno stopped and looked at her. Kaley motioned for her to sit. When she did she handed her Darcy who had been fussing in her arms. Darcy settled right down when she realized it was Eno holding her. Eno and the girls had a wonderful rapport like they were kindred spirits. “What have you been up to Eno?” Kaley asked. Eno went into the house and brought out a piece of cloth. She held it out to Kaley who opened it. Eno held it up to her nose. Kaley took a sniff and smiled. “I don’t know what you call that scent but there are flowers in the forest that smell like that. Is that what you’ve been up to Eno? You took the flowers to someone to help you make soap out of them. What a romantic idea. Are you going to give this to Viva?” Kaley asked. Eno smiled and nodded.

  “You seem pretty well prepared. You must be anxious to see Viva again.”Kaley went on. Eno nodded. “I want you to come to the store and pick out a few more outfits so we don’t have to wash every day. I asked one of the ladies at the laundry to make the girls some new outfits as well. It might be a good idea to take presents for everyone. This is your first time meeting my family and I’m sure they’ll love you as much as I do. I also want to take supplies for our trek into the forest to see if we can locate The Lost Children. I’m trying to get Loki to go with us so she can show us exactly where she found the children.”

  Dori’s Cove

  Rachael drove the surrey into the village. Everywhere she looked there was construction work being done. The girls had managed the trip very well. The final leg of the journey had been a little rough but everyone was happy to have finally arrived. Loki had grudgingly consented to accompany the family. She really didn’t want to be in the same village as her sister but it couldn’t be helped. They had been estranged for years. Both were stubborn and opinionated women and that made it hard for them to get along. Too much alike some would say to be close friends. Riders had met them a few hours out and had announced their arrival. Eno had travelled much of the time on foot through the woods. She felt much more comfortable there than out in the open on a surrey.

  With advanced notice Viva was able to prepare for the groups arrival. Nicola was beside herself with anticipation. She couldn’t wait to see Kaley, Rachael and her new granddaughters. Viva couldn’t wait to see Eno. Viva had some food set out for the group and the water heated for the showers. The trip was a long dusty one and a shower would feel like heaven.

  Nicola and Gillian, Kaley’s sister were the first to meet the surrey along with assorted family and friends. Viva waited for the group to be greeted by them first before she made her presence known. She knew Kaley wanted to introduce Eno to her family and wanted it to be a good meeting for all of them. “Kaley I’m so glad to see you honey and you look strong and healthy.” Nicola crowed. “I am Ma. I’ve bounced back extremely well after the birth of the babies.” Kaley said. Rachael helped Kaley down and then Loki handed down Reese and Darcy. Finally Rachael lent a hand to Loki. Viva was a little concerned that Eno wasn’t on the cart but then it dawned on her that she might be on foot somewhere, at least she hoped.

  Nicola hugged and kissed both Kaley and Rachael. She looked so happy and proud of them both. The girls were the next to get the royal treatment with the entire community coming by to admire the youngsters. Finally Eno appeared from out of the forest. “Ma this is Reese and Darcy Bailik your granddaughters. Girls this is your grandmother Nicola Bailik. This place is called Dori’s Cove but we just call it The Cove. This is our home away from home so get to know everyone.” She said. Kaley thought it was funny to introduce the babies formally. Nicola started to cry while Loki looked a little uncomfortable shifting her weight from one foot to the other.

  Nicola hugged and kissed each child and then handed each one off to Gillian. When her arms were finally free Nicola gave Loki a warm hug. “Welcome home sister, it’s been too long. It’s good to see you… you look good. The Landing must agree with you.” Nicola said jokingly. “Thank you Nic, I’m glad to be here. It has been too long.” Loki said politely. Nicola continued. “Loki you’ll be staying with me so the young folks can have some privacy.” Nicola said. Loki huffed, which was pretty much her standard reply to most things. “Ma I want you to meet my very good friend Eno. Eno this is my mother Nicola Mayor of Dori’s Cove.” Kaley said. “Welcome Eno. I don’t recognize you but you sure do look like one of the family.” Nicola greeted her. “She’s not family Ma, this is one of the children Loki was raising way back when.” Kaley explained. Nicola looked at Loki and back at Eno. “Eno I welcome you to Dori’s Cove. Any friend of my Kaley is a friend of mine.” Nicola went over to Eno hugging and kissing her on both cheeks. Kaley let out a breath she hadn’t realized she was holding. It was important that Nicola accept Eno as it would lay the ground work for the rest of the community. Kaley hugged her sister Gillian exchanging warm smiles and a knowing look. Gillian also greeted Eno with a warm hug and welcome. “Welcome home Eno.” Gillian said. Their mother was trying very hard to be accommodating and for that Kaley was very grateful.

  Viva couldn’t hold back any longer and stepped forward. Eno saw her and ran quickly to her hugging her and lifting her slightly off the ground. They shared a brief kiss. Eno made a sign with her hands briefly holding her nose. “It’s ok Eno, I don’t mind if you smell. I’m just so glad to see you.” Viva said with a chuckle. They then exchanged a deep passionate kiss that left no doubt to anyone who was watching that they were together. Nicola raised her eyebrows and then turned to her daughter. “Oh Ma, Viva and Eno are seeing each other. Its early days so we pretend we don’t notice them drooling all over each other.” Kaley said in a false whisper. “I see that, come this way.” Nicola said. They walked past Nicola’s house. Kaley looked at her mother questioningly. “We have a surprise for you. I hope you like it.”

  They rounded the corner and there was their very own cob house complete with front and back porches. Kaley stopped, she was speechless. She went over to her mother and kissed her. “It’s perfect Ma thank you.” Kaley was almost speechless. Rachael also hugged and kissed Nicola. “There are two bedrooms and a den. I hope you don’t mind but we’ve been letting Viva stay in the den while you were away.” Nicola informed them. Kaley looked at Viva. “That’s ok Ma, she’s family.” Rachael put the girls’ bassinettes in their room along with their bags. Eno dropped her bag in the corner of the living room. “I think we all need some food and a shower Ma. If you and Loki don’t mind watching the girls I think we’ll do that now.” Kaley said.

  Eno went into her bag and retrieved a change of clothes and the flowery soap. They all walked over to the shower together. It was a good time to use the shower as the workers from The Landing were still working north of the village on the aqueduct system. They wouldn’t be back for a couple hours yet. They each took a nozzle and started washing the grime off. Viva hadn’t been on the road but she wanted to be close to Eno. Once they had all scrubbed and washed their hair. Viva looked over and in spite of herself stood for a minute and stared at Eno. Her back was to her but she could see the graceful curve of her neck, muscular shoulder, the arch of her back and wonderfully rounded buttocks. The beauty of it all almost took her breath away and made her heart race, her hands shake and her mouth go dry. She went up to her and took the soap and started gently washing her back. Eno f
inished washing her private parts. Viva moved to stand at her side, Eno’s shoulder between her breasts. Her left hand still lathering Eno’s back while the right caressed her belly slowly circling her navel. Eno straightened, her jaw muscles clenching as she took a deep breath. Viva pulled Eno tightly against herself, her mouth beside Eno’s ear and quietly whispered. “Do you want me to help you?” Viva offered. Eno nodded. Viva’s hand slowly migrated down to her pubic area. Eno put her hand on top of Viva’s and guided her hand between her legs. Viva closed her eyes and sucked in her breath.

  Kaley grabbed Rachael and their towels and headed toward the door. “We’ll watch the door.” She said. Eno moved her feet apart while Viva slid her fingers between her lips. Viva leaned in and took Eno’s earlobe in her mouth. Eno closed her eyes. “Are you a virgin?” She said softly to Eno. Eno shook her head. “I love you Eno.” Viva stroked her clit, caressing every centimeter of her. Eno’s legs began to shake while Viva held her tightly using the wall to help support them. “Don’t worry I’ve got you.” She said. As she felt Eno getting close she sped up. Eno gasped her muscles contracting rhythmically when she finally came. Viva stopped and held her close. They slid down the wall and sat holding each other. Eno put her head on Viva’s chest panting and trying to catch her breath. Eno caressed Viva’s arms, back and legs. “We can finish this at home later. I want you to make love to me in private and take our time ok.” Viva said. Eno nodded. From outside they heard Kaley say in an exaggeratedly loud voice. “The workers must be done for the day. Looks like they’re ready to get cleaned up and take a shower.” Viva smiled and stood up taking Eno with her. They hastily rinsed off and dried themselves, dressed and met Kaley and Rachael outside. “Ready for dinner, I’m starved.” Viva said while Eno blushed. The foursome went over to the dining tent and had a hot hearty meal. Kaley looked over at Eno and smiled. Eno had wolfed down her meal in record time. “You must have built up quite an appetite.” Rachael giggled. Viva and Eno both blushed this time.

  After dinner they went home. Nicola and Loki had actually been getting along. Nicola invited the entire group over to her house for an impromptu celebration. Viva and Eno said they would rather stay home. Everyone else including Darcy and Reese went to Nicola’s. Before she left Kaley handed Eno a bottle of Ajja wine she had brought from The Landing. Kaley wished them a good evening, told them not to wait up and gave a conspiratorial wink.

  Eno went into her bag and brought out scented candles and placed them around the living room and den. They sat on the sofa kissing and caressing each other like teenagers when their parents were away. Finally Viva took Eno by the hand and took her to the bedroom.

  Viva tore off Eno’s clothing while Eno stripped hers off. They kissed hungrily making up for all the lonely nights over the past month. “I want you so much Eno.” Viva said. They fell onto the bed. Eno seemed a little unsure… luckily Viva had no trouble showing her what to do. What Eno lacked in experience she more than made up for in enthusiasm. She kissed, caressed and licked every inch of Viva until Viva couldn’t stand it any longer and pulled Eno on top of her wrapping her thighs around her narrow hips. “I want you inside me.” She said softly. Viva guided Eno’s hand between her legs and when Eno entered she let out a groan. Viva was so ready, she had wanted Eno so badly for so long. When Eno heard the groan she stopped and looked questioningly at Viva. “It’s ok baby. You didn’t hurt me. I just need you so much.” Viva said in a hoarse voice. Eno let her instincts take over and followed Viva’s body language. Her own skin tingled with arousal. She could feel Viva arching to meet each stroke. Viva’s hips rolled to ensure maximum depth. Eno almost came herself when Viva told her to go faster. Viva’s vaginal muscled clamped down around her fingers and soon she was falling over the precipice. Her muscled contracted repeatedly until she was completely spent and exhausted. Viva felt light headed as if all the blood had left her extremities’

  Eno cuddled Viva holding her close rubbing her back and shoulders. She kissed her temple and neck. “Love you.” She said. Viva had been lying with her eyes closed gently drawing figure eights on Eno’s thigh. “So much for wanting to take things slow. I should have known I couldn’t wait to have you.” Viva adjusted her position so her head was resting on Eno’s chest. She caressed Eno’s breast and teased her nipple watching it contract and harden. She lifted her head and looked into her eyes. “Eno I’ve never felt like this with anyone before. I don’t mean the sex, that part was fantastic. What I mean is that I want…” She struggled with what she wanted to express to Eno without feeling like things were going too fast and scaring her off. Eno smiled at her. “Mate?” Eno asked. “Yes baby I want to be your mate.” Viva responded. Eno held her lips tight seeming to think about it then nodded and said. “Ok” It was settled. ~

  Chapter Nine

  The work on the aqueduct system was coming along nicely. The footings were in place to support the overhead water channel that would eventually supply water to the fields and into the town. The simple wind powered turbine would bring the water up from the river to the top of the channel, the rest was simple gravity. The Cove had an advantageous position being at the mouth of the river where it joined the large inland freshwater lake. Not many people had explored beyond the lake at this point, they had more than enough work and activities to keep them busy for generations.

  The Cove had been largely neglected due to the stigma created by Conrad Drummond. Kaley and Rachael believed once the improvements were complete Dori’s Cove would become the hub of local activity. The colony which had plans to expand southwest could easily expand northwest as well. Rachael intended to bring up that option at her next meeting with Queen Catherine and the Council of Elders.

  The expedition they planned to locate The Lost Children would also serve as a mission to explore the viability of a suitable future expansion. Rachael had already submitted a proposal and had been given permission to look into it. The added piece was that Catherine and Nicola had insisted that an additional security detail accompany Kaley, Rachael and Eno. The additional personnel would be back-up in case they found The Lost Children and more importantly whoever had given birth to them. If The Others turned out to be unfriendly they would be glad to have a security detail along. Kaley suspected that Eno and The Lost Children were castoffs from a much larger group who had up until now kept themselves completely isolated from all the other communities.

  It had been rumored that Conrad Drummond had gone mad and entered the forest never to be seen again but Kaley suspected that he continued his work with the Pendek using his own DNA as well as the creatures he created. The Pendek and their genetically altered offspring had escaped into the forest. He could very easily have set up a lab of sorts, captured new test subjects and continued on with his research. Rachael knew that somewhere along the line he had deviated completely away from the morals that had been the foundation of the entire colony but she also suspected that at least in the beginning his intentions had been honorable.

  There was no denying that he was a genius, Eno and The Lost Children were proof that he had been well on his way to creating hybrids on Marcus II. What had been a shock to some was that he not only altered some of the remaining samples but all of them. There wasn’t a sample that didn’t have his signature on them. Those samples were eventually used unbeknownst to the colonists to inseminate themselves. They had been unwitting accomplices to Conrads’ experiments. If the authorities on Terra had known they would have swooped in and shut them down and to their delight taken the much desired resources as well. They would have never known how successful the colonists would have eventually become and how well they’d been able to adapt to Marcus II with their enhanced DNA.

  The morning meal was wrapping up and the visiting workers made their way out to the building site and the locals went to the fields. The foursome of Rachael, Kaley, Eno and Viva were discussing the expedition. Darcy and Reese had spent a lot of time with Nicola, Gillian and Loki, becoming thoroughly spoiled and acc
ustomed to their new family members. They’d become celebrities breathing new life and hope into a tired beaten down community. People of The Cove began to imagine themselves having and raising children of their own again. Viva and Eno weren’t the only new relationship that had grown since the arrival of the workers in The Cove. A handful of new couples had popped up and although no one knew if they were temporary or more permanent at this point the seeds had been sewn. It was getting close to the time when the workers would be replaced by a fresh crew from Arklow.

  That is part of what the foursome were discussing. “Two letters arrived today with the supply wagon.” Rachael informed the group. “I have already received permission to explore and investigate the forest for signs of The Lost Children but Aunt Kitty wants us to take four young people with us. She doesn’t want to take any chances. She thinks The Others have been completely isolated for a reason and might not like us encroaching on their territory.” She said. “What else do the new letters say Rachael?” Viva inquired. “The first is from Romi in Arklow requesting a list of our needs here specifically what and how many personnel will be needed as well as a list of supplies.” Rachael handed the letter to Eno who read and passed it on. “I didn’t know you could read Eno.” Kaley said. “Of course she can read.” Loki said as she walked up to see what was being discussed. “She was my star pupil, far and away the most intelligent of the bunch.” Loki looked at Eno and winked. “You mean you could have told us exactly what you were thinking long ago.” Viva asked a little shocked. “Not only that but she can talk your ear off if she has a mind to.” Loki added. Viva laced her fingers with Eno’s while Kaley chuckled to herself. “The other letter is from Sara. She has analyzed the samples already provided and wants to know if I know when the other samples will be collected.” Rachael added. “Perhaps when the replacement workers come in from Arklow we can get some of the workers who have completed their three month shift to accompany us into the forest. That way the work won’t suffer with us taking them away for a week or more. I’m sure some of the ones who have found lovers here will jump at the chance to stick around a while longer.” Rachael thought out loud.


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