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Blue Parrot Resort

Page 1

by Smoak, Ivy

  Blue Parrot Resort

  By Ivy Smoak

  Copyright 2015 Ivy Smoak

  All Rights Reserved

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  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Read More

  ARC Team

  Also by Ivy Smoak


  Chapter 1


  I opened the oven and the smell of my perfectly seasoned roast chicken filled the air. The thermometer read 155 degrees, so I basted it one more time and then closed the oven. Everyone would be arriving any minute, so by the time I greeted them and chatted for a bit, the chicken would be ready.

  Right on cue, the doorbell rang. I hurried to the door and greeted my best friend and her husband.

  "Hey guys, I'm so glad you could make it."

  "Thanks for having us. Everything smells delicious," said Mike.

  "It really does," agreed Julia. "Do you need help with anything?"

  "Nope, everything is just about ready. Can I get you something to drink?"

  Julia pulled a bottle of wine out of her purse. "How about this?"

  "You guys didn't have to bring anything," I said, but I was glad they did. It was my favorite type of wine and I wasn't about to turn it down. "But I'll definitely have a glass."

  We made our way to the kitchen to get a bottle opener.

  "Is Scott home yet?" asked Mike.

  "No, he should be home any minute though." I hope. He had just announced he would be been running for the open House of Representatives seat and had been working late lots of nights, but I thought having a dinner party with our friends would be enough motivation for him to come home on time for once.

  Once the wine was poured we went and sat down in the family room.

  "So how was your guys vacation?" I asked.

  "Amazing," they both said in unison.

  "It was so nice to get away from all the stress of our jobs and just get to enjoy...each other," said Mike. They both giggled and Julia playfully shoved Mike's leg.

  What's gotten into them? When I had seen them before their vacation they were both so tense, and now they were giggling like they just discovered sex for the first time. "Well it certainly seems like you two had fun. Where was it again?"

  "Costa Rica," said Julia. "The views from the hotel were..."

  My phone buzzing took my attention away from the conversation. I slid my finger across the screen and a message from Scott popped up:

  "Running late. Won't be home for another hour or so. Go ahead and eat without me."

  I put my phone on the coffee table and sighed. "Scott said that we should go ahead and eat without him. I'll go grab the food." I got up and made my way into the kitchen. Julia followed.

  "Are you doing okay?" she asked.

  "I'm fine. Why?"

  "You just Is something going on between you and Scott?"

  "He's just hardly ever home. I'm so happy for him that he's finally running for a major position, but it's tough not seeing him." I glanced through the door to make sure Mike wasn't listening. "We haven't had sex in weeks. Maybe months."

  "Do you think he's..." Julie trailed off as if she didn't want to say the word.

  "Cheating on me? Yeah, the thought crossed my mind. Isn't that what staying late at work is usually code for? And I don't trust that slutty little campaign manager of his."

  "I thought the same thing a few months ago about Mike, but it turned out to be nothing. With my hours at the law firm and Mike's crazy hours doing real estate it was hard for us to ever have time for each other. That's why we went on vacation."

  "And that fixed everything?"

  "It didn't just fix it. It made our sex life better than ever."


  "You'll see when you go."

  "I'll talk to Scott about it. What's the place called?"

  "The Blue Parrot Resort."

  I pulled out my phone and typed it into Google, but nothing came up. "Are you sure? I just Googled it..."

  "They don't have a website. You can only make a reservation by calling this number and giving them this password." Julia pulled a business card out of her pocket and slid it across the kitchen counter. The front of it featured a parrot and bikini models sitting by an infinity pool that looked out over an expanse of rainforest. I flipped it over and the back just had a phone number and the word "Bracelet" written in sharpie.


  "That's the password to get a reservation. They don't want just anyone coming. Referrals only."

  "Weird. I'll ask Scott about it tonight when..."

  "No. You're going to call right now."


  "But what? You need this."

  "You really think I should? Won't Scott be mad?"

  "He might be at first. Until you tell him that he gets a free pass for the weekend."

  "He gets to go for free?"

  "No. He gets a free pass. To be with other women."

  "What?" She had to be joking.

  Julia just stared back at me.

  "Did you give Mike one?" I whispered.

  "Yeah. But nothing happened. He tried flirting with one girl and then realized how much better it is to have a wife that loves him. Guys always think the single life is way better than it actually is. And plus, it's a great way to see if he's really cheating on you or not."

  "I don't know."

  "You get a free pass too."

  "But I don't want one."

  "I know. But if you flirt with a few guys, it will make Scott jealous and then he'll want you even more. Believe me, it's all part of the experience."

  "I'll think about it." There's no way. I shifted my focus back to dinner. The biscuits were golden brown and the thermometer on the chicken now read 165. I pulled both out of the oven and took them out to the dining room. When I came back, Julia was on the phone reciting a few numbers.

  Wait, that's my phone. And those are the last four digits of my credit card.

  "What are you doing?!" I shrieked.

  Julia held up a finger for me to be quiet.

  I walked over to try to grab the card, but she dodged me while reading the expiration date and CVV.

  "Come on, this isn't funny!"

  "Okay, thank you very much. We'll see you in two days." Julia pulled the phone away from her face and ended the call. "Sorry, but it had to be done."

  "You didn't really..."

  "I did. Seven thousand dollars isn't that much for someone fancy enough to run for office, right?"


  "Now we just need to get you a flight. And you'll need to clear your calendar for next week."

  "You've got to be kidding."

  "I'm not. Lydia, you need this."

  I snatched my phone from her and checked the call history. The number matched the number on the business card. Then an incoming e-mail alert popped up:


  Date: Thurs, June 11, 2015 at 6:20 PM

  Subject: Thank you for your reservation!

  Dear Lydia,

  Thank you for your reservation at the Blue Parrot Resort! Please find the details of your stay below:

  Check In: 3 PM, Saturday, June 13, 2015

  Check Out: Noon, Saturda
y, June 20, 2015

  Room Type: King Bed

  Cost Per Night (not including tax): $1000

  Total Charge: $7000

  The above charge covers your room, food, drink, activities, and transportation to and from the airport. Please note that all charges will be billed to your credit card at the time of reservation and are non-refundable.

  Thank you!

  Blue Parrot Resort

  I reread the e-mail in disbelief. "Oh my God, you really booked it."

  Chapter 2


  "How far out is this place?" I asked. We had left the Juan Santamaria International Airport nearly four hours ago and it had been at least an hour since I had seen any sign of civilization. I was tired and hungry and I had no idea why my wife had booked a $7000 hotel without asking me, especially when I needed this time to be collecting funds and planning my campaign.

  The driver looked back at me from the front of the town car. "Almost there, sir," he said in a thick accent.

  I refocused on my cell phone. Great. I was down to maybe half a bar of 3G reception. Websites were out of the question. E-mails took five minutes to update, but still worked.

  "Look! There's a monkey over there!" exclaimed Lydia, pointing out her window into the rainforest.

  I glanced over. "Cool."

  "Oh come on, are you going to be grumpy this whole trip?"

  "That depends. Is it really going to cost me seven grand?"

  "What's the point of having money if you aren't going to spend it? I thought we needed some time away from everything. You've felt so distant recently. I miss you."

  I sighed. "I'm sorry, babe. I've just had a lot on my plate with the campaign."

  "I know. But your campaign isn't here. I am."

  "What did Julia and Mike say about this place?" I asked, changing the subject.

  "They said that it helped them to reconnect when they were going through a tough spot. So I thought it could do the same..."

  My cell phone buzzed. I glanced down to see that an e-mail had updated and I had a new message from my campaign manager, Stacy.

  "Would you be more interested in this vacation if I gave you a free pass?" asked Lydia.

  I looked up. "Huh?"

  "A free pass. You can flirt with other girls all week if you want."

  "Is this a trick? This feels like a trick."

  "Julia told me that her and Mike having free passes for the week was part of what improved their sex life."

  "So you get a free pass too?"

  "I guess so, yes. So what do you say?"

  I gazed out the window and thought about it. Then all of a sudden the rainforest parted and a high-rise building appeared out of nowhere. We pulled up under the porte-cochère. In the lobby, I could see a group of beautiful women in heels and tiny bikinis. I immediately turned to Lydia. "If that's really what you want, then I guess we can do the free pass thing."

  Chapter 3


  "Welcome to the Blue Parrot Resort," said the man at the front desk. He was probably a few years older than us and was dressed to the nines in a black tuxedo. "My name is Javier. How may I help you?"

  "Hi, we have a reservation for two under Lydia Dalton," I said.

  "One moment please, Ms. Dalton." Javier typed a few letters and scanned his computer screen. "Ah, there you are. It says here that you'll be staying with us for seven nights in a king bed. Is that correct?"


  "Excellent. Have you even been here before?"


  "Then let me give you a quick overview of what we have to offer." Javier grabbed a pamphlet and slid it across the counter towards us. "Our three restaurants are open every day from 6 a.m. to 2 in the morning. Or if you'd just like a quick snack, there's a mini bar in your room and we also have a snack bar here at the front desk to my left."

  I glanced over and saw that the snack bar was fully stocked with everything from potato chips to ice-cream to bottles of wine.

  "We also have four pools, including an infinity pool on the roof that provides spectacular views, especially during the sunset. And then we have activities every day. You can sign up on that board over there, but just to whet your appetite, we have tours of the rain forest, zip lining through the canopy, ropes courses, and more." Javier pointed to impressive pictures in the pamphlet of happy people zip lining through the trees.

  "Wow, that looks awesome," I said.

  "Yes, the zip lining is one of our most popular activities. Just make sure you sign up for it soon so that you don't miss out. The spots go very quickly."

  "We'll definitely do that," said Scott.

  "I don't want to keep you much longer, but the last thing I have to tell you about is our bracelet game. Are you familiar with it?"

  Scott and I shook our heads.

  "No problem," said Javier as he pulled out a beautiful gold bracelet and fastened it around my wrist. "This will be yours for the week."

  "Really?" I asked. I had never worn such an expensive looking piece of jewelry before. "What if I lose it?"

  Javier laughed and handed Scott some sort of credit card. "Every woman who stays with us gets one of these bracelets that they must put on each morning. And every man gets one of these cards. While you're wearing the bracelet, any guy can come up to you and ask you to follow the directions on his card. Once you've done so, he can wave his card over your bracelet to activate the RFID chip and allow you to take the bracelet off."

  "What sorts of directions do the cards have on them?" I asked.

  Scott looked down at his and read, "Get topless." For the first time since I told him about the free pass, he seemed to maybe be enjoying himself.

  "Very funny, what does it really say?" I snatched the card from his hand and read it. Sure enough, it had "Get topless" written in bold letters across the top. "Why didn't Julia tell me about this?"

  Scott shrugged. "So if I wanted to, I could have Lydia get topless right here in the lobby?"

  "That's correct," said Javier.

  "What if I don't want to play the bracelet game?" I asked.

  "Your husband can always just use his card each morning on you before you guys leave your room. That way you can take the bracelet off and not worry about it the rest of the day. And his card only has one use per day, so he can't use it the rest of the day once he's used it on you. It's really more for singles, but couples that have stayed here have certainly had fun with it too."

  "Why don't we go upstairs and you can use that card?" I whispered to Scott.

  " would be so much more fun to use it now, though," said Scott, turning the card over in his hands.

  Shit, is he really going to make me get topless in the lobby? I looked around at all the people who would see me. Javier, a group of slutty girls in bikinis, a few guys on couches watching a soccer match. "Do you really want everyone here to see my breasts?"

  Scott laughed. "We're in a resort in the middle of a rainforest. What happens in the rainforest stays in the rainforest, right Javier?"

  "Yes indeed, sir."

  "But I'm feeling generous, so I'll let you wait until we get to our room." Scott put the card in his wallet and turned back to Javier. "Can we have our room keys, please?"

  Javier handed us each a key card. "You'll be staying in room 620. Just take those elevators and then go right when you get to the sixth floor. Is there anything else I can help you with today?"

  Scott and I shook our heads.

  "Very well. I hope you enjoy your stay. If you need anything, I'll be here at the front desk."

  Chapter 4


  The elevator came to a stop. We grabbed our luggage and made our way down the hall to our room. After taking in the incredible view of the rain forest that our window provided, I collapsed on the plush king bed while Lydia unpacked some of her stuff.

  "So are you going to get me topless or what?" asked Lydia.

  "Hmm...I was kind of thinking that I'd save it fo
r dinner time. I've always wanted to get you topless in a restaurant, and this might be my only chance." If Lydia was going to spend $7000 of my hard earned money and take me away from my campaign for this stupid vacation, I was fully prepared to make her squirm a little.

  Lydia laughed. "You better not get too comfortable on that bed then."

  "Why's that?"

  "Because if you use that card at the restaurant, you're sleeping on the floor tonight."

  "Might be worth it. The floor looks pretty comfy."

  "Alright, fine. What do I have to do to get you to take this stupid bracelet off me before dinner?"

  "If you agree to go to dinner topless then I'll be happy to take your bracelet off."

  Lydia shook her head. "I don't get it. Why do you want other guys to see me topless?"

  "I don't. I just think it would be fun to use the card in the way that you'd least want me to since you're the one who dragged me on this vacation. And fine, I guess it is a little fun having strangers see you topless but knowing that you're mine."

  "I guess that means you aren't interested in hopping in the shower with me?"

  Damn it. She knew I couldn't resist some good shower sex. Getting her topless at dinner would have to wait for another night. "Okay, you win. For tonight." I pulled the card out of my wallet and walked over to Lydia. "Let's see those tits."

  Lydia smiled triumphantly and pulled her shirt over her head, unclasped her bra, and let her beautiful breasts free. "Happy?"

  "I will be soon." I slid my card over her wrist and pulled the gold bracelet off. "Are you sure you want to take off such a nice piece of jewelry?"

  "I'm sure," she said as she wiggled out of her jeans.

  I followed her into the bathroom, which was by far the coolest part of our room. It featured a marble vanity with two sinks, a tiled bathtub, and a glass cube big enough for 4 or 5 people to shower in comfortably.

  I hung back and enjoyed the show while Lydia jumped in and began soaping up her body. I waited until the glass got too foggy to see her before I joined her. She had her eyes closed, so to alert her of my presence I slapped my erection against her firm ass and grabbed her tits. I didn't remember her body being this tight. She must have been working out.


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