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Fly Me Home (Rescue Squad Shifters Book 1)

Page 3

by Victoria Flynn

  “This is Justin,” he yelled from the other end of the line.

  Background music blared into his phone. Wherever he was, it was damn noisy. The twangy country assaulted my eardrums, making me wince. Shifter hearing wasn’t made to deal with things that loud.

  “It’s me, Talon. Can you turn that shit down, or step outside for a minute? I can’t even hear myself think.”

  “One second,” he said. The background noise disappeared. “What’s up?”

  “I had an officer stop by my place earlier.”

  “Was it Officer Hottie?”

  “Officer Hottie?” I asked, not sure who the hell he was referring to.

  “Yeah. The new girl. God, I’d let her put me in cuffs any time she wants-”

  A low growl tore from my throat as an unfamiliar churning of rage ignited within me. I kept picturing Justin’s hands trailing up my mate’s thighs as she writhed in pleasure. The man was my best friend, and I was picturing a thousand different ways to kill him.

  “Not another fucking word about her. Do you understand me? Not one fucking word, or I won’t be able to stop myself from breaking your god damn face.”

  “Whoa, T. What the hell man?”

  I ran my hand through my hair with a huff. He didn’t understand the concept of mates or the complex bond that had already begun to form, linking me to her. Jealousy and protectiveness was just part of the territory. A man could turn on his best friend if he thought his mate was in jeopardy of being stolen away before the bond could be completed.

  “It’s complicated. Just…just don’t be disrespectful. She’s a lady and deserves to be treated like one.”

  Having a mate wasn’t something to be taken lightly. With the very real possibility that Ms. Mendoza could walk away from me and not feel the pull of our connection, I didn’t want to share the news and have things not pan out.

  “You got dibs on the girl or something? You’re acting weird as fuck, dude.”

  “Dibs? I don’t even know the woman’s first name. Just leave her alone.”

  Justin grunted, “Is that what you called for? To stake your territory? Or did you need something else?”

  “Yeah, it’s actually about the reason behind her visit. She’s been looking into some suspicious kills around here. Thinks it’s the work of some poachers.”

  “Shit,” he huffed.

  Justin knew just as well as I did the importance of keeping my secret. Not just mine but others’. Elk Springs was a quiet town, safe. We had families and an entire community to keep safe. There were predators in the forests surrounding the town, and adding a few more to the list was unacceptable in my book. They had to go.

  “If you’ve got some time between shifts, we can take a hike and see what we can find. I doubt these guys would be set up in a motel; it would draw too much attention. We need to search for their camp.”

  “Would you have us show them just how hospitable we can be here in Elk Springs?” Sarcasm dripped from every word.

  I knew how Justin could be. I’d dragged his ass out of more bar fights than I could count. He was a brawler by nature and damned lucky he didn’t have an animal in him to ramp up that aggression until it overtook him.

  “I’m sure we can convince them that there’s nothing worth hunting in the area and let them be on their way,” I replied.

  “That’s fine by me, but could it maybe wait a day? I’ve got someone I’m meeting up at The Moose Jaw around six, and really, what difference is one day going to make?” Justin rationalized.

  “You have a date?” I asked, reading between the lines.

  “I don’t know that I’d call it a date, but who knows, and I don’t want to hear any shit about it. You were the one telling me I needed to try to get back in the game.”

  “Fuck, man. It’s been 5 years since Lanie left. You should’ve been back in the game at least 4 years ago.”

  The other end of the line was quiet. I knew it was a sore spot for him, but how long could someone let their lives pass them by waiting for someone who wasn’t coming back? I’d been the loyal friend and stood by him, not pushing for him to move on with the hope he’d get over it on his own, but he never did. After a couple years, I let it go. You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink. So Justin having a date without someone interfering on his behalf was a big deal, and I sure as shit wasn’t going to stand in the way of it.

  “No worries, dude. Hell, I might even swing out to the bar. Gotta know what sort of lady caught your attention enough to break your self-imposed celibacy,” I joked, trying to lighten the mood.

  “All right, well, if you do stop out, don’t hesitate to come on over and say hi. I’ve got to go. Later,” Justin rushed out.

  “See you later,” I said, ending the call.

  I turned and took in my home. It was modest, and I’d built it myself after my father passed when I was nineteen. I’d never had a complaint about it, and now it just felt so empty. I knew exactly what was missing. It was her. In a matter of seconds, my whole world shifted and readjusted. The eagle was restless to lay eyes on the woman who’d captured our attention. Before I could stop myself, I was taking off out the back door and shedding my clothes as I went.

  I let the eagle have my body. Luckily, I had been blessed with the gift to shift almost instantly if I really pushed it. Where my skin and hair had been was now long sleek feathers. My powerful wings beat hard, lifting me higher into the air until I broke through the trees. I could hear animals scurrying for shelter for almost a mile, knowing a predator was near, but I wasn’t hunting them. I was hunting her.

  There were only two motels in town. Both sat on opposite edges of the town’s limits and frequently housed less than honorable folks. Mostly, it was a whole lot of unfaithful spouses and the occasional junkie or drunk holed up on a bender. If I was honest, the Ruby Slipper Motel was the dive between the two, and I hoped with everything in me she was intuitive enough to steer clear of that motel, but what did I really know about her?

  Taking a chance, I headed to the Pine View Motel. The cold night air rushed over my feathers, carrying me to my destination like fate’s hand was guiding me. Everything was in razor sharp focus, and if I tried really hard, I could almost make out the spicy scent I’d come to know belonged to my mate. Agent Mendoza smelled like cinnamon and rich vanilla.

  The wind was in my favor tonight. I could make out the faint glow of the Pine View Motel’s neon sign by the roadside in the distance. I needed to get closer to see if her truck was there, however it was imperative I stayed out of sight. When I got close enough, I ducked below the tree tops, dodging limbs and branches as I descended to the forest floor.

  I came to a stop almost fifty yards from the road’s edge. The motel lay on the far side of the road, but it was the perfect vantage point. My talons dug into the soft dirt, holding me in place as I prepared to fold the bird back inside.

  The popping was quick, and the pain, blinding. I bit down on the inside of my cheek to stifle my agonized cries. My bones and joints ached from shifting as much as I already had in the previous couple days. Most of the time, I’d only shift once a week, but with the last mission I’d gone out on and now, I’d shifted four times in two days, and I already knew I’d shift more.

  Pushing through the mass of ferns and saplings, I made my way closer to the road while I tried to stay hidden. There’s no good explanation to give someone if they find you hanging out without a stitch of clothes on.

  Her truck was parked at the end of the row of rooms. Billy, the motel clerk, was sneaking out to his car with a joint hanging out of his mouth. Not that I could expect much more from a twenty-year-old who had never grown up. Billy climbed into his rusted out Buick and took off down the road to the gas station. It was his nightly munchies run. Officer Mendoza’s room was dark, and from my distance, I couldn’t hear anything going on inside. Had she already gone to bed? It hadn’t been more than two hours since she’d been standing on my front porch.
  I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to imagine her sleeping form laying on her bed. I could see every feature perfectly; I’d already memorized every freckle and curve of her face. I pictured her face slack with sleep as her chest rose and fell gently. I wanted more than anything to be able to lay next to her and feel how perfectly she fit against me, but this would have to suffice until then.

  She was safe, and that was all that mattered. If I could get away with it, I’d sit there and make sure she stayed safe. I’d gladly be her sentinel, but that wasn’t how life worked. Responsibilities weighed on me and demanded my time. Knowing she was tucked away for the night, I turned and strode deeper into the trees. I was about to shift when I knew I wasn’t the only creature here anymore. The woods fell silent all around me, but despite all of my attempts, I couldn’t catch a scent or glimpse of whatever was out there. It was probably just a bear down wind I told myself. Without giving it another thought, my body folded in on itself.

  I was vulnerable on the ground, unable to move easily like I would in the air. Smelling the beast a little too late, I sensed something move in and swipe at me just as I got off the ground. Claws brushed my tail feathers, missing flesh. Even with my eyesight, I couldn’t see what was stalking me. I climbed higher into the air as I tried to put as much distance between it and me. The scent of fur filled my nostrils.

  The animal moved quickly, slipping away before I could make out what it was. It had been massive, whatever it was, and without leaving marks, there was no way to figure out what it had been. It was a close call, too close. I’d been distracted and let my guard down, and in this world, letting your guard down meant you died. Survival of the fittest was very real to me.

  Without wasting time, I headed straight for home. The woods were unsettling tonight. Even a few miles away, the forest was unusually quiet. Agent Mendoza’s words came back to me. She’d mentioned poachers. Perhaps they were in Elk Springs after all. If they’d already taken a kill, it would be reason enough for everything to fall quiet until it was safe. Still, something felt off, yet I couldn’t put my finger on what it was.

  I landed on my back deck and shifted before I’d come to a complete stop. Naked, I slipped into the house and picked up my discarded clothes. They smelled of wood and sweat, not the best thing to wear out in public. Close call or not, I wasn’t going to pass up the opportunity to check out the new girl who’d piqued Justin’s fancy. Tossing the clothes in the hamper, I strode to my room and pulled a clean shirt and jeans from the dresser and quickly dressed.

  Within fifteen minutes, I was in my truck and heading toward the Moose Jaw. The drive was a short one, but it was practically instantaneous with my mind so filled with images of Agent Mendoza. I didn’t even know what her first name was, but the connection was a real one. I hadn’t missed the way her eyes roved over every inch of me when I’d answered the door. Nor had I missed the faint scent of arousal that seeped from her. It had almost driven me to shift on the spot.

  Before I knew it, I had rolled into the parking lot of the crowded bar. In such a small town, there wasn’t anything else to do but go to the Moose Jaw. It was almost always a high school reunion, but none of us had ever left the area and were so used to seeing each other out and about, no one batted an eye.

  It was a small brick building that had been painted at least a dozen times with grey being the most recent choice. The parking lot was full like it was every night. Cars had even begun to spill over onto the grass. Justin’s jacked up Jeep sat on the edge of the pavement, sitting a good foot taller than any other. I parked my truck on the grass and strode for the door.

  When I’d almost reached the door, I froze. There was that tantalizing scent again. Cinnamon and vanilla. It was gone as fast as it came.

  Shaking my head, I pulled open the door and walked into the bustling bar. A band of middle aged men were playing something twangy I’d never heard before. A dozen different scents assaulted my senses; it was exactly the reason I tended to avoid places that were so crowded. It put me on edge.

  The tables were full of chattering people and abandoned bottles of beer. Stickers and metal signs covered the walls of the Moose Jaw with only a few lights left still working. It was a dive if I’d ever seen one.

  Squeezing between throngs of people, I made my way to the bar and ordered a beer. Justin was in the far corner of the room with a brunette whose back was to me. He caught my eye and gave a little nod. I raised my beer and winked. I hoped for his sake it worked out for him.

  Taking a quick swig of my beer, I was about to go check out who was with Justin and give her a proper introduction when I saw him heading in my direction. When he was almost halfway to me, a small woman stepped in front of him. The two collided. I snorted back a chuckle until I noticed who he’d bumped in to. His face was full of shock for about half a second before his notorious shit-eating grin slid into place.

  Agent Mendoza put her hand out, making sure Justin was all right. She looked to be apologizing, and so was he. He gave me a quick glance and shrugged. I couldn’t make out what they were saying with the noise from the crowd. Justin’s charming grin made the dimple in his cheek really pop. My blood was close to boiling. She laughed at something he said. Acid churned in my gut. If I didn’t like him so damn much, I’d have ripped his throat out through his ass.

  I didn’t think, just moved. I strode right for the pair of them. She giggled, full blown school girl giggles…at him. I couldn’t fault her, but Justin, on the other hand, knew exactly what she was to me. I’d made myself explicitly clear that she was mine.

  “Can I get you a drink?” Justin asked sweetly, leaning in closer to her so she could hear him easily.

  “I need to talk to you,” I growled at Justin, gritting my teeth together. “Now.”

  “I’ll be right back sweetness,” he said as smooth as caramel.

  Motherfucker was just daring me to knock him the fuck out.

  “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” I demanded, ensuring we were far enough away Agent Mendoza wouldn’t hear.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Don’t play stupid, J. I’m barely holding onto control here, and with the mood I’m in right now, I would fucking end you.”

  “T, you were never going to make a move and talk to the girl. You fucking know that. If you weren’t going to grow a pair and talk to your mate, then someone fucking had to.”

  “Is everything all right here?” Agent Mendoza asked, sliding around me and coming to a stop between Justin and me.

  “Fine,” I fumed.

  “Oh, would you look at that! He talks,” she teased.

  When I didn’t respond, her light mood shifted, and she began to smell angry.

  “I guess not saying anything is better than slamming a door in my face. So, what do you say, Justin Willard? Would you like to buy me a drink?” she suggested, trailing her fingers up Justin’s forearm seductively.

  “I’ll never turn down the opportunity to buy a pretty lady a drink,” Justin said, holding his arm out for her to take.

  That’s when I lost it. I saw red. Images of Justin going to town on my mate ran rampant in my head, visions of him touching her in ways that were meant for me and me alone. My fist flew hard and fast, colliding with Justin’s jaw.

  He crumpled and dropped, dazed and confused as to what happened. Agent Mendoza stood there, mouth agape and eyes wide. The room fell silent momentarily while everyone waited to see what would happen next. To hell with it, if they wanted a show I was more than willing to give them one…especially if Justin got up and said the wrong thing.

  “What the hell was that for?” Agent Mendoza screamed, dropping to her knees and checking over Justin. “What’s wrong with you?”

  I shrugged. “Sorry, but he had it coming.”

  Agent Mendoza looked at me like I’d spoken Greek and she couldn’t comprehend what I was saying.

  Justin finally regained his bearings and staggered to his
feet. His lip was split and bleeding. It took everything in me not to hit him again.

  “It’s all right. I was out of line, and he had every right to hit me although, I’m not sure he needed to draw blood,” Justin chided. “I’m sorry, Genevieve. I need to get back to the person I came here with.”


  Her name was almost as gorgeous as she was.

  “You mean your date?” I asked for clarification.

  Genevieve’s face transitioned from concerned to scorn in the matter of milliseconds.

  “Yeah, my date,” Justin murmured, giving me one last remorseful look. “Sorry, T. I mean it. Agent Mendoza? I’m afraid you’ll have to excuse me and let my buddy, Talon, buy you a drink. He’s probably much better company than I am.”

  Justin wiped the last smudge of blood from his swollen lip and slipped into the throng of people. As soon as folks had realized Justin wasn’t going to throw down, they went on about their business. Fights weren’t out of the ordinary for the Moose Jaw. It was actually considered a slow night if someone didn’t get hit.

  “Well, umm, care to tell me what the fuck that was about? Or are you just ornery and rude to everyone?”

  I sighed; I deserved every bit of her ire. I couldn’t deny that I’d been rude and out of line when she’d shown up on my doorstep, but there wasn’t any possible way to explain the truth. How could I just come out and say, “oh hey, sorry. By the way, I’m a shifter and turn into an eagle sometimes, and you’re my mate.”

  “I’m sorry, Agent Mendoza. I was out of line earlier, and there was no excuse for it. I’d like to turn the page and start over if you think that would be possible. What do you say? Think you can give me a second chance? I might even be able to help your investigation,” I mentioned, hoping it was enough to entice her to get to know me better, maybe spend more time together. And from there, who knew what would happen.


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