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Journey's End

Page 15

by Deatri King Bey

  She returned to a bundle of wild flowers on the porch. She’d been so caught up in her problems, she’d forgotten about her daily flowers from her secret admirer. She held them close. You can never have too many flowers.

  Jared watched Joy pick the bouquet up and smell the flowers, then enter the house. He’d left a special gift for her each day since seeing her at the picnic. Every day she grew more beautiful. He longed to hold her again, to tell her how much he loved her.

  Soon, my love. Soon.

  Pops was at the stove cooking breakfast when Joy entered the kitchen.

  “Look what someone left on the porch.” She found a vase and arranged the flowers. “Aren’t they beautiful?” She kissed him on the cheek and washed her hands.

  Now that he knew the story behind Jared, he’d bet Jared was her secret admirer. He’d stayed up all night thinking about how to handle the Joy-Jared- Lucas-Soaring Eagle problem. He knew Joy had spent the night with Soaring Eagle, but didn’t know what they intended on doing. “Did Soaring Eagle speak with you yesterday?”

  She sat at the table with her fruit and nuts. “He told me I’m pregnant. Did you know?”

  “I had a feeling. Are you two getting married?”

  “He asked, but I said ‘no.’ We love each other and are the best of friends, why ruin it by getting married?” She took one of the flowers out of the vase and toyed with it.

  “What’s wrong?”

  She replaced the flower. “I’m afraid of telling Lucas. I know he won’t hurt me. I’m just ashamed I let that white man touch me. Soaring Eagle and I talked all night, but I’m still afraid.”

  Since Joy and Soaring Eagle weren’t marrying, one part of the problem was solved. Lucas and Joy were equally stubborn, but maybe once he found out she was pregnant with Jared’s baby, he wouldn’t t keep them apart. “Do you want me to tell him?”

  Soaring Eagle entered for breakfast. “Tell who what?” He moved the flowers to the counter.

  “The baby,” Joy said. “I’m not hungry anymore. Excuse me.” Joy took her flowers, sketchpad and paper with her.

  Once Joy left the room, Soaring Eagle said, “I tried to convince her not to worry about Luke, but she’s afraid he’ll turn his back on her.”

  “Let’s face it, he abandoned her and she’s still insecure about his love for her.”

  Joy sat on the swing and began drawing the flower arrangement. A short while later she heard a wagon approaching. “Lucas!” She hopped up from the swing and ran for him.

  He stopped the wagon a few feet in front of her. “What’s wrong with you, girl, running at these horses like a mad woman. Get on up here.” He put his hand out to help her climb. “I’ve missed you.”

  “I’m so glad you’re home. My graduation is tomorrow, I was worried you wouldn’t make it back in time.”

  “I said I’d be back in plenty of time.” He stopped the wagon behind Pops house. “What did you do while I was gone?”

  “Not getting into trouble at school was a full-time job. What’s in the back of the wagon?” She reached for the tarp to see inside.

  “Get away from there. It’s your birthday gift.”

  “We celebrated my birthday last week, so can I have it now?” On the mountain, her parents didn’t keep track of dates, only seasons, so she didn’t really know when her birthday was. She just knew she was born in the spring around twenty years ago.

  “I’ll give it to you after your graduation tomorrow. Go on in the house. I have to finish putting it together. Would you send Soaring Eagle out to help me? And stay away from the windows or you’ll get nothing.”

  Joy wanted to go straight home after the graduation. She still hadn’t told Lucas about the baby and needed time to calm herself before she told him. “I’ll be at home.” She hugged Lucas.

  He held onto her. “What’s wrong, Joy?” He rested his hand on her forehead. “Aren’t you feeling well?”

  She leaned her head against his chest and began to sob. Soaring Eagle and Pops left them alone in the church, where the graduation ceremony was held, to give them privacy.

  Lucas patted her back. “It can’t be that bad, baby girl.”

  The word baby made it even worse for Joy. She held onto him tightly, not wanting to lose him again. “I’m afraid you won’t want me anymore.”

  “I’ll always love you, Joy.” He lifted her chin up and grinned. “We all make mistakes. Did I ever tell you I abandoned my own flesh and blood, and she found it in her heart to forgive me? She is a truly incredible woman.”

  She leaned on his chest. “I’m pregnant.” She braced herself for the yelling and screaming, but none came. He continued to hold her until she finished her cry.

  “Come on, let’s go home,” he said as if she hadn’t just told him she were with child and not just any child, a white man’s child.

  The ride was too silent. He didn’t look angry, upset, happy, nothing. She couldn’t read him at all. “What’s going on, Lucas?”

  He reached over and caressed her hand. “You’ll see.”

  “Would you yell, scream, or something? I’m not used to this, and it’s making me nervous.”

  He stopped in front of the cabin and faced her. “I love you, Joy. I abandoned you once, but never again. We are family, and we’ll raise the baby together.” He hopped down, rounded the wagon and helped her down. “I left your gift in the smaller spare room.”

  Joy wrapped her arms around Lucas. “I was so afraid you’d hate me. I have you. I don’t care about a birthday gift. You are my gift.”

  He chuckled. “Well, then today’s your lucky day because you’re receiving two gifts. Now get on in the house.” He followed closely behind.

  Joy froze in the doorway of the spare room. “Lucas…” Tears streamed down her face.

  He walked over to the crib. “I figured it out a few months ago when you started gaining weight. Once I got over my initial anger, I began working on the nursery. You never come into this room, so it was easy hiding my work from you.”

  “But when did you have time?”

  “While you attended school I worked on the nursery, sanding the floors and building furniture. The last pieces I put in were the mattresses for the crib and bassinet.”

  Joy cried, then began to laugh.

  “Let me in on the joke.”

  “Did everyone know I was pregnant, except me?”

  “I didn’t think you knew, and I didn’t know how to ask. Tomorrow we’ll visit the doctor and make sure everything is going right.” He took her hand and led her outside where Soaring Eagle and Pops were waiting.

  She sat in the rocker, still tickled from her ignorance. “Tell me, Pops, who in this town doesn’t know I’m pregnant?”

  Pops brows rose. “So he knew, too? We all knew, but you. Humph. Since there’s no crisis, I’ll be at the store.”

  “Can I work with you tomorrow, Pops?”

  “Sure. I could use the company.” He left the three alone.

  Lucas and Soaring Eagle sat on the step.

  “I love both of you a whole bunch and a lot.” Emotionally drained and body weary, she leaned back in the rocker.

  “You look tired, why don’t you go inside and take a nap. Soaring Eagle can fix dinner tonight.”

  “No, Lucas can fix dinner tonight.”

  She smiled at them. “How about I take a quick nap, then I’ll fix dinner tonight.”

  Lucas stood. “Sounds great. I have work to catch up on. Will you be all right by yourself?” She rolled her eyes. “I meant I could stay if you’d like company.”

  “No, thank you. I just want to enjoy the afternoon. I’ll see you tonight.” Joy rocked herself to sleep as Lucas and Soaring Eagle walked off.

  The sun moved and began burning Joy’s bare feet. She stretched as she woke and something fell to the ground. The noise caused her to open her eyes. She saw Samson backing away. “Samson?”

  She finished her stretch, then remembered hearing the thump. She looked down
and saw the most beautifully carved box she’d ever seen in her life. She picked the cedar box up for a closer look. It had raised flowers carved into it and on the top her name was also carved in the risen fashion. “This is beautiful, Samson. Come back here.”

  Samson sat on the step. “I didn’t want to wake you.”

  She smiled, thinking Samson was the one leaving her flowers and gifts. “You’ll be better than Lucas in a few years. Thank you.” She opened the hand-sized rectangular box and felt the softness of its dark blue velvet lining. “You shouldn’t have done this.”

  “I wanted to give it to you last week for your birthday, but the velvet didn’t come in until yesterday. I’m glad you like it.”

  “I need to start dinner. Do you want to come in?”

  He followed her into the kitchen and took a seat while she prepared dinner. “Lucas said I can make the next short run by myself,” he said.

  She handed him a glass of lemonade. “He has a lot of faith in you, and I think rightfully so.” She opened the box of ice under the sink and took out the pot that contained a plucked chicken Pops had placed in there the previous night.

  “I have my eye on a place just south of the reservation. In two, maybe three months, I’ll have enough to buy it outright.” He gulped down his lemonade, then fidgeted with the glass.

  “I admire you, Samson.” She set the potted chicken in the sink and began plucking the stray feathers Pops had missed. “You and Jose know what you want and you go for it. I’ve been here since December and still don’t have the foggiest idea what I want to do. Pops allows me to work in the store with him, but it really isn’t enough work for two. We just keep each other company.”

  He took a deep breath as he rose. “Let me have that.” He took the chicken from her and dropped it in the wash pan. “Have a seat, please.” She hesitated, but sat. He knelt in front of her. “Joy, will you marry me?” Her mouth dropped open. “I make enough to support us both, and if you don’t like the place I told you about outside of the reservation, we can move somewhere else.”

  She drew her hands to her mouth, but he gently pulled them back down. “Raw meat, you might want to wash your hands.” He helped her wash her hands.

  “I’m assuming you will be needing time to think. I can come back tomorrow.” He stepped back.

  Joy turned her head around to him, looking up into his soulful black eyes. Her own eyes filled with tears she refused to shed. She shook her head. “I can’t. I’m sorry, but I can’t.” She took her seat.

  He knelt before her. “Don’t cry, Joy.” He took her hand. “I know we’re young and you say you don’t want to marry, but we’ve graduated, and it’s time for us to move on.”

  She patted his hands. “I need to tell you something. Before I came here I was engaged.” She paused to compose herself. “We broke up and my uncle brought me here. I’m pregnant with his baby. I’m sorry.” She ran out of the kitchen, through the house and out the front door.

  Samson pulled himself into the chair. He loved Joy, but she was pregnant with another man’s child. Things started falling into place. Now he understood why Soaring Eagle was so protective of her and Lucas had been building cribs and bassinets. He walked out on the porch. She sat in the rocker with her legs drawn into her chest. Her eyes were red and puffy. He sat on the step.

  “This is even more reason for you to marry me, Joy. That baby needs a name. I’ll make a good father, and we can have lots more if you’d like.”

  She wiped away the tears. “You still want to marry me?”

  He smiled broadly, proudly saying, “Nothing has changed. When are you due?”

  A sad smile tugged her lips upward. “I’m sorry, Samson, but I still can’t marry you.”


  She sat beside him on the step. “I was in love with the father of the baby. I trusted and loved him with all of my heart, body, and soul. I thought I knew him, but I was wrong. Now, I don’t trust myself anymore. How could I have been so wrong?”

  “But I’m not like that.”

  “I believe you’re not, but I also thought he wasn’t like that. I can’t chance it again, Samson. I can’t take being abandoned one more time. It wasn’t my parents’ fault, but they were killed when I was young. It was like they abandoned me. Then Lucas abandoned me, passing me off on strangers because he couldn’t deal with my parents’ deaths. Then my Miwok parents died, abandoning me. Finally, my fiancé abandoned me for gold. I just can’t take it anymore.”

  She rested her head on his shoulder. “You say you want to marry me even though I’m pregnant with another man’s child. I think you will grow to resent me because I had another man’s child, then you will abandon me also. If not physically, emotionally.” She set her hand on his. “Please try to understand. I need all of the friends I can get. I pray you continue to be one.”

  He caressed her face, turning it toward him. “We’ll always be friends.” He opened his arms, and she moved into his embrace. “I’ll never abandon you.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  “Joy,” Pops snapped from the bookshelves near the rear of the small store. “Get down off that ladder. Samson, take care of the top shelves before that fool child breaks her neck.” Pops did a deep cleaning of the general store once a year. This year he had two helpers who skipped church to help.

  Joy descended the rungs of the ladder. “I don’t know who’s worse, you or Lucas. Is it all right for me to dust, Pops?”

  Laughing, Samson climbed the ladder to clean the top shelf.

  “Does it involve climbing a ladder? Why don’t you clean behind the counter for me? It’s a mess back there.”

  Joy handed a dust cloth up to Samson, then went behind the counter to clean. “Can I have this colored chalk? I’ve never seen chalk like this before.”

  “It’s all yours,” Pops said. The bell above the door rang as a customer stepped in. Pops looked toward the door and just about went into cardiac arrest.

  Jared, who was staring at his list, said, “Hello, Pops.” He lifted his eyes from the list. “Spring-cleaning on a Sunday? Aren’t you supposed to rest on Sunday?”

  Too stunned to speak, Pops’ mind raced to figure out what to do.

  Jared crossed over to Pops. “Are you feeling well? Have a seat.”

  All Pops could do was stare at Joy who had stood with utter confusion on her face. Jared turned as if to see what Pops was staring at.

  Joy was standing behind the counter. Her eyes widened when he turned fully. She fainted.

  Samson hopped off the ladder, ran out of the store and down the street.

  Pops went to Joy’s side. “Baby.” He patted her hand. “Come on, sweetie, wake up for me.”

  Jared carried her across the store and laid her on the bench. A short while later, Lucas stormed in with Soaring Eagle and Samson close behind. Lucas saw Jared and raged, “What did you do to her?” He rushed to the unconscious Joy, picked her up and carried her out with everyone trailing behind.

  “Nothing,” Jared said. “I just turned around, and she was there.”

  “Go away, white man. We don’t want or need you.” He increased his pace. Everyone kept up easily.

  “Let me carry her the rest of the way, Luke.” Soaring Eagle took Joy from Lucas. “Samson, get the shaman and bring him to my house.” Samson ran for the shaman who Lucas had sent to learn “traditional” medicine also.

  “What’s wrong with her?”

  Lucas stopped Jared in the street; Soaring Eagle continued to Pops’ house, which was closest.

  “I should have killed you when I had the chance,” Lucas spewed.

  “Lucas!” Pops chastised as he stepped up. He stood between the two men, staring Lucas down. “Joy is in no condition to deal with your mule-headed attitude. She is in my home and under my care until you start acting like you have the sense the good Lord gave you.”

  “You can’t do that.”

  “I just did.” He softened. “Lucas, Joy isn’t a ten-year-ol
d child. She needs your support, not your control. You two are both welcome in my home as long as you don’t argue.”

  Lucas glared at Pops, then Jared.

  “I’m tired of the dirty looks, Lucas,” Pops warned. “You two need to figure a way to get along for Joy’s sake.” He pulled Lucas out of the middle of the dirt road. “She’s in love with him,” he said softly. “He’s the father of her child. I know what he did was wrong, but what you did was wrong also. Give her a chance at happiness, Luke. Don’t let hate ruin Joy’s life.”

  Lucas blew out a long belabored breath. “I did a lot worse than taking two handfuls of gold. I abandoned her. I’ll never abandon her again.”

  “Then don’t. She needs your support. She’s in love with Jared and he loves her. He’s been here for months, watching her.”

  “What?” He glanced over at Jared. “Why didn’t you say something?”

  “I didn’t know who he was. But he’s been here watching over her. He loves her. I don’t know why he took the gold, but there must be a reasonable explanation.”

  “I love Joy.”

  “Then do right by her.”

  Lucas walked up to Jared and held out his hand. “I’m sorry for coming between you and Joy. I shouldn’t have interfered. I was taking my pain out on you. White men took my parents, wife, son, sister, and brother-in-law. Then you wanted to take Joy.”

  Jared shook Lucas’s hand. “Why have you changed your mind so suddenly?” All three men walked toward Pops’ house.

  “It isn’t suddenly. When Joy first arrived, we had a humongous fight. She set me straight on a lot of things. One of them being I wasn’t interested in her until a white man wanted her.” Jared and Pops stopped and stared at Lucas. “I denied it at first, but it was true. I abandoned a ten-year-old child and didn’t want her back until a white man wanted her. She told me you did for her what I should have done years before, and she was right.”


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