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The Taming of the Vamp (The Murdoch Vampires Book 2)

Page 21

by Jaye Wells

  “Callum?” I said.

  “Yes, Gabby?”

  “Fuck the tour.”

  I grabbed his head and crashed my lips into his. He didn’t hesitate as he claimed my mouth. Our tongues tangled wildly as we groped at each other. It had only been about ten hours since our last lusty episode, but it didn’t seem to matter. I needed my fix and I needed it then.

  We spent almost no time on the preliminaries. After a few moments of feverish kisses, he grabbed my skirt and hiked it up over my hips. As he reached for my panties, I bit back a smile. His head shot up when he encountered nothing but skin.

  “You’re a naughty, naughty girl,” he said, smiling wickedly.

  “Punish me,” I demanded.

  He began to stroke me, slowly at first and then faster as he realized I was already wet and raring to go. As he explored, I worked on his belt and zipper. Finally, I got his rod in my hand, hot and ready. I wanted him to brand me with it.

  Before I knew it, he had me bent over the back of an armchair facing the windows. With a thrust of his hips, he was home. We groaned in unison as he slid in easily. Grasping the arms of the chair with my fingers, I gave myself leverage to push back, meeting him thrust for thrust.

  He reached under me to grab my breasts, lifting me backward toward him until I was almost standing. With one hand he turned my head, allowing him access to my mouth. As he continued to pound into me, he tangled his tongue with my own. I reached behind me to grasp one of his arms for balance.

  We kissed and screwed like there was no tomorrow, which was closer to the truth than I wanted to admit.

  Callum twined his fingers with mine. With one hand on the back of the chair, I squeezed his hand with my other one. Suddenly, he withdrew. Spinning me around, he lifted me. My ass balanced against the back of the chair as he plunged in again. My breasts crushed against his chest, and the kissing resumed.

  I didn’t know which sensation I enjoyed more, the feeling of him rubbing against my clit or the feeling of him inside me. Hell, who was I kidding? I loved it all.

  When he pulled back from the kiss, my eyes opened. Our eyes burned into each other as he reached down to rub me with his hand. Reaching for climax with all my being, I closed my eyes.

  “Look at me,” he commanded. “I want to see your eyes when you come for me.”

  I obeyed. His green gaze watched me intently. Before I could think, the orgasm slammed through me. My cries echoed off the walls of the cupola, reverberating through my body along with the waves of pure bliss. Through it all, his gaze held mine.

  Helpless to protect myself from the intimacy of the moment, I leaned forward and sank my fangs into his neck. His blood filled my mouth, tasting like wine. At that moment, he shouted his release. Pulling away, I licked the wound one last time. Shuddering, he wrapped his arms around me and we collapsed into each other—a sweaty mass of nerve endings.

  Lifting my heavy lids, I peered over his shoulder. The sun was setting over Raleigh, its rays gilding everything in sight. I felt as if my body had been dipped in that golden light, glowing in the aftermath of our lovemaking.

  As Callum began stroking my back, I knew things had changed. A subtle shift had occurred the moment he grasped my hand. Kissing his sweat-dampened shoulder, I wondered if he had felt it too.

  The playfulness that normally accompanied our lovemaking was missing. Our movements had been almost desperate as opposed to the lazy sensuality of our previous encounters. Desperation over what, I had no clue. Perhaps it was the sense that our time was running out.

  Sydney’s wedding would be in just a week. My father would be there for both the festivities and to pass judgment on my progress. Since even he couldn’t argue that I’d changed, the event would mark the end of my time with Callum.

  For the first time, the thought depressed me. I never thought I’d say this, but I’d miss Callum. Not only his body, which was glorious, but also him. I’d miss his wicked sense of humor and his quick mind. I’d even miss our verbal sparring, which I enjoyed more than I’d ever admit.

  He shifted, bringing me back to the present.

  “Wow,” he said, kissing my forehead.

  “Wow, indeed,” I said, shaking off the dark thoughts.

  He gently took my chin in his hands, staring into my eyes.

  “What’s wrong?”

  Looking into his green eyes, I suddenly knew I was about to cry. Moving quickly to avoid letting the tears fall, I pulled away.

  “Not a thing,” I said, my voice overly cheerful. I busied myself with lowering my skirt and readjusting my blouse as I avoided his gaze.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him shoot me look.

  “Why is it I get the feeling you’re lying?” he said as he zipped himself up, leaving his dress shirt untucked.

  Walking to him, I put my arms around his neck.

  “Callum, nothing’s wrong. I promise,” I said, hoping he couldn’t see the sadness I was trying to conceal.

  He caressed my cheek. “Good, because that was amazing.”

  Despite my confusion over my feelings, I knew one thing. I was going to squeeze every bit of enjoyment I could out of the time we had left together. Starting at that moment.

  Smiling, I said, “Yes, it was. Now, how about we check out that Jacuzzi?”

  His devilish smile reappeared.

  “Excellent idea. I’m feeling quite dirty.”

  He kept me so busy the rest of the night that my brain didn’t have time to process my earlier reaction. But on some level, I was aware we made our way through his condo—christening furniture, kitchen counters, and yes, the Jacuzzi—that a shift had occurred in our relationship.

  It didn’t feel like just sex anymore. Instead, everything felt significant. It seemed our bodies were trying to communicate something to each other. From deep inside, I felt a yearning to brand his body with my own. I’d never felt so in synch with someone.

  Later, as we lay in his bed, Callum held me and stroked my hair. We didn’t speak, but we didn’t need to.

  Even as I basked in the pleasure we were sharing, my mind sensed something big was going on. Something I wasn’t ready to face or acknowledge.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Callum had picked my father up from the airport the day before the rehearsal, but wouldn’t give me any details about what was said.

  Even though I hadn’t seen Orpheus, it was as if the air itself shimmered with his presence. His failure to contact me after he’d arrived was subtle psychological warfare on his part. He wanted me anxious and wondering about his intentions.

  Callum had assured me everything was going to be okay, but I didn’t believe him. It seemed that either way I was going to lose something. If I failed to pass muster, it was exile city. However, if my father declared my punishment a success, I wasn’t going to be much better off. I still had no plan for my future. Still, everything I’d been through these last months had shown me I needed a new direction.

  As much as I hated to admit it, this Brethren stuff beat my old life in a lot of ways. If I kept taking Sun Shield, I could finally go hit the beach during the daytime. I’d heard people talking about that for centuries and always wondered what all the fuss was about.

  I still wasn’t completely comfortable with Lifeblood, but it didn’t totally suck. I mean, it sure beat skulking in alleys looking for low-lifes to feed from. Plus, there was always the fear of being seen by a mortal and not being able to erase the human’s memory in time. Lifeblood was like fast food—quick and easy. Only Logan had created it so it was almost healthier than feeding directly from humans since the formula had perfectly balanced vitamin and mineral content.

  And as much as I’d never thought I’d say this, even mortals weren’t so horrible. I’d spent a lot of time with Jorge and Geraldine, plus the blood bank people, and they didn’t totally suck. Sure there were a few assholes to deal with, but you had those in the vampire world too. For too long, I’d spent all my time with my minions. It wa
s nice being worshipped and all, but sometimes I missed having someone I could just hang out with.

  So, yeah, I had a lot of thinking to do about my future. Included in that was some major soul-searching about my relationship with my father. After talking with Callum, I’d realized how much of my supposed goals had been a way to get back at Orpheus. I sounded like those weak-minded mortals who paid fortunes to shrinks when they just needed to get over it. Move on. Stop living in the past and all that feel-good bullshit.

  Unfortunately, the night of the rehearsal was not time to make any major life decisions. I had to be in full maid of honor mode for Syd’s sake. In a way, I was kind of looking forward to the whole wedding thing.

  Syd was ecstatic about spending the rest of eternity with Logan. I still didn’t get her attraction to the guy, but I understood how much it meant to her. Her excitement was contagious. I felt honored to be included in something that meant so much to her.

  “You nervous?” Callum asked as he drove to the restaurant for the rehearsal dinner.

  We’d just come from a quick run-through of the ceremony at Logan’s house. Since the wedding party was small, the officiant, Gwen, had made quick work of the formalities.

  “Nope,” I said, lying through my teeth. Most of the day I’d managed to avoid thinking about my father. But now I was less than ten minutes from seeing him for the first time since our fateful meeting in his office three months ago.

  Callum glanced at me from the corner of his eye, a smile spreading across his features.

  “Gabby, it’s just me. It’s okay to admit it,” he said. The light from the dashboard cast a cool glow over his features. I’d much rather stare at him than think about my father. But maybe talking about it with Callum would help release some of the butterflies doing somersaults in my stomach.

  “Okay,” I said, turning in my seat to face him. “Here’s the deal. I’ve been doing pretty well these last couple of months, right?”

  He nodded. “You’ve done amazingly well.”

  I let the warmth of his words marinate for a second before continuing.

  “So, the thing is, I’m always an idiot when my father is around. It’s like something inside me snaps, and I’m suddenly this bundle of angst. Every word he says, every move he makes pisses me off. What if that happens tonight, and I do something really stupid?”

  There, I’d said it. It might sound silly, but that’s how I felt.

  “First of all, that was the old you. You’ve changed, Gabby. You’ve still got a mouth on you and are the most stubborn woman I’ve ever met,” he said.

  “Thanks for the vote of confidence,” I said.

  He laughed. “No, what I mean is you’re still you but different in some ways. It’s like you used to be so defensive all the time. But now you are more relaxed, more confident. I have to think that will come into play tonight with your father, too. You recognize how he antagonizes you, so it will be easier to control your own behavior in reaction to it.”

  I sighed, feeling more confident. He was right, I was different. I wasn’t going to let my father goad me into acting like a child any more.

  “And if that doesn’t work, come find me, and I’ll help you channel your aggression,” he said, wiggling his eyebrows at me.

  That startled a laugh out of me.

  “That’s all we need— to get caught in the bathroom stall going at it like teenagers.”

  “Speaking of which, are you sure you want to spend the night at Sydney’s tonight?”

  “Well, I don’t want to, but since Logan will be sleeping at your mother’s, I didn’t want Syd to spend the night alone. We’re gonna do beauty treatments and gossip about boys,” I said with a chuckle.

  “You know what that means, then, don’t you?” he asked.

  “Yes, no playtime for little Callum and little Raven,” I said with a pout.

  “So,” he said, “if your father declares you fit to be released back into the world, do you think you’ll be leaving after the wedding?”

  The words were said casually, but I knew what he was really asking: Was this the end of the road?

  I had to choose my words carefully.

  “I’m not sure. Do you think there’s any particular reason I might want to stick around?”

  “I don’t know. Is there?” he asked. He kept his eyes on the road, but his stiff posture spoke volumes.

  “Callum—" I began, only to be interrupted by the chirp of his cell phone.

  He looked frustrated at the interruption but glanced at the caller ID.

  “Shit, it’s Jorge. Hold that thought, okay?” he said before answering. I nodded but felt relieved. Goddess only knew what kind of trouble my mouth had been about to get me into.

  “Yes, we’re pulling into the driveway now. See? Yes, hi,” Callum said, waving his hand at Jorge who stood in front of the restaurant looking impatient.

  Callum hung up the phone.

  “He’s a little dictator, that guy,” he said.

  “He’s just anxious for everything to go smoothly for Syd and Logan.”

  Callum pulled in front of the valet stand. However, instead of opening his door he held up a finger to the guy waiting to take the car. Turning his back to the window, he looked at me.

  “Listen, I know the next twenty-four hours are going to be pretty crazy. But there’s something I want to talk to you about. Do you think we might be able to find some time tomorrow after the reception?”

  My heart stuttered in my chest. Did he want to talk about what I thought he wanted to talk about? My mind was processing possibilities at warp speed.

  Jorge knocked impatiently on the window. Callum ignored him as he waited for my answer. The lights on the dash illuminated his face. He wasn’t playing around this time.

  “Um, yeah, I think so,” I said lamely.

  But what was I supposed to say? Jorge fogging up the window behind Callum didn’t help.

  Callum smiled. “Good. Just promise me you won’t leave until we’ve talked?”

  “Sure,” I said, freaking out in my head.

  Tell me now!

  We stared at each other for a moment in silence as if we were each trying to read the other’s mind.

  Jorge rapped again, his muffled demands that we “get out now!” coming through the window.

  “The dictator calls,” Callum said, reaching for his door handle.

  Our conversation—combined with Jorge’s demands that we get inside and act like a proper best man and maid of honor—distracted me so much I forgot all about my father.

  That is, until I took ten steps into the restaurant and saw him.

  My steps faltered. Callum’s warm hand on my back urged me on. “Be cool.”

  Tossing my hair over my shoulder, I straightened my backbone and continued into the room. Father was talking to another member of the council, yet his eyes shot to me instantly, as if he’d sensed my presence.

  He must not have recognized me at first because his gaze passed over me and then quickly reversed its path. The silvery orbs narrowed for a moment and then widened as he realized who I was.

  Thankful for the time to get my wits together, I grabbed a glass of white wine from the tray of a passing waiter. Kira called to Callum. He excused himself with an apologetic smile, no doubt worried about leaving me alone. I shrugged and gulped down the rest of the wine, waiting for the inevitable. It didn’t take long.

  Standing next to a tall plant in the corner of the room, I surveyed the scene. A friend of the Murdoch family owned the Italian restaurant and had rented the space out to them for the evening. The space was decorated to resemble an Italian villa complete with a large mural of a Tuscan hillside. Warm lighting, rustic stone columns, and large terra cotta pots filled with rosemary bushes completed the scene. The tables were decorated with simple white linens and crimson rose centerpieces, with votive candles adding a warm glow to the room.

  Within seconds, my father started his way over. I held my ground, making
him come to me. He brushed off the attempts of several vampires to gain his attention, keeping his eyes on me.

  Finally, he stood before me. I still didn’t move, waiting for him to make the first salvo in what I expected to be a heated exchange.

  “Gabriella,” he said, taking in my new appearance. “I almost didn’t recognize you.”

  Looking down at the simple burgundy wrap dress and black heels I wore, I guessed it wasn’t a surprise he was thrown off by my new look. His words didn’t sound like a compliment, but not an insult either, so I was unsure how to respond.

  “Hello, Father,” I said, sidestepping a conversation about my appearance.

  “Callum informed me that you were to be the maid of honor in the wedding tomorrow,” he said. “I must admit I was surprised to hear that.”

  “Not as surprised as me,” I muttered under my breath. Then louder, “Sydney and I hit it off, I guess.”

  “Hmm,” he said, sounding suspicious. “I also heard something about the shower. It was quite a hit, apparently.”

  “It was a nice time,” I said slowly, trying to figure out where he was going with this.

  He took a glass of red wine from a passing waiter and regarded me calmly.

  “Kira also pulled me aside to tell me how impressed she’s been with your behavior,” he said. “I have to admit, Gabriella, I’m surprised by the support you’re getting from these people.”

  His words made a warmth spread through my midsection. People were supporting me?

  “Wasn’t Callum telling you about my progress all along?”

  He grimaced. “Yes, young Callum kept me abreast of the goings-on.”

  “Yet you refused to believe him,” I said.

  “Gabriella, it is one thing to get a telephone report. It is another to walk in and see you looking so different and to hear vampires I hold in high esteem raving about you.”

  “So, what are you saying?” I asked, afraid to let myself be optimistic.

  He sighed. “While I am going to withhold my final judgment until I can witness your behavior for myself, I am prepared to say you appear to have made progress.”


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