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Hollow Sight

Page 14

by Kristie Pierce

  “I’m calling Ben to tell him it’s over.”

  He grabs the phone out of my hand and stabs the red button, effectively ending the call.

  “What’s wrong?” I gape in surprise. “Give me that back!”

  “You’re not doing this with me clouding your thoughts. If you truly want to break up with Ben, well I’d like nothing more. But you’re not going to do it with my influence and with me standing here. You need to think about what you really want.”

  “I want to be with you, Liam.” I whisper.

  He hands the phone back to me, but not without a warning flashing across his eyes. “I’d like to believe that very much. But haven’t you been in a relationship with Ben for a long time now? Are you really willing to end it so abruptly and over someone you've just met?”

  I sigh in repeated exasperation. “Liam, before you came along I had just been ignoring the fact that I’m miserable.” I’m amazed at how easily I can say this now. “The truth is, I haven’t been happy with Ben in a long time. I don’t like to hurt people’s feelings and I’ve been avoiding it only for that very reason.”

  He narrows his eyes. I shrug my shoulders.

  “All the same. You’re not going to do it with me standing here,” he says matter-of-factly.

  I sigh again. “Fair enough, I guess. But just so you are fully aware, I want you.”

  “It’ll be dark soon, I should get you home,” he says abruptly, closing the subject.

  “I’m not ready to go home. Can’t we hang out and talk? That’s perfectly acceptable behavior.”

  He raises an eyebrow and turns his head toward the field. “I suppose you’re right. We could do that. There isn’t any reason we can’t be friends.”

  “Right. If nothing else, we can be friends. Wanna shake on it?” I’m smirking now, but deep down I’m thrilled. I feel like I could run through the field beyond and do an endless amount of cartwheels. Liam laughs and I smile.

  “Would you like to stay here or go somewhere else?” he asks then with a tired sigh.

  “I’ve got the perfect spot. It’ll be nice and quiet and we can really get to know each other without the fear of anyone overhearing. I’ll ask you embarrassing questions and you can ask me about things that in turn, make me uncomfortable. It’ll be great.”

  “All right, c’mon then,” he laughs again.

  The sky is turning different shades of reds and oranges and pinks from the setting sun and I can’t help but stare as we make our way back to the road. I mentally trace pictures out of the shapes in the clouds with my eyes and smile.

  “Beautiful isn’t it?” Liam asks as he hands me my pretty pink helmet, noticing my eyes fixated on the multicolored horizon beyond.

  “Mmm-hmm. I love all the colors. I want to make sure to take in my last sunset before I become road kill.”

  “Bloody hell, Breckin. Would you give me some credit? Was the ride over here that terrifying? Did you see your life flash before your eyes?”

  “I don't know, I had my eyes shut most of the way,” I admit shyly.

  “Well this time keep them open and relax just a little. You need to let loose and have some fun. Besides, I thought girls liked the bad boys with the bikes,” he winks.

  “Maybe they do, but I'm not like most girls.” I give a wide cheesy smile. What a cliché line.

  “This is true.”

  “Is that what you consider yourself? A bad boy?” I inquire. I have to admit that I kind of like the thought of being with a bad boy. How thrilling! Oh c'mon, like any girl couldn’t admit they'd never had a bad boy fantasy. As long as he was good with me, then I don’t think I’d mind so much.

  Liam mounts the bike, totally looking the bad boy part in his faded jeans and dark T-shirt, and waits for me to follow. He gives a seriously sexy smile as I approach, further naughty-ing up his image. I heave myself back up onto the thing I’m sure will be my death and squeeze onto Liam once more. This part isn’t so bad – wrapping my arms around Liam’s gloriously toned midsection.

  “Where to?” he asks after starting the ignition with a thunderous roar.

  “Head back toward my house. I need to grab a few things. I’ll direct you from there.”

  “Where are we going?” he asks with a small smirk.


  Liam raises his eyebrows but otherwise doesn’t comment. It’s still warm this evening as the weather hasn’t cooled down any. Most likely a result of the humidity that looms in the air around us giving it that sticky-wet-breathing-water feel. Swimming just seems like the perfect friendly activity to partake in.

  “Where are we heading to swim?” he asks before taking off.

  “One of my mom’s friends has a pool and they’re gone to Florida already for the winter,” I yell.

  “You don't need to shout, Breckin.” Liam says patiently. “I can hear you,” he reminds me as he taps the side of my helmet.

  “Right. Sorry. It was supposed to be closed down a couple of weeks ago but they graciously left it open for me knowing that I love to swim. The company responsible for closing it will be there sometime next week, so why not take advantage?”

  “Okay… but neither of us has a suit.”

  “Haven’t you ever gone swimming in your clothes? Just swim in your jeans, it’ll be fine. But I'll grab some towels from my house. My suit will still be wet from today so I’ll swim in my clothes, too. I hate putting on a wet suit.” I am not about to wear my school issued swimwear. No, thank you! Plus I don’t want him to feel weird being the only one in his clothes. Oh, maybe he won’t want to swim in his clothes. I didn’t think about that. “We can do something else if you want. We don’t have to if you don’t want to. I mean, swimming in your clothes, it probably won’t be that comfortable for you driving a bike, especially at night.” Jeez, stop rambling.

  “It sounds like fun to me.”

  I don’t think I was meant to see, but Liam clearly has a smile splayed across his beautiful face as he turns his head forward. I smile as well, and look into the almost dark night. After I allow myself to relax a little and somewhat enjoy the ride, Liam is already pulling into my drive. I run inside to gather a couple of towels after hastily removing my bike helmet and placing it on the front porch steps. I cross my fingers that Elly won’t look out the window upon our approach. She did ask what I was up to as I hurriedly walked through the house. I tell her my evening plans – leaving Liam out of the details, and the motorcycle. She would absolutely forbid me from going. In her line of work as an ER nurse, she has witnessed too many motorcycle victims in her time. When she asks who’s driving, I simply answer with just a friend. I’m not ready for the interrogation that will follow if I tell her of who I’m with and just what kind of vehicle it is escorting me around.

  After leaving, I direct Liam through the dark roads, talking into my helmet and pointing with one hand, amazed that I assemble enough courage to let go of him. I’m starting to get used to the quiet rides with Liam – now that I know where his thoughts are – it isn’t an uncomfortable silence anymore. We arrive to the house shortly after leaving mine and I’m slightly nervous again to be alone with him. I know it’s silly to be nervous, but my brain has a thousand different thoughts running through it, all including different scenarios with him, of course. That's when I realize that I’m not nervous, I am titillated with the idea of finally being with him now that we both know where each other’s feelings are.

  The driveway to the house is long and it curves around to the back. It’s pitch dark now, so I have Liam shine his headlights toward the lamp switch so that I can turn on the pool lamps. After I have the pool well lit, I motion for Liam to go park his bike in the drive. He joins me by the side of the pool after a few minutes and seems to be a little tense himself.

  “Are you sure you want to go swimming in your clothes?” Liam says after a minute.

  “It’ll be fine,” I say as I unbutton my jeans.

  Liam’s eyes get wide for a split second a
s he glances down to my hands and then looks away toward the glowing water, biting his lip. I silently pull my jeans off, fold them neatly, and set them on a patio chair. I don’t think swimming in panties – which are more like boy shorts – will be any different than if I had on a bikini. I leave my shirt on however, because that would be way too bold. But I’m extremely comfortable with him and this doesn’t embarrass me. Liam is still staring toward the pool and he’s standing much like he was earlier today when he was on my front porch. Hands in his pockets, shoulders tensed, his expression a little wary. And there’s that damned fear again. What is he so afraid of?

  “Boxers or briefs?” I ask him when the silence becomes awkward. He blinks a couple of times as if not understanding what I’m asking.

  “What?” he asks after clearing his throat. He still doesn’t look at me.

  “This is one of my embarrassing questions. And if you had on boxer’s, that would probably be considered the same as swim trunks.” I say as I gesture to my bare legs. “Don’t ch'ya think? Unless you wear tighty-whities. Then it's a Speedo, and I must say those are heinous. If that's the case, you're going to have to skinny dip.”

  He manages to look at me now. “Ahh…”

  He’s speechless. I’m not sure if it’s from the shock of what I’ve just done or shock at my question. Maybe both. Or perhaps the skinny dipping comment.

  While he stands stock-still and unable to speak, I give up and shrug my shoulders, diving into the awaiting water.

  Chapter Seven

  Liam happened to have his swim trunks in a compartment underneath the bike seat, so he excused himself to change. He’s gone a few minutes and when he reappears, it takes my breath away. His slightly tanned skin glows with the dim light of the pool. The echo of the rippling water casting off his face and chest making exquisite misshapen diamonds that mimic the color of his eyes, highlighting all of his muscles perfectly.

  He slowly lowers himself into the water with the steps from the shallow end and his face no longer appears worried. He seems lost in thought now, distracted. I try to look as if I’m not gawking, so I quickly start swimming from one end of the short pool to the other.

  Liam watch’s me for a few minutes while remaining motionless in the shallows. I come within inches of his body with each pass and I accidentally swipe the side of his thigh with one of my hands. The contact sends delicious hot shivers up my arm. When I’ve completed another lap making my way back to the shallower side, I stop and grab the ledge directly in the middle of the pool. I notice that he’s still looking at me, so I turn my head sideways and shoot him a small smile.

  “You’re pretty fast,” he observes.


  “I’m sorry that I… well, er…”

  “I took you off guard again, didn’t I?”

  “Yeah, you could say that. I wasn’t expecting you to rip your pants off,” he says with a nervous laugh.

  “It’s not any different than bikini bottoms,” I answer, making a defensive face. “In fact I think they cover a little more than my suit does. And at least I left my shirt on, so it’s practically like a one piece,” I ramble. Stop talking, Breckin. “I didn’t mean to take you by surprise, though. Sorry.”

  “Could you just warn me the next time you decide to take your clothes off?” he teases lightly.

  “Okay, deal.” I laugh.

  Liam seems to relax after that and he swims around to the deep end and climbs out of the pool – this time using the ladder hanging off to the side. He saunters over to the diving board and starts bouncing up and down, gaining pretty decent air time with each bounce. He winks at me and then takes another huge bounce and flings himself through the air – somersaulting backward – then lands with a loud splash as his body connects with the water. He stays down toward the bottom for a little longer than I think comfortable. I watch him plant his feet on the pool bottom as he pushes off, launching himself to the surface.

  “So, are we ready to start badgering each other – you with your embarrassing questions, and I with the ones that make you uncomfortable?” he asks when he comes up for air.

  He shakes his head in one fast jerk, sending water from his tousled hair sailing toward me. His smile is beautiful and I’m having a hard time concentrating. I focus on breathing normally – something I have not yet figured out how to do in his presence.

  I turn my body to face outward and hang on to the side of the pool with my hands twisted behind me. I idly kick my feet out in front of me and stare up into the night, trying to pick out constellations I know in the cluster of fiery stars above. It’s so clear tonight that I’m sure I can see more white stars peppering the black sky than usual. Liam makes his way to my side and copies my posture.

  “You never answered my first question.” I murmur after a few moments of comfortable silence.

  “What was that?” he muses.

  “Boxers or briefs?” I ask him again.

  He rests his eyes down to the water and raises his eyebrows as he answers me. “Both I guess. They’re boxer-briefs.”

  “I hadn’t thought of that. Hmm. Okay, your turn.”

  “Well, I'd ask you what type of knickers you wear, but it seems I’ve already been duly informed.”

  “Har, har.”

  I agree to myself that I will now open up to him unconditionally and completely even though the conversation is relatively light at the moment. I won’t hold back, I’ll try to answer every question honestly. Although I have no reason for it, I want him to know everything. The thought makes my stomach twist with the same excited nerves I’d felt when we arrived. I’m pretty surprised at how open I’m already being with him anyway. My pants are already off, I think with the same nervous giggle Liam had laughed, so what’s the point in hiding anything else about me? And I’ve never taken my pants off like this in front of anyone. I’m even shy in the locker room at school. What is wrong with me?

  “When is your birthday?” he asks.

  “July eleventh.” That wasn’t so bad.

  “And you’re seventeen now, right?”


  “Wow, you’re one of the younger ones in the class. You won’t even be eighteen when we graduate.” I’ve just received one of my answers without having to ask; Liam said when we graduate. He’s a senior also. “I noticed before, that you only mentioned your mother. Is it just the two of you?”

  “Yup, it’s been that way for as long as I can remember. Elly, my mom, left my dad when I was just a baby.”

  Liam raises his eyebrows again, but it’s in understanding this time. He inclines his head toward me, signaling for me to continue.

  “I’ve never really had a relationship with my dad. He’d only pop up to spend time with me when he was angry with my mom, mostly because he thought that it would make her mad in return.” I roll my eyes. “I didn’t realize this of course until I was much older; that I was never really of any importance to him.

  “It’s the same for Axel. Paul – our dad – married his mom shortly after divorcing Elly and he was born soon after. Axel had a little bit more time with him than I did – I was just a baby when my mom split. But Paul and Lauren were together until Axel was five. Still, after he left, he never showed much interest in Axel, either. I don’t think that he honestly knows how to be close to anyone other than himself. He’s very selfish and unkind.”

  Liam concentrates on that for a minute. “You don’t see him very much?” His tone is almost sympathetic. I don’t want his sympathy. I don’t feel bad about it and neither should he.

  “No, and it’s okay, I swear. I’ve never had a real father-daughter relationship with him. You can’t miss something you never had, right? I haven’t seen or talked to him since last Christmas. I do feel bad for Axel, though. He needs a father. Honestly I think that’s why he’s latched on to Ben like he did. Ben is the first male figure to pay him any attention and spend quality time with him. Paul doesn’t even come to his games or call to wish him luck

  “That’s too bad – more for your father. He doesn’t know what he’s missing.”

  “He's too selfish to realize that. All he thinks about is himself.” I say closing the subject. I don’t want to waste time talking about my loser father. “What made you decide to come to Michigan of all places for your last year of high school? England seems like it’d be much more interesting than this little Podunk town.”

  This question seems to make him a bit uncomfortable. It takes him a few minutes before he answers me.

  “A friend of mine participated in the exchange program last year and appeared to enjoy it, so I thought why not? I’d always wanted to visit the US and Will, my friend, said there was a last minute opening due to someone else dropping from the program and that I should apply before someone else did. It doesn’t usually work that way, but I can be pretty persuasive when I want to be.” He gives me a sly smile and a drip of water makes its way down his cheek. “The Dawson’s just happened to be the family with the opening. I discussed it with my parents, and after my mum shed some tears and my dad had told me I’d better make the football – or soccer – team… well, here I am. I was a walk-on because tryouts were in the spring, but all the same, I’m still a member of the team.”

  “I bet that you’re pretty good.”

  “I can hold my own,” he says with a smirk. “And I don't know what you're referring to when you say this is a Podunk town. There's plenty to see.”

  “Sure,” I laugh.

  “There is! I've witnessed things in this town that I'd never be able to experience in the UK.”

  “I'm afraid to ask,” I laugh again. “I'm sure it's been quite the learning experience.”

  “Let's just say you don't see many lawn mower races in England. Nor have I ever witnessed blokes chasing deer on a four-wheeler in the middle of the night, shining bright flashlights with ale in hand.”

  I burst into laughter. “You must've been to one of the famous Snyder field parties. Did one of the Snyder boys swing naked into the creek from their rope-swing too? Because that is first class, hardcore, cannot miss, Quinton festivities there.”


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