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Scarlett White

Page 25

by Chloe Smith

  After the movie was over, they left the theater both slightly shaking from how scary it had been, though Scarlett thought that Christian's shivers were fake only to make her feel like she wasn't a scaredy cat. She knew that Christian was aware that she hated when she was more frightened than other people.

  "That was some scary shit," Scarlett commented as they walked to Christian's corvette.

  "No doubt about it," Christian agreed.

  Scarlett's heart suddenly beat and unexpectedly sped up when their eyes met and locked. Scarlett began falling into the light brown chocolate color of his eyes when he looked away. Christian concentrated on the road in front of him as he pulled out of the parking lot of the movie theater. He knew that he wanted her, but he had figured that he could hold out until she broke it off with that boy from her old school. He didn't realize he would fall for her so suddenly. They had only known each other for about three weeks, a month at the most.

  When Scarlett was freed from his gaze, she blinked rapidly trying to clear her mind. She couldn't believe that she felt this way for him. She had only known him for a short time. Then again, Tristan and she had only dated for one week before she moved to Ohio, and he had been in a coma for about a month now. So, technically, their relationship had the lifespan of seven days. But Scarlett had known him since seventh grade. And they had been lab partners for two months before their relationship started. She had known Tristan since she was twelve. She had only known from Christian for one month in all.

  Tristan! Tristan! Tristan! Not Christian!

  But, what's wrong with Chris? He hasn't done anything wrong.

  Tristan, Damn it! TRISTAN!

  Chris isn't a bad guy.

  He's a liar.

  Is not. You're just saying that to try and make yourself hate him.

  Scarlett fought with herself the whole ride in the car. She didn't even notice when Christian had turned his attention back to her and was searching her face. Scarlett was too busy fighting back and forth in her head to realize that Christian was doing the exact same thing in his own head.

  "I'm really glad you could make it," Christian started.

  "I'm glad I came," Scarlett said a moment too late.

  "What do I have to do to make you happy? If staying away would make you happy, I will. I mean, I know you have a boyfriend and all, and if my being around you is uncomfortable—"

  "No, Christian, it's not you. Really it's me. I just can't let go of him..." Scarlett looked up and stared out the window of the car.

  "I'm sorry," Christian whispered.

  Scarlett bit her bottom lip and looked back down at her feet. She took a deep breath, "Don't be."

  "But, I am."

  Scarlett looked up and found Christian staring at her. Again when their eyes met, she felt dizzy. Scarlett didn't remember when the car stopped moving, but she soon realized that she and Christian were searching the other one's face. Scarlett was pulled deep into those puppy dog-like brown eyes. And Christian was swimming in the warmth of her green orbs.

  "I really wish that you wouldn't feel so unhappy," Christian whispered. He knew he was definitely overstepping his limits. She was taken. She wasn't single. And yet he was propelled to make her his. He wanted her so badly, it hurt.

  "I—I'm not unhappy," Scarlett whispered back.

  Christian looked at her sideways.

  "I mean, I was unhappy. But, now, not so much." She didn't even think about this until now.

  She didn't feel that tearing in her heart when she spoke Tristan's name anymore. Her heart didn't beat so hard that it hurt when she thought his name. She didn't know when this had happened, but it had. Maybe it was due to the large amount of time they had been away from each other. He was becoming fuzzy in her memory. His laughter was fading in her head.

  "Do you think that—never mind." Christian shook his head.

  "What is it, Chris?" It was the first time she had said 'Chris' aloud, and it took Christian by surprise.

  Christian took a deep breath. "Do you think that we could together?"

  Of course not! " time." Scarlett had meant to say what she thought and think what she said. But when the words came out, they had mixed together.

  Christian searched her face again. A gleam of hope shined in his chocolate eyes.

  The air from the heater inside the car had suddenly blown a ringlet of Scarlett's hair, covering her face. Before she could do anything, Christian lifted his hand and tucked it behind her ear. When he went to return his hand by his side, his fingertips slid lightly across her cheek. The trail his fingertips left felt hot on Scarlett's cheek. It left a tingly sensation. A sensation Scarlett wanted to experience again.

  Scarlett couldn't hear the sound of the background music coming from the radio anymore; she couldn't hear the noise of the traffic outside the parked car; she couldn't hear the sound of anything except the beating of her heart as it drummed loudly in her ears. Her eyelids fluttered, and then next thing she knew she was leaning in towards Christian.


  I feel all giddy inside.


  He is so warm, so soft.


  But, he seems right. He seems nice, kind, sweet. Almost like Tr...

  Scarlett lost her train of thought due to something moving against her lips. She opened her eyes—which she did not remember shutting—and found that what had distracted her were Christian's lips. They were so warm, so soft. Just like she had thought. Her lips parted in response to his kissing, and she felt his tongue slide into her mouth.

  So nice, kind, sweet, sincere...


  Why would someone say that?


  Was it normal to have conversations in your head? Scarlett didn't know, nor did she care. Her eyes shut again, and she heard Christian groan passionately.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Scarlett entered her mother and future stepfather's apartment to find her mother sitting at the kitchen table drinking from a coffee mug. Wait a second. Scarlett did a double take. Yes, it was a coffee mug, not a beer bottle. When Rosa heard the door close, she looked up with wide, expectant eyes and smiled. Wait another second. She smiled? And then Rosa waved, "Hey, baby."

  Scarlett froze where she stood. What was wrong with her mother? But, wait a third second; it wasn't that her mother was wrong; it was that her mother was right...if that made sense. Rosa's eyes weren't red. She didn't look like she was about to puke. Her hair was washed and styled. She looked fresh. And, most importantly, sober.

  "Um...hi, mom," Scarlett said slowly, still staring at her in disbelief.

  "How was the movie?"

  "Uh...good, I guess."

  "Well, that's wonderful." And her mother turned back to her coffee and the newspaper in front of her. Hold on right there! What? Rosa never read the newspaper, never!


  Rosa immediately turned back to her daughter as Scarlett asked, "What's...going on?" She had changed her sentence at the last moment. She had been about to ask "What's wrong with you?" But, like she had thought only a moment ago, it wasn't that Rosa was messed up...well, at least, not right now.

  "Oh, well, Timmy and I have decided to try and stop drinking all together. It will take time, and I know I'll cheat a few times, but I have come to realize that I need to stop for you and for Charles."

  Charles. Charles. Charles! Scarlett couldn't believe she had forgotten! It had been what felt like years since she had last visited Charles. It had only been about a week, but she missed him, nonetheless. Maybe she would go and visit him tomorrow morning.

  This was all too fast. So many good things were happening so quickly. Her mother was sober and not passed out on the couch. Her mother acted as if she cared for her and for Charles. Charles lived here in Ohio, though maybe not with them...but, still; nonetheless, he was
here, and Scarlett could visit him frequently.

  All of this almost made Scarlett forget about the event that had taken place in Christian's car after the movie. Almost. But, not quite. Her heart was still beating a little more quickly than usual when Tristan wasn't around. And Scarlett couldn't help but think about the way Christian's eyes had dug deep into hers...STOP IT! Scarlett instructed herself.

  Shaking her head, Scarlett said, "I have homework; I think I'll go do it now."

  "But, it's Saturday. Go have some fun." Rosa perked up. Wow, Rosa had changed dramatically. Back in Florida, Scarlett received a daily speech about grades and scholarships, and now she was given permission to go party with her homework incomplete. Something was definitely wrong...or, maybe, just different. She liked this new Rosa. Her mother had changed, and Scarlett was only now realizing it. Maybe it was because Scarlett had been so depressed; she hadn't paid any attention to her mother's personality changes.

  "I'd rather just do my homework. I want to go see Charles tomorrow, so I want to get my homework out of the way."

  "Okay, darling. Whatever you want to do; it's totally up to you." Rosa smiled and returned to the newspaper in front of her as she sipped on her coffee. Scarlett stared at her new and seemingly happy mother for another minute before she headed upstairs to her room to start on her homework.

  Scarlett plopped down on her bed, stressed and worried about what she had done. She had kissed her boyfriend's cousin while her boyfriend was in a coma. She was such a slut. She was leading Christian on. She was such an awful person. God, how was she supposed to explain what she had done to anyone?

  Just then Scarlett looked at her phone, which she had put on silent for the movie, and realized that she had six unheard messages. She dialed her voicemail and listened to six different messages, all from Ginny, saying the same thing in different ways. Scarlett's heart started pumping harder. Maybe Ginny had news about Tristan. Had Tristan woken up from the coma? Had his family decided to pull the plug? Didn't someone in a coma have less of a chance of waking up after about a month?

  Scarlett hit speed dial #2, and her phone rang three times before an exasperated Ginny picked up on the other end.

  "Why didn't you answer any of my thousands of phone calls two hours earlier?" she asked.

  "I was at the movies with…some friends," Scarlett replied. "What happened that was so urgent? Is Tristan okay?"

  "Um…he's the same as before."

  "Then what's wrong?" Scarlett asked, confused now.

  "We have money."

  Scarlett waited for Ginny to continue before she commented, "That's wonderful, Ginny."

  "No, you don't get it. We have money for you."

  "For me?"

  "Yeah. For your plane ticket to come home." Ginny sounded excited.

  "Oh, Ginny, I can't come home."

  "And why the hell not? We have the money for you. You can just come home for two weeks during Christmas break and visit everyone, including Tristan. And maybe that will help with the coma. Because sometimes when loved ones are reunited, it helps with any serious injury, like amnesia, comas, and other serious disorders."

  "Have you been looking this up?" Scarlett asked with a hint of a smile.

  "Maybe. But that doesn't matter right now. What matters is trying to convince you to get your ass down here."

  "Ginny, those kinds of things only happens in movies."

  "Well, then let's make this a movie," Ginny said.

  "How much money do you have?" Scarlett asked.

  "Seven hundred dollars."



  "During Christmas break?"


  "I'll have to ask my mother."


  "Do you think it will really help Tristan?"

  "I don't know, but it's worth a shot. And…Tristan sometimes mumbles your name."

  "What?" Scarlett gasped. "Why didn't you tell me that at first? Of course, I'll come."

  "Really?" Ginny asked.

  "Yeah. I just have to ask my mother and Timothy."


  Scarlett was surprised when she realized her mother and Timothy were totally up for a trip to see Scarlett's friends down south. And it was even Rosa who suggested that Scarlett was mature and independent enough to travel by herself as long as she stayed with Ginny, Kate, or Meghan while she was there. And Scarlett knew that Timothy had learned about Tristan's condition through Melody, so that was probably a huge factor as to why he agreed to her Christmas break plans.

  But there was still something left unfinished. Christian Cox. What was she supposed to do about him? She had led him on, and now she had no clue how to handle this situation. So there was only one solution. She needed to talk to someone who knew boys back and forth, up and down, through and through. Chloe Levine, Zoey Aron, and Millie Blitch. From what Scarlett had gathered from her first month at Humphrey Day, those girls were very educated on the subject of the opposite sex.

  After Scarlett visited Charles again on Sunday, she called Chloe and asked if she and the girls could meet Scarlett to hang out. Chloe was enthusiastic about spending time with Scarlett since she was feeling better from her depression. Scarlett was glad that she was friends with Chloe. She seemed to simply brighten her day by merely talking to her. Her cheerful voice and optimistic attitude seemed to lighten Scarlett's day.

  All four of the girls met up at some antique store downtown before they started shopping for clothes at neighboring stores. Scarlett didn't mention what had happened after she had gone to see 'Paranormal Activity' at first to the girls, wanting this to seem like a normal shopping trip. But eventually the subject came up when Zoey asked, "So how was the movie with Christian?"

  "Scary as hell," Scarlett answered. "I was jumping at every scene. And I could barely sleep that night." Not that her sleepless night had anything to do with the movie.

  "That's all nice and dandy, but what I really meant was…So how was Christian at that movie?" Zoey grinned.

  "Figured," Scarlett mumbled. "Well, that's kind of why I asked to meet with you guys. I have a serious problem."

  "Oh, God, did he try to make a move on you?" Millie asked with wide eyes.

  "Um, no, not exactly. He kissed me. Well, I kissed him. Okay, so we kind of kissed each other," Scarlett said.

  Zoey let out a loud laugh and raised her palm up for Scarlett to high five. "What did I say?"

  "Excuse me?" Chloe butted in. "You said two weeks. I said until Friday. I believe I was closer."

  "What are you guys talking about?" Scarlett asked.

  "When you and Christian were walking on the beach," Millie explained, "they made a bet about when you two would hook up."

  "But that's not that point." Scarlett seemed worried.

  "What are you so upset about? Christian is the hottest boy at school. You should be very proud of yourself," Chloe replied.

  "I have a boyfriend," Scarlett replied exasperatedly.

  "Who is a thousand miles away and in a coma. It's okay to have a little fun now and again. A girl needs a boy's touch when she's lonely. Nobody's going to blame you. I don't even think your boyfriend will be upset with you when he wakes up. He should understand that you were going through a lot," Millie said, trying to calm Scarlett.

  "But what should I tell Christian?"

  "That's easy," Zoey said. "Tell him that he was a nice stand-in while your boyfriend was knocked out."

  Scarlett rolled her eyes. "Chloe, do you have any advice that is better than this bogus Zoey is giving me?"

  Chloe looked at the dress that was hanging on the rack in front of her, thinking. "Just tell Christian that you weren't really thinking that night. Tell him that it was your fault and you didn't mean to lead him on, but you're sorry that you did. Your excuses will be that you've needed a man's touch ever since you left your boyfriend in Florida. You have been lonely this past month. And with the changes you're going through—your stepfather, the move, se
paration anxiety, et cetera—your mind has been so confused, you didn't comprehend what you were doing at the time. And who could blame you? I mean, look at him. He is some nice eye candy."

  "You know," Scarlett said thoughtfully. "Most of that was actually really good counsel."


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