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Surrender (Surrender #1)

Page 7

by J. G. Sumner

  His body grew tense. “Yeah, I think I can. Those people who killed my family are still out there, and they clearly wanted all of us dead. There have already been too many lives lost and the family business is not worth losing mine as well.”

  “That’s tragic. How many years has your family been in the business?”

  “My great grandfather helped my grandfather start the business when my dad was a young boy.”

  “Wow, your family has owned it for generations. It seems to me that it would be pretty hard to walk away.”

  “I know it seems that way, but when your life is at stake, a business means very little. Come on, let’s get you inside.” He placed his arm around her and guided her back to the group. As his body relaxed against hers, he grasped her hand. This time, it was her turn to tense up. Holding hands was an intimate gesture. One she wasn’t quite ready for.

  Chapter Eight

  Tony struggled to keep himself together. Seeing Gina at the market brought back a surge of memories. Had she believed his lie? Was his disguise good enough? Hopefully shaving his beard, dressing like an American, and telling her he was from London would throw her off. Hopefully. No one needed to know Massimo Bertalucci was still alive.

  While he and Katherine talked outside the store, he thought someone was watching them, causing him to feel a bit antsy—on edge. Perhaps the cartel knew he was alive. Perhaps, they found him. Or, maybe he was just becoming paranoid. He needed to continue to keep an eye out; his life depended on it.

  Kate…oh, Kate. What was he going to do? She was slowly getting to him. She was smart—perhaps too smart. And she was slowly putting the pieces together. The last thing he wanted was for her to learn all the details of what happened. Shit, even he didn’t know them all.

  He liked her—a lot. It was wrong to use her to get out of Italy, but he had no choice if he were going to survive. Jesus, she was unlike any woman he’d ever met.

  The cooking school was fun. He quickly determined she was lousy at cooking. She could barely scramble an egg, and while they were making pasta, she ended up with flour all over her face, but hardly any on the dough. She was adorable though, and seemed to thoroughly enjoy herself. She had been surprised the food turned out so well despite her best efforts. When she offered to cook if he visited New York, he cringed at the thought. Where she was involved, take-out would be a must.

  When the class was finished, they toured the Duomo. They climbed the large dome ascending all four hundred sixty-three narrow steps. Tony was surprised that Kate handled it like a trooper and barely got winded. The crowds were at a minimum, and they were able to get through in a relatively short time. When they finished touring the spectacular building, he walked her back to the hotel so she could freshen up for dinner. She agreed to spend her last night in Florence with him and for that, he was thankful. He just needed to find a way to continue on with her. Hopefully, she would make it easy and invite him to Siena.

  Tony had a couple hours to himself in his room. This was a good opportunity to go over the contents he found in his father’s safe. Going to the factory last night was a brilliant idea; no one was there and he was able to get in and out in a relatively short time. The safe was kept in the floor under a rug. He had entered the code 0416; his birthday. His dad had set that as the code because Tony couldn’t remember any others. Fortunately, the code hadn’t been changed and he was able to acquire the contents fairly easily. Apparently, no one had looked there because everything seemed to be intact.

  Tony opened the large envelope and scattered the contents—twenty thousand dollars in American one hundred dollar bills. There were also fake passports for the whole family. His dad was concerned there may be a bad cop working for the cartel—he didn’t trust the polizia and thought a backup plan was necessary to keep his family safe.

  His dad had talked to Tony about the potential need for the fake documents when they started working with the polizia to help nab the head of the cartel. Tony wanted to go by the name of Anthony if anything happened instead of going by his given name, Massimo. Apparently, his dad had listened because his new name was Anthony Candelloni. He was thankful for his dad’s foresight because it could potentially save his life and get him out of this mess.

  Among the items he found a letter from his dad, and instantly, his hands trembled. He had to hold back tears. He took a deep breath before unfolding the letter and reading.

  If you have found this letter, it means I’ve moved on to another world. Most likely you are seeking safety and fleeing everything we have worked so hard to avoid. I’ve left you a new identity, and enough money for you to get to your next stop. From here, you will need to travel to Sorrento. Find your way down to the main marina. Once you’ve arrived, find the wall surrounding the city. Follow the wall south to the encased stairwell leading you back up to the city. Stop on the floor of your mother’s birthday. Go the direction of the dominant hand of my oldest son, and count the bricks totaling the day the youngest son was born. Behind this brick, you will find directions to your next destination, which will ensure your freedom.

  Please make sure to look over your shoulder. They are everywhere and are ready to finish off what they’ve started. Be safe. Please know I love you. Don’t look back when leaving this world behind. Don’t be the hero.

  Love, Dad.

  Tears ran down his cheeks and landed softly on the paper, smearing the words his father so delicately wrote. He had no idea Tomas Bertalucci had done this much to try and secure the safety of his family. He thought he would be able to leave the country with the passport and the funds his dad had left. But now, there was more to acquire. He needed to obtain what his father left for him in order to secure his freedom. Perhaps he wouldn’t need Kate or have to put her in danger any longer. He would enjoy this last night with her, and head to Sorrento in the morning.

  He put the documents and money in the hotel room safe. He grabbed his jacket and wallet, and headed to Kate’s room to pick her up for dinner. He was going to make sure their last night would be a good one. He was going to set her free; he couldn’t get her wrapped up in this mess. It wasn’t fair. His feelings for her were getting in the way of his ability to think clearly, thus putting her in danger.

  Tony knocked on Kate’s door. He only had to wait a minute before she answered.

  “Hello, beautiful.” The sight of her caused his insides to light up like an inferno. Her long blonde hair flowed midway down her back. She was wearing red lipstick that matched the red silk dress that flowed to her knees, and a diamond pendant caressed her neckline. Tony was even more regretful that this would be their last night together.

  “Do you like my dress?” Kate smiled brightly and her eyes twinkled from the hallway lights.

  “I like the entire package. You look amazing tonight.”

  “Thank you. You look handsome yourself.” She leaned over and gently kissed him on the cheek before grabbing her purse and shutting the door, “So, where are we going?”

  “I was thinking we could go back to that restaurant we went to on our first night. You seemed to really enjoy the food. And then, I want to take you to this amazing gelato place. It’s definitely the best in Florence, and you shouldn’t leave the city without trying it.”

  “That first night …was it really a coincidence that you ran into me at the restaurant? Or did you follow me?”

  He hesitated before answering, “I was looking for a new place to eat and hotel clerk directed me to that restaurant. He may have mentioned you were on your way there as well.”

  “I knew it! You were checking me out!”

  He shrugged. He was watching her, but not for the reasons she thought.

  They walked arm-in-arm in the direction of the quaint little restaurant, lost in their own thoughts.

  “Are you okay? You seem preoccupied.” Kate’s voice pulled him out of his thoughts.

  “I’m sorry; I don’t mean to be rude. I just have a lot of things on my mind.”

bsp; “Do you want to talk about it?”

  “No, I don’t want to ruin our last night together.”

  She grasped his hands and turned to face him. “I know we aren’t very familiar with each other, but I believe that makes me a good listener. I’m not going to tell anyone what you say, and we only have a few hours before I leave this city. I’m the perfect person to talk to.”

  He pulled his hands from hers. “I’m leaving first thing in the morning. I have some work to take care of.”

  “Is that really why you’re leaving, or is there something more?” A frown appeared on her face. “I’ve really enjoyed the time we’ve shared, and I’m not sure I’m ready to go. Is that what’s been bothering you?” Her smile turned into a quirky grin.

  He sighed. “Part of it.”

  “I see. Do you have to go tomorrow? Can’t you hold off another day?”

  “No, I’m sorry. I have to head down to Sorrento to pick up something my father left for me. It’s very important.”

  “Maybe when you’re done with your business we can meet up in another city.” She smiled at him as she grasped his arm again.

  This would’ve been too perfect. If his original plan were still intact, she would’ve just walked right into the lion’s den. “It’s not going to happen. I’m leaving the country.”

  She looked away, but not before he saw her eyes were watering and her lip was quivering. “I see. I guess we’d better enjoy our last night together.”

  He tugged on her chin until their eyes met. He held her face in his hands but her blue eyes refused to make contact. “Look at me, Kate.” She shifted her tear-filled eyes to look at him. Pain was carved into her delicate features, and it was a hurt much deeper than Tony could’ve caused. There was something more. “If it was a different time, and a different life, I wouldn’t leave. We have something special here, and I wish we could see where this thing is going. There are circumstances that are out of my control, and I can’t involve you. It isn’t fair to you, and I couldn’t live with myself if I put you in harm’s way. Please know when I leave tomorrow, it’s for your own good.”

  “I-I don’t want you to go. I know it sounds ridiculous, but…”

  He kissed the tears trickling down her face until he reached her lips. Instead of the reluctance he felt the last time he kissed her, an emotional tidal wave kissed him back, latching on for dear life and refusing to let go. It hit him with such a punch; he couldn’t help but pull her in closer and deepen the kiss. The erection that surfaced every time she came near him now stood at attention, searching for a way to burrow itself inside the woman pressed against him.

  She held onto him tightly, her tongue fluttered against his. They were so close; their bodies were united. He wrapped his hands in her hair; pulling her head back, giving him access to her neck. He nibbled his way down the smooth surface. Her longing and desire released an energy that caused him to find his way back to her lips and mouth, desperately trying to quench his hunger for this woman. If they weren’t standing on a public sidewalk, he would’ve had his way with her right there. He wanted her, needed her to take away the pain from the past few weeks, and replace it the warmth and contentment only her body could provide. Instead, the street was secluded, preventing disapproving comments from passersby, but also providing a sanctuary for their raw emotions to be released. Unfortunately, it wasn’t private enough for what he wanted to do.

  Abruptly, he pulled away from her. He smoothed out her hair, and brought his lips to her nose, kissing it delicately.

  “Oh my! I feel a little weak in the knees,” she said as she patted her hair and dress.

  He chuckled. “I apologize. I don’t know what came over me. You have a hold on me that I’ve never experienced before. You’re like an addiction I need to feed.”

  “Tony, are you sure there’s no way we can reconnect? I’d really like to spend more time with you.”

  “Who knows? Maybe I’ll hunt you down in New York.” He plastered a smile on his face hoping to change the dismal mood looming over them.

  “I’d like that.”

  “Shall we go eat? I believe I’ve worked up an appetite.”

  “Yes, please. I’m famished.”

  Tony took Kate’s hand as they continued toward the restaurant. His desire to eat was only outweighed by the desire to have this woman as his—to claim her so no one else could. If only things were different.

  Chapter Nine

  Katherine packed her bags for the trip to Siena. While she was excited to visit the small town, there was emptiness in her heart. Today was her first day without Tony. Who knew the man she was admiring on the train would turn out to be someone so wonderful? He was charming, sweet, and hot. The more she got to know him, the more handsome he was. She never believed in fate before, but perhaps fate had intervened. Maybe God was making up for the horrible mistake known as Mike. Perhaps this was a sign to move on and to never look back.

  Never in all the years with Mike had there been sparks like there were when Tony kissed her. If she were a different woman, she might have taken him back to her room and forgotten about dinner. But that wasn’t how she was raised, and it wasn’t proper etiquette to sleep with someone so quickly. She heard her mother’s words in the back of her head: “If you give it up too easily, they’ll have no reason to keep you around. Let them get to know you first. Let them fall in love with you—not your body. Then you’ll have a lasting relationship.”

  She had waited six months before having sex with Mike, and look where that got her. Sometimes, she just wanted to throw caution to the wind. One of those times had been while standing on an empty street under the moon and stars in Florence. God, what she wouldn’t give to be back there again. To feel the heat of Tony’s body enveloping her, the skin to skin contact, and the fullness that could only be felt by being with a man.

  After a dish of gelato, Katherine had invited Tony back to her room. For what, she wasn’t exactly sure. She wasn’t ready to say good-bye, but she wasn’t ready to take the next step either. Instead, they spent hours talking and their make out session lasted until early the next morning. Passion exuded from his lips, taking hold of her body and taking her to places she’d never been before. He wanted her as badly as she wanted him, though neither of them would take that dive that would take them past the point of no return.

  She put her fingers to her mouth, still a little raw and puffy from his kisses, savoring every last morsel of Tony. She never wanted to forget the warmth and tenderness of his touch, the raw manly smell of his skin, or the taste of his lips.

  A knock on the door interrupted Katherine’s thoughts. “Housekeeping.”

  She opened the door and asked for a few more minutes before taking off for the two-hour trip to Siena.

  Katherine reviewed the itinerary to triple check what time the train was to leave; she didn’t want to be late or somehow miss it. Like the last two times she checked, the departure time was still ten past ten. She had reserved a wine tasting class in Siena that started at two. Time would be tight, but not impossible, and if there wasn’t enough time, Katherine would check into the hotel after the tasting. Being busy would keep her mind off Tony.

  However, there was a lot of her trip left, and she needed to make the most of it. Tasting wines from the Tuscany regions would definitely be the distraction she needed.

  She arrived at the train station with thirty minutes to spare, so she found a chair inside the terminal and settled down for her wait. As she waited, she pulled out her folder and removed the reservation for the next hotel. All the while, she kept an eye out to ensure that there was no one close who may try to pickpocket her. She read through the email noting in the comments section confirming the romance package had been booked—their favorite song would play as they entered, a bottle of champagne would be waiting, and there would be chocolate candies placed throughout the room. It was supposed to be one of the nicer rooms with a private balcony overlooking the city.

rine instantly thought of Mike. While her hurt hadn’t dissipated, her anger was all but lost. What Mike did now was up to him—she just wished he would’ve broken up with her instead of bringing another woman to their bed. She would’ve been hurt, but would’ve gotten over it. Why did he have to turn out to be such a creep? More importantly, how did she not see it before now?

  The black hole in her heart grew bigger as emptiness set in. A single tear slipped down her cheek at the thought of never finding anyone to love again. She was lonely and had nothing to go back to except for work and an overprotective family. Her time with Tony reminded her of what she wanted and needed in life—intelligent conversation, laughter, companionship, and most of all, the physical connection with another human being.

  “Ouch!” Katherine screamed. Someone had bumped into her suitcase, ramming it against her leg. The man didn’t apologize or acknowledge he had done anything; he just kept walking. How rude! He could’ve at least excused himself! she thought as she surveyed the area. There was a familiar face, but she was unable to pinpoint exactly where she had seen the man before. She checked the screen showing the departures and arrivals and noticed her train arrived. She gathered her things and walked toward the platform where the train was supposed to board.

  Once on the train, she settled into her seat. She put her purse in what was supposed to be Mike’s seat; while she didn’t stare at the seat anymore and wonder what if, she did enjoy the extra room. The last thing she wanted to do was to rub elbows with some unknown person.

  People slowly filed on the train one by one. The faces all seemed the same as they walked by until the man from inside the train station passed by her seat, maintaining eye contact. His long dark hair was pulled back into a pony tail; he smelled as though he hadn’t showered in a week, and his clothes were wrinkled.

  A chill raced down her back and an unsettling feeling quickly formed in her stomach. Something was wrong. This man wasn’t someone she wanted to cross.


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