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Surrender (Surrender #1)

Page 18

by J. G. Sumner

  “Brings back memories, doesn’t it?”

  Tony’s heart stopped. That voice; he knew it.

  “Your father loved this place.”

  Tony turned to face his cousin. “What are you doing here?”

  “I’m here to see you.”

  Tony surveyed Matteo’s three-piece suit. He seemed overly dressed for a casual visit.

  He approached Matteo to embrace him. “It’s been a long time. I’d love to catch up with you. I have so many questions to ask you, but it’s not a good idea for you to be here. You should go.”

  “Why? Why should I go?”

  Tony stopped. Something wasn’t quite right. “I’m in some trouble. I’m supposed to meet someone here. You don’t want to get caught up in this mess.”

  Matteo clapped and closed the gap between the two of them. “Bravo! Bravo! Nice performance!”

  Tony shifted his stance. “No. You don’t understand. There’s real danger here. You need to go.” Tony grabbed his cousin's arm. “I need to get you out of here.”

  Matteo didn’t budge. Instead, he pulled his arm out of Tony’s reach. “I’m not going anywhere.”

  “Matty, you don’t understand. These are the people who killed my family. You’ve got to get out of here.”

  The grin on Matteo’s face was unsettling. “I know all about your predicament. Where’s the stuff your dad left for you?”

  Tony stood bewildered. “I don’t understand. What are you talking about?”

  “I want you to hand over everything your father left. I’m pretty sure you have some very incriminating items in your possession.”

  “Matty, what’s going on here?”

  “Cut the crap, Massimo. I’m sure you’ve thoroughly reviewed everything. Hand it over.”

  Tony’s heart raced. Please don’t let Matty be a part of this. “How do you know about that?”

  Matteo reached a hand inside his jacket, pulled out a gun, and aimed it at him. Tony’s heart skipped a beat as the realization settled in.

  “Oh my God. Are you working for the cartel?”

  Matteo let out a smug laugh, making Tony’s skin crawl. “Finally, he’s starting to put the puzzle pieces together. You’re a little slow on that one; I expected more from you.”

  “I’m not sure how they got you into this mess, but I’m sure we can find a way out. They aren’t trying to get to your mom and sister, are they? You should get out of here before something happens to your family too.”

  Matteo’s sinister grin was back, and the tiny bugs crawling on Tony’s skin were now burrowing their way underneath. He looked down desperate to claw them out, but nothing was there. Instead, an unsettled feeling plagued his body.

  Matteo slapped him across the face. “You haven’t changed a bit. You’re still the fucking idiot you always were. I can’t believe your dad was going to leave you in charge of all of this.”

  Tony rubbed the inflamed part of his face, trying to erase the shock that jolted through him. “What the fuck, man? What’s crawled up your ass?”

  “Do you remember when I tried to work here and your father wouldn’t allow me to?”

  He thought back to when he and Matteo were kids. “Vaguely, I was pretty young then.”

  “Do you know why your father wouldn’t let me?”

  “No, he didn’t talk about it.”

  “Then allow me to educate you on the type of man your father was.” Matteo paced back and forth before he spoke. “When I was young, I learned my father was involved in some less than savory business dealings. When it was time for me to go out to get a job, my father encouraged me to come work for him. But I didn’t want my dad’s life so I asked my Uncle Tomas for a job; I always looked up to him and was eager to follow in his footsteps. Your father refused. He refused to help me make an honest living. I tried looking for other jobs, but no one would hire me because of who my dad was. They were all afraid of him. So I was left with no other choice but to work for him. Looking back on it now, I think that was exactly the way my dad planned it.”

  “Matteo, I still don’t understand what this has to do with me or why you’re here.”

  “My father was the head of the cartel. I didn’t want this life, but I was forced into it because your dad wouldn’t give me a chance. He wouldn’t help me escape the life I was born into.”

  “No, that can’t be!”

  “Didn’t you ever wonder why we never saw each other as we got older? Why our fathers stopped talking?”

  “My dad always told us there was a falling out and you and Uncle Matt disowned him.”

  Matteo chuckled. “Part of that is true, except it’s the other way around. Your father disowned us.”

  “Okay, but what are we doing here now?”

  “My business is your business. I make oil and sell it.”

  “I’m not sure I follow.”

  “Sometimes, I’m not sure how you ever made it as a businessman. You seem to be rather dense.”

  Tony only had pleasant memories of his cousin. He wasn’t sure why Matteo felt the need to be so abrasive. “Gee, thanks. I guess I’m just a little bit in shock that my cousin is standing in front of me holding a gun. I don’t understand what’s going on.”

  “Let me sum it up for you quickly, since we don’t have all damned day. Your brother came snooping around my exports. Your dad signed on very quickly to cooperate with the Guardia in an investigation that would put my company out of business. I went to have a conversation with Uncle Tomas to try and urge him to back off. Long story short, he refused and threatened the security of my business. Your dad and brother uncovered some less than savory details about my trade. In essence, he came too close. I had to get rid of them and the evidence they had collected.”

  Tony felt as though the wind was just kicked out of him. “You killed my family?”

  “I’d like to call it self-preservation.”

  “And you’re okay with it?” Tony balled his hands into fists and stepped forward.

  “Ahh ahh ahh. Not so fast. See, I’m the one holding the gun.” The sinister grin was back. All the pieces were starting to fit together: the reason his dad had been so secretive, how the cartel found Kate, and how they knew about the packages his dad left. Matteo knew exactly where to find Massimo. He never had a fighting chance.

  “You motherfucker! I don’t give a rat’s ass what you’re holding. It sounds like you’re gonna kill me any fucking way. I might as well get a chance to wipe that smug smile off your face. What kinda sick fuck are you, anyway?”

  “I think you’ve forgotten something.” Matteo lifted the gun to his head.

  Tony stood motionless as the shaft of the gun rested on his forehead and beads of sweat rolled down his temples. “What’s that?”

  “You have some information I need.”

  He swallowed hard. “What information is that?”

  “I know your father has strategically left you care packages. I’d bet there’s some, let’s just say, incriminating evidence in there.”

  “I wouldn’t know, and frankly, I don’t care. My family is gone. My life is gone. I don’t give a shit about what’s in those packages.”

  Matteo laughed. “You may have a death wish and not care, but I do. My livelihood is at stake here. Your family fucked up my life once, and I refuse to let it happen again. I want what your dad gave you.”

  The red that had taken over Tony’s vision dissipated and clarity took over. He finally was able to think. “Where’s Kate?”

  “Kate who?”

  “Don’t play games with me, fucker! I know you have her.”

  “Now that’s no way to talk to the man holding your life in his hands, is it?”

  “You may be holding the gun, but I’m holding the cards. If you’re even remotely interested in getting whatever it is my dad may have left, you better tell me where she is.”

  “Touche. I can tell you she’s not here.”

  Tony was getting tired of Matteo’s smugness a
nd his ability to have the upper hand. “Where is she?”

  “That’s for me to know and you to not worry about until you provide what I want.”

  “See, that’s not how this is going to work. It seems the information you want from me is more important than what I want from you.”

  The slimy grin was back on Matteo’s face. “You think that’s the case, huh?”

  “You’re not getting anything until I know she’s alive and safe.”

  “She’s safe…for now.”

  “No! I want to see her.”

  “Massimo. Did you really think she was going to be here waiting? You’re dumber than I thought.”

  Tony moved fast; he leaned to the right and kicked his cousin in the balls. The gun went off hitting the wall behind him. He kicked the gun out of Matteo’s hand and it flew across the room. Surprise registered on Matteo’s face. Tony lunged for the weapon, then he kicked Matteo in the head throwing him backward. He stood over his cousin in disgust. “This is the last time I’m going to ask. Where. Is. Kate?”

  Matteo spit out the blood that had pooled in his mouth and smiled. “Cousin, I didn’t realize you had it in you. Maybe you should come work for me. We could be a great team.”

  “For the last time, where is Kate?”

  “If I didn’t know better, I’d say you’re in love with her.”

  Tony’s face grew hot as his cheeks became flushed. “She’s a friend. That’s all you need to know.”

  “Some friend you’ve chosen to shack up with. You lose everything and coincidentally hook up with an heiress worth millions. It seems you’re a bit conniving yourself. Don’t worry; she’ll be safe as soon as her dad pays the five million dollars she’s worth.”

  “What are you talking about now?”

  “Didn’t you know your girlfriend is American royalty? I’m sure you already knew that or you wouldn’t be escorting her around the country.”

  “What I know is she’s innocent in all this. You need to let her go.”

  Matteo stood up with a smirk illuminating his face. “Ah, the knight in shining armor. You should’ve left her well enough alone. Now, I’m going to capitalize on your little mistake.”

  Tony swung at Matteo who blocked him and sent Tony flying backward with a right cross.

  Matteo wiped the blood from his lip. “Now remember, I hold all the cards. You’d better start playing nice. I want the packages from your father.”

  Tony rubbed his throbbing cheek. “You’re not going to get them until I get Kate back.”

  “No, that’s not how this is going to work. Your father stole a large amount of money from me. I have every intention of cashing in on Miss Anderson. I’ll let her go as soon as I get my money.”

  “My dad left me five million euros in a bank in Geneva. I’ll give it to you if you turn over Kate.”

  “Hmm…I’m thinking that I’ll take your five million euros and her five million dollars. Then I could buy my own fucking island and not have to worry about anyone ever finding me after I dispose of yours and Miss Anderson’s bodies.”

  “Don’t you think the American authorities are going to come after you? They aren’t going to let you get away with kidnapping her.”

  “Clearly, you have no idea how this works. I’m going to keep the money, and someone else is going to take the fall. I’ll be fine.”

  “What about the olive oil trade? They’re going to catch you eventually.”

  “By the time they figure out it was me, I’ll be long gone, sipping mai tais on some island in the Caribbean. Now hand over the documents before I have to kill you.”

  Matteo clearly had everything figured out. “If I hand over the documents, you’re going to kill me anyway.”

  Matteo chuckled. “Ha! That’s the smartest thing you’ve said all day! Yes, I will. I can’t risk you going to the authorities and identifying me as head of the largest cartel in Italy, now can I?”

  “Then what’s in it for me? Why should I give you anything?”

  “Because if you don’t, I’ll kill your precious Kate too.”

  Tony looked at the gun on the floor only a few feet away. If he sprinted, he could get there before Matteo.

  “Forget it. I always have a backup.” Matteo pulled a gun from his back and aimed it at Tony. “How about we stop these childish games? Give me the documents.”

  “I don’t have all of them. I only have the ones I just got from Geneva. The others are at the hotel I’ve been staying at in Rome.”

  “Massimo, you disappoint me. You aren’t registered at any hotel in Rome. I checked.”

  Tony smiled; finally, he had the upper hand. “It seems as though you’ve underestimated me this time. I’m indeed checked into a hotel room. I’ve also left instructions for them to give the package to the authorities in the event I don’t return.”

  “I don’t believe you.”

  “That’s your choice. However, I’m sure a man of your stature would want to make damned sure it’s not the case.”

  Matteo paced back and forth. “I’m going with you. There’s no way I’m letting you out of my sight.”

  “Do you really think that’s such a good idea? I have the Polizia following me around the country. Do you want to be there if they finally catch up with me?”

  “Then I’ll send one of my people with you. You’ll go and retrieve the documents. Then you’ll bring them here to me. I want you here no later than noon tomorrow.”

  “And if I don’t come back?”

  “Your little lady friend dies. You choose; it’s either her or you.”

  “How do I know you’re not going to kill her anyway?”

  “You don’t. But like you said, the Americans won’t stop until they find me. I think that’ll only get magnified tenfold if she’s dead. Despite what I said earlier, I don’t really want the extra heat.”

  “Fine, send your goon with me. I’ll get what you want.”

  Matteo waved the gun. “Ahh ahh ahh. I want an insurance policy. Give me what you have now.”

  “It’s in the car.” Tony pointed toward the door. “You’re going to have to let me walk out of here and get it.”

  “We’re going together.” Matteo approached Tony and pushed him forward. “Let’s go.”

  Tony started walking to the car and tried to think of a way to escape this mess. Where was the grand idea that always surfaced like the characters in movies? He’d really like to have some James Bond move up his sleeve in which he could disarm his captor and save the girl in one fell swoop. He didn’t—he was no hero. He didn’t even have a clue as to what to do in these types of situations because he’d never been in one. He’d been a good guy all of his life; he rarely got in trouble. The fact he was able to elude everyone from finding him for so long, was a feat in itself. One he could hardly believe he pulled off.

  He dug in his pocket for the keys and opened the trunk. He grabbed the envelope he had specially prepared for this moment. The only thing left in the envelope was the Just in Case DVD, which he handed to his cousin. He tried to remain calm, but inside his nerves were rattling like the windows of a building as a train rolled by.

  Matteo took the envelope and immediately looked inside. “This is it? A video? You can’t tell me that’s all he left you in Geneva.”

  “Like I said, he left me information on how to access a bank account there. This was the only information he left pertaining to anything you would want.”

  “Did you watch it?”

  “Part of it. To me, it looked like my father was doing some incriminating things and I couldn’t watch anymore so I turned it off. It’s yours to keep. I don’t want any part of it.”

  “You were always the good little boy. You and your brothers never did anything wrong, did you? You’re just like your dear old dad. You hold your nose up high and look down on those who are met with challenges and might not have been able to take the same path you were able to.”

  “I’m not sure what you’re talking abo
ut; I never looked down on you, and I never thought a negative thing about you until now. We all make choices. You could make the choice right now to end this and walk away. You don’t have to do this.”

  The smugness returned to Matteo’s face. “A man like me can’t just walk away. All I can do is give myself some insurance that will help me disappear. That’s where you come in. You’re going to help provide that insurance.”

  “Fine, where’s your friend?”

  Matteo pulled his cell phone from his pocket and dialed a number. “It’s me. Get over to the factory right away. I need you to do an errand for me.”

  Matteo ended the phone call without another word.

  “Do people always jump at what you tell them to do?”

  “Most. Those that don’t meet with unfortunate endings, much like your parents.”

  Tony bit the inside of his mouth. He clenched his jaw as tension rose in his neck and shoulders. “Don’t talk about my family anymore. What you did to them, to your own flesh and blood, is incomprehensible. You should be ashamed of yourself. And just because my father wouldn’t give you a job when you were younger? You’re despicable.”

  “Relax. You had your fun already. I let you get the best of me once but it’s not going to happen again. If it was just the job, I wouldn’t have been bothered. I’m leading a pretty comfortable life, much more so than if I was working with your family. I do draw the line when someone tries to take my livelihood away; I don’t care if they’re family or not. The fact they’re family only gives me more reason. You should never mess with another family member. Your brother and father weren’t going to stop until I was behind bars or dead. I had to make sure I took them out before they took me out.”

  “What about my mom? She was innocent in all of this. Couldn’t you have left her alone?”

  “I like to take care of my problems leaving no mess behind. Taking everyone out could have prevented what’s happening now. One rogue family member searching for evidence against me. See how messy this has become? If only you had been in that house, I wouldn’t be wasting my time standing here.”


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