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Blood Love (God Wars Book 4)

Page 24

by Connie Suttle

  "Breanne's doing all the work," Ashe breathed beside me. "Kay wants me. Is that amazing or what?"

  "Breanne has done more for you than you can possibly imagine," I reminded him before walking away.

  * * *

  Ashe's Journal

  "I want to go back," Sali informed me. "When you do. I can help."

  "Are you sure?"

  "I want to."

  "It could be dangerous, Sal."

  "I know. I'm willing to take the risk."

  "You know," I motioned for him to sit with me in the arboretum at NorthStar, "we still ought to take the car out for a spin—on a real highway."

  "I know." Sali sat across from me, his dark eyes searching my face. "A lot of things came between us back then. It was stupid. I was stupid. I can't say I'm not still stupid, because I manage to make mistakes. I just try to think them through before I choose stupidity."

  "Is that Falchani wisdom?" I grinned at Sali.

  "I paraphrased," he grinned back. "Three syllables." He laughed, then. That was an old joke between us.

  "Did Caylon really enter your name on the rolls as a Falchani warrior?" I asked.

  "Yeah. If you fight in a war and come out a hero, that option is made available. I hear it was offered to Queen Lissa, too. She refused."

  "Are you the only werewolf on their list?"

  "I think so." Sali was back to grinning. "If I wanted, I could get a full set of tattoos. I'm entitled. Obviously, I'm listed as a member of the Wolf Clan."

  "I can't imagine you'd belong to the flamingoes," I said.

  "I don't think there is a flamingo clan," Sali chuckled.

  "Probably a good thing. I don't think pink bird tattoos will instill fear in anybody."

  "Chewie was a shapeshifter," Sali said. We both burst into laughter.

  * * *

  Breanne's Journal

  "Baby?" Hank's arms slipped around me as I stood on the highest balcony of the NorthStar mansion.

  "Hi." I turned in his embrace and put my arms around his neck. He leaned in to kiss me. How happy was I he'd finally decided to do that? Hank's kisses are mesmerizing. Maybe he knows that. I didn't care. All I cared about was his mouth on mine, his tongue exploring, his teeth nipping my lower lip gently before pulling away. Somewhere along the way, Henry Hank Bell had learned how to kiss—in addition to learning how to fuck.

  "So, where did the Henry come from?" I asked. That was the name on his driver's license, after all—he just went by Hank.

  "Reverse nickname," he grinned before rubbing my nose with his. "I wanted to use Hank, but that's a nickname for Henry."


  "Yeah." He bent his head and nipped my neck before placing a kiss there. A hand slipped down and unbuttoned my jeans. Fingers made their way inside. I gasped when they made contact with a sensitive area.

  "I'm gonna fuck you against that wall back there," Hank backed me up. "I don't care who sees or hears it."

  At that moment, I didn't care, either. Some people might call it passion. Some might call it the heat of the moment—or an inflamed desire. It was a dance as old as time itself, and might take something stronger than both of us to stop. That's when Kalenegar arrived with Graegar and Barrigar. Hank and I were about to be included in energy sex—while having actual sex. I had no idea how that might turn out. I didn't care, either.

  * * *

  Ashe's Journal

  All he'd said was bring Kay. That's it. I realized soon enough as we landed on the high balcony at NorthStar. The Larentii were joining in and I stared—Hank already had Breanne against the wall and she was holding onto him with all her strength, her legs wrapped around his hips.

  "Are they?" Kay began before gripping my hand.

  "Yeah. Sweetheart, the Larentii are about to join in, and that's the best and most intense sex you can ever have. Say you'll do this with me."

  "I," she hesitated. "Yes. Let's do this. I will." Kay seemed determined, suddenly.

  "I won't hurt you. I won't ever do that," I promised, lifting her top over her head. "You are the most beautiful thing I've ever seen," I leaned in to kiss her. Her hands gripped my face as she deepened the kiss. To hell with clothing. I made it disappear with power.

  * * *

  Adam's Journal

  Pheligar stalked into the room and lifted Kiarra into his arms. That's when I felt it—the building of power toward a climax that might touch anyone at NorthStar. Ashe had us shielded, and I imagined that shield would protect the rest of Avendor from energy sex.

  Too bad—they'd definitely enjoy it. Pheligar added his power to the rest, and it was customary to provide power in return. Kiarra and I did so.

  * * *

  Hank's Journal

  In later years, it was known as the earthquake that rocked the Southern Continent. Nothing was destroyed, but it was described as a great jolt followed by a quick series of intense aftershocks. If Ashe hadn't already had shields in place, it likely would have destroyed the planet in a climax felt by other worlds light-years away.

  * * *

  Kay's Journal

  I won't ever forget my first time. It wasn't Kalia's first time, but it may have been the first time her body felt pleasure. Ashe's eyes opened shortly after mine did, and he smiled. Our bodies were still connected, although spent.

  "That was amazing," I whispered. His smile widened.

  "That was more than amazing," he replied. "I'm not sure there are words to describe it properly."

  He was right—there were no words. Anything that might be written or said would fall far short of the reality. Only the lingering sensation and the memory of it remained.

  "Ready?" Ashe asked.

  I didn't want his body to leave mine, but eventually it had to happen. "We'll do this again?" I asked.

  "You and me for sure—whenever you want. We have to invite the Larentii, or they'll have to volunteer," he added while his body disconnected from mine. "I know a place," he said, and before I could blink, he'd transported me elsewhere.

  "Where," I turned to look. We were immersed in water beside a waterfall. Yes, it was a fantasy. A dream most anyone might have. Ashe made it happen for us.

  "SouthStar—on the southern edge of it, before the jungles begin," he breathed against my mouth. That let me know he wasn't quite done for the day.

  * * *

  Breanne's Journal


  Hank's voice, but not Hank's arms. "Huh?" I said. My vocabulary never improves until I'm fully awake. Coffee generally helps.

  "Wake, Lara'Kayan."


  "She's coming back to us."


  "Did you like that?"

  Graegar—with a smile in his voice and gentle fingers on my face.

  "Honey," I opened my eyes and stared at the concerned faces around me, "I want to do that again. Just not right now. I don't think I'll survive that if we do it again so soon."

  Kal was the one who held me, and we were in bright sunlight—the Larentii were feeding and replenishing their energy. No surprise—a lot of it had been expended in energy sex. In this case, it should probably be termed explosive energy sex.

  "Hank?" I blinked at him—the sunlight on Avendor was blindingly bright.

  "Here." He pushed a pair of dark sunglasses onto my face. "Better?" He grinned.

  "Oh, yeah." I relaxed in Kal's arms. Were we naked? Yep.

  "Juice?" Barrigar offered a glass with a straw. I sipped it and shuddered with pleasure—pineapple-gishi fruit juice. "You like that, don't you?" Kal said.

  "It's amazing."

  "I'll make sure you have it every day if you want."

  "We'll save it for once a week," I reached up to pat Kal's face. He smiled and kissed me.

  "It is our responsibility to make sure our mate is tended to after sex of any kind," the corners of Kal's lips curled up slightly. "Next time, I wish to be the one connected directly with you."

  "Are we really tal
king about this?" I made a face at him.

  "There is no subject that cannot be discussed," Graegar said. "Embarrassment, you will discover, has no meaning to a Larentii."

  "So the rules of conversation don't apply to Larentii?" I asked, turning to Graegar.

  "The rules?"

  "Never discuss politics or religion," I said.

  "Which aspects of each? We can argue both sides," Barrigar said. "Or make a case for a middle ground," he added.

  "Forget I said anything about that," I sighed.

  "We can talk anytime you wish," he said. "About anything. Send mindspeech if we are not together."

  "What if you're busy?"

  "I can bend time, dearest," Barrigar smiled at me.

  "Bree, Bill says we need to go home," Hank interrupted.

  "Honey," I grumped as his handsome face replaced Barrigar's beside me.

  "I know. Someday, we won't have this mess hanging over our heads," he said.

  "I need to dress," I pointed out.

  "No," Kal breathed as Graegar ran a hand over my body—he was washing me with power. My clothes appeared afterward—I should have expected it. In less than half an hour, we were back on Earth in the past.

  * * *


  Fresno, California

  Humanoid construction is generally designed to keep light out, not allow it in, Ferrigar sent to Connegar as they walked through the large house together. Ferrigar formed a large skylight overhead as they wandered through the widest room in the house.

  It is fortunate that this house was empty and close by, Connegar replied, enlarging the windows in the house until they covered almost every inch of wall space. It will make our work simpler.

  Does Lissa know you're here? Ferrigar asked.

  She does. I informed her before I left. When will Evagar and Diagar arrive?

  Soon. Do you want the first watch?

  I have already placed my shield around the shields Kiarra and Adam have in place. I will know if she leaves by vehicle or folds space.

  The child is nearly nine years of age, as they measure time, Ferrigar sighed. He attends a local school, and she transports him there by vehicle most mornings. We should guard him and his father as well.

  Already in my plans, Connegar returned.

  * * *


  Breanne's Journal

  Ashe and Kay didn't come back with us. Hank grinned when I mentioned it. "Did everybody get sex?" I asked.

  "Every adult inside Ashe's shield got sex," Hank said. "Unless the Larentii put up a shield or deliberately lock you out, you'll be included. They never include anyone who's under the age of consent. Usually, energy sex covers a fifty-yard radius if no shield is in place. With that much power involved, it would have involved the entire planet plus a few other celestial bodies."

  "So Ashe and Kay got hooked up. They're probably in a tropical pool somewhere, with a waterfall and everything, having fun," I pointed out. "While we're here."

  "You want a waterfall?" Hank's left eyebrow lifted.

  "Honey, I want lots of things. Wanting hasn't gotten me very far in the past, so I ignore it."

  "What if I want to make my baby happy?" Hank asked. "What would that take?"

  "Can we discuss this another time? If we do it now, it'll just point out what I don't have."

  "What's wrong?" Kevis, Charles and Salidar DeLuca walked in. Salidar—Sali—had the twin Falchani blades strapped to his back again. Dressed completely in black with only a few white highlights on his close-fitting shirt, he looked like a ninja.

  "Hey," I said. "I didn't think anybody could see ninjas."

  "Are you sure you're seeing me, then?" Sali grinned, likely because I spoke to him, first.

  "I'm probably talking to myself, too," I nodded. "In addition to not seeing you."

  "Now you're getting it," he laughed.

  "Thanks for the, uh, you know. Earlier," Kevis said.

  "According to the Larentii, there is nothing that cannot be discussed," I told him.

  "Then thanks for the mind-blowing sex. Next time, make sure I'm not sitting close to my mom and dad, okay?"

  "Oh, jeez, I'm sorry," I said.

  "Breanne, do not apologize. He enjoyed it, the rascal," Hank blew a curl of smoke.

  "I think we all had a jolly good time," Charles grinned. "Opal said she hadn't had sex in a while, and that made up for it."

  "You know, I wasn't embarrassed at the time, but I am, now." I slapped a hand over my face and walked away.

  * * *

  "Bree—Breanne?" Charles had come to find me. I was doing what Lissa often did; sitting on the roof of a building. It wasn't even our hotel—it was the dome of the nation's capitol. I'd shielded myself. If I hadn't, I imagine I'd have been stormed by Secret Service and the military by now.

  "How the hell did you get up here without getting shot?" I stared at him. Even a vampire couldn't fool the guards for long; eventually they'd realize he was there.

  "Kal provided a shield for me. He wanted to come, as did Hank. I said they'd had enough of your time recently."

  "So you haven't gotten enough face time?" I asked as he settled beside me and pulled me close.

  "Not nearly enough. Never enough." He cupped my cheek and pulled my head into the hollow between his neck and shoulder. "Comfortable?" he asked.

  "Yeah. You smell good," I added.

  "You think I smell good? What do I smell like?"

  "Cinnamon and sugar. Like the best cinnamon roll ever, with a dash of cayenne pepper to make things interesting."

  "Do you remember when I said you got to decide the ending to the story?" he asked. "What would you like the ending to be?"

  "That all this was over," I sighed. "That you and I and Hank and all the others I love and who love me could live in the most amazing house ever. It would have enough room for everybody—with places to be together or alone, depending on how we feel, and a kitchen where everybody could have breakfast together if we wanted, and an ocean outside with the best view ever."

  "That's what you want, love?"

  "Yeah. That's what I want." I sighed. It wasn't likely to happen.

  "That's a tall order," Charles breathed against my temple.

  "It's an impossible one," I replied. "I guess we ought to get back."

  "No, let's sit here for a little while longer and dream," he whispered.

  * * *

  "Recognize this one?" Bill held up a photograph. I stared, as did Hank. Janine Webster's image was shown as she walked out of an upscale department store with shopping bags in hand.

  "Where is this?" Hank demanded. We'd been called to Bill's suite for a meeting the moment Charles and I returned.

  "Fresno, California," Bill said. I was standing and sending mindspeech to Lissa in half a blink.

  * * *

  "I'm surprised I didn't think of it," Calhoun gloated. "Why didn't I realize that all we had to do was relocate and send that worthless human out on an errand?"

  "Don't forget that this is where my brother's love lives," Moxas sniffed. "This will bring your targets to you—never fear. Be ready for them when they arrive."

  "But the dance before death is always a sweet one, is it not?" V'ili observed. "If I or one of my people cannot obsess the enemy, you will kill them." He nodded to Calhoun.

  "Acrimus or I will do it," Calhoun insisted. "And we will capture the woman for your brother, Moxas, as that is your expressed desire."

  "Perhaps we will share her," Moxas examined his fingernails. "If my brother permits."

  "I will permit—but only with you," Saxom said.

  * * *

  Le-Ath Veronis—present

  Lissa's Journal

  "Some of the enemy is in Fresno in the past, where Kiarra and Adam live," I said. "I've already sent a message to Adam, but he says the Larentii are guarding the area. Breanne says that she and the others are going there, to attempt to track the enemy. Ferrigar says he and the other
three Larentii are staying, in case extra shields are required."

  "Do you think we ought to warn Kiarra and Adam in the past?" Gavin asked. "And I have memories now, of Bill requesting that Breanne and Hank relocate our group from Silver Spring to Fresno."

  "Are they still being written as things progress?" I asked, rising from the chair behind my desk. "Your memories, I mean?"

  "Yes, just as before. The memories are forming as things move along. The past is being rewritten, cara."

  Chapter 17


  Breanne's Journal

  Fresno, even in mid-September, can be hotter than Hades. In fact, the folks who came up with the idea of Hades were probably referring to Fresno. Or Phoenix, maybe. Bill asked Hank and me to transfer our group from Silver Spring to Los Angeles—he wanted to bring in a few extras to help run down leads and to borrow a fleet of SUVs.

  That fleet was presently driving through Fresno, with an outside temperature of one hundred six degrees. Even Hank didn't like the heat and he was High Demon on the outside.

  "I'm surprised our tires aren't melted to the pavement," Jayson grumbled as we stopped at a traffic light on our way to a borrowed building.

  Ashe, who'd finally shown up with a smiling Kay in tow, promised that he could renovate anything large enough to hold our group with the power he held. Well, I suppose I could, too. Ashe was the better architect, though, because he'd built the monstrous house at SouthStar, with very little help or input. I knew that from reading Aedan Evans—he'd been one of the few who'd provided input for the house, along with Casimir and Nathan Anderson.

  "What kind of building is it?" Opal asked. She and Charles rode in the third row of seats in our van. Hank, Jayson and I took up the middle row. Bill rode up front while Trajan drove us through afternoon traffic in the California Valley.

  Kalenegar had folded ahead to visit the Larentii already stationed in Fresno, while Dan Kelsey, Ashe, Kay, Sali and Gavin followed us in a second van. Kevis hadn't come to Fresno with us—he'd gone back to be with his parents at NorthStar.

  Driving before and behind us were two SUVs, filled with the agents Bill and Dan requested. I'd verified that none of them were obsessed. They were armed to their hairlines and carried an extra arsenal in the backs of their vehicles. Bill made sure we all had our Ranos weapons, too—he'd learned to respect them greatly after two pistols brought down two helicopters.


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