Lethal Strike
Page 20
“Please, we need to stick together right now.”
“You have your people, and I have mine. Better we do our own thing, the way we see fit,” he said and tried to push past.
Donny would not be moved and pointed, putting his finger on Travers as he went on angrily.
“My brother over there. He’s hurt bad, and that is on you. You aren’t gonna just walk away from this. You got us into this mess, and you are gonna help get us out of it. You owe that to my brother and the others. He’s hurt because of what you led us to. You can’t walk away now when he needs you most.”
Travers looked put out, but the guilt trip was working effectively. He didn’t say anything, but he did turn back towards the group. Donny quietly let out a sigh. He didn’t much want Travers sticking around, but he needed him.
Chapter 5
Donny and the others had not been walking for long when they heard the engine and exhaust sound of another REO truck fire up. It could have been a few hundred metres away.
“They must have been waiting for nightfall to make a move,” said Travers.
“We need that truck,” said Miles.
“Come on.” Donny led them forward, but Lee was slow moving, along with the Emma and the rest of the wounded.
“Go on, we’ll catch up,” insisted Lee.
Miles had already gone on, and Donny sprinted after him. Travers wasn’t far behind. He was eager to get one of his trucks back. But more than that, Donny knew he wanted to take back control. He liked being in charge. He got a kick out of it. Donny could never understand it, but he knew it was what divided him and Ross the most. He’d only just realised it, but he had to put the thought to the back of his mind as he ran towards the sound of the vehicle. The engine roared as it pulled away, but they could see no lights. They must be running in blackout to avoid being spotted.
Miles was scrambling up an embankment as gunfire rang out. He slowed a little and went more cautiously. Donny and Travers reached him simultaneously to find a gun battle erupting. They watched the truck smash into two parked enemy vehicles, as if trying to break through a roadblock, but it rocked to a halt, not having enough speed to barge them out the way. Muzzle flashes lit up the scene from both sides as Humans atop the truck opened fire, and those around them returned fire.
Travers didn’t need to see anymore. He lifted his rifle and quickly found his first target, firing three shots into its back. Miles leapt over the edge and was advancing fearlessly towards them. Donny didn’t understand why at first. He never much cared for people. But as he went towards the truck, Donny understood his real motivation. He didn’t want to be left out in the wilderness without wheels. He’d been bitter ever since he lost his truck in the opening attack. Donny shook his head and smiled at how single-minded he was. But at least he was in the fight. He took aim at a target, hitting it in the back of the head. The body of his victim crashed down onto the wheel of one of their vehicles.
It was a scene of utter carnage as those in the vehicle and those outside it caught the enemy in a devastating crossfire. Donny was reaching for another magazine in no time, but noticed it was his last. That was how desperate their situation was, and a staunch reminder of how desperately they needed the truck. But also, a clear reminder of why Travers was really fighting so fervently. He wanted the wheels as much as they did.
He got the next magazine into his rifle, primed a round, and took aim at another target. The enemy was starting to take notice and panned towards him, but was cut down by fire from the truck, so he moved on to the next. Before he could squeeze the trigger, a flash of light erupted. He leapt to one side as a several shots landed at his feet, and he rolled towards the cover of an enemy vehicle. As he got back to his knees, an enemy soldier was coming right at him, but a burst of fire struck the robot down. He looked back to the ridge where he’d come from. His brother was leaning up against a tree where he’d fired down on his attacker. He was surprised but nodded in appreciation to him.
“Maybe we’ll make a soldier of you yet,” he muttered.
He got back to the fight. Travers and Miles opened up on the backs of three soldiers. They were also struck from two other shooters atop the truck. The driver’s door swung open as another of Travers’ militia leapt out and joined the fight. It was a turkey shoot now as they opened up on the remaining enemy soldiers from all angles. It looked like some kind of roadblock more than an ambush, and they were not prepared for this. The scene fell silent once more as the firing finally stopped. The driver on the truck looked at them in disbelief.
“Travers, you’re still alive?” The driver hugged him.
“Yep, I’m still here. Think we can catch a lift?”
“Of course. What’s the plan?” It was as though he expected him to take charge as if nothing had changed.
“We’re heading back to Ross and our people,” replied Donny.
The driver looked suspicious and turned to Travers, thinking he’d have something to say about that.
“Do it.”
“What are we going back there for?”
“Because that’s where we belong,” snapped Emma as she reached them with the rest of the wounded.
“Nice shooting, Lee.”
“What, you think I can’t shoot straight?”
“I know you can’t shoot straight,” he replied with a smile.
But the truth was he’d never been so appreciative of his brother, and Lee knew it.
“I said I’d help these folks out. They’ve done more than enough for us,” replied Travers.
The driver didn’t question it any further, and Donny helped Lee up into the back of the vehicle.
“Do you think he’ll be happy to take us back?” Emma asked.
“I figure he won’t be too pleased we left, but he needs us. Just as we need him,” replied Donny.
The engine roared once more and reversed out. It smashed an enemy vehicle out of the way, and they set off once again. They were driving with nothing more than blackout driving lamps, and so in almost complete darkness. Lee was asleep within minutes. He was so exhausted. He’d collapsed over Emma, who held onto him as they bumped along the rough track.
“I never wanted it to go this way, Donny. I only wanted the best for all of us,” said Travers.
“I never doubted that.”
Half an hour later the driver brought them to a halt and cut the engine. They’d been driving at little more than a crawl due to the terrain and lack of light. They couldn’t have made it to Ross, not even close. It would take hours for that. Donny leapt up to the tailgate of the truck. It was a hive of activity. Bright lights lit up a road running almost parallel to the track they were on, and lines of enemy vehicles driving in convoy. His heart almost stopped, and then his pulse began to race.
“What is it?” Travers leant out beside him.
Donny left him to see for himself, holding his finger to his lips. “Nobody move. Stay quiet, and stay calm.”
Emma looked terrified, especially as she could see the concern in his face.
“We can’t fight that,” Travers whispered and sat back down opposite Donny, who shook his head in agreement.
“What do we do?”
“Nothing, Emma. Wait ‘em out and hope for the best.”
“Will that work?”
Donny shrugged. They were in for a long night.
* * *
It was first light. Ross was awake and sitting on the cabin steps once more. He got so little sleep anymore. Yet he couldn’t help but feel they were idle. They’d done nothing the previous day but care for the wounded Tammy had brought, and forage for whatever they could do keep going. It felt like they were treading water and making no progress at all. Ramos sat down beside him as he’d clearly just woken. He yawned, trying to fully wake up.
“Are we going to look for them again?”
Ross shook his head.
“Where would we even look? We were out there for hours yesterday and saw nothing. We have to be ca
reful, more careful than ever before. If they find us again, it could be the end of us. You heard what Tammy had to say. That base they attacked. It’s like nothing we’ve ever seen. Travers has gone and poked the bear, and we’re gonna pay the price before long.”
“But what about Donny and the rest of them?”
“They know where we are. If they’re still out there, they’ll find a way back.”
“And if they aren’t?”
“Then there’s nothing more we can do for them.”
“They could be behind bars like all the other poor bastards we’ve seen.”
“Yep, and there’s nothing we can do about that.”
All hope seemed lost. As they fell silent, they heard the whistling of a REO truck and leapt to their feet.
“By God, they did make it,” said Ramos in amazement as they watched the vehicle pull into view, with Donny standing on a running board. Ross smiled. It was the best news he could think to get, yet the last he expected. Kim was clapping as she rushed forward to greet them. The vehicle drew to a halt, and Donny was the first off, with a huge smile on his face. They had been through hell, and this reunion is just what he needed. He hugged Kim, and they both went to help the wounded out of the vehicle.
Ramos tapped Ross on the shoulder.
“Things are looking up, huh?”
Even as he said it, Ross’ face turned to a frown. Ramos followed his gaze until he spotted the object of his anger, Travers. Several more of the Minutemen piled out of the truck, and everyone gathered around. Travers was studying the group, assessing them. Ross could see what was happening, the militia leader was weighing up his support. There were more of his own there now than Ross had at his side.
“I told you this was a foolish task. You went forward without any understanding of what you were getting yourself into,” said Ross in an accusatory tone.
“Ross!” Kim complained, angry that he had set upon them after all they had endured and lost.
Ross was not attacking him because he derived any pleasure from it. He was questioning his authority, and making sure he put him in his place before he tried to take charge once more. The group looked to Travers for answers, some response to the accusation. Unfortunately for Ross, he knew how to pander to a crowd.
“It’s true. I made a mistake. I got people killed, and I am sorry for that. I couldn’t be sorrier. But I asked Ross to come with us. I asked him to fight with us. With them by our side we’d have had the expertise and skills we needed. I’m sorry I’m not a military genius. We needed them, and they weren’t there for us.”
“You’re putting this on us?” Ortiz was astonished.
“Tell me things wouldn’t have been different if you’d come with us? If you’d fought with us?”
“This is fucking bullshit.”
Ross held up his hand to call for silence.
“Enough of this. I won’t let you manipulate these people again,” he responded firmly.
“It’s not enough. We are fighting for one another like brothers. Where were you?”
“Not getting our heads blown off in a suicidal attack. Travers, I wouldn’t go with you because I knew you would lead these people down a bad path. But that was my mistake. I shouldn’t have just stood my ground. I should have stopped you.”
“Stopped me? You think you can!”
Donny sighed and shook his head, realising why Travers had been keen to come back. He didn’t want to re-unite them. He wanted to take control. He wanted a new army to lead.
“I backed down last time. I let you do it your way. Not again,” snarled Ross.
“You don’t have a choice. I have the support of the people, or don’t you care what they think?”
“Don’t make out that this is about anything other than you and me, and we’re gonna resolve this right here and now.” Ross stripped off his body armour and sidearm.
“What are you doing?”
“What I should have done from the start, Kim. I never wanted to lead this group, but I never had a choice. So, lead it I will!”
Travers smiled as he stripped off his jacket, confident in his ability to win in a fistfight.
“All right, if this is the way you want to play it, I’m game. But when I win, you’re gonna back me, and help us get this war back on track.”
Ross shook his head.
“Worry about what we do next if you can win.”
They squared off against one another, brought their fists up to guard, and drew closer.
“Does he know what he’s doing?” Kim asked Ramos quietly.
“I can’t say there is much of a precedent to work from, but he’s pretty handy in a fight.”
That wasn’t any comfort to her at all. The rest of them watched, unsure who to root for. The truth was most of them wanted to follow a strong and capable leader. So, they’d follow whoever came out on top, and Ross knew it.
“You should have had the balls to fight first time around. Maybe we’d not be in this mess.”
“Yeah? And maybe if you weren’t reckless, you’d not have led so many people to their deaths. You were in charge. Take responsibility for it.”
Travers swung angrily towards him with a wild but powerful hook. Ross blocked it steadily even though the power of the blow rocked him a little, but he responded with a quick strike to Travers’ jaw. His head snapped back, and he staggered to one side.
“I guess he’s done this before, then?” Kim asked.
“Army boxing champion every year he ever competed,” Ramos smiled slyly.
Travers came back at him again. He delivered a wild flurry of punches that Ross covered well and followed with a kick towards his side. Ross locked his leg at his side and kicked out the other leg from under him. He landed hard but was quick to get back to his feet.
“You did plenty of good, but it’s time someone competent took over.” Ross went forward. Travers narrowly ducked under one jab and delivered a powerful uppercut to Ross’ stomach. He keeled over, and he followed it with a massive strike to the side of his head. He staggered back. Travers capitalised on by leaping forward and delivering another flurry of blows. Ross was stunned, but he stepped aside and took hold of Travers’ arm, pulled him off his feet, and face down into the mud. He turned him over and struck him twice in the face until he was bleeding badly.
“Ross, that’s enough!” Kim yelled.
Ross was hovering over him, his fist waiting to descend in another hammer blow.
“This is over, you hear me?”
Travers would not reply.
“You wanted this, and you lost. Now will you cut the bullshit and accept you aren’t in charge anymore?”
He grumbled and seemed to nod in agreement. It was the best Ross was going to get. He breathed a sigh of relief as he got up. But just as Travers was free, he rolled to one side and reached for the pistol he’d set down on the ground.
“Ross!” Donny shouted.
He turned in time to see the pistol rising towards him, but Payne seemingly came out of nowhere. He struck a hammer strike down on Travers’ arm that almost broke it, and the weapon dropped to the ground. Payne hit him with such power he was knocked out and didn’t recover for a few moments. Ross showed his appreciation as he tapped Payne on the arm, but he needed no words.
Donny paced over to Travers as he came back around. He felt massively disappointed with the former Sergeant. He’d given him two chances now, and he’d disappointed him twice.
“You lied. The first time you were just ignorant. You thought you knew so much more than you did, and that’s my fault for trusting in you. But this time, you deceived us all. You didn’t come with us to help us get back. You came to take charge. Shame on you.”
“Tie him up!” Ross ordered.
But Burns was already on it, with a rope in hand. Travers couldn’t help but focus on the disappointment on Donny’s face. He could find no words. He was not just defeated physically, but emotionally, too, as he began to re-evaluate all he had see
n and done.
Chapter 6
Ross was lashing together some rope about the frame of a new shelter they were putting together not far from the shack they called home. It seemed crazy that they were staying put, but it was a therapeutic experience that gave him time to think.
“He’s not a bad man, you know. Just not the right one for the job,” said Kim.
“Yeah, I guess so, but he got a whole lot of people killed.”
“True, but it’s not like we haven’t lost people as well. This is war after all.”
“Yep, you can’t fight a war without casualties. I get that, more than most people. I’ve seen it and lived it a long time. I’ve lost plenty of friends along the way. But they’re the losses that you couldn’t help. Shit happens, no matter how much you prepare and plan for anything and everything. Then there are the losses that never should have happened, people dying because of ignorance and stupidity. I’ve known leaders like that.”
“And you’ve always stood up to them?”
“As best I could. But you know how it is in the chain of command. We do the job. We bend the rules, but we don’t fight back against those above us.”
“And yet you did against Travers.”
“Well, he ain’t in the chain of command, is he?”
“So that’s it? You beat the crap out of anyone who might challenge you? Is that the way you want this to be? That’s the way cavemen lived, you know that right?”
“We might as well be those cavemen. There’s no government or structure anymore. It’s a jungle out here. Rules of the jungle and all that.”
“So, you’re okay with us losing our humanity?”
“We didn’t lose it. It was taken from us. This is the way it is now. We can complain about it, or we can keep moving forward in the best way we know how.”
“Even if you’re right, we need all the help we can get. I don’t much like Travers, but we need him. You might not like the way he operates, but he got results. What are you gonna do, keep him locked up forever?”
“I don’t know, okay!”