Book Read Free

Sweet Curves

Page 2

by Elisa Leigh

  Me: Aren’t you supposed to be working?

  Avery: I don’t go in for another hour.

  Fancy: You don’t know how bad I needed to see these right


  Me: There are kids in here Ave. What if they saw?

  Avery: Why would they see your phone? You freak out over

  stupid shit L. You need to get laid and chill out.

  Stella: You’re one to talk A.

  I heart Stella’s comment and send a face emoji with a tongue sticking out then put my phone up, getting back to work. We have been busy all morning, and it finally died down for a few minutes. I know any minute people will be filling the shop up again.

  The bell rings above the door, and I look up to find the hottest guy I have ever seen walking in with two cute little girls. Damn! I look away knowing he’s taken and I shouldn’t be looking at a married man like that. What if he’s not married? They could be divorced. Shit, it doesn’t matter. He’s a customer for god’s sake.

  He comes up to the counter that I’m busy wiping and staring at. He places his hands on the counter and clears his throat. Finally, I look up and follow his firm chest and broad shoulders to find a devastatingly handsome man with a few days’ worth of scruff and the prettiest brown eyes I’ve ever seen. The man smirks at me, catching me staring him down. I’m in so much freaking trouble.

  “Are you a princess?” The younger of the two girls asks, surprising me.

  I blush. “No sweetie. I’m definitely not a princess.”

  “Uncle Wyatt, doesn’t she look like a princess?”

  Wyatt looks down at who I now know is his niece. Thank you, Jesus, he’s not the dad, and the guilt I was feeling a minute ago vanishes.

  “Definitely.” He says in a deep voice that cause chills to run down my spine.

  “You’re the uncle,” I mutter, looking between the two girls and this man I’m mentally drooling over.

  “I’m the uncle.” He confirms, staring at my lips. Oh dear lord what am I supposed to do with this?

  “Princesses are pretty and so are you. I think you look like a princess too.” The older and quieter girl says.

  “Well, thank you. What can I get for you three today?”

  “Can I get three scoops?” The younger one begs, shaking Wyatt’s arm and looking up at in adoration.

  “Maisie you can’t eat all of that. Just get one scoop and then we can share.” The older girl suggests.

  “But what if you get a kind I don’t like? Can I get three Uncle Wyatt? Pleeeease!” Maisie asks again.

  Wyatt is still staring at me, but I can’t tell what he’s thinking. He almost looks upset with how intently he’s looking at my face. The bell above the door rings and I look over, seeing a family come in with four kids. Damn, I better get moving before we’re completely slammed. Georgie is on his lunch break right now and won’t be back for another fifteen minutes.

  “What can I get-”

  “What’s your name?” He asks.

  “Lanie, like rainy but with an “L.” Oh, my God, that sounds dumb. Sooo... what would you girls like?” I ask, trying to move them along.

  They look over at their uncle, and he smiles down at them. “Get whatever you want. No more than three scoops Maisie.” Her smile lights up her face, and she orders a scoop of blueberry, strawberry, and vanilla. Her sister orders a double scoop of plain chocolate.

  “And what would you like?”

  He stares into my eyes and doesn’t answer. I clear my throat after a few seconds. “Wyatt, can I get you something?”

  “What’s your favorite?”

  My cheeks burn. “Chocolate peanut butter swirl.”

  “I’ll have two scoops of that.” I nod and make him his ice cream. After he pays, he goes with the girls and sits down in a booth where they eat their ice cream. I don’t dare look over at them too embarrassed by my attraction to him. What if he caught me staring?

  I’m in the middle of taking a slew of orders when Georgie comes in from his break early. “Thank you, Jesus. A few more people just walked in. It’s getting busy again.”

  “I figured.” He smiles at me and takes the next order. We work in tandem for the next twenty minutes serving everyone until the line is gone.

  I look over at the booth they were sitting at, and I’m sad when I see it filled with a few teenagers, and they aren’t anywhere in sight. The sense of loss I feel unnerves me. It’s probably for the best. I’m a mess when it comes to guys. I wouldn’t even know what to do with a man like him. I shrug it off and tell myself I’ll meet a guy someday. I’ve got a good life with great friends, I’ve never been happier than I am right now.

  I’m proud of this place that always brought me comfort as a child. I would come here after school and help my Nana and then as I grew up I would work here each summer. I finished business school two years ago, in the hopes that one day I’d be able to help run the place for Nana, keeping this place thriving. The day I graduated she surprised me by signing it over to me. Of course, Leo and Lydia tried to make me feel bad about taking advantage of our Nana. Nana told me to ignore them and just do what I thought was best. “You’re going to do amazing things, Lanie. Believe in yourself baby.”

  I’ve always felt like she was the only one in my family who believed in me. Not sure what it is about me, maybe my constant clumsiness or the way I look different from their perfectly polished exterior. Whatever it is, I don’t care anymore.

  “Who was that guy?” Georgie asks, interrupting my thoughts.

  “What guy?”

  “The one that couldn’t keep his eyes off you. The one with the girls.”

  I shrug my shoulders not sure what to say.

  “They left a few minutes ago,” Georgie says, trying to get something out of me.

  “How do you know?” I ask, bumping his shoulder.

  “I was watching some of the chicks in here try and hit on him. Don’t worry, he wasn’t interested. He’d ignore them and go back to looking at you.”

  I roll my eyes at him.

  “What? They were looking hot, probably bitches if they were hitting on him with the girls there, but still hot.” He defends himself.

  I laugh at Georgie. He started working here while he was in college and has been here for the past couple of years. Now that he’s graduated I’m not sure why he’s still here. I think it has to do with the fact that he doesn’t have any family. Nana kind of adopted him and we all became close. He’s like my little brother. He’s a firefighter and only comes in on as days off, but all the extra help is appreciated.

  “I’m not worried, Georgie. Besides, if he was as interested as you think he is, why did he leave without saying anything?”

  Becoming irritated with the conversation I begin cleaning up. It was only a few minutes of barely there conversation. At most he said ten words to me, yet I can’t stop thinking about him. The way his eyes bore into mine, the tick of his jaw the longer he stared. I mean what the hell was up with that? I didn’t do anything to him.

  Georgie stops me from scrubbing a hole into the counter by wrapping his arm around my shoulders. “If he didn’t see how special you are, he’s clearly missing out. One day some guy is going to come into your life and show you how beautiful you are. I hope when that day comes though, you already know.”

  “Know what?”

  “That you deserve love. That he should fight for you and not treat you like a fucking option. You, my friend are worth more than that, I only wish you saw it. The man you give your heart to better treat you like the queen you are, or we’ll be having words.” He kisses the top of my head, and I hug his side.

  Georgie walks out to the back seeming upset. I need to figure out what’s going on with him. I know he’s not interested in me, we’ve never had that kind of relationship. Shaking my head, I hear the bell ring at the front door and turn around to face the front again and see Wyatt staring at me and looking pissed. He has a bouquet of wildflowers in his grasp that he drops

to the ground and then storms out the door.

  What the hell is that all about? I’m about to go after him when a few more customers walk in. Damn it’s busy. With Georgie out, I can’t leave, and I’m forced to stay and wonder what just happened. Were those flowers for me? If they were, why was he so angry?

  When everyone is taken care of, I’m able to walk over and pick up the flowers he dropped. They are still beautiful, wrapped in a pink satin ribbon. Bringing them to my nose, my senses are enveloped by their sweet scent. I’m giddy knowing he went through the effort to do something sweet, but don’t understand why he left the way he did. Putting them in an extra vase Nana has in the back, I place them on the counter so I can look at them throughout the day.

  “Where did you get those?” Georgie asks.

  I try and hide my smile, but I can’t. “Oh, this is going to be good. It was that guy wasn’t it?”

  “Yes! But when I noticed he was standing there, he just drops them on the floor and walks out. It’s so weird.”

  “That is really fucking weird Lanie. Maybe it’s better he left.”

  “Yeah, I don’t know. Maybe. Anyway, what’s going on with you? Why did you just walk out like that earlier?”

  “Just leave it alone Lanie. I don’t want to talk about it.”

  “Whatever you want Georgie. You know I’m here for you though if you do want to talk, don’t you?”

  “Of course, but I gotta figure this one out on my own.”



  Tom ended up seeing us in town after a lunch he had with a client, giving me the perfect opportunity to get her some flowers. We were in the flower shop picking out some flowers for my mom when the girls suggested I bring some to the “princess.” Tom quirked his eyebrow at me, and I shook my head not wanting to tell him I’m completely gone over someone I just met. If they thought I was crazy before, god only knows what they’d think now.

  “You okay man?” He asks after I walk out of the shop.

  “Yep. I’m going to get these two to mom. See you later?” I ask.

  “See you tonight.” He answers. I can tell he’s not convinced but leaves me alone.

  “Come on let’s get back to Nana and Papa’s.”

  “Bye, daddy. I’ll see you later.” The girls tell Tom.

  “Did she like them, Uncle Wyatt? They were sooo pretty!” Maisie asks me.

  I’m not going to tell her that I couldn’t bring myself to give them to her. “Yeah, pretty girl. She liked them.”

  She claps her hands giddily then grabs mine as we make our way back to the truck.

  I have to listen to my nieces talk the entire way home about Lanie, my Lanie. She really is the most beautiful woman I have ever met. I keep picturing her full lips and how she sucked on her bottom one as I walked up to her counter, her furiously scrubbing away at it. When she finally looked up my chest tightened. The way she looked me over, the obvious attraction we shared, had me standing taller wanting to beat my chest, proud that I seemed to be enough, at least in her eyes. Then it hits me again, and all I feel is anger and regret that she had someone else. How could she look at me that way if she had a man?

  By the time we make it back to my parent’s house, I’m more angry and confused than I was when I left the ice cream shop. The more I think about it, the more questions I have. I keep going back and forth with myself. I don’t know if I’d rather yell at her or kiss her? It has been a long time since I’ve felt so much in such a short amount of time. I feel like such a fool for giving into it. It’s all too much.

  When I pull myself out of my head and make it into the house, the girls have already told my parents all about our day, including Lanie.

  I hand her the flowers we picked out, and she waits for me to tell her more, but I don’t. “You want to talk about it?” She asks looking concerned again.

  I sigh. “Not really. Let’s just say that it was something stupid.”

  “I’m sure that’s not true. All women love getting flowers, especially from handsome men.”

  “Unless they already have a man?”

  “Oh no! Did she tell you that?”

  “She didn’t have to. It was foolish. I don’t know why I did it.”

  “Sure you do dear, you never act unless you’re sure. Maybe you should give her another chance. Maybe things aren’t as they seem.”

  I shrug. “Maybe.”


  After a few days of thinking it over, I’ve had enough. I thought I would have been able to get her out of my head by now, but her memory follows me through the days and even into my nights. All I can think of is what she’s doing and who she’s spending her time with. Is it that guy who was with her before?

  I decide that I need to know, need to be sure that she’s happy, even if it is with another man. The moment I walk into the shop her eyes are on mine, and I see that same guy standing beside her. Without hesitation, she steps out from around the corner in the middle of an order, and I see the guy smiling at me. I wasn’t expecting that.

  The closer she gets I realize how small she is compared to me. The urge to protect her from anything life could throw at her fills me. This time I’m not as surprised by the feelings, in fact, I embrace them.

  “Is he your boyfriend?” I ask as soon as she is standing in front of me. Shit, I didn’t mean to say that. “I mean, do you have a boyfriend?”

  She blushes and shakes her head. “Did you mean Georgie?” She asks, pointing at the guy behind the counter watching us. I glare at him, and he laughs.

  “Be nice! And ew, he’s like my brother.”

  “I heard that missy,” Georgie calls from behind the counter and without turning around Lanie holds up her middle finger to him. “This is a family establishment Ms. Crews. You better watch it.” He says mockingly.

  “I’m taking my lunch. Georgie, I’ll be back later.” She says grabbing my arm and pulling me out the door.

  “Sorry about that.” She says after a minute of walking in silence and her hand still wrapped around my arm.

  I nod, deep in thought over the fact that she’s single. A few minutes go by, and I still don’t say anything.

  “Where are we going?”

  I stop us in the middle of the sidewalk and pull her to a bench when I realize we’re in the way of other people who are walking.

  “I’ve really messed this up. I think we should start over. I’m Wyatt Thompson. I’m thirty-three, and I don’t get out much. Hence my inability to talk to a beautiful woman.” I say holding my hand out to her.

  She smiles shyly and shakes my hand, never letting it go as she talks. “I’m Lanie Crews, and I’m twenty-four. I don’t have a reason why I’m bad at talking to people though. I come off as an awkward mess most of the time.”

  I set my hand that is still clutching hers down on my leg. Her hand is so soft, and all I can think about is how soft the rest of her body must be. Damn, she’s a fucking sight, and I can’t get enough of her. “Would you want to have dinner with me, Lanie?”

  “I like the way you say my name.” She blurts out and ducks her head, so I can’t see her face and the blush spreading over her cheeks.

  “How’s that?” I ask, lifting her chin with my finger.

  “I can’t really explain it to you, but it sounds good coming out of your mouth.” She says staring at said mouth.

  Lanie has no idea the dirty thoughts that are running through my mind. I do my best to think of anything but her beautiful curves laid out on my bed, but I fail epically. Hell, I’m picturing her in a white dress. I can’t wait for the day when I make her mine. I know now more than ever before that Lanie will have my last name and my child in her belly. It’s only a matter of time before I make what we’re both feeling a reality. First, I need to make her fall in love with me.

  “We’re going out tonight. What time do you get out of work?”

  “Tonight? What day is it?”


  “But it
’s taco night,” Lanie says, jumping up adorably and begins pacing in front of me.

  “We can get tacos.” I laugh not understanding the problem.

  “No. We can’t get tacos. I get tacos with someone else.” She says talking quickly looking everywhere but at me. Before I lose my shit, I take a second to think through all she’s said. I stand in front of her and grasp her shoulders, slowly sliding my hands up her neck, I feel her pulse race against the palm of my hand. I spear my fingers into her long silky hair and tug slightly, so she’s looking at me.

  “Slow it down Lanie and tell me what you’re doing tonight, so I understand,” I tell her as evenly as I can.

  God, the way she looks at me makes me feel like I could lift mountains. “Every week my friends and I meet for tacos. We’ve been doing it for years, It’s kind of our thing. We never cancel, ya’ know, ‘sisters before misters’ sort of thing.”

  I grin knowing every moment I spend with her is going to be interesting. “Will you join me tomorrow then?”

  “You don’t think it’s stupid?”

  “Nothing about you is or ever will be stupid. You get me, Lanie?”

  She smiles, a big toothy smile and it goes straight to my chest. Jesus is she always going to make me feel this much. I fucking hope so.

  “I got you, Wyatt.

  After making sure to grab her lunch I walk her back to The Ice Dream Shoppe and make her promise to call me when she gets out of work.



  Wyatt insisted on buying me lunch. When I told him no, he told me feeding me was his way of taking care of me. I couldn’t argue with him after that. He bought me a sub from the sandwich place and walked me back to work. Before he left, he kissed my cheek then reminded me to text him when I was finished with work. The shop is empty when I walk in, besides Georgie who’s on his phone behind the counter, so I sit down at one of our tables and eat while we have no one here.

  Me: He asked me out, and I told him no! I ditched him for you


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