The Salvation of Daniel (The Blue Butterfly Book 2)
Page 4
“Shit!” I hissed to myself when the thud ricocheted off the wall. My ears were frantic, listening as my eyes scanned furiously. Another movement to my left. I spun, dipping into a crouch quickly as I fired at him, a hole appearing in the middle of his forehead before my knees bent fully.
A bullet shot past me, narrowly missing my ear. I dived behind a cupboard. Snorting, I mentally thanked Daniel for fixing a mirror to the wall. I was impressed, even though the fixture meant nothing to him, to a Phantom it meant extra eyes.
The idiot stared down the hall as I stared at him through the mirror, watching every single move he made. My heart jumped when I saw another reflection in a doorway halfway down. “Fuck.”
I blew out a breath, rearranging the knife in my hand as I inhaled slowly, focussing on every single atom in the air around me.
Life is an execution. Death is a privilege.
I concentrated on the beat of my heart, using it to regulate my breathing, allowing it to tame my pulse. Stepping out I aimed my knife with a slight bend to my arm, swiftly flicking my fingers straight as the Phantom at the end shouted out. The other one stepped out of the door as if in slow motion. My finger forced the trigger. Both bullet and knife flew to their marks, both embedding their targets at the same time, both saving my life.
“Well, shit, Shadow. Who’d have ever thought you would go rogue.”
I stilled, my teeth sinking into my lower lip. My mouth dried as I turned around. Blade stood before me, his customary cruel grin on his scarred face. “You think I’m defecting because I’m protecting a child?”
He laughed and shook his head. “Life for necessity.” He repeated one of the many quotes buried inside all Phantoms.
“Her life is a necessity, Blade.”
He tutted, pouting dramatically. “Well, fuck me, who’d have thought the cold Shadow had something beating in her chest?” He ran his tongue round the inside of his cheek and smirked at me. “Oh honey.” The tip of his blade ran between my breasts slowly causing my breath to pause. “I should just take you here. See what’s so fascinating to him about that frigid cunt of yours.”
“Aww, jealous, Blade? You never know, kill me and maybe he’ll reward you with his cock in your ass instead of down your throat.”
“You bitch!”
My own eyes widened as shock contorted his ugly face. He was frozen in time for a moment before his mouth dropped open and blood ran from the corner of his lips, the trail that trickled down his neck reminding me of things I didn’t want reminding of. I stepped back, shock of my own rendering me stupid as Blade dropped to the floor.
My eyes locked onto Daniel who stood at the bottom of the stairs, the gun still aimed towards me. He stared at me, his eyes intense and full of glee. I narrowed mine on him, not liking the look of delight on his face with the assassin of my old friend.
Life snapped back. I nodded my thanks, refusing to voice the acknowledgement. “Where’s Annie?”
He turned and made his way up the stairs, reappearing a few moments later with his daughter in his arms. Her eyes were still clenched, her arms still hugging her teddy.
I licked my lips, trying to reapply the moisture that had evaporated when my life had flashed before me. “We need to go.”
He frowned at me. “Why, they’re all gone?”
I stared at him. “Are you really that stupid? There’ll be more.”
His face showed his dilemma, his eyes curious on me. “Why are you doing this?”
“You think I’m doing this for you?” I laughed, causing his teeth to clench together, his strong jaw showcasing his ire. “I’m doing this for Annie.”
He swallowed, his eyes shifting to the bundle in his arms, his expression softening for a moment. He sighed deeply. “Fine, we get her to safety.”
I nodded. “Don’t worry. I have unfinished business. Don’t let my love for Annie confuse you into thinking I give a damn about your outcome in all this.”
He chuckled, prompting my gut to constrict with anger. “Lead the way, Shadow.”
I turned before I shot the bastard between the eyes, and made my way in front of them through the house, checking it was clear as we moved into the garage. I threw his own keys at him causing him to glare at me when he realised I’d lifted them without his knowledge. I smiled sweetly. “You drive.”
MY THROAT HURT as I gazed at her sleeping form, the wall of anguish building until it was almost painful. She was so adorable, so innocent and fresh-faced. She’d inherited her mother’s looks as well as her heart.
My lips curled when she twitched her nose, something I’d been told I always did in my sleep. I brushed away the lock of hair that was being sucked in between her lips with each soft snore she produced, her tongue sneaking out to catch the tickle.
Sighing, I pulled the duvet up around her and swallowed. My gut twisted with anger when I thought of what had happened. How dare she come to my home and bring Phantoms with her? To my daughter!
I knew the organisation, but luckily, so far I had never had any dealings with them. They were ruthless and merciless, an establishment only the richest of the rich went to when they had ‘associates’ they needed to disappear. If you had a Phantom after you, you knew your life was over – simple. They were notorious for their cruel delivery of pain and torture, their assassins brutal and heartless.
And now, now I shared a hotel room with one.
Connie stood in front of the giant window, her arms pulled around the front of her body as she hugged herself. A deep sigh rattled from her. “Is she sleeping?”
I furrowed my brow, amazed that she had heard me from such a distance. “Yes.”
She nodded without turning. I closed the distance swiftly, my anger controlling my need to hurt her but as I neared her she spun round and tutted. “Daniel.” She sighed and shook her head. “You need to understand that whatever hatred you have for me, you cannot match the intensity of mine towards you. But whereas you prefer to strike out to rid you of yours, I prefer the more sensible approach.”
“And that is?”
Her eyes held mine for a moment before a small smile touched her lips, the mirror image of Mae’s smile pulling deep inside me. “Discipline. You should be good at that. After all, you demand it from everyone around you. But I must say,” she continued after another loud tut, “you’re very much undisciplined yourself.”
She lifted a brow, mocking me when I chewed on my lower lip to prevent myself from launching her through the glass at her back. My veins tightened in fury as my body tensed.
“I rest my case,” she murmured with a roll of her eyes before turning her back on me. My hand shot out, just missing the grasp of her hair, the air from its gentle sway echoing over my fingers. I remained stock still so I didn’t lose control and throttle the mirror image of Mae, of Annie.
Walking over to the mini-bar, she dipped her body, studying the contents before selecting a mini bottle of vodka. Unscrewing the cap she devoured the alcohol in one. I watched her fill the empty bottle with water, screw the lid back on then slip it into her backpack.
“You’re stealing a bottle?”
She winked at me as she reached down and unbuckled her boots. Sitting on the edge of the bed, she groaned when she pulled them off and wriggled her toes. “Isn’t it a bastard when your feet hurt?”
My fists clenched at her vulgarity. “I am honestly finding your relationship to Mae hard to envisage.”
Her body stiffened. “I’d rather we didn’t talk about my sister.”
I pursed my lips at her tone. “And why is that?”
She stood up in front of me, her eyes dark and fixed on mine as she unbuttoned her jeans and slid them down her legs. I kept my gaze trained on her face, a smug tilt to her lips showing she was aware of my inner fight to control my gaze. “Because, you don’t deserve to ever utter her name again and if you do I’ll cut out your fucking tongue.”
I nodded, agreeing with her as I turned and walked over to a large wardrobe in the corner of the ro
om. “That may be, but then again, what gives you the right? Mae thought you were dead. You abandoned her when she most needed you.”
Silence descended. The atmosphere constricted around us and the slight wheeze in my lungs caused me to frown and turn. She was in front of me, blade out and pointed directly at my eye, the tip almost touching my tear duct.
“Let’s not swap the sins we seek redemption for when it comes to Mae, Daniel. Nothing can save you from yours and if it wasn’t for Annie, I would be your judgement, this blade cutting every piece of sin out of you, saving your black heart for last.”
Her steady hand was impressive considering I was vibrating with anger, and worse, guilty from the truth of her words.
“Last warning about speaking her name.” She lowered the blade, nicking my bottom lip before, as quickly as she had come at me, she retreated, slipping into bed.
Swiping the blood, sucking it from my finger, I pulled out the spare blanket that was on a high shelf and grabbed some pillows, making myself comfy in the high-backed chair to one corner of the room as I tried to fight my inner urges, my deep-rooted training of Master to the sheep, and not drag her from her bed and give her a lesson in blood for blood.
My thoughts ventured back to the house. Someone had put a price on my head and although that didn’t drive fear through me, the thoughts of what would happen to Annie did. No child should lose both their parents at such a young age. I held no regard for my own life but every breath I took was for Annie, every lift and fall of my lungs was programmed so I could take care of my daughter. My blood only flowed so I could nurture an angel that had been created out of hell.
“I did what I had to,” Connie whispered into the room. The pain in her voice was physical, like hands curling around my throat and making me gasp.
“What are you doing here? Why are you helping us?”
Darkness surrounded us, the only sounds apart from our own breathing were some drunken people singing their way home after a night out. A phone rang somewhere in the hotel but it was so low, my ears barely recognised it.
“I’m not here for you. If it were up to me, I would have ended your life years ago.”
“I get that. But there’s a reason you haven’t yet. And I know that if a Phantom wants me dead then I shouldn’t bother ordering groceries next week. But yet…”
“Yet here I am, killing my friends for you.”
Her words stabbed me in the gut. “They were your friends?”
She chuckled, the sound a reflection of someone who held my heart, making me swallow back the bile. “Were, yes. However, we all endure the agony of Satan to experience the rapture of blood.”
I frowned at her strange words. “You placed a mark on your head to protect mine.”
She was silent for a moment. “Go to sleep, Daniel. We have a hard day tomorrow.”
“Can I ask one thing of you?” Her silence encouraged me to ask. “Whatever happens, you will protect Annie?”
“With my life.”
I didn’t doubt that statement. Something clicked in my head and I smiled to myself. “She’s the blood you’re taking on hell’s wrath for.”
Her swallow was loud. “Goodnight.”
I nodded, aware that she couldn’t see me but something told me she was more than conscious of it. The fact that I was sleeping in a room with an assassin wasn’t lost but I knew if she had wanted me dead, then I wouldn’t be sitting in a chair, hugging a brittle blanket to my chest.
I turned my head, listening through the open doorway for Annie’s snores. My heart swelled with the sound of them and a smile touched my lips before I drifted off to dreams of a woman who refused to break free from my soul.
“ARE YOU AN angel?”
Annie’s question floored me. Her wide eyes were on my face, waiting for my answer, but all I could do was blink at her. Daniel snorted from where he was still huddled in the chair as Annie and I sat on the bed watching cartoons. I flicked him a glance, my narrow eyes giving warning. I wasn’t sure I could do what was needed. I was already at my tolerance limit with the arrogant fuck, and my plans now seemed more daunting than they had.
“No, Annie. I’m not an angel, sweetie. But you most definitely are.”
Her brow pinched, confusion shadowing her pretty features. “But…” She huffed and twisted her lips in thought. “My daddy says you’re dead. He told me that.” She turned to look at Daniel angrily. The pain in his eyes caused a lump to shift from my chest up my throat.
“Annie.” She turned back to me when I said her name. I sighed and took her hand in mine, my thumb stroking across her little hand to soothe her pain. “Your mummy was my sister. My twin sister.” I smiled at her, encouraging my words to make sense to her. Sometimes it was hard to remember that she was only four, her attitude and aptitude way beyond her short years.
“You should have just been honest with her from the start.”
My eyes shot to Daniel. Anger surged through me and the struggle to hold back and unleash many of his untruths was proving difficult in front of my niece.
“Honesty is not always the truth, Daniel. I’m sure you’re aware of that. Remember how you told Annie that you and her mummy built sandcastles on the beach when you met?”
His eyes widened, his throat bobbing rapidly as he shifted his gaze between me and Annie. “How…?”
“Well, Annie Belly, your daddy didn’t tell you the truth…” He shot upright off the chair. “They made little caves because your Daddy is rubbish at castles.”
He stood stock still as Annie giggled, his hands fisted by his side as he glared at me. His jaw was rigid, his lip flanked by his teeth as he angrily gnawed on the flesh. I recognised the need for death and destruction in his eyes, the mirror to my soul.
I tipped my head slightly. “We must always tell every – single – detail, Daniel!”
I would never tell Annie the story of how she was created but damn him and his double standards. I had hidden my truthful identity from Annie for numerous reasons, firstly because I didn’t want her disclosing who I was to Daniel and Frank, but also if I was honest with myself, I wanted her to love me, and stupid as I had been, it was the only thing I could think of at that time.
Annie turned to Daniel, her hands on her hips and her head tilted. “Don’t worry, Daddy. Connie…” She smiled widely at me before turning back to her father. “Me and Connie will teach you how to make sandcastles. They’re super, super easy but we need a special bucket to help you.”
Daniel grinned at her, his face lighting up. I had to admit he really was quite stunning, the depth of his chocolate eyes not only hiding many secrets but holding masses of love for his daughter. Life wasn’t biased; it didn’t grant you what you deserved. I knew Daniel didn’t deserve Annie, or Mae’s love come to that, but we were given what we were given and who was I to oppose that? At the end of the day, I deserved a much bigger punishment than Daniel ever did. But I accepted that, often choosing to discipline myself rather than waiting for it to find me.
“I’m hungry,” Annie said, bringing me out of my musing.
“Of course you are, you slept in rather late this morning.”
She nodded but then her little face creased up. “Connie.” Nodding to her, encouraging her to ask what she needed to, I noticed Daniel’s eyes close with the pitch of anguish in Annie’s voice. “Will they… will they come back?”
I knew she referred to the Phantoms and although I didn’t want to lie to her, it was a necessity to ease her worry. “Well… for one.” I took both her hands in my own and squeezed them tight. “I’m a superhero, and I promise to protect you.”
Her eyes widened as a huge excited grin erupted over her pretty face. “You are?”
I nodded firmly. “I am. I have powers that will keep the baddies away. Like the Toad King, I will stop anyone from hurting you. You have to be a big, brave girl for me though. You need to listen to your daddy and me and promise me that whatever, you will be good and listen to us.”
She nodded eagerly. “I will. I promise.” She took a lock of my hair and twisted it around her finger, sealing her pledge. Wrapping her in my arms, I pulled her little body to mine, feeding from her love for me and strengthening my resolve to do what was needed.
“There’s one thing I need you to be brave for.” Her eyes narrowed, along with Daniel’s. “I need you to go stay with your Auntie while your Daddy and I sort some things out.”
“What the…?” Daniel spat out. “No way!” I turned to him, my eyes narrow and accusing.
“Who?” Annie asked, her confused little face staring at me.
I turned to her, giving her a reassuring smile. “Your Auntie Helen. Your daddy’s sister.”
I BIT MY lip, forcing back the acid that bubbled in my gut and trying to force itself free up my throat. How dare she do this? This wasn’t her choice. Although a part of me agreed with her, Helen was the safest option for Annie. Nobody knew of her, and the fact that Connie did was quite surprising.
“Did you pack Herbert?” Annie gasped as she leaned forward in her seat, her little face appearing in the gap between mine and Connie’s seat.
“I did.” Connie expressed quickly to appease her. “He’s tucked in securely, sleeping off the adventure as we speak.” Annie nodded and relaxed again, the worry on her face making my heart pang. “Annie.” Connie spoke softly again. Annie looked into the mirror to her. “I promise you that you will love Auntie Helen. She’s fun and very, very good at making scrummy cakes.”
My head snapped in her direction, my glare furious and full of hatred. “You’ve already met her?”
She sighed and snorted at the venom in my voice. “Of course I have. You don’t think I would take Annie to her if I hadn’t vetted her, do you?”
“I don’t know anything about you. I can’t believe we’re even doing this.” My stomach churned the closer we got to Helen’s. I hadn’t seen my sister in over fifteen years. I had no idea who she was anymore. “Are you sure she’s capable of looking after Annie?”
“Yes,” Connie said slowly as though already bored with me.