Aqua Domination

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Aqua Domination Page 5

by William Doughty

  ‘Oh, no!’ Mary laughed. ‘Dream on! You’re not that good, David. Sorry to disappoint you, but you didn’t screw me up. I was born screwed up. Shit, anyway, I’m no more screwed up than anybody else. I’m just more honest, and I express more. I do more.’

  ‘You do more,’ David echoed, and laughed a small, tentative laugh that sounded rusty from long disuse.

  ‘Fuck, now I feel ten times better because of all the crazy stuff I’ve done lately,’ Mary said with her habitual sincerity and truthfulness that hardly anybody had ever liked. ‘You know, David, the thing is this,’ she added, leaning towards him and touching his arm briefly. She spoke in an urgent whisper. ‘I am so fucking sick and tired of trying to pretend to be fucking normal. Or even halfway normal. I’m never going to try like that again, David.’

  ‘I agree,’ David replied. ‘Fuck being normal.’

  For a few minutes the man and woman sat in absolute silence. They drank coffee, had a biscuit each, and said not a word. David sorted his books into little piles, one for each publisher. Then he sorted them again, by writer. Then he arranged them in the order they were published. There are many ways in which a man and woman can sit together and say nothing. To her surprise, Mary realised that this particular silence was companionable. Despite all the terrible events and the shouting matches of the past, here they were sitting like the oldest of friends who say nothing because they no longer fear silence. Mary felt warm and cosy.

  Lust came into her mind and body, taking her by surprise once more. She decided to ignore it and to leave quickly. Obviously it would be insane to even think of having sex with David even if he had begged her to, and there was no chance of that happening. He was certainly determined never to get involved with her again.

  So what.

  ‘Let’s have a bath together,’ she said.

  David started as though he had had an electric shock. He had trouble getting any words out. ‘We can’t begin it again, Mary,’ he said at last. ‘We mustn’t. We have to be determined. For both our sakes. It’s too dangerous. For both of us. We were lucky that you ran away two years ago.’

  Mary leaned over the table and touched the huge bulge in David’s jeans.

  ‘You got a full erection,’ she pointed out quietly, ‘as soon as I spoke.’

  ‘My cock is not intelligent. My cock is very stupid and very cruel. I’m an absolute sadist. There is nothing else, that’s all there is. You must leave now, Mary. I beg you to leave.’

  Mary knew that he was right. Of course she ought to leave now.

  ‘Don’t be afraid,’ she said gently. ‘We’ll have a bath together and it will be good, I promise.’ She held his hand and looked into his eyes. ‘I’ll have a bath with you and we’ll have a great time, because I insist on certain conditions.’

  David’s erection inside his jeans was hurting him. He grimaced, and handled his penis so that it was at a better, less painful, angle.

  ‘What conditions?’ he whispered hoarsely.

  And Mary knew she had him. Her mouth filled with strangely bitter saliva. She knew triumph.

  And she knew fear.

  ‘You can dominate me,’ Mary stated. ‘But no restraint and no gags. You can whip me and punish me and order me around and you can humiliate me and you can insult me verbally. But I may well insult you back, verbally I mean. You can fuck me and order me to suck you. You can dress me up. It won’t be a perfect scene for you because I won’t be helpless, but it’ll be interesting for us both to see just how much punishment I can take without being restrained. Bound helpless. It’ll be more interesting for you than sitting around watching TV or however the hell you spend your time now that you don’t work and you’re so depressed.’

  Mary said all this with as much outward calm as if she were talking about the weather. Inwardly, however, she was profoundly fascinated and exquisitely terrified. Mounting in her body, mind and soul was an excitement of an order she had hardly thought possible for any human being.

  David was hooked, she knew that for sure. He had taken her bait despite all his very real determination not to have anything to do with her ever again. But what could she do with him now that she had him hooked? Was he nowadays a small enough fish for her to reel in safely? Or was he a deadly shark, as in the old days, who could drag her down into deep waters and devour her utterly?

  ‘I make furniture,’ David announced.


  ‘I make furniture, especially tables. Individual, one-of-a-kind, handcrafted tables. Using fine woods. I don’t just watch TV.’

  ‘Fine! You’re a craftsman.’

  ‘I can’t make them as well as I want to make them,’ David sighed. ‘But I know you don’t want to hear about my carpentry now. Look, Mary, I’m sorry I asked to hear your conditions. Actually we can’t have a bath or do anything else together. It’s too dangerous. What I want to do now is read this great book of Robert Sheckley short stories, then reread this underrated Katherine Maclean.’

  ‘I’ll be back in a minute,’ said Mary as she stood up. She went to her car, got her black plastic garbage bag full of David’s equipment, and took it into the bathroom. There she turned on the taps of the huge red bath, and she poured in the rest of the old bottle of foam bath liquid. She returned to David in the kitchen.

  ‘After we have a bath I’ll clean this place up a bit,’ she told him. ‘It needs it.’

  ‘You’re pretty scary nowadays, Mary.’

  Mary gazed into David’s eyes and shivered. Within this man, an evil power was awakening. He wanted to dominate her, to use her body. David had tried to be good, and now she had turned up and tempted him back to his old evil. How bad she was! Naturally, Mary could not help but feel proud.

  ‘What the fuck.’ She laughed. ‘We’ll have a few orgasms, you can treat me like shit, and then I’ll go away again and you can glue the spine of this William Tenn and then make a better table because you’ll feel better. Come on, let’s go into the bathroom.’

  ‘You really will have to go away again. You can’t stay here, or even come regularly. We’ll do this once and then you’ll go, right?’

  ‘I promise,’ Mary lied cheerfully. Bored with telling the truth all the time, she felt rejuvenated by the lie. It was fresh and bright. In fact, she decided then and there, she would go when she was good and ready. She might leave tomorrow, or she might leave in a month’s time. If she could make David beg her to stay, that would be the perfect time to go.

  By force of old habit they went into the living room to undress, after closing the curtains. David had never liked to see clothes lying around in the bathroom where he indulged his dark urges. I thought I had thrown away all those old habits, Mary said to herself, but now they all come back, the same old nightmare, a descent down black stone steps into the heart of David’s ritual. His dangerous obsessions. But an old nightmare was so much better than nothing.

  Naked, standing apart, they stared at one another like boxers meeting for the third time in a big fight, like animals wondering which can devour the other, like followers of some unholy nameless religion, like a lonely man and a lonely woman afraid and longing.

  David’s unusually large cock seemed even bigger than Mary remembered. His body was small, but his erect cock would have looked big even if he had been the tallest of men. This combination of small body and huge cock made him seem all cock. It was, for Mary, hypnotic.

  ‘You have a fantastic body,’ said David, his voice roughened by a terrible lust. As he stared at her, his cock pulsed up and down with the rapid beats of his heart, so ferocious was the tension of its trapped blood.

  Mary could not say anything. Two years ago she had run away from this crazy man. She felt she had been running for her life. Now she was back. Now resumed the course of time.

  She wanted to hug and praise him, to show some tenderness. But she knew he would despise her for that weakness, her need for a little show of normal affection, so she hung back. For a moment she felt he might co
me forwards and take her in his arms, but then he abruptly turned away. And she followed him into that bathroom, that room of watery, bubbling pain and slipperiness and absolute tension. Breathless she followed that man of final confusion.

  When they closed the bathroom door behind them, the sound had the air of finality in Mary’s ears, as though she and David had been sealed in here together for eternity. Sunlight streamed in through the tall windows at the far end of the room, double-glazed windows which were soundproof. Mary was glad that she could scream as much as she liked in this room of all rooms, and only she and David would hear. There was a fine freedom in being able to scream for once, instead of trying to pretend that there was nothing to scream about, that the way people lived was good, that the world made sense. In reality there was plenty to scream about even before David began her chastisement. Yes, and the sunlight shone in. How beautiful it made everything look, how lovely. So there would be pain and beauty.

  All hesitation gone, David opened the cupboard, selected pieces from his collection, and lay them beside the bath. Mary shivered. Time had circled.

  They laughed as they got into the water, they laughed awkwardly to relieve their tension. Suddenly they stopped laughing and gasped with the shock of joy. Kissing and groping and stroking they lay down in the foaming warm water, and they revelled in the feel of one another’s exquisitely desirable bodies all wet and slippery. Mary loved that slipperiness that made her so aware of every part of her own body, and every detail of her terrible lust. Water was a map of the skin, a map on the skin, showing all that was in the skin.

  Writhing like snakes, they pressed and rubbed their hot flesh together, four clever hands everywhere. Mary knew again the purity of desperation. For two years she had told herself that she did not need that bastard David and his disgusting, freakish bathroom designed for sex of extreme strangeness. For two years she had lied to herself. Now all that had gone. There was only slippery wet flesh.

  ‘Suck my cock,’ David ordered, standing up.

  Slavishly, Mary suckled on his bloated tool, kneeling in the bath, holding his shaft in one hand while she used the other for fervent masturbation. David held her head in both hands and fucked her mouth with short sharp strokes.

  ‘You filthy whore,’ he gasped. ‘Stop jerking off. Just pay attention to me, you silly slut.’

  ‘I need to come,’ Mary cried. She stopped masturbating and sucked David’s cock with wonderful skill and passion, worshipping it. Her teeth grazed the taut surface of the giant glans, and her tongue lashed around the rim, making David pant and groan.

  ‘You’ll go down on all fours and I’ll whip your arse,’ David stated. ‘If you can stay in position and take your punishment, I’ll fuck you. If you don’t, I won’t. I don’t need to fuck you, Mary. I can jerk off and hose you down, that’s just as good for me.’

  Pissed by his arrogance, frightened by her own desire to surrender to David absolutely, Mary all at once stood up and at the same time hooked her right leg behind David’s legs and pushed his body. She had judged it perfectly, and he fell down flat in the water without hitting his head, not that Mary would have cared much if he had. Before he could recover from the shock of being dropped, Mary had grabbed his torso and arms between her long, stunningly powerful legs, and held his wriggling body helpless.

  ‘On the other hand, we could do this,’ she said, and began to masturbate with both hands, rubbing all around her clitoris. Very quickly she came with a series of groans and choking gurgles that sounded strange even in her own ears. She was impressed. The real thing!

  ‘You fucking bitch, Mary. Next time I’ll tie you down and whip you,’ David yelled, red-faced with fury.

  ‘There won’t be a next time, remember?’ Abruptly, Mary let David free from the deadly scissors of her legs. ‘That was just to show you I don’t have to do anything. Whatever I do is up to me. Now you can whip my bum.’

  And to David’s further astonishment she went on all fours in the bath, submissively presenting her strong and luxuriantly curved buttocks and pussy.

  ‘Thwack!’ sang the leather whip, making music with the instrument of her flesh. The blow landed on Mary’s left buttock. She made no sound. Neither did she move. Her steely will made of her own lovely body a victim. David lashed out at her back three times more, higher up. The ends of the tails curled under her body to kiss the sides of her breasts. His next two blows, vicious and cutting, were more deliberate attacks on her vulnerable flanks and, with each of his strikes, he insulted her with crude words hissing between his teeth. Mary remained silent and unmoving, except for a turn of her head so that she could cast a beseeching look on him with her big, dark, liquid eyes so wide with longing and fear. Then she stuck her tongue out in extremely provoking mockery.

  ‘Why don’t you scream, you stupid bitch?’ David complained. When he dominated Mary he often insulted her verbally, but it never bothered her, as she knew it was a part of their special kind of sex. He never insulted her when his cock was not hard. Well, not much. ‘I’ll make you scream, Mary. I’ll make you roll up into a ball to protect yourself, or run away again. Coward! Hold your position and take every blow I give you, or I won’t fuck you again, you understand?’

  ‘Yes, sir,’ Mary whispered huskily, feeling the most exquisitely perverse sensations tingling through her body, shocking her soul into full being. David waited a full minute, making Mary wait and sweat. He held the cat in his right hand, high, poised ready to strike and, with his left hand, he stroked his cock. He cracked the heavy whip twice without touching her flesh, to add to her anxiety. Each time his sudden movement and the hiss of the leather thongs made her jump.

  Suddenly, when she least expected it, he laid a splendid cracking blow across her provocative, utterly female, gleaming wet buttocks. She let out an animal howl of pain and shock, and her muscles convulsed so that her jerking limbs splashed water from the bath. Then she resumed her posture and turned her head away from him as if striving to prove her devotion and submission by refusing to annoy him with the gaze of her big, dark, eyes, so beseeching and compelling.

  Such absolute surrender and proof of strong willpower filled David with rage. It was as if she let him whip her arse because it was the perfect way for her to show him her strength.

  ‘You think you’re better than me.’

  ‘No, no, I never think that.’

  Grunting with effort, David struck her across the buttocks twice more. Now Mary did cry out, and she sank down in the water, holding her arse. David prayed that he had ended her defiant insanity, her delusions of masochism. Surely now she would run away again, leaving him the freedom and pleasant irresponsibility of solitude. But no! The crazy bitch reared up on all fours again, whimpering with pain yet resonant in every superb long curve of her body with a frightening stubborness. Mary’s teats, impossibly, swelled to a huger size as if to show her audacious defiance by a decadent engorgement.

  Sickened by his need for her, delighted by his cruelty and power, frightened by her willpower and endurance, David resolved to destroy her will once and for all, and gave her a blow of absolute male strength and ferocity against and between her buttocks. Mary screamed and collapsed. She had broken. Now where was her pride in submission, her defiant stubborness? She rolled around curled up in a ball, clutching at her arse, sobbing bitterly, panting for breath. Trembling like a wounded ant, she flinched and squirmed.

  ‘No more, no more, I can’t stand it,’ she pleaded in a high-pitched childish voice, so unlike her usual tone of calm confidence. She was lying.

  David trembled with lust as he gazed down like a god on this lovely young female creature, this yearning animal. He cast his cat-o’-nine away, and it fell with a heavy thud on sand-yellow tiles. Mary saw the look on his face. Sobbing and shuddering, she managed to tear away her hands from her stinging buttocks and uncurled her long body in the foaming waters of the scarlet bath, displaying her femaleness and desperately proffering it to her conqueror. She stretche
d out her arms, torso and legs, she grasped the shiny steel rail set beyond the end of the bath, she parted her legs and raised her arse in absolute surrender. Engorged, the mouth of her cunt was exquisitely swollen and protuberant, dark pink, flecked with foam, gleaming in blatant and final invitation.

  David pounced on Mary’s superb nudity and sank his cock into her slippery vagina. He was astonished by the power of her internal contractions, which squeezed his cock long and hard at both the entrance and the core. He thrust at her savagely in a hard and fast rhythm, and her floating, quivering body was all pulsations and shuddery pants. It undulated and writhed under his thrusts so that he seemed to be flying.

  What a cunt she had! He remembered that when Mary was at an extreme of excitation her vaginal muscles went into involuntary spasms, and she also had exceptional voluntary control whenever she chose, but surely her internal muscles had never in the past had such strength? She must have gone into training. It was a cunt in a million – it sucked, it massaged, it gripped and it writhed, all oily heat. He could hardly bear to admit that its power was frightening.

  Amazement filled Mary also. It was not only that David’s huge cock was fucking her to pieces and it felt great, but also it was just so damned right that he was in her, it gave her such an absolute lust and delight. The pain of the blows from the cat still burned all over Mary’s body, but it mingled and blended with the thrusts of David and the tight grip of his hands on her breasts, so that the pain was transformed into extreme stimulation that amplified delight.

  For an eternity David blasted out his soul into the core of her magnificent, tensed and shuddering body, which jerked in spasms under him like a fish impaled on a spear and, as his seed burst out to spatter and spray her womb, that cunt of hers clutched and sucked on and on and on until burning yellow blackness and deafening silence swallowed them up, and it seemed that their bodies, minds, souls, even time and the universe, had all been irrevocably shattered.

  Finally, David heard himself laughing the choking laugh that possessed him rarely, at the height of his most powerful orgasms, when nothing could exist any longer except for the deepest reality of a mindless hilarity.


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