Then they lay side by side in the big bath, gasping for breath and unable to speak. Even when Mary was able to speak she could not say a word, for her mind was alive with all kinds of strange things that she wanted to say, or even to sing, and she felt sure that if she spoke, her ideas and feelings would alarm David. Surely this sadist of hers had great fears.
‘That was pretty good fun,’ he said at last, with the air of a man trying hard to keep it casual, without conviction.
‘I enjoyed it,’ Mary agreed. She wanted to give words to the song in her heart, but instead she told her heart to shut the fuck up. What use was it anyway to have a heart?
‘Just don’t forget that you’re leaving after this.’
‘I won’t forget,’ Mary replied demurely. Which is not the same as saying I will actually go, she said to herself. ‘At least you’re sincere.’
‘Don’t try to look on the bright side. There is no bright side.’
‘That’s too sincere for sure. I bet when you were a kid –’
‘You talk too much, Mary. I’m going to get some ice cream.’
Good, thought Mary. They would eat ice cream together, and she would surely be able to trick him into having a real conversation for once.
David returned from the kitchen with a quart tub of chocolate ice cream, and another of apricot.
‘You forgot spoons,’ Mary pointed out.
‘This is to humiliate you with, not to eat,’ David explained, shaking his head in disgust at Mary’s naivety. ‘Though we’ll eat some as well.’
‘Give me your orders.’
‘Get out of the bath. Kneel down on the tiles like a good slave and smear your whole body with ice cream.’
‘Yes, sir,’ Mary agreed with a provoking kind of meekness, and crawled out of the bath onto the tiles, into a framing rectangle of sunlight. She took two handfuls of ice cream from the tub and slowly massaged her breasts, shivering with a fresh lust that surprised her, that made her gasp and bite her lip. It amazed and alarmed her how quickly and strongly she was aroused not only by caressing herself with the slippery, cold ice cream, but also by obeying David’s orders. Hot from the bath, hot from whipping and fucking, her flesh welcomed the chill slithery kiss of the ice cream, and her clitoris seemed to hum like a bumble bee. Kneeling, she gazed at David with blazing brown eyes, a look in which mingled anger, arousal, the excitement of humiliation and a peculiar defiance, as though she were challenging him to abuse her, to put her through her paces, while she was gathering her inner resources to embrace and surpass even his most extreme and bizarre demands for her surrender in degradation, and so win a strange and alarming victory.
‘You fucking bitch,’ David gasped. He stood over her and stared into her flashing eyes so clear with intelligence, character and light of compelling purity. ‘Next time I whip you I’ll do it ten times harder.’
‘What next time would that be, sir? You’ve ordered me to leave, and I must obey my master.’
‘Whore!’ David snarled. His penis throbbed in renewed and startling erection, huge and rigid, growing so quickly that it made him gasp.
Mary turned around and bent down, parting her legs and arching her back to thrust out her swollen pussy. She smeared great dollops of chocolate ice cream over the taut twin spheres of her arse, and sighed with delight as the chill ooze soothed her whipped flesh. The combination of stinging and cool comfort was marvellously arousing. Slowly, she bent down to lick drops of melted ice cream from the sand-coloured tiles with her tongue at full extension.
‘Humiliation suits you,’ David gasped huskily. ‘You dirty bitch, you slimy whore!’
Mary lay on her back and smeared handfuls of ice cream over her arms and legs, breasts and belly. Finally, she went to work on her pussy.
‘Push it inside,’ David ordered.
Sighing with pleasure, Mary took handfuls of creamy coldness, rolled them into cylinders, one large and one small. The large one she squashed into her vagina, and the smaller one was addressed between her buttocks.
‘Oh, you whore,’ David groaned. He took apricot ice cream in his hands and made shiny stripes all over Mary, turning her into a zebra woman, a fantasy animal figure of lust. He mashed ooze into her hair, then pressed and rubbed handfuls into her mouth and all over her face, coating her features as he pressed his penis against her cool, firm tits’ delightful greasiness. He sucked creamy slime from her breasts and pussy, then spat it out over her face.
‘You silly slut,’ he gasped. ‘You don’t even know how disgusting you are, how perverted and humiliated.’ He held the shaft of his cock and thrust its head into Mary’s mouth, while smearing a handful of ice cream over her eyes so she could not look at him with her aggravating pride.
Alternating between her mouth and vagina, he used her in every position.
And he felt afraid of her terrible and powerful submissiveness.
And it was another three hours before they left the bathroom. By then they had worked up a fine appetite, so they drove to an Italian restaurant. Mary thought how nice it was to have a meal with David. She could not help feeling happy and hopeful even though she told herself she must not. Hope was always the first step on the road to disappointment. What was there to hope for from David anyway? He was nuts.
‘I suppose you might just as well stay the night,’ David said grudgingly, looking at his watch as they left the restaurant. ‘And leave tomorrow morning,’ he added meaningfully. ‘We might just as well go the whole hog and see a movie. Almost like a real couple, eh, Mary? Except we’re not.’
‘I know, I know. Don’t state the obvious.’ Mary laughed. ‘I hurt all over.’
Both Mary and David had a great love of films, especially seen in cinemas. Mary reflected on all the good ones she had seen in the past with David. Just seeing movies with him seemed to be, when she looked back, a major part of her whole life.
They enjoyed a comedy and went back to David’s house. Mary felt very sleepy, and had a good night’s rest in the spare bedroom, alone. She awoke early the next morning, so early that she tried to go back to sleep at first, but her mind became so active that she got up instead. Very quietly so as not to disturb David, she went into the kitchen and had a light breakfast. She was so careful that she managed not to even clink a spoon on her coffee cup, or make a tiny clunk when she put a plate on the table. It was such a lovely morning that she decided to go jogging, feeling the fresh air and exercise would help her to reach the right decision.
For she had to make a plan. It was vital that she either be determined to leave David immediately or to stay on for a few days. If she was not determined either way, David would gain the upper hand and she would end up feeling lousy. It was OK that he whipped her and fucked her ruthlessly, but she did not want him to get one over on her.
If she left immediately – even before David woke up – she would surprise him and perhaps tempt him into phoning her. Suppose he did not. Well, that would only prove how stupid and cowardly and depressed he was, so again she would be the winner. Obviously she should leave. She could always return unexpectedly.
Unfortunately, she did not feel like leaving right now. So how could she stay for a few days and yet be sure of winning? Somehow she had to get David addicted again to punishing her and having strange sex in that bathroom of his, and when he was hooked she could suddenly leave him, so that he missed her and realised how much he needed her. How great it would be if she could make him beg her to stay! That would be a win.
Jogging reminded many parts of her body how sore they were, but Mary enjoyed the feeling, as it informed her what a wonderful time she and David had enjoyed yesterday. Pain was good if you chose it, for any chosen pain reminded you that you were alive. And sexual pain was not truly, or simply pain. For Mary it made sex into an occasion. Better to have a ritual feast of bittersweet sensuality and worship than just plain old sex.
She went around a corner and there were Carol and Faye. They waved to her
and she waved back. The three of them jogged towards a meeting in the middle of the street. How good-looking they were, thought Mary. Charming and confident young women of true loveliness. Carol was stunningly tall and strong, with a shapely body on endless powerful legs. She was a Valkyrie out of Viking legends, an imposing beauty with pale-blonde hair so long that, unconfined, it fell all the way straight as rulers to her broad hips, though now it swayed in a ponytail. Faye was a real contrast, shorter and slighter, with a tiny waist and amazing breasts that seemed far too big for her body. Her eyes were large dark pools, and her light-brown hair was cut very short. How proud of them their boyfriends must be, thought Mary, and they surely did have boyfriends, for they looked so happy they must be in love.
‘Good to see you!’ cried Faye, as the three of them met and came to a halt.
‘We have a lot we want to talk about with you,’ Carol told Mary.
‘It’s personal stuff,’ said Faye. ‘The thing is, you’re one of the very few people we can trust.’
‘And respect,’ Carol added.
‘Don’t say “respect”, it makes me feel old,’ Mary joked, and they all laughed.
‘Can you come with us and have breakfast?’ Faye asked, and gave Mary a smile of genuine good-natured sweetness.
‘I’d love to.’
‘Let’s go that way,’ said Carol. ‘It’s prettier.’
Onwards jogged the three of them, with golden sunlight, sky of light-blue crystal, and vivid green so bright all around, the light of their own personal dawn that most people were too lazy to see.
Soon they reached Carol’s home, which was big and impressive. Her parents were both genetic scientists, but, they used to jokingly tell Carol, her remarkable tallness was not the result of genetic engineering. They were away on holiday, as were Faye’s parents, with Faye’s younger brother. This left Carol and Faye with two houses to live in without any family supervision, a situation they clearly enjoyed. Mary had breakfast with the two girls.
‘Do you have boyfriends?’ she asked.
‘No,’ replied Faye and Carol at the same moment, shaking their heads.
‘Actually we’re sort of involved with each other,’ said Carol.
‘We decided you wouldn’t be shocked or offended,’ said Faye.
‘And you were right,’ Mary assured the girls.
‘That’s what we wanted your advice about,’ said Carol. ‘Do you think we should tell our parents?’
‘Don’t bother. The less parents know about their children, the better it is for everybody.’
‘So in our place, you’d try to keep it a secret from your parents?’ Faye inquired.
‘If I were in your place I’d blurt out the truth all the time and offend everyone and have fights with everyone, because I’m me.’
‘That’s good,’ laughed Faye.
‘You’re one of the few people we trust,’ Carol told Mary.
‘Don’t trust me. I’m a disaster area. Work, family, relationships: disasters.’
‘Who cares?’ said Carol. ‘You look confident and happy, what else matters?’
‘Yes, I became confident and happy when I gave up,’ laughed Mary. ‘Abandon all hope, care about nothing, and then life starts.’
What nice innocent girls they were – innocent of suffering that is, which to Mary was real innocence, far more important than being sexually innocent. Their basic seriousness was part of their innocence. Both were working hard at college she felt sure, and now that it was the summer break they were doubtless doing a sincere job on their projects. Carol wanted to work in forestry, while Faye was fascinated by geology. Both of them were all friendliness, sincerity and gentle warmth. What problems, thought Mary, they would face in later life! It was safer to understand evil from the inside rather than being good. She would be doing them a favour, toughening them up, if she could somehow bring them to understand even a little of her and David’s peculiar evil.
‘I’m sure you’re right, Mary,’ said Faye. ‘Our parents are old-fashioned. Especially mine. Why tell them anything? Anyway, Carol and I have both been with men and it wasn’t so bad. Maybe we’re just going through a phase.’
‘It’s always good to experiment,’ said Mary, without spelling out David’s kind of experiments. Even if she had wanted to, it was not so easy to explain the allure of SM in the bathroom. Wet domination. It was such a speciality.
‘Human sexuality is a mess,’ said Faye.
‘Don’t worry about it,’ Mary advised cheerfully. ‘It doesn’t matter what you do. If you’re straight you’ll have problems, if you’re lesbian you’ll have problems, and if you’re celibate you’ll have problems. So, obviously, the only thing to do is learn how to ignore the damn problems.’
It was nearly ten when Mary got back to David’s house, but he was still asleep. Mary set about tidying up and cleaning the kitchen as quietly as she could. Truly the whole house was in a mess. It must help David feel a little less depressed if his place did not so closely resemble the end of the world on a rainy Monday afternoon. Then she prepared a nutritious lunch, as David was so thin, and consuming such unhealthy food. Not that she gave a damn what he did, but if she fed him well, then he would miss her all the more when she left.
Grumpy as a bear trying to give up heroin, David made his appearance around eleven. Mary ignored his bad temper and got him to eat a good combined breakfast and lunch, which seemed to take the edge off his irritability.
‘I went jogging with Carol and Faye this morning, then had breakfast with them,’ she told David at the strategic moment when he was enjoying dessert. She went on to paint a bright and colorful picture in words, showing these lovely young women isolated from their parents and their peers, living as though they were castaways on an island, in a mood of sexual discovery and experimentation. Mary’s words and facial expression practically oozed implications of bizarre sensuality.
‘What the hell are you suggesting?’ David demanded, glaring at her in suspicion.
‘Nothing. What could I suggest?’ Mary replied innocently, trying not to overdo the innocence. ‘I mean, I’m leaving anyway, and you’re not interested in them or me.’
‘Good! Just so long as you realise that,’ said David. For a full minute he managed to stay silent. ‘Come on, you might as well tell me what plan you had in mind,’ he exclaimed, and then he laughed a little. His laugh sounded weak and rusty from lack of use. ‘You know I’m dying of curiosity. Faye and Carol are lovely girls and you have some crazy plan about them, don’t you? You’re so cunning. But you’re nuts too. Carol and Faye would run a mile if we tried to get them into the bathroom.’
‘Oh, you guessed my idea. Ten points. So they’d run. That’s why we’ll let them introduce themselves to it,’ Mary said with complete calm, giving David a warm smile and a sweet look from her bright brown eyes. I spoil him, she thought. ‘We’ll ask them to house-sit for a couple of days while we go away. They’ll discover the bathroom and your collection, and you can set your hidden video cameras to record the results, if any.’
‘You really are crazy! That’s an evil idea,’ said David. Mary thought that his attempt at moral outrage was not nearly so convincing as when she herself pretended to be innocent and harmless.
‘Oh, you’re interested in them.’
‘All right, I am. You can always see through me.’
‘You’re so depressed that you’re underground, David. You’re burrowing towards the Earth’s core. Introducing two innocent girls to the insanity of your bathroom is just the sort of thing that could help you feel better. It’ll be a good project.’
‘A project!’ David exclaimed, and had a fit of coughing. ‘Forget it,’ he told her when he had recovered. ‘It’s hopeless. It’s immoral and insane.’ He pretended to read an Alfred Bester anthology for thirty seconds. ‘Your plan doesn’t even make any sense,’ he burst out, putting his paperback down carefully, as it was a mint 1968 edition. ‘Why should we need a house-sitter if we’re only g
oing away for a couple of days?’
‘We need them to look after our cat.’
‘There is no “we” so there is no “our”, don’t forget that, Mary. Most of all, there is no bloody cat. We are extremely catless.’
‘Ha! You said “we” too! Gotcha.’
‘Oh, shut up,’ David snarled, but he could not help feeling intrigued by Mary’s plan. She could hear it in the tone of his snarls. ‘You’re the most annoying woman I’ve ever met.’
‘Good. That means you’ll remember me when you’ve forgotten the others. We can easily get a cat for Carol and Faye to take care of. I love cats. I’ll take good care of the cat all its life.’
‘You’re nuts. You’ve really lost it,’ said David. He finished his ice cream and peaches in an angry way that made Mary smile. ‘Shit,’ he said. ‘You’re right, Mary. It’s an interesting idea. Will they or won’t they do anything in the bathroom? I have to know.’
‘Well done,’ Mary told him. ‘You haven’t completely lost your guts and your balls after all. You just mislaid them for a while.’
‘Oh, shut up.’
‘Well, I’ll be going home now. I don’t have to worry about you now that you have a project.’ Mary was bluffing. If David called her bluff, she would fall back on plan B, which was to vomit, weep and throw herself at his feet.
‘No, now you have to stay a couple of days,’ David said with reluctant firmness. ‘I can’t lie to those poor girls like you can. Anyway, it’s not fun unless you see it through with me. But after we watch the tapes together you’ll leave.’
Mary did the washing-up, and David went into the shed to work on a piece of furniture, or perhaps to try and reanimate a dead body like Frankenstein, for all Mary knew. She decided to tackle the house seriously. First she finished cleaning up the kitchen, then she set the living room to rights. After that she went into the bathroom and divided David’s collection into two piles. She cleaned and polished all the items in one pile, but the other pile she placed in garbage bags for disposal, feeling these pieces were too far gone, with perished rubber, tarnished metal and discoloured or warped plastic. Handling these familiar items made her wet. Lastly she cleaned the water bed thoroughly and refilled it. Now the bathroom truly was as she remembered it, as it should be.
Aqua Domination Page 6