‘Oh, who cares?’ said Faye. ‘We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it. Or we’ll take a ferry. Go another route.’
‘David and Mary couldn’t force us to do anything anyway,’ Carol reassured herself, and shrugged. ‘Who’s first with Jack? I want to go first.’
‘I’ll go first,’ Mary insisted. ‘You’re too eager. You’ll make him come, and that will end this game too quickly.’
‘Carol likes cocks,’ said Faye. ‘It’s her guilty secret.’
‘I do not! Well, not much. It’s just a slight interest.’
‘Tell me when my five minutes are up,’ said Mary. None of them were wearing watches, but there was a Victorian clock on the mantlepiece, an ornate black and gold piece of architecture not quite as big as an altar, which seemed to witness the proceedings in the room with an enviable sense of rectitude and superiority.
Mary had a plan for tormenting Jack’s penis. It was simple, and she was sure it would be fun. For her, not for Jack. She drew up a wooden chair and sat on it in front of her prisoner. How nicely trussed he was! A bound and gagged man presented so many possibilities. Now she could fight Jack tooth and nail. He deserved all the punishment in the world for not being David.
‘If you come while I’m playing with you, it’ll prove you love me,’ said Mary. ‘If you come with Faye or Carol, it’ll be a deadly insult to me. So I suggest you try very hard to come in the next five minutes.’ She grazed Jack’s cock with her sharp fingernails, up and down his shaft, and under the rim of his shiny swollen glans.
Jack thrust his tautly bloated penis at her, striving with all his strength to come, straining towards the painful and fleeting stimulation of her nails. Faye and Carol watched in amazement, fondling one another with mounting excitement as they fully understood the cunning cruelty of Mary’s tactics in this uneven battle: she was fencing with Jack’s cock, as though it were a sword.
Flick, flick. Mary teased and tormented her victim with the slightest movements of her fingers. Jack moaned through his gag, as though he were being tortured with red hot knives. Mary jabbed at his balls, slashed lightly across his frenum, prodded the slit of his glans, then concentrated on jabs under the rim of Jack’s knob, doling out to him exquisite torment in tiny portions, hurting and stimulating the most sensitive flesh of his penis, finding nerves he had hardly known he had, forcing him to experience lustful and delicious pains and pleasures he had never dared to comprehend even in his fantasies and dreams.
‘We are aware of nothing, you see,’ Mary observed as her nails flicked and jabbed like the claws of a playful kitten practising its future career as a sadistic murderer of birds. ‘You, me and Jack. Even David. None of us has even begun to know ourselves. What we are, what we can do and feel. And be. Nobody has begun. The human race is still waiting to be born.’ She was masturbating as she spoke, and strange, powerful ideas flooded her mind as she neared the verge of the abyss named orgasm.
Cruelly, she used her hair too, trailing its chestnut strands over Jack’s gleaming, rigid glans, flesh so tautly bloated that it seemed as if it could burst. Jack thrust and thrust, all his muscles rigid, straining to come with all his might. Then she used her nails again in all manner of ways. Sweat erupted from every pore of Jack’s skin, drool oozed from his gag. All his efforts were to no avail, and he shuddered with frustration.
‘Five minutes,’ Faye announced.
‘So soon? Come on then, Faye, you have a go.’
‘He’s not going to come in my five minutes, not if I can help it,’ Faye announced as she took Mary’s place on the chair in front of Jack. Her method of teasing was to use her huge breasts, so attractively packaged in black broad-mesh fishnet. Carefully, she held them in her hands and pressed them to the prisoner’s balls and the base of his cock, making brief and repeated contacts while Jack thrust and strained for all he was worth, unable to resist Faye’s youthful attractions despite Mary’s warning.
Watching Faye aroused Carol and Mary so much that they had to make love on the sofa. Mary came loudly when she was on top and, shortly afterwards, Carol rode Mary and also reached the heights and depths and fires of mindless ecstasy. Jack stared at them with bulging eyes, and strained to come by thrusting the head of his cock against Faye’s hard right nipple and the fishnet surrounding it, grunting through his bitter rubber gag like a crazed baboon.
‘Oh!’ Faye gasped, pulling back sharply. ‘Ugh. Yeuk!’
‘Did he come?’ asked Mary.
‘No, but he nearly did. A few drops dribbled out.’
‘How disgusting! What a filthy animal! Your five minutes is up, Faye. It’s your turn, Carol.’
The remarkably tall girl had an odd expression as she took over from Faye, and Mary suspected that Carol found Jack attractive. That, thought Mary, will be a useful thing to know. It opened up new possibilities. As for Faye, she looked a little anxious as Carol moved the chair away from Jack and stood in front of him. Mary distracted Faye as well as she could by pulling her down onto the sofa and playing with her breasts, though in fact Mary and Faye were both so curious about Carol and Jack that they did not pay much attention to one another for all that they groped and humped.
‘You’d like to come, wouldn’t you?’ said Carol, caressing Jack’s balls. She rubbed her breasts lightly on his chest, so that her nipples touched his again and again. ‘Even your nipples are hard, so hard,’ she crooned, pulling on them. ‘You’d like to shoot all over me, wouldn’t you? Deluge my face and tits and arse with your filthy sticky smelly mess. Subjugate me. Humiliate me. Fun for you. Nasty for me. But you’d like that. Because you’re just bad.’
Tall and slender, supple and strong, Carol looked gorgeous as she took her long pale-gold hair in both hands and caressed every part of Jack’s body with its tickly strands before whipping his cock with it, giving him an exquisite, haunting stimulation that seemed to pull his very soul into his penis. His own cock became his own prison.
‘I need more than five minutes,’ said Carol.
‘Take as long as you like,’ Mary replied.
Carol rubbed her breasts, belly, thighs and pussy, gazing into Jack’s eyes. Then she turned around and bent over, to rub her arse on the prisoner’s cock and balls. Sometimes she leaned back, allowing him to thrust with frantic urgency at the cleft between her buttocks, but every time she moved forwards again, leaving his penis to beat hopelessly up and down in the air. For a long time she teased and stimulated him with her hands, hair, breasts and buttocks. She even used her plastic-covered feet, sitting on the chair and holding his penis between them, tormenting his glans. Mary and Faye came at almost the same time, clasping their bodies together. Masturbating with growing fervour, Carol began to pant and grunt.
Suddenly, she pressed her body to Jack’s, clasping his waist and rubbing her clitoris up and down on his cock. She gave a strangled cry, and saliva sprayed and dribbled from her open mouth as her tongue stuck far out. Sinking to her knees, she clutched at Jack’s cock with one hand, and her pussy with the other. Her mouth suckled hungrily on the taut straining helmet she had tormented so well, and Jack shrieked through his gag as he was torn apart by an orgasm of appalling ferocity.
‘No!’ cried Faye. She might have pulled Carol away from Jack, but Mary held her back.
Gasping and laughing, Carol leaned back, held her captive cock down, and took jet after jet over her face, hair and breasts. It was an awesome display, and even Mary was impressed. Spattering, splashing and spraying, Jack’s penis hosed Carol, submitting her lovely body to a deluge.
‘Lick all that mess off her,’ Mary ordered, as she began to free Jack’s limbs and remove his gag. ‘Lick and swallow.’
Once he was free, Jack crouched on the floor to slurp and gulp slavishly, cleaning Carol’s long lean body, even sucking the wet spots of her long hair. She clearly enjoyed the attention.
‘Carol, you’re so bad,’ Faye complained.
‘I’m sorry. I just couldn’t help myself. Please forgive me
‘Yes, yes, I have to forgive you, you’re so beautiful.’
‘And now you’ll have to be punished,’ Mary told Jack when he had completed his task. ‘I told you to come while I was playing with you, not Carol or Faye. You deliberately disobeyed me.’
‘It was Carol. She made me come.’
‘That’s disgusting. You blame a woman instead of taking responsibility for your own actions. That earns you a more severe punishment. I’m not even going to make things easy for you by putting you into restraint. No, you’ll have to stay still. And afterwards you’ll have to show your gratitude by licking my arse.’
Mary had Jack arrange cushions on the floor and ordered him to lie on them face down. He obeyed instantly.
‘You may play with your cock while I whip you.’
‘Thank you, Mistress, thank you.’
‘Don’t thank me. I simply want you to associate pain with pleasure even more closely. So I can control and exploit and hurt you. I deserve some pleasure.’
Mary picked up the leather cat-o’-nine and felt a delicious warm surge of anticipation. It was even better than opening a large box of chocolates.
‘I’m going to give you twenty blows at unpredictable intervals over the next half-hour,’ Mary stated. ‘Carol, put this blindfold on him, please; it’s better if he can’t see when a blow is coming. Jack, you must stick your tongue out a long way and lick Carol and Faye’s feet while I whip you. After that we’ll tie you up very thoroughly indeed, using as much rope and as many cords, belts and harnesses as we can possibly get around your wretched, puny body. Then I’m sure we’ll think of something to do to you.’
For the next three days, Mary, Jack, Carol and Faye feverishly dreamed up new combinations and styles of domination, restraint and punishment, which they acted out with the purest pleasure. Jack did not penetrate any of the women, but since he could come in other ways, under peculiarly interesting circumstances, he was not simply happy, but rapturous. He began to agree with Mary that penetration was overrated. Faced with having to decide whether to resume his sales work or stay with three women practising advanced deviations, he actually found it rather a difficult decision to make, being extremely English. Finally, he managed to phone his boss and feign sickness. On the fourth day rather than the seventh they rested, lacking the energy of God.
‘I’m going to the shops,’ Jack announced after breakfast on the day after that, a day which had dawned with brightness and heat.
‘Perhaps you could borrow a few things from David on the way back,’ said Mary with a somewhat studied casualness. ‘He has so much equipment it’d be fun for the four of us to try. He’ll probably lend some to you.’
‘Sure,’ Jack agreed. ‘Anyway, I want to take a look at that bathroom of his. I used to hear so much about it.’
‘I wish we could use it,’ said Faye. ‘Mary, couldn’t you sort of pretend to forgive David a little, so we could use his bathroom. OK. A bad idea. I see it in your face.’
‘You bet it’s a bad idea,’ Mary said coldly. ‘I hate the bastard. No, I don’t even hate him, he’s not that important.’ She stared at Jack, Faye and Carol with her hazel eyes blazing. Wisely, nobody argued even though nobody believed her. They knew what it meant when her eyes blazed.
When Jack returned nearly two hours later, he had news that gave Mary a shock.
‘David is not far behind me,’ he told Mary. ‘He wants to apologise to you. He’s determined to apologise.’
‘I don’t want to listen to his lies,’ Mary snapped.
‘Up to you, up to you,’ Jack assured her. ‘Break his neck if you want to. What do I care? I’ll send him in and you can do what you like with him, or to him.’
Mary turned off the Bartok CD she was listening to, and realised that her emotions and thoughts were as jangly and tempestuous as Piano Concerto No. 2. What on earth was she to do or say or feel? She and David had, by now, more history than the Austro-Hungarian Empire.
And then there he was, yet one more time, all of him all at once, joining her in the living room, David himself as real as anything. Yet again she saw him when she had thought, one more time, that they were finished. To start was difficult enough, and then it was even harder to finish. She gave David a chilling look of dangerous hostility, but it suddenly struck her that she had asked Jack to go to David and borrow some equipment because she wanted to annoy David and to find out what he was doing, so she only had herself to blame for David’s coming here now. She had prodded a poisonous snake with a stick. Rarely a wise move.
‘Hi, Mary. You look great. How are you feeling?’
‘Not so bad considering the terrible things you did to me.’
‘Yes. You’re right. They were terrible.’ David sighed heavily and sat on the sofa. He looked grave, upset and guilty, but Mary reminded herself that he had probably decided to look this way.
‘I’ve come to apologise. I did terrible things to you, Mary. You deserve an apology. I’m sorry. Really. I’m a complete bastard. I’m crap. Every bad thing I’ve done haunts me.’
‘Good. You deserve to suffer a little. Well, you deserve to suffer a lot, but a little is at least a start.’ Mary stood sternly erect, gazing down at David with her arms folded. She wondered how it would feel to beat him up. Certainly she had the size, strength and skill. He was small and out of shape. Indeed she doubted that he had ever been in shape. To beat him up would be revenge. But would it be enjoyable?
‘There isn’t any reason for us to talk,’ she told him. ‘We must have done and said everything possible by now.’
‘No, Mary, we haven’t said everything. Or at least I certainly haven’t. I’ve always been too cowardly to do one thing. Sexually, I’ve done just about everything bad that’s possible, but that’s nothing. In fact I’m a coward, because I’ve never done the only thing in life that’s truly important. With myself and with other people I’ve never been sincere.’
‘That’s a great build-up,’ Mary sneered. ‘I bet you’ve been planning it for days. So now you’re going to be sincere at last, are you, after all this time? How nice!’ She was trying hard to be cynical, striving not to be tempted.
‘I deserve your disbelief. But anyway. Here goes. The thing is, Mary, I’ve always been afraid of you.’
‘Afraid? That’s rich! You afraid of me! For God’s sake, David, get a grip. You’re the one who dominated me, restrained and punished me, bound and fucked me. You’re the one with a weird bathroom and a huge collection of even weirder equipment and garments, and I’m the bloody fool who let you experiment on my helpless body in every perverse, nasty way you could think of, every way physically possible. It’s a bit late in the day for you to try to trick me by pretending you’re afraid of me. What’s the plan this time? You expect me to feel sorry for you?’
‘I expect nothing,’ David replied quietly. ‘There are no plans.’
‘No plans. That in itself is a plan.’
‘Listen to me for one minute, then I’ll leave. Yes. I’m afraid of you. I always have been. Of course I am. How could I not be afraid of you? You’re so strong and I’m so weak. You’re so strong that you voluntarily, freely, willingly, took everything I could think of. And you demanded more. You were full of ideas for bathroom domination, my own crazy specialised fetish, and all your ideas were good. I had never dreamed any woman could surpass me in my own obsession. I had never even fantasised a woman of such beauty as you. Nor one so strong. You didn’t submit to me. You joined me as a partner. And you outdid me. I saw you were willing to go anywhere with me. All extremes. Any depths. I became afraid of you very quickly, but I hid it. Of course I was also having the time of my life, because all my most extreme, bizarre fantasies were becoming everyday reality. But I was afraid. And I became more afraid. Because I’m a coward. I’m weak. So two years ago I drove you away from me because I was so afraid of your strength. Your energy, your lusts, your capacity for punishment, endurance, pleasure, ecstasy.
Your joy. Joy is the highest strength. Your trust. I’ve never been worthy of anyone’s trust, especially yours. Your demands, desires. In a way, almost everything about you frightened me, because I knew your strengths and my own weaknesses. And since I forced you to leave me, I’ve only become weaker. You saw what a mess I am when you turned up again a few weeks ago. That was a huge shock, you turning up again. Seeking me out. Coming back despite everything after two years, full of hope and courage. You’re so brave and good I can hardly stand it. So beautiful. Your beauty and your sexual courage frighten me. So when you returned, my only thought was how to get rid of you again. Stupid.’
Mary tried to force herself to say something nasty, but the words did not even get far enough to stick in her throat. She was sure David was being completely sincere, no matter how much she wanted to believe he was lying.
‘Oh God, what a load of crap life is,’ she complained with deep bitterness. ‘Why can’t we just have fun? Everybody is such a mess. I was just getting over you and you have to come and confuse me all over again. Thanks a lot.’
‘Sorry. You’re right. I shouldn’t have come.’ David stood up slowly, as though weighed down by his own body. ‘I’ll leave. I only came to say I’m sorry and to explain.’
‘You’re not suggesting we start again?’ Mary asked, with the strangest mixture of hope, anger and lust that she had ever known. David’s answer fell on her like a big stone.
‘No. We mustn’t. It’d be an even bigger mess.’
‘I’m sure you’re right.’ Mary left the living room with David, intending to see him to the door. Before they could get that far, they were intercepted by Carol, Faye and Jack.
‘Could we talk to you for a moment, David?’ said Jack.
‘Sure,’ David agreed. They ushered him back into the living room.
Mary followed. She guessed what they had in mind, and knew fear and hope. How dare they! Yet if only they would.
Aqua Domination Page 16