‘This is a little difficult to say,’ Jack began. ‘The thing is, I’ve heard so much about that bathroom of yours.’
‘Faye and I have seen it,’ said Carol, blushing only very slightly. ‘When you asked us to catsit. It’s fascinating.’
‘So we were wondering,’ Jack continued, ‘if we might be able to work out something for our mutual advantage. Sorry for sounding like a salesman. Force of habit.’
‘You can use our pool and we’ll use your bathroom,’ Faye said brightly. ‘Do say yes. It’d be wonderful.’
‘A lot depends on whether you and Mary are back together again,’ said Carol, adding with a kind of scientific detachment, ‘then there’d be five of us, and we could have an interesting time. Sort of a research project.’
‘David and I are not back together,’ Mary announced firmly. ‘We’re through once and for all. I’m not getting involved in lunatic group sex with David.’
‘Not group sex,’ Faye protested mildly. ‘We were thinking more of…it’s hard to say the words.’
‘Pleasure without penetration,’ David suggested, suddenly becoming more cheerful. ‘Perhaps massage, mutual masturbation. Voyeurism. Dressing up. Harmless games. Possibly leading to experiments in mild restraint by mutual, specific agreements.’
‘Exactly,’ Jack agreed warmly. ‘Anything we agree to.’
‘Of course, I’d be delighted,’ said David.
‘Out of the question,’ snapped Mary. ‘Faye and Carol, you are not going to get involved in any way with David.’
‘Sorry, Mary,’ said Carol, ‘but you’re not my or Faye’s mother, are you? We’re free to do as we please.’
‘OK! I wash my hands of you both. You’ll regret anything you do with David, but it’s none of my business.’
‘Oh, come on, Mary, you know you’ll have the time of your life if you join in,’ Jack insisted. ‘Anyway, it’s your duty. Carol and Faye are naive, headstrong girls. They need you to guide and protect them.’
‘You bloody salesman!’ Mary exclaimed. Everybody laughed, and she found herself laughing too.
‘You see, Mary?’ said Carol. ‘You’re having fun already.’
‘Let’s have lunch together,’ Jack suggested. ‘Then let’s go for a swim. It’s so hot today! The pool will be great.’
‘Mary can go to the library or something,’ said Faye, giggling.
‘Oh, shut up,’ laughed Mary. She had to admit that there was just no way she could resist the temptation to join these four exciting idiots, no matter how determined she had been never to have anything to do with David again. What a group they might make! It made her mind reel to think of the possibilities, and it was obvious the others shared her excitement. Even David seemed to be losing some of his lassitude and depression, and how could he not feel better, thought Mary, faced with the prospect of introducing two such lovely and naive girls as Faye and Carol to his obsessions and perversions. What on earth would David do to them? Not that Mary would allow him to do anything cruel to the girls, of course. Her duties and responsibilities were absolutely clear to her. If David did anything nasty, she would beat him up. It would be easy. No doubt. No worry. And so she thought on, trying hard to tell herself lies about herself, an occupation that consumes half the time and energy of the human race.
To have lunch together was pleasant in itself for all five, as the prospect of pleasure gave them a fresh vitality. Then they changed into swimsuits: Jack and David borrowed from Carol’s absent father, Mary put on a scarlet bikini of Carol’s, Faye donned a white bikini that showed off her huge breasts, and Carol wore a black one-piece swimsuit with asymmetrical triangular cut-outs at her belly and back. All three women knew that they were ravishing, even before David and Jack saw them and tried not to stare in awe.
To swim on such a hot sunny afternoon was a delight. They splashed and laughed, dived and played, dappled by spots of shade from the fine trees in the large and beautiful garden. The women displayed their bodies with pride, and knew that the men were becoming aroused by their arching shiny wet litheness.
‘We have to do something,’ Jack announced with a salesman’s directness. ‘Let’s have some fun. We’re all dying to. Look, if we keep to this corner the neighbours won’t see.’
‘I’ll sit here and watch,’ David said. ‘Then we can get used to each other. And I won’t annoy Mary.’
‘Why don’t we do what Jack talked about the other day?’ Carol suggested.
Everyone agreed, so they went into the house to get waterproof vibrators, a long-handled plastic scrubbing brush, and swimming masks, plus a scarlet belt with an attached pair of plastic cuffs. On their return to the pool, they fitted the belt to Jack, secured his hands behind his back, and removed his briefs. The women put a swimming mask on Jack and lowered him into the water, then they donned their own facemasks and entered the pool, experiencing a thrilling sense of sensual delight and wickedness.
How amusing and arousing it was to torment Jack! The three women swam around his defenceless nudity, touching and kissing him and each other with impartial delight. His flailing, helplessly erect and useless cock received brief, tantalising contacts from hands, thighs and breasts. Mary used the plastic brush on his butt and cock, making him squeal and thrash, while Carol and Faye caressed her lovely body. Mary felt an irrestible impulse to be naked, so she removed her bikini and flung it at David. Laughing, Faye took off her bikini top, so her huge breasts could float freely in the water, attracting the men’s fascinated stares. Mary swam to the bottom of the pool and along its length, then back again, thrilled by the rush of water over her large, hard nipples. Parting her legs as widely as she could, she surfaced with her open vulva uppermost, feeling the caress of the water like a hundred tongues touching her sensitive flesh with their warm tips.
To control Jack even more absolutely, the women tied a long plastic cord to a padded leather strap around the base of his genitals. Such a leash was fun, especially when Jack swam downwards, chasing after a woman at the bottom of the pool, who adopted lewd postures to flaunt arse, pussy or breasts, seeming about to use her lovely body to make his penis explode in ecstasy. Many times they played this game, with Mary especially displaying her great lung capacity and underwater endurance. Jack could not match her abilities, and returned time and again to the surface, trailing silver bubbles while Mary quivered and wriggled around a vibrator.
‘You must try much harder to come against any of us,’ Mary told Jack. ‘Swim with speed and determination. If you thrust your cock hard and fast, you might catch one of us by surprise and even get inside. Try hard, or we’ll have to punish you for not trying sincerely.’
‘What a great idea!’ Carol exclaimed. She put her arms around Faye, and squeezed her lover’s huge tits. The ripe flesh bulged between Carol’s fingers, and Faye squealed in delightful fear of Jack’s penis.
With a strange animal cry of lust and anger, Jack lunged at the gorgeous body of Faye, and actually managed to graze her belly with the tip of his tormented penis before Faye and Carol dodged aside with squeals of excitement. This brief contact maddened Jack, and he went crazy, consumed by the need to relieve the aching internal pressure of his captive and tormented lust.
‘That’s the spirit, Jack,’ Carol cried. ‘Maybe you can come after all, if only you can rub your cock against the three of us a few more times.’
‘You can do it, Jack,’ said Mary, and she turned over to show Jack her magnificent arse, parting her legs to flash her gaping pink pussy.
This game was wonderful for the three women, though for Jack it was an insane nightmare of chasing. Everywhere he looked were sleek female forms so young and lithe, all shiny in the sunlight, so lovely. Carol the long-haired giantess, Faye and her tits like melons, Mary with her perfect body: all three were so insanely desirable, their youthful skins gleaming in the sunlight. Taunting, unobtainable. Maddened, he pursued these visions of wet dreams with all his strength, both on the surface and underwater. Mary, Carol
and Faye dodged his lunges and teased him wonderfully, holding their breasts, masturbating, arching, twisting and proffering their lovely young bodies. They flung their long legs far apart, adopted extreme postures, held each other as though to help Jack, and flaunted every detail of their gorgeous bodies. Now and then they rode his back, and often they touched his cock fleetingly with hands, feet and breasts. Most delightfully, they held the long plastic cord attached to the base of his genitals, holding him back just when he thought he might be able to ram his penis home and unleash his trapped semen in lashing spurts. He thrashed around, growing tired and breathless. His efforts were to no avail, but every time his cock achieved a brief contact with breast, belly or buttock, he would be stimulated to fresh, frantic exertions. It was a wonderfully enjoyable game. Sometimes the women embraced him from behind, to tickle his aching penis and testicles with a vibrator. Fun also to redden his arse and thighs by brisk strokes of the plastic scrubbing brush, and to order him to probe between Mary’s buttocks with his tongue.
Mary could not stop thinking of David even though she told herself not to. She knew he would be massively aroused by the vision of three lovely young female aquanauts tormenting a helpless man so ruthlessly, especially as he had his own fetish for women and water. It was good, she thought, that he should see how sexy and strong she was, so that he would suffer the regret, the agony, of rejecting her former unconditional surrender. It was good too that he should stare in awe and lust at Carol and Faye, a lovely young lesbian couple playing with a man’s bloated, burning penis, bursting with a thwarted lust that was, for Jack, an exquisitely agonising pain. No doubt David was consumed by feverish fantasies of binding and punishing the three cruel and wanton women in his insane bathroom, his mind blazing with visions of making them suffer and coming over their captive faces and tormented tits, a fitting punishment for their sexual atrocities. Good. Let him fantasise. Never again would Mary grant him such wet, slippery, shiny delights. Of course she would not help him engulf Faye and Carol in soapy bondage!
And all the time that they tantalised and chastised their twisting, tormented captive, the women masturbated, and caressed each other with mounting ardour, their inhibitions vanishing like frost in the heat of the sunny garden so rich in the scent and colour of flowers, the buzz and whirr of insect busyness, the chatter and fluting trills of birdsong.
An interesting facet of Jack’s ordeal was the fact that he was not gagged, so he did not even have the relief of making sounds in his throat that came to nothing meaningful in his rubber-filled mouth. No, he had to exercise self-control, and say nothing, for fear that the neighbours would hear, and make trouble in some way. It would have been much easier for him had he been gagged, and able to try to plead for mercy or scream with all his might.
Enthralled and enraptured by Jack’s captive, hopeless lust for their loveliness, the women caressed each other, as well as masturbating, with fervent frenzy. Arching and tensing her powerful body, Mary worked a vibrator hard, sliding it in and out of her vagina with long, rapid strokes, throwing her legs wide apart and contorting herself into bizarre poses made possible by the fact that she was in a pool, flaunting her sexuality for Jack and David’s arousal and frustration. As she came, Faye and Carol suckled on her nipples, so big and hard, and stroked her belly and buttocks. This orgasm was wonderful for Mary, and it left her fresh, bright and eager for more. She hugged and kissed Carol and Faye as they struck ecstasy, their bodies pressed hard together, dogged and rigid in mutual demand.
After Jack had made further frantic efforts to rub his penis against the gorgeous sirens who lured him into the depths, the women hauled him out of the pool, released his hands and allowed him to pant for a minute or two.
‘Lie here, on your back,’ Mary ordered him when he had recovered from his exertions in the pool. ‘You may handle your cock and come, but only as long as you serve us with your tongue. Laziness will be punished.’
Jack lay on a bench taken from the shed, which was now covered by an old duvet. His face was just at the right height for a woman to stand astride the bench and present her arse and genitals for worship. Just to make it even more interesting, Mary tied Jack’s wrists to his thighs in such a way that his right hand could not reach his genitals, while his left hand could just barely, if he tried hard, reach the base of his cock with the tips of his fingers. Jack was so desperate to come that he struggled against this arrangement, but the three women held him down easily. He was now able to masturbate, but he faced a distinctly uphill struggle to achieve orgasm.
‘Lick and suck for all you’re worth,’ Mary told him, ‘or we’ll simply withdraw your left hand as well.’ With that, she stood over him and rested part of her weight on his face, engulfing his features in her powerful buttocks and engorged cunt.
‘Oh, this is lovely,’ she sighed. ‘Great!’ She caressed her own breasts and tweaked her nipples, arching her back in delight.
So far, David had not removed his swimming trunks. Now he did so, and began to masturbate with relaxed, simple pleasure.
‘Oh God, that really is enormous.’ Faye giggled nervously.
‘It’s huge,’ Carol agreed, and shivered.
‘It’s just a nuisance,’ said David. ‘Always leading me astray. Yes, it leads me like a farmer leading a pig with a ring through its nose.’
‘Pity we can’t make it into bacon,’ said Mary. She dipped her finger into a jar of menthol ointment and moved it slowly around the rim of Jack’s knob before putting some of the ointment inside the mouth of his penis, so like the mouth of a fish. He shuddered.
Carol straddled Jack’s thighs, facing Mary, and played with Jack’s balls before exchanging kisses and caresses not only with Mary, but also with Faye, who stood beside them, offering her huge udders to their mouths. Mary drank some beer from a can, then poured more over her breasts so that it ran down her body to Jack’s face, making him cough and splutter in a way the women found amusing. Quickly, he resumed his fervent sucking and licking, surprising Mary into a swift and deliciously shivery orgasm.
After giving up her place to Carol, Mary could not help but look at David and that cock of his. Or perhaps, she thought, she was looking at a penis and its David. The two of them were the centre of all the problems in her world, a kind of personal Palestine. What a selfish, cruel bastard David was really. Yet she understood him so well, and he understood her, much better than they understood other people. And he had finally apologised and explained. That was very important. Each of them knew what the other was thinking and feeling, and they could make each other laugh – how could you resist such a shock of mutual recognition?
‘I’ll do it,’ she said to David as she knelt down beside him and took his cock in her hand. It felt just right, like a household gadget from Japan. ‘Just don’t think this means anything, you little rat.’
‘I stopped thinking a long time ago.’
‘Liar.’ At first, Mary had intended to give David a casual, perfunctory handjob, but soon she was using both her hands and all of her skill and care. Carol and Faye meanwhile became massively aroused facing each other astride Jack, taking turns on his face and thighs. As they kissed and caressed one another lovingly, they were both possessed by a sensual madness.
‘You know what would be really thrilling?’ Carol told Faye. ‘If Jack came over us while we made love.’
‘Oh, yes, my darling,’ Faye gasped. ‘I can just imagine it.’
‘Go for it,’ Mary urged them, eager to see such perversity. Not only would it be exciting to watch, but the more other women did strange things, the better she felt about herself. Carol removed her black swimsuit to reveal her gorgeous nudity.
It was the work of a moment to free Jack and give him his instructions. Faye and Carol lay on an airbed of scarlet plastic against the fence beside the swimming pool, and they kissed and giggled, feeling as though their own audacity had made them completely drunk. Jack knelt beside them and gripped his tormented penis, which quickly be
gan to vomit huge quantities of cream in leaping spurts of shocking length and power, while he arched his body and made strange gurgling sounds, quiet and rapid, his tongue sticking far out, as though he were being tortured. Carol and Faye gasped and writhed as they were lashed by jets of hosing male fluid.
Seeing that David too was going to come, Mary could not resist taking the end of his huge knob into her mouth. Holding his shaft tightly with both hands, she took the stunning blast of his jetting in her mouth. She swallowed none of it. When David was fully spent and subsided, panting for breath, Mary stood up and drooled, making rivulets run down her throat and breasts.
Laughing, the women went indoors for a shower, then returned to the pool where they had insisted the men remain. For another two hours, the five of them had a happy time, alternately swimming in the warm water and resting by the poolside. All became freshly aroused, but decided to save their energy for later. It was only natural that David stay for dinner. And it was inevitable that after dinner the thoughts of everyone turned towards his remarkable bathroom, his bizarre obsession.
‘Shall we go to my place and run a bath?’ David inquired.
‘Just try,’ Mary replied, ‘to stop us.’
To return to that fateful bathroom was so peculiar an experience for Mary that she felt she was dreaming. It was insane to go back. Nothing could be more stupid. It was even impossible to go back. Nobody could. Yet she was doing it. Once more. Yet again. It might as well have been a powerful magnet, and she a tiny fleck of iron. What must David think of her for coming back after all his cruelty? He could only despise her. No doubt he always had. Not that she cared what he thought, of course.
‘This is so exciting!’ Faye exclaimed as soon as they were all inside David’s front door. ‘I’m so glad you and David are back together again, Mary.’
‘We’re not back together,’ Mary replied sternly. ‘So what if I touched his cock? Big cock, big deal. It means no more than shaking someone’s hand.’
Aqua Domination Page 17