Fluids surged, gurgled and bubbled through the tubes. In and in, in and out, out and in. With growing fascination, Carol and Faye stroked Jack’s slippery body with their feet, while Mary used not only her hands and mouth but also her breasts and crotch, as well as jetting water from the shower, hot and cold in invigorating alternation. It seemed that Jack’s aching penis must burst of lust as Mary sucked his balls and slid her fingernails slowly up and down his thighs and belly. The variety of cruel and amusing games she could play with her defenceless and vulnerable male bath toy was without limit.
Since Jack was not gagged he was able to talk, or rather babble, since his lust and bizarre stimulation left him so aroused that he sounded like a man in a malarial fever. The tube emerging from his helmet made his ravings pleasingly muffled. At David’s suggestion, Faye and Carol donned red plastic stockings and stroked Jack’s body with their feet. Mary sat on the side of the bath opposite the two girls, and put on the high-heeled black leather shoes she had placed there ready for the intriguing game of bringing Jack to heel. David poured bowls of bathwater over Mary and caressed her with tender passion, and she felt herself melt, and start to forgive him, no matter how much she told herself that what he had done was unforgivable.
After using her heels with confident cruelty for several minutes, Mary removed her shoes and got back into the bath to fit a genital harness to Jack, a superbly made interlocking network of narrow padded black leather straps with hard round lumps on the inside that pressed in complex harmonies on his cock and balls. She did the straps up tightly, then stood up, holding a rubber cup attached to one of the tubes, and gave of herself for Jack to worship.
‘Thank you,’ he moaned. ‘Thank you, my goddess.’
Mary realised with some surprise that she no longer despised Jack or even found him foolish and annoying. No, they were beyond such petty feelings. Herself, Jack, David, Faye, Carol: they were all five becoming partners in a great enterprise of exploration. They had to burn bridges behind and press on towards unknown and unknowable goals. They truly were aquanauts.
‘Now I admire Jack,’ she announced.
‘Me too,’ David said huskily. ‘Though not as much as I admire you. I don’t want to, but I can’t help it.’
Mary could not help but feel pleased even though she knew that if David admired a woman, it was certainly not David who was in trouble.
Lithe and pantherish, she got off Jack’s face and allowed him to gaze up at her loveliness. She caressed his body for a minute, gazing into his eyes, before teasing his cock and balls for another full minute with her fingernails. Her cunt commanded her to make a momentous decision. A mistake, she thought, but she had no resistance.
‘Come on then,’ she said to David. ‘We might just as well fuck, to torture Jack. But don’t think it means anything, about you and me, I mean, because it doesn’t.’
‘Thank you, Mary,’ David said with warmth and eagerness. It struck Mary that he really was getting more and more like his old self. He had said that she wanted to be Baron Frankenstein, and bring the monster back to life, and now it began to look like she might have succeeded. Nothing, she thought, is as dangerous as success.
Yet there was always lust and pleasure. Mary went on all fours in the foamy warm water, limbs holding Jack in a cage of flesh and bone, and presented to David her wet shiny arse. He knelt behind her and pushed his huge penis into her yielding, succulent flesh. They both gasped. Mary was shocked, because it felt so good, so simply and purely good. Her internal muscles went into involuntary rhythmic spasms, strong and rapid, and David sighed with delight as he leaned forwards, holding her on both sides of her back, gripping the wet scarlet plastic of the corset that constricted her waist, putting a lot of his weight on her, a weight she was strong enough to bear, and proud to endure. Deeper and deeper thrust his huge cock, stretching her flesh. Jack’s cock thrashed and jerked as he gazed helplessly at David and Mary’s united genitals just above his face.
Faye and Carol quickly moved onto the water bed, overcome by need, and lay on their sides, rubbing their bodies together with frantic urgency. Soon they both came with thrilling gasps and moans.
So near to orgasm was David that he did not move at all, in order to prolong his delight. He slapped Mary’s buttocks and squeezed her breasts. Her cunt clutched tightly at his penis, so long and broad. As he slowly, so slowly, began to come, David rubbed Mary’s clitoris with his hand, and she came in an explosion of insanity, which seemed completely unlike any orgasm she had ever known. Pure force. David gave a terrible groan and jetted endlessly.
David and Mary stared into one another’s eyes. They said nothing, because it seemed they knew everything. So powerful and absolute had their climax been that it felt as though nothing else could truly exist. She basked in David’s approval as she used various instruments on Jack’s cock and balls.
And then the two hours were up. Mary removed the tubes from her enraptured captive, held Jack’s cock and mounted him, sucking him helplessly up her cunt. With a terrible cry, as though he had been stabbed simultaneously by a trio of assassins, he came in the longest and most violent male orgasm Mary had ever witnessed, a stunning affair of sharp angry cries, a raven on fire screaming, every muscle in his body jerking in a spasming ecstatic epilepsy.
‘Christ!’ David exclaimed when it was over. ‘Another day, you must put me through an ordeal like that Mary. Only longer. Harsher.’
‘But I thought,’ said Carol, ‘you were, you know…’
‘A sadist? Mainly, perhaps I am. But now I realise more than ever that the whole sadist/masochist business is just silly. An artificial construct of words. A typical example of how we embrace definitions and limitations out of fear. Fear of freedom, fear of being. From now on, no more compromises.’
‘Oh God,’ Mary said, laughing. ‘Until now the monster has been compromising. Or he imagines he has. Now we’re all in real trouble.’
She slid off Jack and sat in the inflated plastic armchair. David, Carol and Faye freed Jack, and he instantly crawled to Mary to suck and lick her, giving her an intimate cleansing.
Then he rushed to the toilet cubicle in one corner of the room, and made a lot of noise.
‘That was incredible,’ said Carol. ‘Frightening. Yet some kind of liberation. Embrace the forbidden and know freedom.’
‘I was disgusted,’ Faye said thoughtfully. ‘Yet it’s an exciting kind of disgust. It’s frightening and horrible, but it’d be hypocritical to deny it’s thrilling.’
‘I enjoyed it,’ said Mary. ‘A lot.’ She smiled such a bright and totally happy smile that it would have made anybody feel much better about their own lives, and the world itself, as a world that could produce such joy could only be seen as a joy.
As the next afternoon was sunny and hot, all five of them took a swim at Carol’s home, playing happily in the water’s brightness. Often they swam underwater, out of sight of any observers in nearby houses, to kiss and caress each other through their swimsuits, and also touch themselves, building desire. Later, they moved to David’s bathroom, where they played an amusing and delightful game: each of the five took a turn in the bath, masturbating, while the other four sat around the edge of the bath, stroking the masturbator with their feet, or stood and posed to arouse the others. Everyone talked of their sexual pleasures and fantasies.
Next day, the five of them took the train to London, and enjoyed shopping, eating at a French restaurant, and seeing a movie. This rest set them up for the next day, when they spent hours in the bathroom. First, they massaged each other with ice cream and hot custard, enjoying the contrast of heat and cold, both slippery. Mary slowly brought off David and Jack by her hands, thighs and breasts. After a meal they returned to the bathroom where they all tried on strange and beautiful garments and harnesses, and played with sex toys. David and Jack sucked Carol and Faye, while Mary handled their cocks.
Restraint was demonstrated by Jack and David the fol
lowing afternoon, in both senses of the phrase, as they put Mary into all kinds and positions of bondage in the living room, yet refrained from any form of abuse. Instead, they pleasured her with their hands and mouths, and only came after they released her, when the three of them stood together with Mary giving each man a hand. So they gave Carol and Faye the idea that to be in restraint could be harmless. The girls could not resist making love while Mary, Jack and David watched.
All five of them were addicted to having fun together by then, and they were fresh and eager to carry on the next day. The three women dressed up in plastic, and put Jack into several forms of elaborate bondage. Instead of teasing or punishing him, they made him come three times by constant stimulation, all four together in the big red bath, with Faye and Carol using their hands and breasts on Jack, while Mary also gave him her mouth, and pleasured her pussy on his cock. Then they had David in the bath, without putting him into restraint, and handled him to two orgasms.
After a day spent avoiding David’s bathroom, they returned with happy inevitability the day after that, and spent happy hours naked and warm together, giving and taking massages with oil, soap and jetting water, in and out of the bath. Their bodies seemed to glow and hum with pure physical pleasure. All three women tried on various costumes, and used vibrators. Oiled, Mary made David and Jack come together over her nude body, hosing her with powerful jets, after which she lay on the water bed and massaged the cream into her skin before masturbating to a startling orgasm. Her own wickedness, taken to a new extreme, filled her with a warm, tingly delight and pride.
On the following day they drove to the Berkshire Downs and walked a great way in weather so fine it was hard to believe they were not dreaming.
Messy fun combined with the humiliation of Mary and Jack was David’s plan for the next afternoon.
‘It’s logical,’ he told Carol and Faye as they all had lunch together in his house. ‘Jack and Mary both like to be dominated, so we should see what happens if they submit together. It’ll be marvellous.’
The five of them were thrilled by the many possibilities opened up by such a situation. Even the weather seemed to be on their side: with thunderstorms chasing each other recklessly across the shuddering sky, it felt good to stay in a warm, soundproofed bathroom. Naked, they eagerly entered that peculiarly logical room, the result of David’s obsession taken to its limits – who else but David, Mary thought, had ever been brave enough to do as much? For Carol and Faye it now seemed somehow safe and normal to be naked with Mary and two aroused men. It amused Mary to wonder when their illusions would be shattered.
On the floor of the bathroom lay an inflated blue plastic paddling pool, of circular shape and a little over two metres in diameter. Around it were three bright-red plastic inflated armchairs. Carol and Faye joined David in an extremely thorough and ruthless binding of Jack and Mary, which left the two prisoners enmeshed and compressed by interconnected, tightly fitted ropes and straps. They lay on their sides in the paddling pool, with cords tautly tied from their bodies to metal rings in the floor, so that it seemed they could touch one another if only they could make a supreme effort, so short was the distance separating male from female flesh. This impression, however, was an illusion of David’s contriving. In reality, their utmost efforts would never quite enable Jack’s cock to touch Mary’s shiny wet lips and swollen clitoris, though they could just barely, by supreme and somewhat painful effort, bring their nipples into teasing contact. It was a situation of some interest.
Messy, sticky, slippery substances had already been prepared by David. With great enjoyment, he and the girls started to use these to deluge their captives. First was a gallon of wallpaper paste, a brand without fungicide. Laughing, Faye and Carol donned long gloves of black plastic and rubbed the shiny fluid over every part of Jack and Mary’s bodies as David slowly poured it out of a red bucket, which he held high to make the paste splatter. This massage aroused the captives greatly, and they strove fruitlessly to press their flesh together and achieve orgasm. David then made an announcement that upset Mary.
‘You see the beauty of this arrangement? Mary will be trained to see Jack as more desirable, so finally she’ll be satisfied by him. At last she’ll stop chasing and annoying me.’
‘I’ve already stopped annoying you, you little rat,’ Mary protested, and she would have said much more had David not calmly fitted her with a gag of black rubber, which reduced her to animal grunts and moans. Outrage burned in Mary. How could David say she was chasing and annoying him? Even if she had once or twice acted in a way that could be misunderstood to mean that she wanted David, that was all over and done with. Obviously, they were now in a new phase of experimentation and adventure. But perhaps David had spoken insincerely, just to tease and mock her as part of the game.
‘Sorry, Mary, but I mean it,’ David said coolly, when he met her gaze and read her mind as he did so often. ‘You’re still chasing me, and I’m going to have to make you stop, no matter how it hurts. You’ll hurt. Not me.’ Smiling slightly, he slowly poured two pints of warm custard over her perfect breasts, while she wriggled and writhed in helpless, futile, anger and frustration.
Mess oozed upon squelching mess. Tins of soup and beans, instant mashed potato, chopped tomatoes and squashy, overripe bananas were all mashed into Jack and Mary’s skins. Between periods of caressing and arousing their captives, David, Faye and Carol masturbated as well as touched each other. The two young lesbians thoughtlessly handled David’s cock as though the act had no risk, a provoking attitude Mary suspected they would soon come to regret.
‘If I remove your gag,’ David said to her, ‘will you be quiet and obedient? If you complain or even just talk, I’ll have to gag you again. You really do talk too much, Mary.’
Mary nodded her agreement to David’s terms, and he removed her gag, then untied the cord that fastened her to the floor and had her kneel in the mess. He fitted a leather collar with an attached dog chain, which he held firmly, using it to pull her head towards the solid mass of his penis. Mary took his huge knob into her mouth and used tongue, saliva, lips and suction to serve it with all her heart and soul, finding the servitude a strangely sweet delight that sent frissons of pleasure from her nipples to her clitoris as Faye and Carol innundated her with handfuls of ooze scooped from the pool, which ran down her skin in a prolonged, slow-motion caress.
‘Could you soap and stroke me?’ David politely asked the girls, as if he were asking them to hold something for a moment while he changed a light bulb.
Carol and Faye complied at once, first showering David with warm water and then caressing his whole body with liquid soap. He gasped and moaned with pleasure so great that it sounded almost as though he were being tortured. For a long time David enjoyed himself in this extremely pleasant way, while Jack writhed in terrible frustration, and Mary grew very uncomfortable kneeling in the harsh confines of her bonds. Despite this, she was able to observe that Carol, unlike Faye, took a real pleasure in stroking David with her gloved hands, and in rubbing her breasts and crotch against his flesh, though she tried to hide her great interest in David so as not to upset Faye, who gave Mary the impression of mimicking Carol’s actions so they might not be so obvious. Mary had no doubt that David had made the same observations, and concluded that Carol was a ripe target for cruel exploitation.
Years seemed to pass while Mary slavishly suckled on David’s twitchingly rigid penis, so long and thick. Now and then, he gathered ooze and gunk from the pool using a small plastic bucket, and poured it over Mary’s head. She could only gasp and shudder, her every muscle on fire with the grip of her intricate and cruel restraints.
‘If I release you, will you put on a show for us?’ David asked Mary at last. ‘Masturbate? Torment Jack?’
‘Of course, sir,’ Mary spluttered through her mask of slime.
David used the shower to remove most of the mess from Mary, while the girls unfastened her bonds. Freed, she donned, with desperate has
te, the swimming mask that David gave her, and then she took from him a pair of long, slender, flexible and waterproof vibrators, and plunged into the deep, warm, foaming waters of the bath, which had been filling while she was humiliated with sticky slimy messes. What a fantastic exhibition she made of her lovely young body, so shapely and lithe! Rarely in her life had she known such terrible lust. So sharp and extreme was the sudden contrast between restraint in the paddling pool, with abject slimy degradation, and the freedom and cleanliness of the huge scarlet bath, that it combined with her appalling need for multiple orgasms to drive her half insane.
Splashing, spluttering, swearing and bubbling, Mary launched into an orgy of extreme masturbation. Using the two slender vibrators to the best possible effect, she rolled and arched, thrust and flailed, attacking her own flesh with the ruthless savagery of a do-or-die assault on the enemy’s stronghold. After her first ferocious orgasm, when she yelled her soul out to the foaming slippery waters, she simply had to carry on, she had no choice, though she was able to think a little more of her audience, and adopt extreme and provocative postures while ploughing the buzzing vibrators in and out of her stretched and succulent flesh. Thrusting out her arse and tits, arching her back like a snake, parting her legs impossibly wide, she showed how remarkably lithe and supple her body was, and forced David to know that her beauty and fearlessness had no match. Only she could be the insane mermaid of his dreams.
Resisted by David, she carried on, heaving and splashing, all lithe energy and shiny curvaceous perfection like a dolphin. She was sure of David’s resistance. His mind was open to her alone. If he jumped on her now it would be her decision, her seduction of him, his admission that he needed her loveliness boiling around his bloated penis. His mind worked in peculiar ways, but she could wallow in even weirder thoughts, and so take from him the victory.
Aqua Domination Page 19