‘I hope you touch it again,’ said Jack. ‘I enjoy seeing you do it, it makes me feel utterly worthless and humiliated. It’s wonderful.’ He was practically babbling, and his excitement was shared by Carol and Faye.
As soon as the five of them entered the bathroom, Mary noticed with a slight shock that David had done a great deal of hard cleaning. Now everything looked as shiny and insanely, nightmarishly beautiful as the first time she had seen it long, long ago, when the universe was young.
David started a foamy bath running. The room was radiant with the golden light of sunset reflected from the leaves of the trees.
‘What I suggest is this,’ he announced with quiet authority. ‘We look at my collection while the bath is running. Then we have fun masturbating and touching. Perhaps, Carol and Faye, you would even allow Jack and I to touch you. No intercourse of any kind, naturally. But if you don’t like the idea, that’s fine too. No pressure.’
‘Oh, I think touching would be OK,’ Carol replied at once, and Faye nodded in agreement.
Mary thought that eventually Carol and Faye would find themselves in deeper waters of sexual perversion than they had ever dreamed existed. She felt sure David planned to lure them there by small, easy steps that would seem natural to take, and impossible to refuse. What would these fundamentally innocent girls feel when David revealed his true nature, his overwhelming power? Already she could tell he was freshly alert and active as his old self rose back to the surface from the black depths where he had forced it into hiding. But it was no business of hers what David did with Carol and Faye, if they chose to ignore her frequent warnings. They wanted to experiment. OK. Soon they might find themselves being treated as the subjects of experiments, like laboratory rats.
David opened the huge dark cupboard in the corner, and began taking out costumes, garments, and items for restraint and chastisement. Mary was stunned to realise that many of them were brand new, which meant that David was determined to resume his old ways. All his efforts to give up his peculiar fetish of bathroom domination had been abandoned, and Mary could not help but feel that David was doing the right thing, as his attempts had only led to his being depressed. Jack was seeing these things for the first time, so he was unaware of the deeper meaning revealed by their newness. As for Faye and Carol, they had only seen them once before, and then they had been in something like a state of shock, so Mary was sure that they could not remember them clearly. They too did not understand what these new items meant: the old David was back. Mary looked for a moment into his eyes, and they exchanged a secret smile of complicity. David seemed certain that Mary would not explain to the others that the newness of so many items meant that they were all in danger. The curious thing was that he was right: she would not tell. How well he knew her! Nobody else in her whole life had ever begun to understand her half as well. Mary told herself not to be so pleased by his understanding, by their smile of complicity, but it was no good. She felt a deliciously warm tingle of pleasure spread suddenly through her whole body and soul.
The five of them went into the living room to undress. Faye and Carol were only a little shy and nervous, as they had got used to being naked with Jack and Mary. They returned to the bathroom and took a shower together. The insanely clever design of the room appealed greatly to Jack, Faye and Carol: since the whole floor was tiled, and inclined in gentle planes to four drains, they could be wet and soapy anywhere. Mary broke the ice by soaping the other four, rubbing her body against theirs. At first, Faye and Carol were very nervous when David and Jack touched them, their cocks fully erect. With great excitement, the men caressed the girls’ lovely young naked bodies, praising the beauty of Carol’s long legs and Faye’s breasts. Mary handled their erections with great pleasure, and she rubbed them on her body, filling everybody with almost unbearable excitement. She found the act not simply thrilling, but a profound joy, and shockingly beautiful.
‘This is lovely,’ Faye whispered, awestruck.
‘Why doesn’t everybody do this sort of thing?’ Carol wondered.
‘Because they’re trained to settle for less,’ Mary replied. ‘Much less. Everybody has to be kept dissatisfied to keep capitalism and consumerism going.’ She lay on the water bed and masturbated with fine vigour, striking extreme poses to turn on the others even more. They all caressed her and themselves, loving the feel of warm slippery water and bubbling soap. She had Jack lie on the undulating warm plastic of the water bed, and she went on all fours over him, to rub her breasts on his penis. David, Faye and Carol poured warm water over the pair and soaped them both, thoroughly. After a while, Mary lay on Jack facing up, and took his cock between her soapy thighs, masturbating while he played with her breasts. Then she squatted over his head, engulfing Jack’s face under the powerful round globes of her arse, using both hands and her mouth on his cock while he gurgled, bubbled, and delightedly gasped for breath, his fingers tweaking her huge rigid teats. Arching and screaming he came, and Mary took his jetting spurts over her face and into her wide-open mouth.
So excited was he that he barely lost his erection for a minute, and he was soon masturbating again as Mary, Faye and Carol slipped and slid around each other on the water bed. Carol and Faye, with a little urging from Mary, began to handle David and Jack’s cocks, and it quickly seemed natural and enjoyable for the girls. The men lay on the surging plastic, so soft and warm and slippery, and the three women played games with their cocks, not only handling them but also rubbing their breasts and buttocks on their rigidity. Mary and Carol came like this, and both felt a surge of energy and delight that told them they would keep on coming and coming. There was nothing else in that bathroom except strange ecstasy. The outside world, normal life, everyday routine, had all gone, and it was hard to believe such absurdity had ever existed.
With the greatest delight they entered the bath, and tried all possible combinations of caressing, rubbing and masturbation. They used the bath, the floor, the water bed, the showers, the wooden chair hanging from chains attached to the ceiling and a big inflated blue plastic chair, giving and taking pleasure in extreme doses. For nearly three hours they played in the bathroom. Jack and David both came twice, hosing Mary’s superbly athletic body, their cream leaping and splashing on her skin. The women seemed to float effortlessly from one orgasm to another, and by the time they left the bathroom, Faye and Carol trusted David in a way Mary thought misplaced and naive. She was thrilled by their trust, which presented endless possibilities for their shattering disillusionment.
That night, Jack came to Mary’s bedroom to make a fervent request: he pleaded with her to dominate him the next day in David’s bathroom, and to humiliate him extremely and obscenely with David’s bizarre equipment. He spelled out exactly what he so desperately needed.
‘I’ll enjoy it, so let’s do it, if you’re sure you can endure such an ordeal,’ Mary agreed. ‘David will enjoy it too, I’m sure. But we won’t have Faye and Carol. It’d be too shocking for them. They might stop joining us altogether.’
‘No they won’t, they’re hooked.’ Jack laughed. ‘Please, Mary, it’ll be wonderful if they’re there. I’ll enjoy their shock so much. Even if they did refuse to join us again, you’d have done a good thing, saving them from David. I bet he has plans for them, and not nice plans either. Besides, if you and I drove them away, you’d have David all to yourself, wouldn’t you?’
‘You cunning bastard,’ Mary said, laughing. ‘I can believe you’re a great salesman. All right, let’s do it. It’ll be bloody exciting. The day after tomorrow, OK? Tomorrow’s too soon. Just don’t chicken out.’
‘I won’t, I swear,’ Thank you, thank you, thank you.’
On the arranged day, David came for lunch. He not only looked a lot better, but ate a lot more too. There is a man, thought Mary, who has revived himself by getting back in touch with his inner sadist.
‘Jack and I have a plan for this afternoon,’ she announced as the five of them enjoyed strawberries and ice crea
m. ‘I’m going to dominate him in ways that will be pretty disgusting.’
‘Repulsive. Vile,’ Jack added cheerfully.
‘So I’m sure you’ll enjoy it, David. But perhaps, Faye, Carol, you shouldn’t come. Watching it will probably make you upset.’
Naturally, the girls insisted on witnessing something repulsive, so they all drove round to David’s house.
‘You make a great dominatrix, Mary,’ he said warmly. ‘I can’t wait to see what you and Jack do. If it’s too much for you two kids, you can always go home, right?’
‘We’re not kids,’ Carol said with a laugh.
They started a foaming bath running. Mary and Jack began their preparations, to Faye and Carol’s mystification, by drinking huge amounts of tea and water. Then they all stripped naked together in the living room, an act which by now seemed natural and unexceptional.
Back in the bathroom, Mary dressed up. She donned a black plastic suspender belt with six straps, and translucent black stockings. A corset of scarlet plastic constricted her waist, and her face was adorned with a white domino mask. Beside the huge scarlet bath she placed a pair of strappy black leather shoes with high heels. The next step was for Mary to lubricate and put into place a flexible tube of transparent plastic which encased Jack’s cock. It grew wider to accomodate the base of his glans, and above that it narrowed.
‘It feels wonderful.’ Jack sighed with delight. The startling rigidity of his erection showed he did not lie.
From the tip of his penis, some five inches of tube projected. At the end of the tube was a shiny metal screw fitting. The next item that Mary fitted was a short, flexible rubber plug through which passed a rubber tube. Lubricated, the plug slid between his buttocks and Jack gasped with pleasure. Mary fastened the rubber straps, which were attached to the tube, around his waist and upper thighs. These would help hold the plug in place, and also gave him a pleasing sense of restriction. This second tube, projecting two feet from his body, also had a screw fitting at its end. Faye and Carol stared in awe and thrilling anxiety, their arms around one another’s waists for comfort.
‘You understand that this will be a truly terrible and prolonged ordeal,’ Mary said to Jack. ‘You can still back out. I promise I won’t hold it against you. There is such a thing as going too far.’ She spoke in all sincerity. Now that they had reached this point, she felt nervous about doing something so strange, a forbidden act that put on her many responsibilities. And how would Jack feel afterwards? She did not want to make him even more crazy.
‘It’ll be fine, Mary,’ he assured her gravely. ‘Don’t worry.’
‘You can do it, Mary,’ David said with equal gravity. ‘It’ll be wonderful. I can always give advice if the need arises. Jack, I just want to say that I respect and admire you for doing this.’
‘Thanks, David,’ said Jack, and the two men exchanged a handshake. Mary could see they were now firm friends.
‘Male bonding time,’ she punned, and everyone laughed.
Jack donned, with Mary’s help, a black rubber helmet that encased his head and throat. He could see through plastic eyepieces, but the only openings in the helmet were at his nostrils and his mouth. From his mouth protruded a rubber tube some nine inches long, again with a screw fitting at the end. The tube was firmly and seamlessly secured to the helmet, which clung tightly to his head.
Now Jack sat down in the foaming waters of the bath, which were still shallow, though deepening with every passing moment. Mary set about binding him with extreme thoroughness. David assisted. Black leather belts were fitted around Jack’s ankles, above his knees and around his thighs. Leather straps with O-rings were fitted to his wrists and below his elbows, and these were connected so that his left wrist was held to his right arm strap, and his right wrist to his left arm strap, behind his back. A black leather belt was fitted around his waist, and another around his upper chest. Jack lay down. Mary tied a long red cotton cord to a ring fitted to the rear of his helmet, and took it down his back to tie it around his ankles and feet, so he could not sit up. He was now absolutely trussed, his whole body constricted. With the three tubes projecting from his body, he was shockingly helpless and totally vulnerable. His penis was so hugely turgid and rigid that it pulsed visibly with the rapid beats of his heart.
Mary was breathing hard, as though she had just taken violent exercise. Drizzle veiled the double-glazed window at the far end of the room. Out there was a bizarre world of great strangeness and sadness. Mary suddenly realised how glad, how very glad, she was to be here in David’s wonderful bathroom. She looked into his eyes, and her heart leapt with joy to see his warm approval and fascination.
Now Mary could admit to herself that she was putting Jack through this ordeal partly, even mainly, to impress David. To capture his imagination. To make herself a necessity for him. David the addict, she his beautiful heroin.
‘Now for the final pieces,’ said David. He went to the cupboard and took out six things, which he laid beside the bath. Three of these were black plastic objects like large cups, with protruding screw fittings. The other three were transparent, flexible pieces of plastic tubing with screw fittings at both ends. Two of these were about a foot long, straight and undivided. The third was Y-shaped, with screw fittings at all three ends. Carol and Faye gasped as they understood what was about to happen.’
‘This is what Jack wants,’ Mary told them with a slight shrug of her strong shoulders.
‘I’m going to give you something to drink,’ Mary told Jack. ‘And you’ll have to drink all of it, you worthless slave. I shall torment and humiliate you more badly than you could conceive of in your worst nightmares. Or perhaps in your case I should say your best dreams. This is your opportunity to worship me absolutely, to show your devotion by embracing your degradation. Your complete surrender will give me pleasure, so let that be your consolation.’ She took one of the large plastic cups and connected its bottom screw fitting to the tube leading from Jack’s helmet. Then she dipped it in the foaming water of the bath and half filled it before raising it high. Jack did not drink. ‘What! You dare to imagine the possibility of defying me?’ Mary exclaimed. She got into the bath, knelt beside Jack, and lightly squeezed his balls. Still he did not drink, so she took a plastic brush and flicked it under the rim of his knob. Jack convulsed, then gulped down his enforced drink.
‘In future, just drink whatever I tell you to drink,’ said Mary. ‘Or your punishment will be far more severe. In fact, you still have far too much freedom of movement. You can roll and thrash around, it’s very irritating.’ David fetched two lengths of white cotton cord from the cupboard, and handed them to Mary with a sudden flash of his warm and happy smile, that wholehearted, somehow childlike smile that had once gone straight to Mary’s heart. And now? It went straight to her heart. Carefully, she used the cords to fasten Jack’s ankles and the metal ring at the top of his black rubber helmet to two of the metal rings set so firmly into the bottom of the huge scarlet bath.
‘Don’t be worried,’ David reassured Carol and Faye. ‘What Jack and Mary are doing is beautiful and courageous. They’re acting out the kind of fantasy that other people have but are too cowardly to act out. I admire them both for this.’
David’s complete sincerity had a real effect on the girls.
‘Let’s sit on the edge of the bath and tease Jack,’ Carol said to Faye.
‘You’re right. It’s silly to just stand about watching.’
‘That’s good,’ Mary assured them. ‘Jack will love it. You could use your feet on him. Just fool around. Do what you like.’
Faye and Carol sat on plastic-covered cushions next to the bath, their feet in the water, sitting in the bath, facing Jack. Mary was on the other side, so now he was surrounded by a trio of lovely young women as he entered into his prolonged, superbly extreme ordeal. Carol and Faye laughed as they poured bathwater over each other with a plastic bowl. The sensual magic of the hot foaming waters quickly had its way with the e
xcited girls, so they kissed and caressed each other, loving the feel of skin made wet and slippery. David turned on bright red lights to make the women shine. Mary caressed her breasts and began to masturbate.
David happily gave the women vibrators, and one of the shower hoses so they could enjoy its spray. Now Carol and Faye fully appreciated just why the showers had such long lengths of flexible plastic tubing: they could be used anywhere in the room. They loved the feel of pulsing water so vivid and tingling against their sensitive flesh and, as their arousal and pleasure mounted, they lost their feelings of shock and nervousness at the way Mary treated her thoroughly bound and tubed victim.
Jack’s ordeal lasted two hours from the moment Mary gave him his first drink, the time he and Mary had agreed on beforehand. It was a remarkable experience for the three women and two men in that astonishing bathroom, one that transformed their relationship and even the way they thought. At the deepest level, it seemed to be a dividing line in their lives, so that afterwards they would look back and feel they had become different men and women during Jack’s ordeal, people for whom the realm of dreams and nightmares had penetrated decisively and irrevocably into the world of everyday reality.
After this, there was no possibility of going back.
There were three tubes through which fluids could be poured into Jack by Mary, and two tubes out of which fluids could be expelled by Jack. There were three ways in which the three tubes could be connected together by means of the screw fittings, which were designed so well that it was a matter of a few seconds to fasten and unfasten them. Since there were also the three black rubber cups with the same screw fittings, and as each of the cups could be used at the same time as one of the connections, the number of permutations grew to nine. This was the core of Jack’s ordeal, but it was very far from being the whole story, as there were so many things that Mary, Carol and Faye could do to Jack’s helpless, floating body, a huge variety of ways in which he could be aroused, stimulated, threatened, tormented and punished, as well as all kinds of acts by which the women could pleasure themselves and each other while Jack stared longingly and hopelessly.
Aqua Domination Page 18