Aqua Domination
Page 23
There was just one problem: no matter how they strove, the best they could achieve was contact between their nipples, but so aroused were they that even this seemed infinitely precious, and they stretched and arched and suffered to enjoy the electric contact of male and female. By flexing his muscles and swinging his hips, Jack could very nearly, but not quite – horrifyingly not quite, from his point of view – touch Mary’s belly with the tip of his flailing, bloated penis. He felt that if only he could make a brief contact, he could come. Mary too felt, or hoped, that she might eventually be able to climax if only she could rub the tips of her hugely turgid teats for long enough against Jack’s nipples. And so they strained and struggled and made funny noises through their gags, and their gleaming nude bodies striving to unite created a gorgeous and hypnotic spectacle that made David, Carol and Faye stare in awe.
‘It’s so beautiful!’ Faye exclaimed. ‘And romantic.’
‘And too sexy for this universe,’ murmured Carol.
Eagerly, the girls began to caress the pair of tantalised and desperately aroused captives, stroking and squeezing every part of their skins, kissing and licking to build their lust to heights that were a source of fear. To want something so much, and not be able to get it: this was now revealed as the heart and soul of being human. What else was there to life? To witness and to know such truth and lust was to be swallowed up in warm wet mindless sensuality, to be eaten alive by exquisite terror.
Silent and trembling with awe, Carol and Faye sprayed Mary and Jack with liquid soap, then rubbed their breasts, thighs and bellies on the prisoners and each other, their hands sliding over slippery flesh. David stroked and squeezed Mary’s beautiful and helpless body, holding his penis and rubbing its huge helmet on and between the lubricated bodies of the three young women as if they only existed for his delight.
Literally panting with lust, Faye and Carol were overcome, and rubbed their genitals with increasing blatancy and urgency against Jack and Mary’s thighs, hips and buttocks, using the helpless captives to pleasure their clits without granting in return the relief they longed for. Noisily squelching, panting and moaning, Carol and Faye came almost at the same time, tensing and arching their lovely gleaming bodies, so curvaceous and radiant with lithe strength. Appalling frustration burned in Mary, and she screamed through her gag.
Even David could no longer restrain himself, so insanely arousing was the bizarre explosion of lust he had created with such skill. As Carol and Faye sank trembling to the floor, dazed by the power of their ecstasy, David casually arranged them as if they were a pair of sex dolls he owned, having Faye lie face down on the water bed and Carol lie on her back facing upwards, so that the girls’ buttocks were pressed together, wet and slippery for his convenience. Groaning with pleasure, David mounted Carol without penetrating her or putting his weight on her and Faye. Rather, he moved above Carol on all fours and kissed her as his long thick penis slid into the delicious new orifice made by four female buttocks, and then he shivered and grimaced in burning pleasure as he thrust repeatedly. Finally, he gave a series of sharp, yelping cries as he stood up to spurt over Mary’s lovely body.
For Jack and Mary the frustration was excruciating. It was even worse for Mary, as, shortly after David came, Carol moaned in the throes of her own climax, so turned on was she by David’s belly and pubes rubbing on hers. Mary shuddered with the agony of jealousy. Carol liked men all right, and if David had his way, she might soon be stretched around his cock.
‘Let’s spank them,’ David suggested, and immediately gave Mary a resounding blow on the arse that made her squeal through her gag. Her buttocks burned as further smacks followed, usually with long pauses in-between during which the three tormentors had a wonderful time caressing each other and the two captives, as well as masturbating. What amazed Mary was the way in which Carol and Faye spanked Jack and herself without any urging from David, as though to spank a bound man and woman was an act as natural as breathing. Mary had a premonition that by accepting everything in this dangerous bathroom of David’s, these two innocent girls were heading for a catastrophe.
‘Let their bums cool down a bit,’ David told Faye and Carol. ‘They’re trying to climax by spanking.’
Mary and Jack could only moan and writhe in the agony of frustration as their tormentors stroked them all over, save for the areas that might grant them orgasm.
The teasing of the two prisoners continued for what seemed to them like eternity. At last, however, Carol and Faye felt sorry for them, and also grew a little afraid of their frustrated lust. David swiftly modified Jack’s restraints, so that he was able to move forwards another inch or so, and then Faye and Carol took control of his penis, rubbing its big shiny helmet on and around Mary’s clitoris. Jack struggled madly to come as the girls’ cool fingers handled his shaft and squeezed his balls, and Mary strained too, while David rubbed his cock against her strong arse, sliding it up and down the valley of her buttocks.
‘Bring Jack off,’ he told Carol and Faye. ‘Make him spray Mary’s clit.’
Grunts of animal desperation burst from Jack’s throat as the girls gripped his penis firmly and moved their hands, and then he snorted and squealed like an injured pig as he shot powerful spurts that spattered against the swollen head of Mary’s clitoris, filling her with strange sensations that were a kind of exquisite agony. Calmly, David landed five heavy blows on her arse with his hand, then gripped her breasts from behind as she came, to be torn apart by an orgasm that was all blackness, an ecstatic pain in which her every nerve seemed to be on fire. It was not at all pleasurable or satisfying, but rather a kind of torture.
Humming a happy tune, David released Mary and Jack, who sank to the floor clutching at themselves. What Mary had just experienced, indeed endured, hardly seemed to her an orgasm at all. She felt as though she were being forced towards a desolate plateau up in the clouds, a chilling realm of ecstatic agony. Her fresh understanding of her own body and soul fed her fear.
‘That was so sexy,’ Carol moaned. ‘Jack and Mary were too beautiful. I can’t stand it.’ With a look of real suffering and desperation on her face, she grabbed David’s cock with one hand, while the other went behind his back to pull him to her. He thrust into her and pushed her against a tiled wall, then held onto metal rings set into the wall as they fucked mightily. Both moaned with mindless passion as David’s huge penis serviced the strong, fit young woman who was much taller than him, a gorgeous blonde Valkyrie.
It had all happened so quickly and spontaneously that Jack, Mary and Faye were caught unawares, and then they were momentarily awed by the sheer power and frenzy of the couple’s screwing.
‘Oops,’ Jack said thoughtfully.
Mary felt under a barrage of conflicting urges: she wanted to hit David, or Carol, or both of them, and she also wanted to cheer them on, to applaud or caress, or to worship in an extreme of masochism. Faye was not as confused as Mary, but she was more amazed.
‘Stop it,’ she croaked, almost inaudibly, after long seconds of stunned silence. She coughed and cleared her throat. ‘Stop it,’ she yelled. Reaching out to grab David, she recoiled from his flesh, unable to touch him while he was deep inside her lover, and then she ran to the cupboard, grabbed a cat-o’-nine-tails of black leather, and swung her arm as she ran at David with a despairing cry of pain, for Carol was already coming noisily, writhing like a wounded snake impaled on David’s big cock.
Instinctively, Mary pressed her body to David’s, to protect him from Faye, and also from the need to thrust her breasts against his back, her pubes against his buttocks. Hearing the cat whistle through the air, she just had time to decide that what she was doing was really bloody silly.
The blow never landed. Mary looked over her shoulder and saw Jack holding Faye. She stopped struggling and dropped the cat. David came strongly, and it seemed a long time before he and Carol finished their panting and moaning. Everybody except Mary began talking at once. Mary would have talked too, but s
he knew that nobody would listen. Carol and Faye had a hysterical argument, David said a lot about freedom and how nothing was his fault, and Jack babbled about how magnificent Mary had been, rushing to protect David. Nobody paid any attention to anybody else, and they all four repeated themselves a great deal. Mary always got bored when people other than herself said more than a few words, so she took a cold shower, then wrapped herself in a towel, went into the kitchen, and made a pot of tea. What else was there to do at this late stage in the game?
By the time the others joined her in the kitchen, she had worked her way through a sandwich, seven biscuits and two doughnuts, and was feeling better even if she preferred to stand rather than sit on her fiery buttocks.
‘You’re the one to blame, Mary,’ announced Faye. David, Jack and Carol all showed their agreement.
‘I knew you’d decide that,’ Mary replied, and poured four more cups of tea. ‘Let me guess whose idea it was. Oh, it’s so difficult! I’ll never get it right! A desperate shot in the dark before the time limit expires – it was David’s idea.’
‘Yes, I suppose so,’ he admitted sheepishly. ‘But it’s true even if it is bad of me – according to you – to put the blame on you.’
‘I’m the only one here strong enough to take the blame.’
‘Yes. That’s the right way to see it. Oh come on, Mary. You wouldn’t leave me alone, you dominated Jack and made him your slave, and you suggested getting Faye and Carol involved. It actually is all your fault that these nice girls are upset and in danger of ending their happy relationship.’
‘I admit it,’ Mary proclaimed. ‘I am the Svengali behind poor little David. Doctor Mabuse, Satan and the four horsemen of the Apocalypse: they’re all me. And I bet David has a nasty plan already worked out for my punishment.’
‘How well you know me!’ David exclaimed, shaking his head. ‘No wonder I’m afraid of you when you know me so well. Yes, of course, I have something nasty in mind.’
‘Good,’ Mary told him, smiling a warm and happy smile. ‘I told you you’d feel better if you resumed your real life as a sadist, and look at you, you’re flying. I’ve succeeded in recreating the monster, how very clever of me! Sit down all of you, have a cup of tea, and then we’ll go back to David’s bloody bathroom.’
Feeling a little deflated and puzzled by Mary’s attitude, the others calmed down and accepted tea from her. She felt a calm, strong sense of joy and clarity, as though she had climbed through the clouds and could see every star. When they returned to the bathroom, the wind and rain had stopped and, as the sun began to set somewhere behind thick grey clouds, Mary saw a blackbird singing on the high white fence, though she could not hear it through the double glazing. So what, she thought, if birds only sing as part of an endless fight about their territory? It still makes me feel good.
Quickly all five of them were naked once more.
‘With your permission,’ said David, ‘Jack and I will help you three ladies dress up for an interesting new game. You’ll need to go down on all fours.’
‘We won’t let you tie us up,’ Carol insisted.
‘Of course, you and Faye won’t be tied up,’ David replied with what Mary thought was suspicious warmth.
‘This will be a terrible experience,’ she told Faye and Carol. ‘For all three of us. I know that gleeful look of David’s. But so what?’
‘Faye and I have to do this,’ said Carol.
‘David promised,’ Faye added, ‘that punishing you in this way will make us feel like a real couple again, a gang of two, united and strong.’
‘David doesn’t lie,’ Mary told the girls, ‘but you do have to think about the exact wording. Like making a pact with the Devil.’
‘I’m not much of a fallen angel,’ David said, laughing. ‘Except in your dreams. Put these on, please.’
Step by step, the trio of lovely young women were transformed into gleaming, hard-curved sex objects, as they willingly submitted to another experiment in calculated perversity. Tense with expectation, Carol and Faye donned broad belts, elastic-topped stockings and long gloves, all of shiny black plastic, while Mary adorned herself with identical items of scarlet. Then strap-on dildos of flexible black plastic were fitted to the girls, but not to Mary, by a cheerful David and Jack, who fastened the shiny black plastic straps around thighs and hips, with their own cocks growing erect in anticipation. Carol and Faye gnawed their lips and looked wide-eyed at the artificial cocks and balls that jutted from their bodies, making them look so very strange. The broad and curving bases of these dildos had soft, lubricated flanges, knobs and cavities, which engaged the nervous girls’ labia, clitoris and vagina in a prolonged, warm, and succulent embrace.
The next stage was to fit shiny leather head bridles, which included padded bits that pressed down on the tongues of Mary, Carol and Faye, making intelligible speech an impossibility. Faye and Carol had been gagged before they realised what was happening, but they were nervous rather than alarmed.
‘We don’t want you to hurt your hands or knees on the floor,’ said David. He and Jack strapped large pads of soft rubber to the women’s calves, and then engulfed their hands in big fingerless gloves of the same material. Mary realised that this covering of their hands made it impossible for them to manipulate straps. Nevertheless, she submitted to the gloves which effectively rendered herself and the girls absolutely helpless, though Carol and Faye did not yet understand their predicament. She could not help but admire David’s cunning.
Mary offered no resistance whatsoever as David fitted a red plastic legspreader to her ankles that kept her legs well apart, so that she seemed to proffer her arse and cunt. Then he strapped her wrists together, and attached the rings in these straps to a ring at the front of her bridle with a red silk cord, so that she could not move her wrists more than about one foot from her throat. A wave of excitement swept through her as she submitted absolutely.
‘This is a simple game, with simple rules, aims and prizes,’ David announced, literally rubbing his hands together in glee. Mary had only seen him do that once before, a long time ago. ‘Carol and Faye, you have to try to punish Mary by screwing her with your dildos. Mary, you have to try and avoid this. If you succeed, I’ll invite you to stay here with me for three months. Who knows? In three months you might make yourself so useful that I’ll marry you. Stranger things have happened. Carol and Faye, if you succeed in penetrating Mary, I’ll give you a set of video tapes of which you are the stars. You see those mirrors in the ceiling? Behind two of those, I can set up cameras in my bedroom and make a souvenir of what goes on in here. Today I’m not taping, so you needn’t be self-conscious. But you’d feel better, I’m sure, if you had the tapes I’ve already made of you. Otherwise, who knows? Images from them and even your addresses, could end up on the internet one day if I were to feel you hadn’t made a real effort to catch Mary.’
Carol and Faye were stunned. Before they could gather their wits, David and Jack placed elasticated black plastic hoods over their heads. These hoods had holes for the mouth and nose, but not for the eyes. The two girls were rendered sightless before they could even think of offering resistance. At once they stood up, raised their hands and tried to remove the helmets and the bits in their mouths, only to find that owing to the thick fingerless rubber mittens strapped in place on their hands, they could not get a grip on anything whatsoever. They could not remove the helmets, or the bits in their mouths. David had kept his promise to Carol and Faye: the girls were not tied up. And yet they were utterly helpless. As Mary had warned, David’s promises, like the Devil’s, depended on a misleadingly precise use of words.
Mary could not but feel pleased to see Carol and Faye brought down to her own level at long last. It had surely been inevitable from the start, once they had been naive and foolish enough to get involved with David. Suddenly, Mary had a sense of a full circle: she had crawled around on the bathroom floor masturbating, all alone, when she had returned to David’s house weeks ago, a
nd now she was going to crawl again, but with four other people joining in, so she was no longer lonely. What progress!
‘Now then, Carol and Faye, get down on all fours and play the game you agreed to play,’ David said with some sternness. ‘This is a fine chance for you to take revenge on Mary, and to get the tapes of yourselves. Besides, it’s such a good game.’ He took a black leather tawse from the cupboard, and Jack followed suit. ‘Go down on all fours, you disobedient bitches, or you’ll have to be punished. Co-operate and we’ll have a lovely time.’
Carol and Faye were close to panic, but they realised it was hopeless to defy David in these circumstances, so they went down on all fours, making noises through the bits in their mouths by way of mutual reassurance. Mary felt certain they were angry with her for getting them into such a mess. Silently, she moved away from where the girls had last seen her, in anticipation of the game starting. She was utterly determined to resist Carol and Faye, and to resist successfully. Never would such silly girls violate her with their repulsive dildos for David’s amusement. Not only was she resolved to prove to David how strong and superior she was, but also she knew he would use his tawse on her if she made anything less than a wholehearted effort. She refused to believe that she hoped to win the game so he would invite her to stay for three months: that, she told herself sternly, was meaningless. She did not care what bloody David did or said, he was just vomit.
‘Carol and Faye, you are now hunting dogs,’ he announced with real smugness. ‘Mary, you are the prey. A rabbit? No, you’re not innocent enough. A fox. A vixen, rather. Before we start, we’ll wash you.’
How David and Jack enjoyed washing three lovely, helpless young women, submissive on all fours! They poured bowls of water from the bath over them and soaped them, and also rubbed their cocks all over their lovely bodies. Every item that adorned Mary’s body was scarlet, while Faye and Carol were decorated by items of black, now all as shiny as their skins with water and foam, as Jack and David caressed them in this fetishistic cleansing ritual.