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One Rainy Day

Page 4

by Joan Jonker

  George glanced down at his wife and saw a smile on her face. ‘I would be delighted, and indeed honoured. And while I can’t speak for Harriet, I’m sure she feels the same.’

  ‘Oh, it would be an honour. Thank you for asking us.’ And indeed Harriet was pleased. ‘Have you chosen a name for the boy?’

  Jessica nodded. ‘Charles Leo. After Michael’s late father.’

  ‘How thoughtful,’ Harriet said. ‘When you set the date, you must call and furnish George and me with the details. Now, however, we must go in for dinner.’

  The dinner was a happy affair, with flowing wine, delicious food, and lively conversation. It was when the meal was over, and the guests were retiring to the drawing room, that George whispered to Andrew that he should visit the kitchen before all the staff left. His son didn’t need telling twice, for the glowing comments from the guests had reminded him that a lot of work had gone into making his birthday party a huge success. He excused himself from the table, and was on his way to the kitchen when his sister caught up with him. ‘Wait for me, Andrew. I would like to thank Frances too!’

  Andrew pulled up sharp. ‘Charlotte, it wasn’t Frances on her own who made all that delicious food. Jane must take the glory for almost everything on that table. Every course was down to her wonderful knowledge of cooking and baking. The others would have worked hard washing and cleaning, and Rosie and Kate waited on table as well! They all worked hard to make the dinner a success. Each one deserves our gratitude and thanks. So include everyone, Charlotte. They deserve it, and it will tell them we appreciate all their hard work.’

  ‘Am I a selfish person, Andrew?’

  ‘Of course you’re not, Charlotte. Perhaps you just don’t think, that’s all. But come now, help me to show my appreciation to a wonderful staff for a wonderful birthday party. And I’m sure they’d love to see you looking so pretty in that delightful dress.’

  When his sister hung back, Andrew pulled hard on her arm and she found herself in the kitchen facing the staff. She was shy, not knowing what to say. She knew them all by name, and would acknowledge them if she encountered them while they were cleaning her room, or the staircase. But she had never held a conversation with them, or learned anything of their life outside the big house.

  While Andrew was thanking Frances and Jane, the two young maids were staring at Charlotte’s dress with wonder in their eyes. Then young Rosie plucked up the courage to say, in a timid voice, ‘That’s a beautiful dress, Miss Charlotte. It doesn’t half look nice on yer.’

  Andrew turned. ‘Yes, it suits her, doesn’t it, Rosie? Come here, Charlotte, and let the girls see the back of it. Do a twirl for them.’

  To say Charlotte was reluctant would be an understatement. But she knew to refuse would be childish. So she turned round slowly, and some of her shyness fell away when the young maids, and the cook, clapped and raved over the dress. So she did a proper twirl, before taking the hand her brother held out to her. ‘We have to go now to bid our guests farewell,’ he said. ‘But you each have my sincere thanks for all the hard work I put you to. I’ll see you tomorrow at breakfast.’

  As the couple moved towards the door, Charlotte turned her head and smiled. ‘Thank you. The party was lovely and the food delicious.’

  On their way back to their guests, she said, ‘The dinner went well, Andrew. Have you enjoyed your birthday?’

  ‘More than you’ll ever know, Charlotte. It’s been wonderful, and Father’s gift was the best present I could have asked for.’

  ‘I haven’t bought you a present yet,’ his sister said. ‘I thought I would take you out for a meal to a good restaurant. Just the two of us. Would you like that?’

  Andrew didn’t answer right away, as his mind was busy. Was this the opportunity, he asked himself? He might never get another. ‘There is something I would really like you to do for me. Something that would make me very happy.’

  ‘Anything, my darling brother. Just tell me what it is.’

  ‘I don’t want you to think I’m big-headed, Charlotte, but I am so thrilled at being made a junior partner in the firm, I want to show off. I’d love you to come down to my office one day, to see how I work, and where I work. And I’d like to introduce my staff to you and show you round the office. Then I could take you for lunch after I’d bored you stiff with my boasting. Would you do that for me?’

  Charlotte didn’t hesitate. ‘Of course I will, silly boy. It’s not much of a birthday present, but if it’s really what you want …’

  ‘Thank you, my dear sister. We’ll set a date tomorrow, but right now we must say goodnight to our friends.’ He kissed her cheek. ‘I’ll look forward to your seeing where I work. And you must show how impressed you are.’

  Chapter Three

  It was Monday morning, four days after the party, when Charlotte slid into the passenger seat of Andrew’s car. ‘Do you always come out at this unearthly hour, Andrew? Surely not?’

  ‘It’s a quarter to nine, Charlotte, and about three-quarters of the population will be out and about. Workers on their way to the office or factory, and children going to school.’ Andrew backed the car out of the garage and manoeuvred slowly past the side of the house. Then, as he changed gear, he grinned. ‘The fresh morning air is good for you. Wakes you up and starts the brain ticking over.’

  ‘But it’s cold and miserable.’ Charlotte shivered. ‘Why couldn’t we have gone in later, like Father?’

  ‘Because I like to be at my desk by nine o’clock. I aim to set a good example.’ Andrew turned and reached behind for a knitted rug that was folded neatly on the back seat. ‘I can’t expect the staff to be good timekeepers when I’m not.’ He handed her the rug. ‘Here, put this over your knees. It’ll keep you warm.’

  ‘I do hope your office is warm, Andrew, or I’ll be sorry I agreed to come.’

  Andrew drove through the gates, then, after making sure the road was clear, set off towards the city. ‘We do have heating in the offices, Charlotte, and facilities for making tea. Perhaps I was wrong to ask you to come if you’re really not interested. I just thought you would enjoy seeing how the family business is run. After all, there must have been times when you’ve given thought to how Father makes the money to keep us in luxury?’ He slowed down to glance at his sister, and saw that she was looking distinctly downhearted and miserable. ‘Look, I’ll turn back and take you home.’ He pulled in to the kerb and turned the ignition off. ‘I just wanted to show you how I spend my days, and introduce my staff to my pretty sister. And I thought it would be a lovely surprise for Father if you walked into his office unexpectedly. He would be so happy. But I can see you have no heart for my plans, so I’ll take you back home.’

  Charlotte quickly put a hand on his arm. ‘No, don’t do that, Andrew. I made a promise and I’ll keep it. I will come with you, so drive on or you’ll be late.’

  But Andrew wasn’t satisfied. ‘No, Charlotte, I can tell it isn’t to your liking. Besides, if I were to introduce the staff to my sister, I would like them to see her smiling, and looking happy to be there.’

  ‘Of course I’ll smile! You didn’t think I’d go in with a long face, did you?’ Charlotte sat up straight in her seat. ‘I will brighten up, I promise you. Please understand, Andrew, I’m usually still in bed this time in the morning.’

  Andrew tapped his fingers on the steering wheel. ‘I won’t think any the less of you if you don’t come, Charlotte. And as Father doesn’t know anything about your proposed visit, no one will be any the wiser. It is entirely up to you, dear sister. Do we go into the city, or will I take you back home?’

  His sister’s lips formed a straight and determined line. ‘I intend to visit your office, Andrew, whether you take me there or I call a taxi.’ She leaned sideways to kiss his cheek. ‘Under my own steam or yours, brother dear. To use one to our father’s sayings, I will get there come hell or high water.’

  Andrew smiled. ‘Now, that sounds more like my sister talking. And as there are n
o taxis to be had, and you seem to have made up your mind, I suggest we get a move on. Keep hold of that rug and tuck it round your legs to keep the cold out.’

  ‘Funnily enough,’ his sister giggled, ‘I don’t feel cold now. In fact I really am wide awake.’

  ‘That’s what the fresh morning air does for you,’ Andrew said. ‘You should try it more often; it’s good for you. It’s also good for your complexion. Sitting around all day in a warm house will do you no favours. You’ll end up with a huge bottom and a sallow skin.’

  Charlotte turned her head to the window so he wouldn’t see her smile. ‘That could have its advantages, my dear brother. If I had a big bottom and horrible skin, you wouldn’t be so eager to have your staff meet me. That would really give them something to talk about. Just think, they’d be whispering behind your back that they feel sorry for you. You so handsome, and your sister fat and ugly.’

  ‘That’s more like it,’ Andrew said, chortling. ‘You sound more like my sister now. My hopes are high again that a very pleasant morning is in store for everyone. Especially our father. He will be so pleased.’

  Charlotte took her brother’s arm as they left the car and headed for Castle Street. ‘Oh, it is busy here, isn’t it? And everyone seems to be in a hurry.’

  ‘A lot of firms have offices in this area of the city.’ Andrew felt good walking with his sister. And in the back of his mind he was thinking what a pleasant surprise it would be for his father when Charlotte walked into his office for the first time. ‘A lot of the people you see have already been into work, and are now delivering letters or messages to customers of theirs. It is quicker to deliver post by hand if the contents are important. I love the bustle. It keeps my adrenalin flowing.’ They were nearing the offices of Wilkie-Brook’s now, and Andrew told himself it was ridiculous for his heartbeat to quicken simply because Charlotte was seeing for the first time the place where their father had worked for many years to build up a thriving business. ‘Here we are, my dear sister. Are you ready for my staff to give you the once-over?’

  ‘Of course I am! They can’t eat me!’ But that was nervous bravado, and Charlotte quickly added, ‘You won’t leave me alone, will you?’

  ‘I promise I won’t let you out of my sight. But I only have three staff, so I’m sure you can cope with that. And they’ll be so happy to meet you, you’ll find yourself relaxed in no time. And enjoying yourself, I hope.’

  ‘Do you think Father will be pleasantly surprised, or will he think we should have told him yesterday?’

  ‘He will be delighted, I promise you. He’ll make a big fuss over you, you’ll see. And I couldn’t tell him yesterday, for I wasn’t sure whether you would back out when the time came.’ Andrew turned her to face the steps. ‘Don’t look so apprehensive, dear. One would think you were walking towards the gallows. Take a deep breath, put a huge smile on that beautiful face of yours, and off we go.’

  Wendy Stamford raised her brows in surprise when Andrew walked in with a young lady hanging on to his arm. Fancy him not mentioning he had a girlfriend, she thought. But the reflection was fleeting, and a smile soon appeared on her face. ‘Good morning, Mr Andrew.’

  ‘Good morning, Mrs Stamford.’ Andrew withdrew his arm from his sister’s. ‘I would very much like you to meet my young sister, Charlotte. She’s come to see where I spend my time and energy.’

  Wendy laid down the morning’s unopened post. ‘Oh, how nice to meet you! We’ve heard so much about you from Mr Andrew, it’s lovely to see you in person.’ Her warm smile and hearty handshake melted Charlotte’s shyness, and the girl’s face lit up.

  ‘I hope my brother told you only the good things about me? If he didn’t, then in my own defence I have to say you must not believe half he told you.’

  ‘To hear him talk, Miss Charlotte, you are not only very pretty, but also kind, caring, funny, and the best sister in the world.’

  ‘Good grief, I find myself blushing. But we do get on very well, except Andrew is far more clever than I’ll ever be.’

  Andrew was standing behind his desk, and he beckoned his sister over. ‘Come and sit in the junior partner’s chair and see if it makes you feel important. But take your coat off first, so you look the part.’

  Wendy helped Charlotte with her coat, and couldn’t help feeling the quality of the material. She didn’t feel envy, just admiration for the style and colour. ‘I’ll put this on a hanger for you, Miss Charlotte.’

  ‘Thank you, Mrs Stamford, but I don’t want to put you to any trouble.’

  ‘It’s no trouble. I’m just so pleased you are here.’ Wendy caught Andrew’s eye. ‘Shall I make a pot of tea, Mr Andrew? I’m sure you and Miss Charlotte have a lot to talk about.’

  It was Charlotte who answered, as she sat in Andrew’s chair and placed her hands on top of the desk. ‘While I’m in this chair, Mrs Stamford, I think I should give the orders. As my brother said, it does make me feel very important.’ With that she spun round in the chair and her laughter filled the room. ‘You’ll have to fight me to get your chair back, Andrew. I love it.’

  He winked at his secretary. ‘She’s still a little girl at heart, so I’ll pamper her this once. If it comes to a fight over the chair, though, I would remind you that as my secretary you will be obliged to help me separate her from it.’

  Wendy laughed as she made her way out of Andrew’s office into her own. ‘I’m afraid fisticuffs are not in my contract, Mr Andrew, so I’m afraid you’re on your own.’ She popped her head round the door. ‘Making a good cup of tea is, though, and it will be served in ten minutes.’

  Charlotte waited for the door to close before saying, ‘I like your secretary. She’s very friendly and seems good fun. Are you going to explain what she does for you?’

  Andrew sat on the corner of his desk, delighted at the way things had gone so smoothly. Swinging his leg, he began to explain Mrs Stamford’s duties, and his sister’s eyes grew wider as she listened. ‘You mean she can write as quickly as you speak, and then she types all the letters? She must be very clever.’

  ‘Very efficient, Charlotte. She keeps this office ticking over like clockwork. Not alone, of course, for there are two typists in the other office who are very efficient also. But Mrs Stamford is very much in charge of everything that goes on. She worked for Father until I took over some of the business. Then he kindly gave her to me to help me familiarize myself with the many aspects of running an office. And I have to say I’d have floundered without her. She’s an absolute gem.’

  Charlotte was taking in what Andrew said, and she was thinking he must be very clever. ‘Can I meet the rest of your staff, Andrew, or would I be interfering with their work? I would very much like to meet them, then I’ll be able to tell Mother all about it. I must say I am very impressed, and I believe she will be, too!’

  Andrew quickly got to his feet, pleased that his sister was showing some interest. ‘Of course you can meet them. That was my intention. Come now, before Mrs Stamford brings the tea in.’

  To say Nita Williams and Letty Kennedy were taken aback when Andrew walked into their office with a girl on his arm would be putting it mildly. Their fingers hovered over their typewriters as they wondered whether they should carry on working or not. Andrew’s introduction and Charlotte’s friendly smile quickly broke the ice, though, and soon the clerks were chatting while they made a mental note of the clothes their boss’s sister was wearing. The wage they earned was average, and didn’t run to such fine, high-fashion clothes. But that didn’t stop them appreciating and admiring them.

  Charlotte was quite happy asking questions and would have stayed longer, but Andrew didn’t want to keep the women from what they were doing. ‘I think Mrs Stamford will be ready for us now, so let’s not keep her waiting.’ He was really proud of his sister as she shook hands and told the clerks she was delighted to have met them. And at the door she turned and wagged a finger. ‘You look after my brother, now, or I’ll be forced to pay another vis
it to reprimand you.’

  Nita and Letty were delighted. The visit had really made the day special for them. And although they chatted non-stop, their fingers moved as fast as their tongues and the work didn’t suffer because of the short break.

  When Wendy Stamford left the office to take the cups and saucers out, Andrew smiled at his sister. ‘Are you glad you came, or not?’

  ‘I’ve enjoyed it, Andrew. You have a very nice staff and I feel a little envious because they are really fond of you. I’ll have a lot to tell Mother when I get home, for it has been very interesting and enjoyable. I’ll tell her how very clever her son is, and ask why I wasn’t born as brainy.’

  ‘Of course you are as clever as me, Charlotte. It’s just that you have never been called upon to put your brains to use.’ Andrew was of the opinion that his sister had gained something today that she would dwell on. To push it further, unless she showed interest, would serve no purpose. ‘I’ll take you downstairs to Father’s office when Mrs Stamford returns. You can spend some time there, he’ll be absolutely delighted, and you can meet his staff. I have correspondence I must attend to this morning, but if you would like I could take you and Father for lunch. There’s a very small restaurant I know not far from here. It is in a basement, and only regulars are allowed. Quiet, discreet, with an excellent menu and wonderful food.’

  Charlotte pulled a face. ‘In a basement, Andrew? Oh dear, it sounds like one of those dives I’ve heard about.’

  His head back, Andrew chortled. ‘Oh, my dear sister. You know so much, and yet so little. This restaurant can be so fussy about their customers, there is a possibility they will turn us away because we are not suitably dressed.’

  ‘Now you intrigue me. I will definitely come to lunch with you, and dare anyone to turn me away.’


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