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Always Forever (Emerson Book 5)

Page 5

by Maureen Driscoll

  It had caused some grumbling in the village that no one had been invited. But Rose wanted to hold the memories of this day close to her heart and not have to worry whether Mrs. Stennis enjoyed the wedding breakfast.

  She did wish that the Kellingtons could be in attendance, but they had more important tasks. Nate had written to Arthur and Vanessa at the Home Office asking for assistance in learning about the blackmail scheme. The Duke of Lynwood was going to immerse himself in Society to learn what he could about both Bancroft and his new bride. Rose hoped she would see the Kellingtons many times in the years ahead. So, today she simply rejoiced in the presence of her family and try to keep her nerves at bay.

  There was a knock on the door and the Emerson ladies entered, carrying her wedding gown.

  “Oh!” said Rose. “It is truly lovely. Look at Anna’s beautiful needlework.” There was an intricate pattern of beading on the sleeves and the collar. “Where is she? I would like to thank her.”

  “James has taken Anna and Letty to pick flowers for your bouquet,” said Ava. “They are very excited to be a part of your big day, though Letty is also quite sad to see you leave. We all are.”

  Rose’s eyes filled with tears. “I shall miss you so very much,” she said, as she hugged each of them.

  “Nick and I shall simply have to make more trips to Wiltshire to see you,” said Kate.

  “Dearest,” said Win, taking Rose’s hand. “We were wondering if you have any questions about getting married.”

  “I believe the ceremony will be straightforward enough. And I am so very glad the wedding breakfast will be here with only the family in attendance.”

  Win shot a quick glance at the others. “No, Rose. We were wondering if you had any questions about…tonight.”

  “I have nothing but questions about tonight, but they are not things one can simply ask.”

  “With us you can,” said Win. “Though I am certain Nate will be only too happy to tell you anything you wish to know. Or, rather, to show you.”

  “But I do not want him to think I am a ninny,” said Rose.

  “Do not fear that,” said Ava. “Gentlemen seem to prefer their wives to be ignorant on their wedding night, then become complete experts on the act of love from the second night onward. I do not speak of Colin, of course. He was extremely patient, though I believe he was just as happy that I, uh, learned quickly.”

  “Does it hurt so very much?” asked Rose.

  “Not with the right man,” said Win, carefully. “As you can imagine, Pierce was a beast to me, but I am certain Nate will be as gentle with you as possible.”

  “Well, I know you certainly enjoyed your first time with Alex,” said Rose with a smile. “I felt so bad having to go to his bedchamber to retrieve you the next day.”

  “It was better you than your brothers,” said Ava.

  “We did our best to keep them downstairs and occupied,” said Irene. “Else I fear there would have been an Emerson stampede to poor Alex’s bedchamber.”

  Win put her hands to her bright red cheeks in remembrance. “If I recall, I was in no state to be seen by anyone.”

  “You were positively glowing,” said Rose. “And it did make me wonder what Alex had done to make you feel that way.”

  “I had to have Nick explain everything to me,” said Kate. “And even then, it did not quite make sense until we, uh, began.”

  “So what does the man do?” asked Rose.

  “Well, there is a very good chance he will wish to see you unclothed,” said Ava.

  “I am positive of that,” said Rose. “Nate is one of the most notorious rakes of the ton. He probably likes to see his maids unclothed as they dust his house. I shall put an end to that, of course, if it is true. I also have a feeling he will wish to be unclothed, as well.”

  Irene cleared her throat. “I have often wondered if America had an odd effect on James because he is quite at peace carrying on a conversation while walking around our bedchamber without even a stitch of clothing.”

  “I am so glad I always remembered to knock,” said Rose.

  “Well, with Anna sometimes joining us, he has taken to wearing a nightshirt. Or, at least, keeping one at hand. But I think if he had his druthers, both of us would sleep without anything on at all.”

  “Do you think Nate will wish to do that?” asked Rose, intrigued by the very thought.

  “Yes,” said all of the ladies in unison.

  “Colin once went into great detail about the plot of his book, all while he was as naked as the day he was born,” said Ava. “I could not concentrate on the plot, so I can only hope it is as good as I said it was.”

  “Alex, while wholly undressed, once recounted his most difficult case as a barrister – one in which his very life was threatened – and all I could think about was how nicely muscled he was,” said Win.

  “Victor writes in his journal without any clothes on, at all,” said Maude. “I must confess to enjoying the view, though I used to be concerned that he would catch a chill. But now I simply throw more wood on the fire. I am quite wicked at heart.”

  “You are my kind of wicked,” said Ava.

  “Nick has plans to recruit veterans as tenants on our estate,” said Kate. “Though I cannot tell you more than that, for he explained the entire plan whilst pacing back and forth in our bedchamber as God made him. Which was, by the way, perfect.”

  “I cannot picture any of my brothers behaving in such a way,” said Rose. “Though that is as it should be.”

  “From what I can tell,” said Maude, “men get almost as much pleasure out of looking at us as in the act itself.”

  “About the act itself,” said Rose. “I find myself looking forward to it. In part because I quite dislike not knowing things. But also because I have loved Nate for so very long and I want to experience this with him. However, I am afraid that he’ll be disappointed in me if he learns how very much I want this. It is not very maidenly of me.”

  “Nate will be thrilled to know how you feel,” said Win.

  At that moment, Letty and Anna bounded into the room holding armfuls of flowers. “We didn’t know what you wanted, so we got you a little of everything,” said Letty.

  “You are so beautiful, Aunt Rose,” said Anna.

  Rose hugged both girls close. “Truly, I am the most fortunate of ladies to have you with me on this day.”

  “No, Rose,” said Win. “We are the most fortunate of ladies to call you our sister. You may be moving across the village. But nothing will ever touch the bonds of love.”

  * * *

  “Lord Grayson,” said Westfield on the other side of Nate’s bedchamber door. “There is a man to see you.”

  Nate opened the door. There was something about the way Westfield had said “man,” which signified it was not a gentleman who had come to call. He was instantly on alert. Had his father sent someone to make trouble?

  “Who is it?”

  “The butler from the Emerson dower house,” said Westfield with some disdain, as if he himself did not hold the same title. “And he had the effrontery to arrive at the front door.”

  “Did he say what he wanted? Is something wrong with Lady Rosemary?” Nate pushed past the officious man before Westfield had the chance to answer. Was Stemple there to deliver a note from Rose crying off the wedding? The very thought made him ill. It would be the wisest action, of course. But being that close to finally claiming her would make it even harder to say good-bye.

  He reached the foyer, only to find Stemple standing there. “Why didn’t you put Mr. Stemple in the sitting room?” Nate asked Westfield.

  The man’s eyebrows rose. “He is a servant.”

  “He is also my friend,” said Nate.

  Mr. Stemple seemed a bit surprised by that pronouncement, though also, if Nate wasn’t mistaken, pleased.

  “This way,” Nate said to Stemple, ushering him into the far side of the sitting room, knowing Westfield would have his ear pressed to the

  Nate turned to Stemple as soon as they were in private. “Is something wrong with Rose? Has she changed her mind?”

  “No, my lord. She is quite well. Everyone at the residence is doing well. I am sorry to have alarmed you.”

  “Then you are not here because Rose has cried off.”

  “Of course not, sir. When I left, she was in her bedchamber and Maude and the ladies were all helping her dress. No, I came because…” Now he looked slightly discomfited. “Forgive me for my impertinence, but I came because I thought you might like some company. I know Mr. Lewis would have liked to have come, but he wanted to stay to comfort Mrs. Lewis. She is very happy to welcome you as a brother, but she will miss her sister. That is why the Emerson brothers are not here, either. So, I thought I would come to see if you…needed anything.”

  Nate was touched by Stemple’s thoughtfulness. The truth was he did want company this morning. He understood why the Emersons had stayed home, but it had been a lonely prospect to journey to the church alone. “Does this mean you won’t kill me for compromising Rose? Or are you merely luring me into complacency so you can strike when I am most vulnerable?”

  “I have no attack planned for today, my lord,” said Stemple with a smile. “Though the day is still young.”

  “Would you like a drink?”

  “I should not drink on duty.”

  “You are not on duty, Stemple. You are visiting a friend.” Nate handed him a drink, then motioned for him to sit, as he did the same. After a moment, Stemple did. “How did marriage change you?”

  “It changed everything about my world, my lord.”

  “You cannot ‘my lord’ me. Not while we are sharing a drink on my wedding day.”

  “Very well. My life changed as soon as Lord Ridgeway allowed me to work for him. It not only got me off the streets, but it gave me honest work and a purpose. And it had been a long time since I’d made a true friend. Then when I met Maude and she was so kind, I lost my heart straight away.”

  “She is very kind and quite beautiful.”

  “Since I know you love Lady Rosemary and are marrying her today, I shall, for the moment, forget you said that about Maude. But she is my wife, sir. And you are about to get an excellent one yourself.”

  “Good point, pray continue.”

  “When I married Maude I knew I would never be lonely and always be loved. But, more than that, it made me responsible for someone other than myself. Every decision I made from that moment onward had to be good for her. And I had to become the kind of man who deserved her.”

  “I fear I will fall short in the attempt.”

  “But the secret is to never stop trying.”

  “That is one promise I am sure to keep. A toast, Victor, to two beautiful wives.”

  “I am not certain I like you commenting on my wife’s beauty a second time, sir,” said Stemple, as he raised his glass. “But to two beautiful wives.”


  There was a light breeze as Rose and her family arrived at the church. It was just past eleven of the clock and Rose could not remember the last time she had been this happy. Or this nervous.

  They entered the church, only to be ushered into a side room. As Ava and Irene ensured Letty and Anna looked pressed and presentable as Rose’s attendants, the rest of the family found their seats in the church, save for Colin, who would give her away.

  Her brother looked as handsome as ever, though there seemed to be a hint of uncertainty about him.

  “What is wrong, Colin? Do you not trust Nate to be a good husband?”

  “It is not that. I do trust him. He truly loves you and would lay down his life to protect you. If I thought differently, you would not be here today, but instead on a ship bound for parts unknown with me beside you. Though even then I am quite certain Nate would find you and bring you back into his arms. No, I am upset for entirely selfish reasons, for I do not know what I shall do without you. I regret the many years we were apart and wish I had them to live over again. You saved the family finances by leasing out the manor, but you did far more than that, my dear sister. You saved this family.”

  “You saved this family, Colin.”

  “Hush, love. You looked after Letty and I will forever be ashamed that the two of you were on your own when I finally came home, bringing three more people with me.”

  “Three people I dearly love.”

  “I love them, as well. But there is no denying that you were the one to make the dower house a home and I will so dearly miss you when you leave.”

  He pulled his sister into his arms. Rose wasn’t sure she would ever get through this day with so many emotions coursing through her. And as she pulled back, her tears alarmed her brother.

  Colin took his sister’s hand. “Dearest, what is wrong?”

  “We finally have our family reunited and expanded. It is almost inconceivable that I would leave right now.”

  “Rose, if you have changed your mind, if you do not wish to marry Nate and take on this life, you can call a halt to these proceedings. Even if it is only temporary until matters are settled with his father. Nate will understand and the rest of us are selfish enough to want you to remain. But if your only hesitation is that you do not wish to leave, that is not sufficient reason to delay your destiny. For while you may be moving, you will always have a home with us. You will always be in our hearts. If you change your mind, make it because you do not wish to go, rather than you cannot bear to leave.”

  That made Rose cry even harder. “Oh, Colin. Truly you are the best brother a woman could ever hope for.”

  Colin hugged her again, patting her back. “I know I am.”

  That made Rose laugh, which was exactly what she needed.

  “What say we go get you married?” asked her brother. “I fear if we wait any longer Nate will simply barge in here and carry you off to his lair. Granted, his lair is a castle, but I would just as soon make this legal.”

  Moments later, Letty and Anna were walking down the aisle, with their family watching. Rose looked up to find Nate waiting for her at the altar and after a moment when her lungs could not quite get enough air, her world suddenly fell into place. She wasn’t giving up her family. She was only expanding her circle of loved ones. And now she would finally have the man she had loved for a lifetime.

  * * *

  There was a dreadful moment when Rose’s family had taken their seats, but she had not yet appeared when Nate feared she had finally come to her senses and cried off. He had tried to remain calm, but even Stemple, seated next to Maude, had begun to look worried. But, finally, Letty and Anna had walked down the aisle, with Rose and Colin close behind.

  A part of Nate still feared that Colin might challenge him to a duel at the last minute instead of handing over his sister. At which point Nate would have had to pick Rose up and run out of the church, all the way to their bedchamber at the castle.

  But, with each step she’d taken the rest of the world had fallen away. And all he knew now was the serene peace which came with his soul being joined with its mate. He hadn’t quite known he believed in such claptrap, until he finally came face to face with his bride. With his mate for life.

  Rose and Colin were but a few feet away when Colin kissed his sister then held out his hand for Nate.

  “Welcome to the family,” said Colin.

  Nate shook his friend’s hand, touched that he was being welcomed as a brother. He hoped no one could see the tears which were beginning to fill his eyes. But then Colin placed Rose’s hand in his and Nate finally knew true joy.

  As Rose stood by his side, the vicar began to speak. Nate had no idea what the man was actually saying because every part of him was fixated on the lady by his side. He could feel her heat, smell the light fragrance of lavender which was teasing his senses. His thumb was lightly stroking her hand and he could feel her skin grow warmer by the moment. If she was this responsive to such an innocent touch, he could only imagine what she
would be like in bed.

  In his bed. In his bedchamber. Their bedchamber. He hoped her family was not counting on seeing them anytime soon after today because he would like nothing more than to be holed up in his bedchamber with Rose for weeks on end.

  Rose squeezed his hand and looked at him. Apparently the vicar must have asked him some sort of question. “Excuse me,” said Nate. “Can you please repeat the question?”

  * * *

  Was Nate not paying attention? Rose had hung on each and every word the vicar had said. When she had attended her brothers’ and sister’s weddings, she had imagined saying those vows to Nate, though at the time she had thought it was naught but an impossible dream. Now they were finally here at the church for this solemn and holy ceremony and his mind was elsewhere.

  It had better not be on one of his former light-o-loves. Not to mention, they had all better be former, for if he even considered carrying on a liaison now that they were married…

  Now it was his turn to gently squeeze her hand and when she looked into his eyes Rose realized he hadn’t been thinking of anyone else. Any doubt she had ever entertained about the truth of his feelings was firmly put to rest. For his very being seemed to radiate the love he had for her. She leaned in and kissed him.

  He readily accepted.

  After a moment, he pulled back and though she was disappointed and the tiniest bit insulted, she realized the vicar had spent at least some time clearing his throat and had apparently just said, “This is neither the time nor the place for such goings on.”

  “Excuse us, sir,” said Nate, who sounded completely unapologetic. “But mayhap we should skip ahead to the vows.”

  “I do not think that would be at all the thing!”

  “I shall make a donation to the parish,” said Nate.

  “Lady Rosemary, repeat after me,” said the vicar in response. “I, Lady Rosemary Emerson, take thee, Nathaniel Gage, Lord Grayson, to be my husband.”

  “I, Lady Rosemary Emerson, take thee, Nathaniel Gage, Lord Grayson, to be my husband.”


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