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Always Forever (Emerson Book 5)

Page 8

by Maureen Driscoll

  Oh dear. As much as she did not wish to explain what she had been doing, she didn’t want him to feel hurt. “I had to…use the…a…” She could not say the words, could only point at the screen.

  His relief was obvious. “You know we have one of those in our bedchamber.”

  “But you were in there, as well!”

  “There is a screen for privacy.”

  “Yes, but there are times when there is such a thing as too much togetherness.” She wondered how she would ever explain when she had her courses. This had been difficult enough.

  “Are you worried about when you have your courses?”

  “Nate! How can you mention such a thing? And how do you even know about them? You never had any sisters…never mind. I can only imagine.”

  “Rose, love, while I shall always give you privacy when you desire, know now that there is nothing that will ever give me a distaste of you. We are talking about simple anatomy. And since your courses enable you to become with child, I imagine we shall talk about them from time to time.”

  “You mean when I’ll be sleeping in here.” She could not imagine sharing a bed during her monthlies.

  “You will never sleep in here, remember?” He kissed her again. “No, I hope you will soon grow comfortable enough with me to discuss anything. And I mean anything. Do you think you could try?”

  She nodded. “I can try.” And she would. As hard to believe as it was now, she would try to discuss even those things which modesty proclaimed private.

  But for now, she still didn’t want to tell him about the ghost in the old duchess’s chambers.


  After learning that Nate had no qualms about making love when the sun was up and the bedchamber flooded with light – he even claimed to prefer it that way – Rose made her way to the smaller dining room with her husband to break her fast.

  Westfield met them at the foot of the stairs and Rose wondered how long the man had been waiting for them. As he led them to the lesser dining room, Rose realized just how hungry she was.

  There was a place set at both ends of the long table.

  “Nate,” she asked, then wondered if she should be calling him Grayson in front of the servants, instead. “I know it is probably bad form, but would it be possible for us to be seated within at least shouting distance of each other?”

  “Are you planning to shout at me, love?” he asked, even as he motioned for the attending footman to move her place next to his.

  “I am certain it is only a matter of time until I do.”

  He kissed her, demonstrating he clearly saw no need for formality in front of the servants. Then he led her to the sideboard, which was laden with enough food to satisfy even the most serious glutton.

  “Goodness. Are we expecting company?”

  “I hope not. I assume Cook just wanted to make certain there’d be something you would like to eat. Mayhap you can discuss your favorite dishes with her later today.”

  “But it will not be my place to plan the menus,” said Rose, wishing she could send some of this bounty to the dower house. It wasn’t as if they ever went hungry, but they did not have anything close to this variety. “When do you believe the duke and duchess will arrive?”

  Nate was careful to control his reaction, but to someone who knew him as well as Rose, it was obvious that just the mention of his father put him on edge. She wished she hadn’t brought it up, but she knew preparation was an excellent weapon in any battle.

  “I cannot say for certain, but I would expect them any day, now. Do you agree, Westfield?”

  “As you say, my lord,” said the butler, not revealing if he was privy to the duke’s return.

  Rose wondered if the man would actively aid Bancroft in any plan to harm Nate, or if he would simply do nothing to stop it.

  “Regardless of when they will return,” said Nate, “I want Cook to know what you like to eat. So, if you would like to do that after we break our fast, you can join me in the library afterward to report on how it goes.”

  Rose knew Nate was anxious to resume his search, especially now that Bancroft could return at any moment.

  “You will be in the library again today, my lord?” asked Westfield.

  “Yes,” said Nate, offering no explanation to the servant.

  As Rose tucked in to her food, she looked up to see Nate’s eyes upon her. It was an intimate moment, or at least as intimate as it was possible to be in a room filled with servants. She wished they were at the dower house, where they would have more freedom. She now realized that as much as she loved Nate, it would take time to become accustomed to being Lady Grayson. Making love at dawn was something she looked forward to repeating every day. Feeling the silent, watchful eyes of servants upon her was one thing she could live without.

  * * *

  After breakfast, Westfield followed Nate to the library, leaving Rose on her own to find the kitchen. She knew she could have summoned Cook to the dining room, but she wished to become acquainted with the castle. Knowing her way around could mean the difference between life and death.

  The kitchen and servants’ quarters were in the older section of the castle, as evidenced by the stone walls and floors. Most of the servants scurried past without making eye contact. It made Rose uncomfortable to see that distance, but she did not think it was wise to try to change things when she had only just arrived. It was best to observe and, hopefully, find an ally somewhere.

  When she entered the kitchen, there was a moment of silence, followed immediately by panic as the various servants lined up and curtsied.

  “Milady,” said a somewhat stout woman who was clearly in charge. “We did not hear you needed anythin’. How may we help you?”

  “I believe it is you I wished to meet,” said Rose. “I ate an excellent breakfast and wanted to know whom to thank.”

  The woman looked surprised and more than a little suspicious. “I am Mrs. Jeffries, the cook.”

  “It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I am Lady Grayson.”

  “We know, your ladyship,” said Mrs. Jeffries, as everyone curtsied once again then stared at Rose as if a second head had suddenly sprung from her neck.

  Rose continued. “Perhaps we can find a place to sit so we can discuss the upcoming meals until the duchess arrives.”

  “Of course, my lady. Please follow me.”

  * * *

  Nate never enjoyed being in his father’s library because it reminded him too much of the man himself. There were priceless books on the shelves, nearly all untouched. His father was a learned man, but he prized possessions over almost everything else. Appearances mattered and he was certain without ever having met the woman, that the new duchess would be young and beautiful.

  But nowhere near as beautiful as his own bride. Nate knew he should use what time he had until his father’s return to continue his search for evidence. But he wanted to be with Rose. If it would not have caused an uproar, he would have accompanied her to the kitchen, then sat mooning over her as she planned the menus.

  As if conjured by his thoughts, Rose appeared in the library and Nate’s first impulse was to pull her down on the settee, then have his way with her. They would make love against the wall, on the desk and on the Aubusson rug. Then he remembered they had a perfectly good bedchamber upstairs. However, he also remembered that though he’d been gentle with her when they had made love that morning, she was likely still recovering. He would just have to control his urges for the nonce.

  No matter how difficult that would be.

  When he caught Rose’s eye, she immediately blushed, undoubtedly thinking about their activities of the morning and the previous night. He almost groaned aloud since that blush was most alluring.

  “Would it be terribly scandalous if we retired to your bedchamber?” she asked as he approached her.

  “Would you care if it was?” he asked, as he pulled her into his arms.

  “Not in the least.”
/>   “My dear wife, I would like nothing more than to return to our bedchamber – not mine, but ours – and do unspeakable things to you. But I believe you need a bit more time to recover.”

  “No, I don’t,” she began, before he stopped her protest with a kiss.

  “I believe I asked you to be completely honest with me. I detected a twinge or two this morning. Am I not correct?”

  She reluctantly nodded. “But I loved the closeness.”

  “So did I, but that should never be a substitute for leaving you be when it is uncomfortable. I promise your body will grow more accustomed to our exertions. But in the meantime, there are other ways to feel close. And I promise you a lifetime of having me by your side, though that sounds more like a punishment than a treat. Speaking of the long lifetime we hope to share, I was hoping to take advantage of Bancroft’s absence to search the library yet again.”

  “That is an excellent idea. Where shall we focus today?”

  Nate’s heart ached for how much he loved this woman. “I do not believe it is a good idea for you to be involved. There is a chance he may leave you alone. But if he thinks you are united with me against him, he will come after both of us.”

  “Then let him come. Because we are partners in everything in life. Let us not fail in the first obstacle placed in our path.”

  “I do not suppose it would help to order you to stay out of it.”

  “Not in the least. I take it you have searched the most obvious places?”

  “Because I appear to be someone who would take the obvious approach?”

  “Because you are most practical. And since Bancroft knew to search your French desk, it would only follow that his would be a likely hiding place for any secrets he might be keeping. I think he would appreciate the symmetry of that.”

  “You know him too well, already. Yes, I have searched the desk several times and believe I found each hidden compartment. I went through all three of the safes in the room, the existence of only one is common knowledge. And I have gone through many of the books, looking for clues or keys. So far I have found nothing.”

  “What about a secret passage? I imagine the castle is filled with them.”

  “You have the mind of a spy. I shall have to keep that in mind if I ever wish to conceal something from you.”

  “Which you will not, of course.”

  “Of course. There are passageways throughout the castle but most are in the older parts of the residence. The library is in the newer section so if there is a passageway I do not believe it could be connected to the others, since they would have had to tunnel through stone. I have done my best to locate any passageway in here, but to no avail.”

  “What about the ducal chamber? I realize that, too, is in the new section of the castle, but surely he must have safes in there, as well as other means of hiding items.”

  “I am certain he does. Unfortunately, three or four servants have been in his suite of rooms since he left. They claim to be doing repairs, but when I have asked to be alone in there, they told me they were under the strictest orders not to leave.”

  “That would seem to suggest it as the location of his secrets.”

  “Perhaps. But it could simply be Bancroft’s way of throwing us off his trail.”

  “How do you suggest we proceed? And do not send me off on a fool’s errand.”

  “It is times like this when I wish I’d married someone less clever.”

  “I do not believe that for a moment.”

  “As you shouldn’t. Very well, let us do a systematic search of the library until luncheon. Then we can regroup.”

  No sooner had Nate said the words, than Rose gave him a too-brief kiss, then went to the opposite side of the room and began to examine everything within reach. She opened books, tested floorboards and knocked on panels to see if there was anything hollow on the other side. She was as thorough as Nate would have predicted. And despite his fear for her safety, he loved having her near him.

  He always would.

  * * *

  “Just how big is the estate?” Mirabelle asked as she looked out the window. It had been more than a quarter of an hour since the carriage had entered the Bancroft estate. She had been dismayed by the lack of civilization in the area surrounding the duke’s ancestral home, but at least the estate seemed large enough. It was very likely entailed so she would not be able to sell it off when he died. But it should provide her a tidy income while she began dismantling those parts of his fortune she could liquidate.

  Bancroft studied her from his seat across from her. He had tried to sit next to her on the journey, but she had said the movement of the carriage made her ill and would be less disturbed if she looked at him across from her, rather than to the side. He had moved without a word, then said little on the journey, as he made notes in his ledger. But now he turned his complete attention to her.

  “It is one of the largest in this part of the country. Are you nervous about your responsibilities?”

  “I cannot imagine I shall have many, since I will be spending little time here.”

  “Oh?” he asked with the barest lift of an eyebrow. “Where do you believe you will be?”

  “I had assumed London, of course. You will need to be there for Parliament, and I shall be the consummate hostess.”

  “I do not entertain much when I am in town.”

  “Why, of course you didn’t when you had no duchess to plan such things. But now you have me and I will attend to my duty most faithfully.”

  “A duchess has many duties. I believe you understand the importance of bearing my son. It is, after all, the best way of ensuring you will be taken care of in the future.”

  “But I am certain Grayson will not shirk his familial duties. And to ensure he doesn’t, you can make your wishes known in writing with your man of business. Have you done that, yet?”

  “Done what?”

  Mirabelle tried not to let her irritation show. Bancroft had proved himself to be shrewder than she would have imagined. Their one week of marriage had shown him to have a strong will and a distressingly vital constitution in the bedchamber. He was not a man who liked having people gainsay him in anything.

  “Have you spoken to your man of business to ensure he knows you are married and that I will be protected?”

  “He knows we are married.”

  Bancroft made no mention of ensuring she was protected and she knew him well enough now to not assume that she was. She might have to be more enthusiastic in the bedchamber to get her way. She dreaded the very thought.

  “Do you truly believe Grayson and his bride are in residence?” she asked. “I thought we were the only couple to forego a wedding trip.”

  “I am almost certain of it. And you and I will have our trip once matters are settled.”

  “What matters are those?” Most men of her acquaintance were only too happy to drone on and on about their plans for the future. However, Bancroft had been surprisingly tight-lipped. She did not know if he was involved in illegal activities, but suspected he was. It would be convenient if it got him killed. But she did not want anything to happen to his money.

  He smiled again. “Nothing to worry your pretty little head about. Ah, it appears we have finally arrived.”

  Mirabelle looked out the window and even she was impressed. Not by the castle. It looked cold, dreary and as if ghouls walked the halls. But it was large. And the servants who were streaming out of the residence to line up in greeting looked plentiful. Whatever Bancroft’s secret business was, it paid him well. She would enjoy being duchess here, though she still wished to return to London as soon as possible.

  A footman opened the carriage door, then immediately stepped aside, averting his eyes from his betters. Another footman stood by in case Bancroft needed assistance disembarking. But the old fool delighted too much in making a show of being in good health. He disembarked, then reached in to help her out.

  The two then stood, unsmiling, as the s
ervants bowed and curtsied as one. Mirabelle scanned the staff, hoping there was at least one footman who could satisfy her in bed. It was then that she saw a man who could only be Grayson. He was devilishly handsome with fair hair and a body she would like to disrobe with her teeth. She would certainly think of him the next time she had to have relations with her husband.

  In fact, if she slept with the marquess, her son would definitely look like a Gage. Her eyes lingered on the current heir perhaps a bit long, because the woman by his side – who was too tall and only passably pretty – put her arm through his. Grayson himself was looking at his father in a manner which made Mirabelle realize there was no love lost between them. It was going to be easy to get the marquess to sleep with her. After all, what better revenge to have on one’s father than to cuckold him with his young, beautiful wife?


  Though Rose had known the new duchess was of child-bearing years, she had not expected her to be quite so young-looking. She looked to be only thirty years of age. She was quite beautiful and was looking at Nate like he was a dessert she just had to nibble. Rose tightened her grip on Nate’s arm, making him turn to her in question. It wasn’t as if she thought he might fall for his new stepmother’s charms – though men did have a lamentable lack of sense when it came to beautiful women – but she wanted to send a message to the duchess that Nate was Rose’s. Now and forever.

  The duke and duchess stood directly in front of them. “Your grace,” said Rose, as she bowed to the duke. She would observe all the proprieties, but would not trust the man under any circumstances.

  “My dear Rosemary,” said the duke. “Or should I say, my dear Lady Grayson.” His eyes were cold, but he was saying everything that was proper. He turned to his wife. “My dear, I would like to introduce you to my heir, Nathaniel, Lord Grayson and his wife Rosemary. Nathaniel, Rose, this is the new duchess, Mirabelle Gage.”

  Rose and Nate bowed to the woman, who was now affecting an almost maiden-like modesty. “What a pleasure it is to meet you, Grayson.” She lifted her eyes while batting her eyelashes.


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