Happenstance Cover coming soon (The Order of Ravens and Wolves Book 3)

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Happenstance Cover coming soon (The Order of Ravens and Wolves Book 3) Page 14

by T. L Hodel

  “I’m not old enough to sign a legal document.” I was only seventeen. Still a minor in the eyes of the law. “Anything I signed wouldn’t be legal.”

  “Unless your guardian signed it too.”

  Shit, Nan signed the contract too. But she would’ve noticed something like that, right? I thought back to that day and how the lawyer helped Nan and I understand the legal jargon so we wouldn’t have to read through pages and pages.




  “Time to get up,” Parker smiled down at the shock on my face. “We have school today, Mrs. Whitley.”

  Chapter 17


  Some days it feels like the universe is on your side. That God, or the fates, or whatever you want to call it, is on your side. I didn’t believe in any of that crap. Actually I thought faith was a gigantic waste of time. Why should I spend every Sunday praying to some mystical being when there were so many other things I could be doing. I had read up on religion though. Lana and her Nan were regulars in their church, and I wanted to know everything there was to know about my Angel’s beliefs.

  I’d never knock her faith or try and stop her from practicing it. I was fully prepared to stand next to her in that pew and fake my way through prayer. Believing in some all loving being up in the sky wasn’t hurting anyone. Besides, religion instilled good morals. Who would my Angel be if she didn’t grow up thinking there was good in humanity?

  Hiding the ugly parts of the world from her was my job. She might hate me now, and think I was forcing her into a life she never wanted, but I was only giving her what she needed. Protection, security, and love. In time she’d see that no one could take care of her like I could. Because Lana Crawford was, and always had been, mine. Apparently that was a lesson I had to teach someone else.

  I glanced down at the note Lana found yesterday.

  “He could’ve arranged to have it sent before.” Logan pointed at Micha sitting across the table, and popped a fry in his mouth. “You know how prepared my old man liked to be.”

  Ryker had been dead for months now, this time for sure. Preston and Lou made sure of that. Or so they said.

  Micha’s brow rose. “And how did he know Parker would buy a house? Let alone that the idiot would knock her up?”

  “Smooth move on that one.” Mase rolled his green eyes my way, “Didn’t your dad tell you to wrap your shit?”

  “Maybe I knocked her up on purpose. Ever think of that, jackass?”

  The table went quiet as Micha, Mase and Logan all stared at me. Silas was the only one who didn’t look shocked, though that could have something to do with the dark circles under his eyes. These days he spent most nights calming Finn down. The shit Ryker did to him gave him nightmares. Kid couldn’t cope without Junior. Micha offered to swap out, have Junior spend a week at Silas’s, and then Finn the next week at his. The esteemed Dr. Creswell was dead set against it. He said Finn needed to learn to deal with his shit. Prick.

  “Damn man,” Mase slapped Silas on the shoulder and then waved his hand at me, “You were right.”

  Silas shrugged. “Told you.”

  That made my brow rise. How the fuck did Silas know anything? It wasn’t like I planned this shit. I didn’t do it on purpose, but I didn’t take any precautions either. Didn’t even stop to ask Lana if she was on birth control. Honestly, I didn’t care. I needed to pump her full of my cum. So I may as well have done it on purpose.

  “It doesn’t matter,” Micha growled, “We need to find this asshole. None of our girls are safe until we do.”

  “Looks like this grumpy fuck and I are the only smart ones here.” Mase threw a wink at Silas, who flipped him off. “We don’t have girls.”

  “First off, this prick,” Logan threw his thumb in Silas’s direction, “Doesn’t have one because they’re all afraid of his shit. And do I need to remind you of a particular redhead?”

  Mase’s face dropped. “I don’t give a shit what happens to her.”

  We all snorted at that. Mase might fucking hate Harper, but nobody else better touch her. She was his to torment, and God help the fucker that decided to try and get a piece.

  “And yet, you still have the contract,” Micha added.

  Mase glared at his brother, but didn’t say anything. They all thought they knew the youngest Kessler. They didn’t know shit. Mase was going through with the arrangement for one reason. To make her life a living hell. Harper couldn’t go near other guys if she was married to him. She’d never feel wanted or loved. I had to hand it to him, Mase’s long term plan for the girl was the ultimate fuck you. Preston couldn’t have come up with something better. And how did I know this? There was a lot of things a guy would tell you when you had his dick in your hand.

  We sat for a few more minutes, discussing what to do. By the time I had to leave for practice, Micha had a plan laid out. Each of us was given a job. Logan and Preston were going to look deeper into the note. See if they could match handwriting and check security cameras around my house. Mase was sent to check out the office files, in case the fucker was hiding in Ashworth. Which I’m sure Mrs. Grier would love.

  Silas was going to pull on his family’s political strings and see if he could uncover adoption records, and Micha said he had a few places to check for information. What places? He didn’t say and no one asked. Louis Kessler was the keeper of secrets. There was probably a bunch of places we didn’t know about that Micha could utilize.

  As for me, I was to watch my girl and see if anyone was getting oddly close to her. There were a few people on my list, but my Angel was a friendly girl. People naturally liked her, except for Naomi. I don’t think Ashworth’s queen bee liked anyone though. I’d have to keep a closer eye on my girl. Look for someone paying a little too much attention. Not that I hadn’t been doing that already, but this guy was with Ryker, and Logan’s dad was one hell of a sneaky fucker.

  I snorted out a chuckle as I walked into the locker room. The Piper. Logan assumed that came from shit his dad used to say. I knew different.

  When I was a kid, Ryker played ‘games’ with me. His favorite was ‘let’s see how quick we can break your brother’. Preston would be forced to watch as Ryker and his sick friend Nash ran a pipeline on me. The day my brother finally broke, he shoved a lead pipe up Nash’s ass. When Ryker pulled him away, Preston shoved the shitty end in his mouth and yelled, ‘Who’s the piper now, fucker.’

  The nickname wasn’t some sick way for him to taunt his son. It was a fuck you to the one kid that dared to stand up to him.

  None of this made sense. Especially for a guy like Ryker. That bastard planned everything. He didn’t fuck with us when we were kids because he was some sick kiddie diddler. Every twisted thing he did brought him closer to the throne, because he who controlled the Order of Ravens and Wolves, had all the power.

  He’d spent years terrorizing the next generation of Kings. Kind of smart, if you thought about it. Fear was a great motivator. None of us would’ve stopped him from taking the crown. He would’ve succeeded, too, if it wasn’t for two people. Micha and Preston. Though in time, I’m sure he would’ve gotten to the king of kings’ heir. My brother, however… How do you convince someone incapable of feeling fear, that you’re the boogeyman? That was the fatal flaw in his plan. Preston was the voice whispering in our ears and arming us with flashlights to fight the darkness. There was fuck all Ryker could do to intimidate my brother. Including using Ava and I against him. The final nail in his coffin was my brother, and he knew it.

  So why go after Riley and Shelby? What purpose did that serve? Micha was wrath personified. If he could bring his mother back to life just to kill her again, he would. And Logan… yeah, he was his son, but he already fucking hated the prick. Why take his girl at all? That didn’t include Junior and Finn. Ryker had to know the second he touched Finn, we’d all band against him. None of it made sense.

  That’s what was bugging me, because when it came to Ryker
Hudson, there was always an end game. He wouldn’t have left a protégé behind without a plan. The last person in this town that plan should include was my angel. If anything, Micha’s illegitimate brother–which is who we assumed this asshole was–should be targeting that mousy little church girl Preston was stalking around town. Then again, who the fuck knew what the prick’s agenda was?

  “You gonna have your head in the game today, Whitley?”

  I strapped on my shoulder pads and rolled my eyes Sean’s way. “Go fuck yourself, Callaghan.”

  Sean walked past, crashing his shoulder into mine and jarring me forward. Asshole had been gunning for me since he found out I knocked up little sister’s best friend.

  “See you on the field,” he muttered.

  “Hey Callaghan,” I called out, and shot him a smirk, ‘Guess who slept in my bed last night?”

  Sean stopped and tipped his glare my way. “You a sucker for punishment, Whitley?”

  “Just figured you should know whose dick she’ll be swallowing tonight.” I popped my helmet on my head and slapped his back, “Don’t worry, I’ll take real good care of her. Though personally, if I were you, I’d be more worried about your sister. She’s sixteen now, right?”

  Mason had a contract, and if it was anything like Micha’s, Harper was fucked.

  “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” Sean growled back.

  “Ask your old man.” I shrugged and sauntered out onto the field.

  Sean had other things to worry about. Lana was mine now, and I couldn’t wait to show her that.

  I blew out a huff of air, striped my uniform off, and pushed my fingers through my hair. Coach made me run laps after practice. Sean should’ve been running them with me. It wasn’t my fault the prick couldn’t take what he dished out. But he was the quarterback, and quarterback’s always got special treatment. Despite how many touchdowns I scored.

  “Fucking prick,” I grumbled while snatching my towel out of my locker.

  I needed to calm down before I took my Angel home, or the first time I fucked my wife, it’d be rough and hard. The first time I took her, I was too consumed by carnal desire to give Lana the attention she deserved. I should’ve made her first time more special. A mistake I planned on rectifying tonight. If I couldn’t get rid of this rage boiling through my veins, that wasn’t going to happen.

  Fucking Callaghan.

  I stormed into the showers and stopped. There was only one reason Brady would still be here. Our wide receiver was a fan of the closet. At parties he played the pussy parade like everyone else, but he was really a cock fan. He’d begged for mine on several occasions.

  I cocked my head and followed the bulging ridges of his arm braced up against the tiled wall. Brady was a good looking guy. Dark hair, tanned skin, and firm ass. Under the water he looked even better. Hard body, slick and wet. My dick was ready to go before I stepped under the warm spray. My mind, however, was not. I’d never betray my angel by touching someone else. My dick belonged to Lana and no one else.

  Brady rolled his forehead against the wall, turning his light eyes my way. “Hey.”

  I nodded back at him and went about my shower. Should’ve known ignoring him wouldn’t do anything. Brady stood there watching me, gaze following my hand’s movements as they slid over my body, washing away the grime from practice. Three steps later and he was in front of me, breath cooling my face.

  “You know,” he licked his lips and dropped his stare down to my hard cock, “I could help you with that?”

  His words weren’t what made my dick jump. It was the small gasp twitching in my ears. Lana was pressed up against the wall, trying to hide behind some lockers. Maybe my angel wanted a show? Her curious hazel eyes locked with mine as I reached forward and grabbed the back of Brady’s neck.

  “You want him to suck my dick?”

  Chapter 18


  It was surprisingly difficult to find things to do after school was done. Not like I had a choice. Parker wouldn’t let me drive myself, so I had to wait until he was done with practice. I’d heard football players’ girlfriends complain about having to wait around, but didn’t get it until today. I didn’t even have Harper to hang out with. She had an appointment or something, so her dad picked her up after school.

  I talked to Mr. Lannister for a bit while Shelby practiced, and then moved onto the library, but Naomi and her minions were in there, planning stuff for prom. Even though it was still months away, the queen bee insisted on starting this year’s committee early. God forbid Naomi’s prom was anything but perfect. She’d even started campaigning for her tiara. Which was kind of a moot point, as far as I was concerned. Naomi Prescott was born to be prom queen. King was a different matter. It would either be Micha Kessler, or Logan Hudson, none of whom seemed to give a shit about the title.

  By the time football practice was done, I was more than ready to go. I didn’t even care that I’d have to go home with Parker. Heck, I was looking forward to seeing something other than Ashworth’s white walls. But of course, Parker had to stay longer. Thanks to Sean. I made sure to give him a piece of my mind before he left. My so-called husband was next on my list.

  This whole day sucked. I spent most of it plotting ways to become a widow. The stupid thing was that I was more upset about not having a wedding, than I was about being tricked into marriage. Something I pointed out on the way to school. Parker said we’d have a wedding. As big and fancy as I wanted. Which only felt like a new way for him to pay me off.

  I didn’t have a dream wedding, or perfect gown picked out. The only thing I imagined as a little girl was the perfect husband. A charming, handsome guy that would treat me well. We could get married at the courthouse for all I cared, as long as he loved me. It wasn’t the ceremony that mattered. It was the marriage. The strong relationship I should have. Not this fucked up, fake bullshit I was forced into.

  Fuck Parker Whitley.

  I charged into the locker room, prepared to rip my husband a new asshole. When I was done with him, Parker would be a sniveling baby, crying on the floor. At least, that was my plan. That went out the window the second I saw Brady inches away from Parker. Both were very naked, and very hard.

  My eyes skimmed over Parker’s chiseled chest and down to the other man’s firm ass. Everybody knew Parker’s bat swung both ways, but Brady was a well known player. This couldn’t be what I thought it was. I mean, football players showered together all the time. That’s just what teams did.

  “You know,” Brady said in a husky tone, “I could help you with that?”

  Oh my god.

  I gasped and pressed myself against the wall. It was what I thought it was. I should leave. Problem was, I couldn’t stop watching them. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I prayed one would touch the other. My core tingled just thinking about it. Parker’s eyes locked on mine, making my stomach flip. Would he be mad that I was spying?

  Would he stop?

  Parker’s fingers curled around the back of Brady’s neck, and I held my breath as he pulled him closer.

  “Do you want him to suck my dick?”

  Shit, he was talking to me. I prepared myself to bolt out of the room, but Brady didn’t seem to notice they were being watched. His lips parted as he purred up at Parker, “Yes, please.”

  Parker didn’t answer him. He kept his gaze trained on me, while holding the other man firmly in place. He was waiting for my answer. Or permission, maybe? I looked at the desperation on Brady’s face, pondering what I wanted. If I said no, would Parker stop?

  Did I want him to?

  I licked my lips and slowly nodded.

  Parker’s mouth curled as he leaned in and growled in Brady’s ear, “You know what I like.”

  A second later, Brady was on his knees, sucking Parker’s hard length down his throat. It was the hottest thing I’d ever seen. The way Brady’s lips wrapped around his shaft. How his throat bobbed with each swallow, and the masculine grunts coming fro
m Parker’s mouth.

  The entire time Brady bobbed on his cock, Parker maintained eye contact with me. Not only could I see the pleasure on his face, I could feel it in my veins. Rushing along with my singing blood, rising to an uncomfortable heat. I didn’t even realize my hand was dipping inside my skirt until Parker shook his head.

  “You don’t come until I say.”

  Brady whimpered along with me. Desire was so thick in the air, I could taste it with each breath I heaved into my lungs. My mouth opened to whisper the same plea Brady called out. “Please.”

  In a flash, Parker pulled the other man up and had him face first against the shower wall. His fingers wrapped around Brady’s shaft, slowly stroking him from root to tip.

  “Is this what you want?” he whispered in Brady’s ear.

  Brady muttered out a breathy, “More.”

  But he wasn’t talking to Brady. Parker was talking to me. My eyes fell down to his hard length pressing against Brady’s ass. This was so wrong. I shouldn’t want to see this. Thinking about Parker controlling the other man while plowing into him, shouldn’t be turning me on, but it was. I didn’t just want to see more, I needed it. Needed to quench the desire aching through my body. I didn’t have to tell him that, though. Parker already knew. One look, and he gave me what I was too afraid to admit I wanted.

  “I assume you brought a condom?” Parker said to Brady when my eyes met his.

  Brady nodded and passed him a foil packet.

  My thighs clenched in anticipation as Parker tore open the condom and sheathed himself. He pressed Brady’s face harder into the tiled wall and lined his cock up. I sucked back an anticipatory gasp and slapped my hand over my mouth. With his eyes still locked on mine, Parker’s lips twisted and he thrust in.

  He fucked Brady without mercy. Shoving his hand in his mouth to muffle his cries while pumping furiously into his back hole. I couldn’t look away. It was depraved and wrong in the most glorious way. The sweat dripping off their brows, mingling with the water beating down on them. I could feel their heat. Taste each echoing groan vibrating through the room. When Brady’s fingers tightened on the wall and his cock throbbed, spraying his release, my only regret was that I wasn’t over there, enjoying the moment with them. That was the terrifying part.


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