Happenstance Cover coming soon (The Order of Ravens and Wolves Book 3)

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Happenstance Cover coming soon (The Order of Ravens and Wolves Book 3) Page 15

by T. L Hodel

  I not only got off on watching Parker fuck another man, I wanted to do it with him. That was what made me turn and bolt. I wasn’t running from Parker. I was running from the dark voice whispering debaucheries in the back of my mind.

  Parker didn’t say a word on the way home, and neither did I. I could barely look at him without shame burning in my cheeks. How could I have watched, and why couldn’t I stop thinking about it? That was the most uncomfortable car ride of my life. On the upside, I never noticed all the pretty plants around the town before. I even got a few ideas for our house.

  Ugh. I needed to stop thinking about it that way.

  I was supposed to be mad at Parker, and here he had me all twisted up. Thinking about things I shouldn’t be thinking about. Yet when I looked at him, all I could do was squirm in my seat and turn away, hoping he didn’t sense my embarrassed state. If there was a jail for pushovers, I’d get the biggest cell. Tours would stop outside my door to gawk at the epic failure.

  “This one didn’t do a thing to fight against her forced marriage, and she enjoyed watching her husband with another man.”

  Shocked gasps followed by shaking heads of disapproval.

  Sighing, I flopped back in my seat. Who thought I’d be happy to spend time with Lillianna Whitley? Her car was parking in front of the house when we got home. Parker seemed less enthusiastic about it than I was. To me, she was the perfect excuse to escape my so-called husband. How sad was that? I opted to spend time with Ashen Springs dragon lady, over facing Parker.

  “I hope you’re feeling okay,” Lillianna’s hand swirled through the air as she spoke. “Preston and Ava were the worst. I was sick all the time. But not my baby boy.” She smiled at Parker as he rolled his eyes and walked out of the kitchen. “My Parker was a breeze.”

  Her Parker? She didn’t talk about her elder children like that. Nor did she look at them with the same loving shine in her eyes. Then again, Ava was crazy, and Preston… Well, I doubted he loved her either. But she did seem to genuinely care about Parker. Perhaps she wasn’t as bad as Nan thought? Someone who cared that much for her child had to have a heart somewhere, right?

  “Of course, pregnancy might be different for your kind.”

  Okay, maybe she only had half a heart.

  “Other than some nausea in the morning, I feel fine.”

  That was a bold faced lie. I yacked my guts out almost every morning for at least an hour, but she was being nice to me, so…

  “I have something to help with that.” Lillianna walked around the island and opened the fridge. “It’s an old family recipe.”

  “Okay.” I didn’t really know what else to say.

  This was the same woman that judged me by the color of my skin, but who was also the grandmother to my children. That earned her some credit. Gramps used to say some people were by-products of their upbringing. Ignorance begets ignorance and I shouldn’t hold what someone was taught against them. My acceptance might be the thing that made them open their eyes. When it came to Parker’s mother, Nan didn’t agree.

  My nose crinkled at some of the things Lillianna was dumping in the blender. She put a raw egg in there? Eww. I didn’t want to be rude though, so I turned away and looked out the window. Better to study the flowers in the garden than to throw up all over this nice shiny floor. And it was nice and shiny. Black tiles sparkling in the sunlight. Didn’t think I’d like a black floor, but it suited the room. The entire house was pretty. New appliances, and fully stocked rooms. I’d never seen a fridge so full in my life. Then again, the only other fridge I’d seen that big was at Harper’s, or Riley’s.

  A glass of what I could only describe as thick pinkish-grey sludge was placed in front of me.

  “Here you go.” Lillianna beamed down at me. “This will cure your nausea.”

  I looked down at the cup, studying the chunks floating inside. What the hell was that? Strawberries, or some kind of raw meat? God, it smelled like feet. I gave Lillianna a small smile and picked up the glass. Scratch that, it smelled like ass. This crap was suppose to cure my stomach issues? I wanted to throw up just looking at it.

  Lillianna gazed down at me expectantly. I could almost hear her voice urging me on. Telling myself she was just trying to help, I stared at the crap in my hand. Ass Juice, cure your tummy troubles today.

  Well, here goes nothing.


  Oh thank God.

  I placed the cup down and smiled at Parker as he entered the room.

  “I can’t find my keys. Do you know where I put them?”

  Why would I know where he put them?

  “They’re on the table by the door.” Huh, guess I did.

  He smiled down at me. “Would you mind getting them for me?”

  Were his legs broken? Then again, if I played gopher, I could avoid the ass juice. I glanced at the glass, then out in the hall where things smelled nice, and stood up. Gopher was definitely a better option. I sauntered out of the room, arms swinging at my leisurely pace. No need to hurry, after all. I was halfway there, when I remembered Parker didn’t drop his keys on the little black table by the door. He dropped them on the kitchen counter.

  Well, crap! Back to the ass juice I guess.

  I released a grumbled sigh and turned around. A kitchen had never looked more foreboding. Staring at the oak cabinets coming closer, I imagined the boogeyman hiding behind one of them. Laying in wait for me to come back and drink his putrid cup of sludge. I could see his beady eyes peeking around the corner. Sharp lips curling to bare his fangs as I came closer.

  Welcome to my parlor, said the spider to the fly.

  Stupid fly, walked right into that spider’s house. Kind of like what I did when I agreed to Parker’s dumb conditions. Was it Lillianna’s cup of vomit I was afraid of? Or facing the guy I couldn’t stop picturing naked? All strong and hard, with droplets rolling down his washboard abs. Trickling over each solid bump, leaving tiny little streams of goodness my tongue wanted to lap up.

  “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?”

  My brow arched at Parker’s tone. The Greek God was angry.

  Lillianna almost sounded too smooth with her answer. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “What’s in this drink, Mother?”

  My lips curled. I doubted either of us wanted to know the answer to that one.

  “It’s an old family recipe.”

  For grossness.

  “For what,” Parker barked back at his mother, “Abortion?”

  I froze. What?

  “I found these in your purse.”

  My ears twitched at the distinct sound of a pill bottle being shaken. Nan was on enough medication–it came with age she said–that I recognized the tiny clinks ringing through the air. It made my blood run cold. Nan always claimed Lillianna Whitley was evil, but was she that evil? Would she kill her own grandchildren?

  “I’m trying to fix your mistake, Parker,” Lillianna shrieked back. “What that girl is carrying around are abominations.”

  My breath hitched as my hand landed on my stomach. My babies were not abominations! Why would their own grandmother say that? For the first time in my life, I looked down and noticed the color of my skin. How the complexion was darker than most of my friends. Until that moment I’d never felt… different.

  “Get out!” Parker yelled so loudly it made me jump.


  “I said get out!”

  “Fine.” Lillianna growled as her heels clicked off the floor, “But one day you’ll thank me.”

  “If you come near my wife again, you won’t have to worry about Preston, because I’ll slit your fucking throat myself!” Parker called out as his mother stormed out of the room.

  She paused long enough to glare down at me and mutter, “I hope you’re happy,” before she slipped out the front door.

  “Are you okay?” The concern shining in Parker’s eyes was almost as strong as the guilt. “I’m sor
ry you had to hear that. I was hoping to protect you from that part of my family.”

  Suddenly it all made sense. The complete one-eighty he did after our first night together. How cruel he was to me after. The asshole side of him wasn’t his true colors. Parker Whitley never used me. He was trying to make me hate him. To keep me away from his mother. But that couldn’t be right. Unless…

  “Parker,” I tipped my head, “Do you love me?”

  There was no hesitation. No second where he had to think about the right response. Just one word.


  Chapter 19


  I exhaled and studied myself in the mirror. The knights were all scary guys, part of their draw I suppose, but I was never really scared of Parker. I’d either admired him from afar, or hated his guts. Now I didn’t know what to think? He said yes when I asked him if he loved me. Affirmed my question with so much conviction that I couldn’t doubt him. And I tried. Guys told girls lies all the time. Girls did too, except their lies were more deceptions of character than whispered promises and sweet words.

  Sean told Harper and I to never believe a guy who used the L word. That they were only after one thing. Sound advice coming from a player like him. Except in this instance, one word kept ringing through my head. Wife. Yes, Parker tricked me into marriage, but why? There was only one thing he gained from it. Me. Parker Whitley wanted me, because he loved me. That was a truly terrifying thought.

  Snatching an elastic off the bathroom counter, I pulled my hair back, and then quickly let it go to fall back down in a flow of tight curls. I’d been standing in here for so long, my hair was almost dry from the shower I took. Did I spend the time straightening my hair? Should I put on make-up? Did I pick the right pajamas? My mind was a whirlwind. I hadn’t been this confused about my appearance since my first day of school. The worst part was, I didn’t know why this was such a big deal. Who cared what I wore or how I looked? I was just going to bed.

  With your husband…

  Who loves you.

  My eyes landed on the closed door. Was he out there right now, sprawled out on the bed like some perfect example of manly perfection? Nerves fluttered deep in my gut as I once again glanced at my reflection. On the other side of the door was a smooth skinned, muscled man, and in here was just me. The tall, lanky armed girl, with a thing for Troll dolls. They were even on my pajama shirt and shorts. Smiling back at me with their crazy hair.

  I’m such a child.

  “Angel,” Parker’s voice vibrated through the door, “You okay in there?”

  Parker Whitley loved me. I was so not okay.

  “I’m fine.” I eyed my unruly dark hair, bony hips, and protruding belly. “I’ll be out in a minute.”

  A minute? You sure about that?

  More concerned with how I looked, I didn’t hear Parker walk in until his bare chest appeared in the mirror behind me.

  His grey eyes skimmed over me as the corner of his mouth lifted. “You look cute.”

  My lip curled. Cute? I didn’t want to be cute. I wanted to be hot, sexy, or beautiful. Cute was something a guy said to his kid sister.

  Parker swept my hair off my shoulder and ran his fingers down the side of my neck. “You look nervous.”

  “Why would I be nervous?” I asked, praying my thundering pulse wouldn’t give me away. Each furious pump echoed through my bones, shaking my already trembling body.

  “Don’t worry, baby,” he purred and leaned in, grazing his lips off the shell of my ear, “I promise to take it easy on you this time.”

  I didn’t say anything. Just stood there staring at his hooded gaze in the mirror. Watching the way he watched me. How his eyes darkened as his hands slid down my sides. The need etched across his face caused my core to clench. This shouldn’t be happening. This man had forced me to move in with him and tricked me into marriage. I should be slapping him, not enjoying the way my skin tingled.

  Parker’s hands skimmed over my stomach and up my shirt. My lips parted in a breathy gasp as his fingers gently tugged on my nipple, working the small nubs into hardened peaks. I should’ve pulled away. Put a stop to this before things got out of hand. Instead, I melted into him. Flopping my head back on his chest. What he was doing felt so good, my body wouldn’t listen to my mind.

  Did I want it to?

  Before I knew what was happening, Parker pulled my shirt off and latched his mouth onto my neck. Hot tongue darting out to taste every inch of skin he kissed.

  Say something, Lana!

  “Did you like watching me fuck Brady?”

  My mouth opened with a breathy, “Yes.”

  Not that!

  I fought hard to push back the images flooding my mind, but they kept coming. Wet, naked, muscled bodies pressed up against each other. Parker’s hand firmly holding the other man, fingers digging into the back of his skull as he plowed into him.

  “You’re wet just thinking about it, aren’t you?”

  No, I thought as my thighs squeezed together.

  “Mmm,” Parker purred in a gravely tone that I felt deep in my core, “My dirty girl. I’m going to fuck you so good.”

  Why did that sound so hot coming from him?


  My objection was cut off when his fingers slid through the slippery mess my pussy was making and pressed down on my clit. I was seriously starting to think that small bundle of nerves was an instant shut off button.


  Your brain is now offline.

  His fingers worked me, pulling and swirling my nub, drawing me closer to the edge of bliss.

  Screw it. Why should I fight it? Parker made me feel good, and there was nothing wrong with that.

  I had half a second of rational thought when he tore my shorts off and propped me up on the counter. Unfortunately, my moment of reality had nothing to do with what was happening. It was stuck on the amazement of how easily he moved me. I was almost as tall as Shelby, who was not an easy person to toss around. Yet Parker lifted me as if I was a tiny little thing that weighed nothing, like Harper.

  My stomach flipped at the devious grin on Parker’s face. Before I could say anything, he dropped down to his knees and placed my feet on the counter. Embarrassment tore through my cheeks, heating my skin. The most sensitive part of me was on display, and he was staring right at it. Licking his lips in a hungry way. I froze, not sure what to do as his fingers slid up my wet slit and pulled my lips apart.

  “That’s the prettiest pussy I’ve ever seen.”

  Was that a compliment? It felt like a compliment. Should I thank him? What came out of my mouth made me wish I had said thank you.

  “You have a pretty penis.”

  Wow. That was a stellar response, Lana. You get the dirty talk prize.

  Parker smirked up at me, increasing my mortification. “I fucking love how cute you are.”

  Again with cute?

  I moved to get off the counter, but Parker stopped me. His fingers dug into my flesh as he held my thighs apart and leaned in. The instant his tongue slid through my slick folds, all doubt left my mind. The only thing I could concentrate on were the shivers racing across my skin. I thought his fingers felt good, but dear god…

  Parker continued to eat me, causing me to white knuckle the counter as he licked me from opening to clit. Slow, even strokes that had my whole body on fire. Then his lips wrapped around my throbbing bundle of nerves and stars exploded behind my eyelids. My moans echoed through the air, along with the inhuman noises I was making. Parker sucked and licked, drawing me into a cloud of thick ecstasy so heavy I couldn’t breathe. Couldn’t feel anything except his hot mouth, and the wave crashing through me.

  My orgasm was just coming to an end when I felt something else. The smooth, hot head of his thick cock pressing against my opening.

  “Look at me,” Parker growled.

  I didn’t even realize my eyes were still closed until he said that. I tried to open them. Fought against the
heaviness, but I couldn’t do it. Because then I would see him. I’d see the adoration I could hear in his voice, and that was utterly terrifying.

  “Come on, Angel.” He pushed the tip of his cock in, forcing my tight walls to stretch, “Let me see those pretty eyes.”

  I shook my head while my hips rolled, trying to sink more of his length inside me.

  Parker’s hips snapped forward, causing me to cry out, and my eyes to fly open. It wasn’t the sudden fullness that had my heart hammering in my chest. It was the man staring down at me. The hunger and desire shining deep inside his grey eyes. The love. I could feel every inch of him. Every song his soul sang. The anger, the need, the want. The love.

  I didn’t argue when his lips crashed down on mine. Didn’t fight when he began to move inside me. I wrapped my arms around him and moaned every time he sunk inside me. He growled in my mouth while digging his fingers into my ass as he used me. And I loved every minute of it. The power behind each thrust. The feeling pouring off of him into me. Nothing had ever felt so good. So perfect.

  Parker stuck true to his word and took it easy on me. Sliding his hard cock in and out of me at a slow pace. I could feel everything. Every ridge of his hard length rubbed against my inner walls, filling me with need and angry desire. I wanted his aggression. Wanted to feel the power behind his muscles. I needed to feel his dominance, because Parker was right. I was, and always had been, his.

  “Harder,” I moaned, looking deep into his hooded gaze. “Fuck me, Parker. Show me I’m yours.”

  “Fuck, baby,” Parker groaned, while sliding his tongue up my neck. His finger’s speared into my hair, pulling my head back with a harsh tug, “Hang on, Angel, I’m gonna pound into this pussy.”


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