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Wanton Desire

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by Ruth D. Kerce

  Wanton Desire

  Ruth D. Kerce

  Book 3 in the Wanton series.

  Heading back West, Emma wonders if Joe Jackson, the former gunslinger she once craved, will even remember her. She’s been in Boston a long time and hasn’t heard from him since she left. She still sometimes dreams of doing decadent things with the sexy man but won’t be indulging those fantasies. She isn’t planning to stay in New Mexico beyond a few days. Besides, she’s accustomed to more refined gentlemen now.

  When Emma Bray temporarily returns to Elk Valley, Joe is determined not to let her rip out his heart a second time. But that’s not going to stop him from sampling her body every way he can. Seems she’s turned into a proper city woman with an uppity attitude to match. Once he gets her in his arms, he intends to strip away that attitude, right along with her clothing. He’s going to show her the erotic pleasures of the flesh and bring to the surface her every wanton desire.

  A Romantica® erotic romance from Ellora’s Cave

  Wanton Desire

  Ruth D. Kerce


  New Mexico Territory, 1876

  Light from the full moon shone brightly in the darkening sky. Pure. Clean. Perfect. Unlike anything on earth.

  From inside the two-story building, Montana Valdez stood staring at the beautiful orb. He’d always been fascinated by the heavens and often lay out under the stars when he felt stressed. It’s where he wished he was right now. Not in this stinking room, having to deal with his stinking choices in life.

  “It’ll be easy pickings,” Slim Saunders told him, plunging his cock into the woman beneath him on the old creaky bed.

  “Yeah, sure,” he mumbled, only half listening. “Easy.” He’d often wondered if the moon might have magical powers. And if he stared at it long enough… He shook his head. Fanciful thinking, but somehow it gave him hope for a better future. A future with possibilities. Maybe even contentment and some sort of lasting peace in his soul.

  Laughter and piano music filtered into the room from downstairs and drew his attention. The Fox Valley whorehouse sounded as if it was finally filling up with people now that dusk had arrived. For such a small town, all the activity surprised him.

  “Ah yeah, darlin’. Squeeze my nasty fucker.” Slim thrust into the woman’s cunt hard, apparently determined to get his money’s worth. “Jumping these strangers one by one ain’t gaining us nothing but a handful of change.”

  “Change adds up.” He turned away from the window, then regretted the action. Watching Slim’s dirty ass cheeks jiggle, while he fucked the plump woman beneath him, was not a pretty sight.

  “Maybe so. But leaving our marks alive is gonna get us caught sooner or later. We need to move on to bigger jobs. Like I’ve been a-tellin’ you. Make it worth our while.”

  “We don’t need to be killing people,” he argued, feeling more and more uncomfortable. He stood at the side of the bed, eyeing the door. He wanted nothing more than to get out of this place and back on the road. “I don’t want no part of that.”

  “I swear… You young fellers these days ain’t got no backbone.” The bed creaked loudly with each thrust of Slim’s hips. “I killed my first man when I was twelve and I done it plenty of times since then too.” He pinched one of the woman’s nipples until she squealed and slapped at his hand. “After the first one, it’s easy. Besides, I never actually said nothing about killing.”

  “You just said leaving our marks alive is gonna get us caught.”

  “I just meant we gotta be more careful about showing our faces so we ain’t recognized. And if we do get recognized, I sure as hell want it to be over more than pocket change. Use your brains when you listen, boy. We’re not just going to go around shooting folks. Not unless’n we have to. Don’t get all flustered about it.”

  He stiffened his spine, not liking how Slim always dismissed what he said, as if he didn’t know nothin’. They couldn’t get away with none of what he had planned without a lot of people getting dead. “I’ve got plenty of brains and backbone. I’m not some no-account boy anymore. Nor am I flustered, like some silly schoolgirl. So stop talking to me like I am.” He rubbed his crotch. Damn his body. “I turned eighteen two months ago.”

  “Yeah, I remember. Do you remember how generous I was? I got you broke in with your first whore and you never even thanked me for it.”

  “That’s cuz she was old enough to be my grandma.” More like his great-grandma. He hadn’t even been able to get hard.

  “She still had her teeth, didn’t she?”

  “Yeah, she almost bit off my cock.” The memory made him shudder. “I didn’t even come.” Not that he’d wanted to. Not with her.

  “You ain’t got no gratitude. I’ve got a good ten years—more’n that actually—on you. I know more about life than you ever will. Ah, oh!” He came with a loud groan. “Yeah… Ain’t nothing better than comin’ hard. If you can’t cock shoot, that’s your problem.”

  The woman beneath Slim giggled.

  Montana tensed and anger surged through him. He shifted his hand. The cold metal of his gun felt good against his flesh. He stopped himself from drawing though, stopped himself from shooting Slim right in the balls for his words. He eased his hand off the butt of the pistol and stretched his fingers.

  “I’m just speaking my mind,” he finally said with a grumble, controlling his ire. Slim had a mean streak in him that was going to get him killed one of these days. But now that he had come, at least they could finally go.

  A good, strong drink would make him feel better and more amiable toward Slim and his current plans. Maybe. He plopped his hat on his head.

  “You gotta learn how to make the best of things, Montana.”

  “How is doing more dangerous jobs best? People get hurt. They get dead. Robbing a bank or a stage isn’t like robbing a cowpoke here and there. We can’t pull off that kind of job on our own. We’d need more men. At least one more.”

  Slim grunted. He rolled off the woman and smiled. “We won’t be on our own. I got a man.”


  “The sheriff of that hole-in-the-ground town that I told you about earlier. I hardly believed it myself when I heard about him. Our luck is definitely changing for the better. Guess who it is?”

  Montana shrugged. “How should I know? And why would a sheriff help us pull off jobs?” Slim was talking loco. He glanced at the woman a moment before his gaze flickered back. Though she’d looked completely uninterested in their conversation, he still felt uncomfortable talking so freely in front of her. “Let’s get outta here. I need a drink.”

  Slim smiled, obviously too eager to spill the news to wait, for he blurted, “It’s Joe Jackson. He’s wearing the tin.”

  Montana couldn’t hide his shock. “Kid Joe’s a sheriff? I thought he was long dead. Gunned down by somebody faster.”

  “So did I.” Slim laced his fingers together behind his head, apparently in no hurry to leave the whorehouse or the bed. “But I guess ain’t really no one faster with a gun. Least I ain’t never come across one. I heard all about it in the saloon. How he got in with the law instead of against it, I don’t rightly know. But we’ll find out soon enough. We’re leaving Fox Valley and heading for Elk Valley in the morning. Early. What do you say?”

  He had to admit that he was intrigued with the idea. Now. “I guess it wouldn’t hurt to check into it. I wouldn’t mind meeting Kid Joe. I’ve been hearing about him for years.” Joe used to be the fastest gun in the territory. Or so was his reputation.

  A few years back, Montana had heard that someone finally outdrew and killed him. Guess that was just old woman gossip. “Let’s get us a room at the hotel then head to the saloon.”

  When the woman tried to move from
the bed, Slim sat up and grabbed her arm. “I got a powerful itch between my legs still, honey. Soon as I recover, I’m gonna need some more scratchin’.”

  Montana made a sound of frustration. “You already came.”

  Slim frowned. He looked back and forth between the two as if trying to decide which mattered more. Finally he sighed. “All right, all right. Don’t get all hangdog-lookin’ on me. We’ll go. Just a minute though.” He pushed the woman’s head toward his cock. “Lick my fucker clean before I leave at least.” He shifted his legs on the thin mattress and she got into position.

  “I don’t wanna watch you get your pecker licked.”

  “Then look out the window if it makes you feel better. But you might learn somethin’ if you watch. Like how to get a gal to do whatever you want.” When all he received was a glare in return, he chuckled and returned to the subject at hand. “I swear, our fortune is guaranteed, Montana. Relax. With Joe’s help, all three of us are going to be stinkin’ rich. You’ll see.”

  Montana half turned away, though he could still see what was happening. Too well, so he opted to gaze back up at the moon instead. “I ain’t never been to Elk Valley.” He figured it would be much the same as this town, given what he’d heard about it. “If Joe’s a lawman now, what makes you think he’s not gonna run us out of that town the moment we ride in? If he figures you’re still on the back end of the law, that is. And especially after you let him know why we’re there.” He hesitated, then turned to look back at Slim. “If he’s turned a leaf, he might just shoot you on the spot.”

  Slim’s fingers tangled in the woman’s hair as she stroked his cock with her tongue. “His own cousin? It’s been years since I last seen him but we was close. He won’t go against me. Besides, he’s gotta be missing his old life. Walking a straight line gets boring real quick. I tried it once. Blech. Joe and I had a lot of wild times together. A man don’t forget those things.”

  Montana shook his head as he inched toward the door. If Slim wasn’t done soon, he was leaving. Why Slim had wanted him to stay in the room from the start made no sense to him. He’d been worried about getting robbed while his pants were down, he’d said. But he’d kept his gun within easy reach and frankly it was all starting to feel just plain creepy to him. “Something about this plan is still leaving a bad taste in my mouth.”

  “That’s just the possum we ate for breakfast before riding into town. Amble on over here and lick this whore’s cunt. It’ll put you in a better mood. She’s much better tasting than a dead rodent. Ain’t you, darlin’?”

  Montana hesitated. Lick her cunt? The woman turned her head and smiled up at him. She was a pretty thing. And he’d never tasted a woman between her legs. “Yeah, I’ll just bet she tastes right juicy.” He couldn’t resist. “All right.” He stepped toward her and kneeled behind her at the end of the bed. He swiped his hat off his head and set it on her bare butt. “Just so you know, Slim, I still don’t agree with this bank thing. Or stopping a stage.”

  Slim couldn’t care less what Montana agreed with. No matter how many times he said it. He was feeling better than he had in months and nobody was talking him out of his plans.

  If Montana got in his way, he’d put a bullet in his head and not feel a second of regret. As long as he and Joe were working together again, life would be good.

  Nobody would go up against Joe. If they did, they’d end up gut shot. Once they were reunited and doing jobs, they’d have all the money, whores and whiskey that they could handle.

  He watched the woman’s face change as Montana’s tongue touched her. Ah, yeah. She was enjoying this as much as he was. He got a perverse pleasure knowing Montana was tasting her after he’d just come inside her. The boy was so green. He didn’t know no better and couldn’t even tell his ass from a teakettle most of the time. He loved the upper hand that gave him.

  His cock started growing hard again. The more people around him and sexually aroused, the better he liked it. The smell of sex was intoxicating and made him want to fuck like a wild boar. He should have gotten two girls. Hell, three. If he’d had the money, he would have.

  Slim tightened his fingers in the whore’s hair and guided her mouth where he wanted it. Once Montana had his fill and mellowed out, he’d come around. The boy had no place else to go. “You’ll feel differently about it all in the morning.”

  The only response he got was a grunt.

  Even if Montana didn’t change his mind, he was still getting out of this hick town and moving on to bigger and better jobs. But he’d think about all of that tomorrow. Tonight was for pleasure. “Come on. Let’s both fuck this whore. You can have her cunt. I’ll take her asshole.”

  Montana raised his head. “Both? You mean at the same time?”

  Slim smiled at the young man’s shocked expression. “You got a lot to learn about women.” And he was just the man to teach him a thing or two about the raunchier side of fucking. “Get your clothes off.”

  The woman looked up and eyed Slim. “Anything more is extra, cowboy. And two of you costs double.”

  “Double? Like hell!” Slim complained.

  “In advance.” She held out her palm. “Now pay up or get out.”

  Chapter One

  Joe’s mouth felt firm and warm against hers. She’d fantasized about this moment for years.

  He teased her lips, until she opened her mouth, then he swept inside. His tongue touched hers and they both moaned. He tasted like spice and passion. When the door slammed behind them, it startled her and she pulled back.

  Joe had kicked the door closed.

  As he stared intently into her eyes, her heart raced like a herd of stampeding horses. Before she had a chance to fully contemplate his actions, he dipped down, lifted her in his arms and carried her to the bed. She tried to speak but her voice stuck in her throat. She felt her heart beating right through her chest. Gently, and without a word, he lowered her to the mattress. He followed her down and his lips again covered hers.

  She trembled beneath him, enjoying the weight and closeness of his body. One of his hands slid down to rest on her stomach. She mewled against his mouth and tangled her fingers in his hair.

  Joe’s tongue moved in and out of her mouth, causing her whole body to throb, especially between her legs, as if she were feeling the same motion in more intimate parts. His hand lowered to caress her thighs through the dress. She arched against him, wanting more. Needing more.

  She pulled her lips from his. “I ache, Joe,” she whispered, out of breath. “Physically and emotionally. In a good way. A needy way. For you,” she added, barely audible, then feared he might think her words silly.

  But instead of dismissing her words and feelings, his brown eyes softened and he stared at her as if memorizing every inch of her face. “Me too. I want you so much.” Lightly, he trailed his fingers between her legs.

  “Oh…” Even through her dress and petticoat, she felt the contact. Her breasts seemed too full and she wanted to rip open her chemise. She wanted Joe to touch her. She wanted to touch him. Everywhere. She plucked at his shirt buttons.

  He groaned and tugged at the bodice of her dress.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  A bump on the dirt road jostled Emma Bray back to the present. She gave herself a mental shake, trying to vanquish the sensual memories that her mind had insisted on replaying way too often lately. It didn’t work. Not that she’d really thought it would.

  She squirmed on the seat of the coach. Her body had reacted more than she’d anticipated it would and definitely more than she would have liked, given her location. She felt moisture between her legs and a physical need—an ache, as she’d told Joe years ago—deep inside.

  The more she moved around, the more her hardened nipples rubbed against the soft material of her chemise. The erotic sensations made her crave Joe’s touch in real life, not just in her memories.

  She knew she’d probably enhanced the memories in her head, turning them into the perfect fantasy. Things
were rarely as perfect as one remembered them. Even so, their time together had always been a very special memory for her and one she’d never forget. She just probably shouldn’t have relived the intimate parts while en route to her destination.

  Thank goodness for the bumpy road interrupting her thoughts just as she’d been thankful for she and Joe being interrupted back then, before they’d gone too far. But then again…

  Her life might have turned out so differently, maybe even for the better, if they had been intimate. “Only fate knows.” However, dwelling on what might have been did her no good, so best not to make it a habit. She needed to look to her future.

  With a heavy heart, she stared out the window of the stagecoach. The landscape rolled by in a blur of dirt and cactus. No dwellings. Not this far out. But soon they’d pass by some small, outlying homesteads.

  Not much had changed it seemed. Except for herself. She felt uncomfortable here now. Especially uncomfortable in this contraption they called transportation. Even seated well inside the coach, the trail dust scratched her throat so much that she’d practically coughed herself raw.

  Another jolt slammed her against the back wall. “Oh! Easy!” she called out to the driver, though she doubted he’d heard her. Her head was beginning to pound from the constant dips and bumps in the road.

  The last coach had been better equipped, but other than shades on the windows and a thin pad on the seat, not any more pleasant. Her butt hurt like crazy and every muscle in her body was sore. Living back East had spoiled her, even though she hadn’t been gone that long.

  She’d hoped for some company, maybe another woman or a family, on this leg of the journey to make the time go by faster. But she was the only passenger and it felt as if she’d been in this stagecoach forever.

  Thankfully, the stage should arrive in Elk Valley in less than an hour. She recognized the landscape well, now that they’d neared her destination. She probably always would. Some things were ingrained too deeply to forget. Even desolation held certain patterns, like the twists and turns in the dirt which served as a road, and the formation of familiar rock structures still standing where they probably had for generations.


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