Wanton Desire

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Wanton Desire Page 11

by Ruth D. Kerce

  Cora moaned and rode Slim faster.

  Slim groaned in response and squirmed beneath her. “Yeah, Montana. Give it to her good. Her pussy’s clenching my fucker like a vise.” He grabbed at her dress. “Damn. I’m gonna rip this thing right off you.”

  “Don’t you dare!” she squealed. “I only have two good dresses. Come on, Montana. Harder!”

  Montana’s cock ached. He could only take so much of this. His body could only take so much. Despite his disgust with the situation, he needed to fuck. And that need made him mad as hell, given their situation. He spanked Cora harder. “Fucking bitch. Is this what you want?”

  “Oh yes!” She screamed and her back arched. “Don’t stop. I’m coming!”

  “Me too,” Slim shouted. “Ah, ah, yeah…”

  They both stiffened and groaned. Their climaxes seemed to last a damn long time. Too long. They had to be putting on a show, just to get to him, for he’d never seen anything like it. Still, he continued to spank Cora until she finally collapsed in a heap on top of Slim.

  While they lay still, Montana pulled away from them and stumbled to his feet, almost tripping over his own boots. He rubbed his crotch. His cock didn’t ache anymore. Now it hurt like hell. He’d have to take care of himself. But not here. He eyed the front of the cave and the rain still coming down. Damn.

  “I’ll suck that for you,” Cora said, pushing herself off Slim. “Unless you’re too good for that kind of thing.” A mocking smile crossed her face.

  Slim chuckled, pulling up his pants. “Yeah, he’s as sweet as cherry pie.” He leaned over and grabbed his shirt off the ground.

  “Sweet?” Montana had endured enough from the both of them. “Didn’t I just smack her ass?” He glared at Slim. “It’s red as a beet.”

  “You didn’t even make her scream. I did that.”

  Cora chuckled. “You definitely fucked me a lot harder than he smacked me. But he spanked about like I’d expect some boy to do.”

  Montana steamed. “I ain’t no boy.” He ripped his pants open and stalked over to her. “You want it?” He grabbed the back of her head and pulled her toward him. “Then suck it!”

  “Yeah, finally!” Slim slipped on his shirt. He clapped his hands as he settled back to watch. “Show the boy a good time, Cora. Your whole attitude about this one is about to change, Montana.”

  Cora rose up on her knees and wrapped her fingers around his cock. She licked the tip of his shaft, and when he twitched, she took the head of his cock into her mouth. “Mmm.”

  Montana groaned at the erotic feel of her lips and tongue, sliding over him. The sensations she caused were much different, much better, than what he’d felt with the other whore Slim had gotten for him.

  Cora was more aggressive than he’d expected, going after his cock as if she’d been starving for it. “Ah, fuck.” She had barely started sucking him when he came down her throat. “Ah-ah!” He held the back of her head, urging her to take more of his hard shaft into her mouth. He was determined that she wouldn’t pull away while he spewed his come.

  So good. This was why Slim wanted her with them, he was certain of that. Even so, his own opinion of her had not changed. She was still just a whore out to get what she could off others. “Suck it all down.” His body shook with his release. “Yes!” When he’d given her everything he had, he pulled back and dropped to his knees, exhausted both physically and mentally.

  Cora chuckled and wiped her mouth. “See. You’re just as nasty as we are. You ain’t nothing special at all and no better than either of us, Montana. You best accept it and learn that it ain’t never gonna change.”

  He froze at her words and then it hit him like a fist to the gut. He felt sick at what he’d just done, regardless of his needs. Needs could be controlled. He’d thought he was better than she, and better than Slim too. But she’d brought him down into their slimy world as if he was as dirty and worthless as they were. He looked down at his hands—grimy, trembling.

  Every negative thought he’d ever had about himself came rushing into his head. Cora was right. He was nothing. He pushed himself to his feet and stuffed his cock back in his pants. “I need some air.”

  The cold rain and breeze on his face would make him feel better. It would cleanse him of the filth he felt inside. Even if just for a moment.

  In a daze, he shuffled his way toward the cave entrance. Slim said something to him but he wasn’t listening. What did it matter? As he stepped outside, the wind hit him and he felt his clothes and skin grow damp.

  Deep in his heart he knew that the rain couldn’t truly wash away the stains on his soul though. And that knowledge forced him to accept just who and what he had really become.

  * * * * *

  All lay still and silent. Joe rubbed his back and slowly made his way up the ranch house stairs. Though he tried to be quiet, the clomp of his boots seemed to echo against the walls with each step.

  Every muscle in his body ached from sitting too long in the saddle. Working mostly in town, at a desk and doing foot patrols, instead of living the life of a loner riding the countryside from dawn to dusk, had done its damage to his stamina. Even so, he wouldn’t change the choices he’d made, for they’d brought him exactly where he wanted to be. He’d never been this content anywhere else in his life. Everyone he loved was right here in Elk Valley.

  He crept toward his room, then paused in the middle of the hallway. He glanced over his shoulder. In an instant, he changed directions and headed the other way until he stood in front of Emma’s bedroom. After only a slight hesitation, he tapped on the door, loud enough for her to hear, but not loud enough to alert anyone else in the house.

  No response. It was late. She was probably asleep. He looked toward his room. He should go and get some sleep too. But…

  Slowly he tested her lock. The door opened easily, making the decision he was wrestling with easier for him. He wanted to make certain that she was still here and that she was all right. At least, that’s what he told himself.

  Instead of simply peeking inside, he eased into the room. When he saw Emma asleep in the bed, something about the sight felt really right. Comfortable. Peace settled over his heart and he smiled. He closed the door behind him, wanting to just look at her for a while.

  His thoughts turned to what had taken him away from her today. At those thoughts, his smile faded.

  After making sure the people in Elk Valley were fine and assuring folks that he doubted the bank robbers would be back, he’d ridden around the area but hadn’t found hide nor hair of Slim. Finally, he’d decided to return to the ranch, wanting to be near family instead of staying at the jail tonight. Luckily, the rain hadn’t started back up again until he’d ridden through the gate.

  Willie had been asleep in the parlor when he’d entered and she’d looked so serene that he hadn’t roused her. He was actually surprised that she’d stayed put out here at the ranch. Willie wasn’t much for staying any length of time in the company of others, especially when she didn’t know them well.

  He sat down on the side of the bed. “Emma?” he whispered in a barely audible voice, wanting her company but not wanting to wake her if she was truly in a deep sleep.

  Her skin looked soft and delicate in the shadows. The slight smile on her face made him wonder what or who she was dreaming about. Him? A heady thought. He needed to touch her, to feel her next to him. He brushed the hair out of her eyes. When she didn’t waken, he lightly touched her cheek. Cool perfection.

  With a sigh, he shifted on the bed. He’d leave and let her sleep. He could talk to her tomorrow.

  He stood and walked over to the door. As he reached for the knob, he hesitated. “Damn. I can’t,” he whispered to himself.

  Making a decision that he hoped he wouldn’t regret, he turned and headed over to the dresser. He glanced at himself in the mirror. Even in the darkened room he could see the weariness on his face. He needed rest, peace, a sense of contentment. He could get that here. Right here.

  As he looked back toward the bed, he unbuckled his gun belt. After quietly setting the heavy belt and his hat on the side of the dresser, he turned and walked over to Emma. He gazed down at her face, so angelic looking as she slept. He’d never seen a more beautiful woman.

  Somehow this all felt really right to him. He didn’t want to be alone tonight. Truth be told, he’d grown tired of his lifestyle and longed to settle down with one special woman.

  Careful not to wake her, he stretched out beside her on the bed. He groaned as his muscles slowly relaxed. Emma shifted, snuggling up beside him while she slept as if the action was the most natural thing in the world. Her body felt all feminine and warm, even with the blanket between them. He really wanted that blanket gone but he didn’t pull it away.

  He kicked off his boots and they hit the floor—the second one with a very distinct thud. Damn. He should have been more careful but his brain was mush after the day he’d had. She stirred again and he could tell that she was awake this time. He stiffened, worrying about her reaction to him beside her. He truly hadn’t intended to stay long, just until his mind and body felt more at ease.

  “Joe?” she whispered, reaching out to him.

  “Yeah.” When she softly laid her hand on his arm instead of protesting his presence, he relaxed and reached up to touch her fingers. So slim and full of tenderness. “Is everything all right here?” he asked, his voice equally low to match hers. “I saw Willie asleep on the settee.”

  “She wanted to wait up for you. After the excitement of the day, I’m not surprised that she drifted off before you returned. She was looking pretty tired when I decided to come upstairs. She wouldn’t take a room.”

  “Sounds like Willie.”

  “Did you find the bank robbers?”

  “Afraid not. I imagine they’re halfway to the next town by now. I roused Marge and had her send a telegram to Fox Valley, informing the sheriff to be on the lookout in case they show up over there. Hopefully the message will get through. At least they didn’t manage to get anything of value and nobody was hurt badly. If they’re smart, they won’t ever show their faces around here again.”

  “No one in town needs a doctor?”

  “No. The banker got a few scrapes but nothing that he felt needed your tending. He said his housekeeper could take care of him.”

  “I’m glad there weren’t any serious injuries.” Emma sat up, holding the blanket over her. She looked toward the window. “It’s raining again.”

  “Yeah. But it’s not too heavy. I don’t think it will last through the night. I hope not anyhow. We’ve had too much rain all at once as it is. In the last few years it seems like the territory either gets too much rain or not enough, both of which has caused problems. The rain started coming back down when I rode through the gate but the clouds didn’t look heavy, so maybe we’ll be all right this time and not see any more flooding.”

  “Do you know how much damage the rain has been done to the surrounding land and homesteads?”

  Joe eased up against the headboard. “Not yet.” He reached over to the night table and lit the lantern but kept the flame low. “I did ride over to Cal’s place while I was out though to check on things.”

  “Any problems there?”

  “Unfortunately.” He shook his head, still not believing what he’d found. “The place took a pretty good hit. The house flooded and half the barn collapsed. Some of the horses bolted too and haven’t been recovered yet.”

  “Oh no.”

  “Cal will not be happy. He and Beth and the baby will probably have to stay here when they get back, until repairs are made. I’ll send some men out there tomorrow if the weather isn’t too bad.”

  “Has there been any word from Beth yet?”

  “No, not yet. I’d be worried, but with this weather, I’m not really that surprised. Marge said that she’s been having problems getting any messages in or out. We’re not even sure yet if my message to Santa Fe went through and that was sent in good weather.”

  “Well, hopefully, the message did go through and the rest will all get straightened out once this crazy weather passes. They really need new telegraph lines out this way. Not being able to communicate with others when we need to, well, it makes things difficult…and dangerous.”

  He nodded. “No argument there.”

  “I wasn’t sure if you’d be back tonight. I thought you might decide to stay in town.” Emma looked into his eyes. “I’m glad you’re here. I feel much better when you’re close by.”

  He reached up and stroked her cheek. “It’s all I thought about the entire time I was out there. Getting back to you.”

  She turned her head and nuzzled the palm of his hand. “What if there’s more trouble in town while you’re here?”

  “The townsfolk know where to find me if there’s trouble. I really do need a deputy to cover for me when I’m not around. It’s been hard to find a good man though. One who doesn’t already have a spread of his own to tend. And someone who can shoot straight and doesn’t spook easily.” As he spoke, he paid little attention to his words. His attention was focused on Emma’s mouth.

  He leaned toward her and their lips touched in the gentlest of kisses. When he pulled back, he whispered, “We should get some sleep.”

  She shook her head. “I don’t want to sleep.”

  Something in her eyes, a pleading he couldn’t resist, told him she meant more than she was saying. His gaze locked with hers and his heart thudded against his ribs. “What do you want?”

  Without hesitation, she answered, “You, Joe. I want you.”

  He swallowed hard. An eddy of emotions stole his senses and he had a difficult time forming his words. “What… Um, what do you mean?”

  “Stay with me tonight. Here. In my bed.” She looked aside briefly and her voice lowered even more. “In my body.”

  His heart slammed against his ribs and he gently drew her chin back toward him until she looked up at him. “Emma, are you sure?”

  “More sure than I’ve ever been about anything in my life.”

  He groaned and covered her lips once more. This time the kiss was different—hungry and intense. She wanted him. And he wanted her too, more than any other he’d ever desired in his life. Suddenly he wasn’t tired or sore anymore. In fact, he felt like a randy youngster, eager for the taste of his first woman.

  Emma moaned. Nothing had ever seemed this right to her. In the morning her feelings could be different and she might have misgivings about this decision. But tonight she just wanted to be as close to Joe as two people could get. She wanted a special memory to take back to Boston with her—a memory to last a lifetime—even if this was all she and Joe ever had together. How could that be wrong? She kissed him deeply, leaving no doubt about her desires.

  Joe popped open the small, clear buttons on the front of her gauzy green nightgown. He slipped his hand inside and cupped one of her bare breasts. His hand felt warm and gentle.

  When his thumb brushed her nipple, Emma moaned. She began pulling at the buttons of his shirt, needing to feel his naked flesh beneath her fingertips. She parted the material and grazed his chest with her nails. His muscles contracted and she felt him shudder. Oh yes. He pinched her hardened nipple until she gasped at the sensation and shuddered too.

  She pulled her mouth from his. “I ache all over for you.” She’d said something similar to him years ago and neither time nor distance had changed the way he made her feel.

  Joe tossed the blanket aside. He pushed her nightgown down her shoulders until both breasts were exposed. He stared down at her body, then ripped his shirt off and threw it to the floor as she pulled her arms free of the material around her.

  Her heart began to pound harder and harder. Joe sat staring at her breasts and fingering the nightgown bunched at her hips for so long that she thought she’d go crazy. It was as if he was cataloguing every detail of her body. Maybe he was creating a memory too.

  He licked the tip
of his finger and reached out to rub one of her nipples. A tingle traveled through the bud and shot right down her body, settling between her legs. She let out a small whimper.

  Joe leaned over and lapped at the nipple several times before sucking it into his mouth. Emma’s fingers tangled in his hair, holding him close as pleasure coursed through her. She arched against him. “Oh. Yes.” She never thought a man’s mouth could make her feel so good. “More.”

  His hand burrowed beneath her nightgown and between her legs. She stiffened briefly but then eased her thighs apart, eager for Joe’s touch.

  When his fingers delved intimately, brushing the bud of nerves there and then massaging the tender bit of flesh, she was barely able to catch her breath. “Ah! Oh…” She let her eyes drift closed, losing herself in the incredible feeling.

  Joe released her nipple. When he spoke, he sounded hoarse as if he too was having trouble getting enough air. “Open your eyes, Emma. Look at me.”

  The words sounded to her ears like a cross between a plea and a command. She did as he asked and their gazes locked. His chocolate-brown eyes held a combination of tenderness and passion that enthralled her.

  He continued to massage her, circling and rubbing her clitoris. “Let go. Come for me.” He gently kissed her lips. “Show me how much you like this.”

  She did like it and wanted more. The pleasure built inside her, higher and higher. All the while, her gaze never left his. Then like a flash flood, ecstasy swept over her body, engulfing every inch of her. “Ah, Joe!”

  Even through her pleasure, their gazes held and something special passed between them. She felt a connection and a trust that she’d never had with anyone else. Physical and emotional ecstasy consumed her. She grabbed his arm, not to push him away, but to make certain he didn’t stop touching her.

  When the pleasure finally did ebb, she released her grip and relaxed against the pillows. She smiled up at him. “That was wonderful,” she managed to whisper.

  He nodded as if unable to find the right words to say.

  Once she fully caught her breath and after he pulled away his hand, she asked, “Is it always like that? It’s never that intense when I…” She stopped in mid-sentence and felt the heat in her cheeks.


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