Wanton Desire

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Wanton Desire Page 12

by Ruth D. Kerce

  “When you what?” He smiled. He stroked one of her cheeks then the other one with the tips of his fingers.

  “Um, nothing.” She couldn’t believe she’d almost revealed that she sometimes pleasured herself.

  He chuckled lightly and undid the front of his pants. “When I’m inside you, it will be even more intense.” He stood up beside the bed, his hands gripping both sides of his pants. He hesitated. “Take off your nightgown.”

  Without hesitation, she pulled the garment over her head as she waited for him to lower his pants. She didn’t feel shy or uncomfortable. Not with Joe. All this seemed destined somehow. Like a really grand adventure, regardless of the consequences. And she was well aware of just what those consequences might be.

  Joe discarded his pants and Emma’s gaze immediately settled on his cock. She sucked in a sharp breath, then let it whoosh out of her. His cock was just as magnificent as she remembered it.

  She ached to touch the hard, thick shaft but wanted emotional intimacy even more right now. She needed the connection. She rose to her knees and kissed his lips, softly at first and then with renewed eagerness.

  He pulled back and looked deeply into her eyes. “Tell me everything you want,” he bade in a voice full of passion.

  The sound of caring in his words, the look of caring on his face, made her want to melt into his arms. She craved more of the intense pleasure he’d given her and she wanted to please him in return. “I need to be with you. And I want to give you whatever you need.”

  Joe wrapped his arms around her and lowered them both to the mattress. “You are already everything I could ever want or need, Emma.”

  Her heart squeezed in her chest. She stroked his cheek, his shoulder, his back. She couldn’t find the words she truly wanted to say to him. Maybe that was best. She didn’t want him to feel obligated to return those words, or to make promises that he might be unwilling or unable to keep in the end.

  Joe spread her thighs with his knees. She felt the tip of his cock press intimately against her. When he hesitated, she arched her back, encouraging him. While staring tenderly into her eyes, he eased forward. He pushed through her maidenhead and she sucked in a sharp breath.

  Immediately he stilled. “Are you all right?”

  She nodded and exhaled. “Don’t stop.”

  Slowly he pushed deeper.

  The uncomfortable feeling began to wane as every glorious inch of his cock slid inside her. She felt full and complete for the first time ever. She wrapped her legs around him and he sank deeper, making them both moan. She’d been waiting for this her whole life—a connection so deep with another person that it was as if they were one.

  Joe began moving his hips. Slowly he rode her, the look in his eyes mesmerizing. So intense. So much need. Pleasure began to build inside her. She raked her fingernails down his back and lifted her hips to meet his.

  He groaned and thrust into her faster. Harder. Their bodies came together as if they were made for each other.

  A flutter of pleasure gathered between her legs then exploded through her with such force that she cried out in ecstasy. “Oh!” The sensations were so strong that she didn’t care who heard her cries. All she wanted was for the exquisite feeling to continue.

  “Ah!” Joe stiffened and called out her name. He moaned long and deep as he continued to thrust into her.

  She clung to his arms, never wanting to let go. Her body as well as her mind seemed to almost merge with his. As the thought went through her head, she realized how odd it sounded, but there were simply no proper words for her to describe the experience.

  Only after they were both physically spent did Joe finally collapse atop her. He shifted slightly to ease the burden of his weight.

  Emma lay still, breathing hard, barely believing how much pleasure he’d given her. Not only physically, but emotionally as well. She’d never known such bliss was even possible.

  Neither of them spoke. She wouldn’t know what to say, even if she wanted to make an attempt—except for maybe I love you. And those were words she dared not say aloud.

  Chapter Eight

  Joe woke slowly, pulling himself from the most restful sleep he’d had in ages. He turned and saw Emma still sleeping beside him. What a night. He smiled.

  He wanted to wake her and make love to her again but she was probably too sore for it to be pleasurable for her. He had been her first. She’d told him the truth. Nothing could have made him happier. How could he let her go now?

  His thoughts turned to Willie and Myrah. He wondered if they knew he was back, wondered if either of them had heard him and Emma last night. He hoped not for Emma’s sake, for he wasn’t certain how she’d react. With abandon or shame? He certainly felt no shame. And if he got the opportunity…

  He mentally shook the thought from his mind. He’d better head to his room before it got too late. People were early risers around here and if anyone saw him leaving Emma’s room, tongues would surely wag. He eased out of bed and dressed quickly. He grabbed his hat and gun and quietly left Emma to her dreams.

  Before he reached his room, he heard Myrah and Willie downstairs. It sounded as if they were arguing. He’d better go down and see what was afoot. When he reached the first floor, Willie had one hand on the handle of the front door.

  “What’s going on?” he asked, happy to see that she’d stay the night, but concerned about what the problem might be.

  Both women turned at the same time.

  “Joe, you’re back,” Willie said, then smiled. Her smile quickly disappeared though as she asked, “Did you find Slim?”

  “No. Unfortunately. Or maybe fortunately if he’s left the territory. Depends on your viewpoint of the situation. What’s going on with you two?”

  “I’m trying to convince this girl to stay put. She’s all ready to hightail it back into town. There ain’t nothing for her there. I could use some extra help out here. There’s lots to be done. She’s young and perfectly suited.”

  “I’m not going to change sheets and wash dishes. That’s not me.”

  Sheets. Joe practically groaned. He glanced up the stairs. The sheets would be stained with Emma’s blood. Maybe Myrah would think it was just her time of the month.

  “Then tend to the animals or the grounds. After all that rain, we’re gonna need every hand to set things right. Isn’t that so? Are you listenin’ to us, Mr. Joe?”

  His attention snapped back to them. “Um, yes. Sure. Stay, Willie. Help out. You can even bunk here for a while. There’s plenty of room upstairs. It’s not charity, since you’ll be working for your keep so don’t give me a hard time about it. Please.”

  “Do the other hands stay in the house?” she asked.

  “Willie,” Joe started, drawing out her name. She knew full well the answer to that question. “I’m not putting you out with the hands.” She was family.

  He had a moment of regret, knowing he probably wouldn’t be able to visit Emma in her room with Willie on the same floor and so close by. But providing Willie with a safe place to sleep was the right thing to do. Their pa would have wanted that and he doubted Wade would mind her being here for a short while, until he could arrange something more permanent. “Talk to the foreman. He’ll put you to work outside if you don’t want to do indoor chores.”

  “First thing we gotta do is get you in some decent clothes, girl.”

  “I haven’t agreed to nothin’ yet. And I’m perfectly decent. Don’t go trying to change me…”

  Their voices faded as Joe’s mind strayed to other things. He left them to argue it out. He wanted to check the barn and talk to the foreman. He needed to tell the man to be on the lookout for Slim. Joe doubted his cousin was still around but he wanted everyone to be careful and on alert all the same.

  He stepped outside and glanced across the grounds. The men must be tending the horses in the pastures for he didn’t see anyone around and the ranch was usually bustling with activity. He headed out back and checked the bu
nkhouse to be sure. It stood empty. Wade had hired a good crew of men. Not a lazy one in the bunch. On his way out, he ran into one of the temporary wranglers—a young man on his way home, heading west, who’d needed a little extra traveling money. “Buster.”

  “Oh, hey, Joe.”

  “Everyone out in the pastures?”

  “Some. Some are in the high barn where we moved the animals, making sure they’re all right and getting them fed. The foreman sent a couple of men into town to get some lumber to fix the main barn before we move the animals back. I came in for some grub to take out to the men. I’m fixin’ to speak to Myrah about it.”

  “Good. She’s in the house. Have at it.” Joe wished the man well then walked across the wide expanse off the side of the house and entered the barn—the one they’d had to evacuate. The hay on the floor looked nasty and felt soggy under his boots. Mud was everywhere and chicken feathers were stuck to the walls. He looked up to see several holes in the roof that needed to be repaired.

  He ought to grab a pitchfork and start mucking it out but he needed to ride into Elk Valley and check on things there. His horse had been taken to the higher barn, as well as Emma’s buggy. They would both have to go up there before either of them could head out. “Best get over there,” he muttered to himself. He’d help out with repairs when he returned.

  He turned and ran smack into Emma. His heart slammed against his ribs and he stepped back quickly. “Hellfire! Where’d you come from? Don’t sneak up on me like that.”

  “Sorry. I heard you when you shut my door. Is everything all right?”

  Damn, she looked beautiful with her hair flowing loosely around her shoulders and the slight flush on her face. “As right as it can be after such a storm. Are you all right…after last night?” He held his breath for her answer.

  “Yes.” She smiled. “I’m good. Really good.”

  “No regrets?”


  Relief flooded through him and he exhaled with an audible whoosh. He’d worried that she might not want to face him once the sun rose. “I’m very happy about that.” He moved forward to pull her into a kiss, but a noise in the loft caused them both to look up before their lips touched. Some hay drifted to the ground through the slats in the wood overhead.

  “Is someone up there?” Emma asked in a whisper.

  “Shouldn’t be,” he whispered back. He drew his pistol and leaned in close to her ear. “Stay down here and pretend I’m still with you. Talk to me about your plans for the day. I’ll see if I can sneak up on whoever is there.”

  She nodded and started prattling nonstop about what she planned to do at the clinic that day as if he were listening. In reality, he was so focused on the loft that after the first few words her voice just sounded like some sort of nonsensical chatter to him.

  Slowly he made his way up the ladder. Maybe Slim had been hiding here, right under his nose all along. When he got to the top, he peeked into the loft. Nobody. The loft, which only ran partway along one side of the barn, looked in good shape. No holes overhead. The hay seemed dry and fairly fresh smelling.

  Another low sound caught his attention. Shuffling? Behind some bales stacked in the back.

  He stepped up into the loft and quietly headed to the back. His heart pounded so hard he could barely hear himself think. He didn’t like going in blind like this but if whoever was hiding back there was listening to Emma and didn’t know he’d come up then he’d have an advantage.

  Trying to be as quiet as possible, he worked his way over to the bales of hay and looked around the far side, opposite of where he’d heard the sound. An animalistic scream and scuffling sent him reeling backward as a large barn cat shot past him.

  He tripped on a coil of rope and his gun discharged. The bullet hit the wall as he fell on his butt. He let loose a curse of disgust.

  A moment later Emma appeared at the top of the ladder. “Are you all right?”

  “Yeah. It was just a cat.”

  Emma climbed into the loft with ease and a small smile appeared on her face. “I saw her. She jumped down and disappeared like the devil was chasing her.”

  “Him. Blamed animal. It’s one of Skylar’s. She’s got three and they’re always getting the better of me.”

  Emma chuckled and reached out her hand. “At least you didn’t shoot him.”

  He grabbed her hand and got to his feet. “Thank goodness. Skylar would shoot me in return.” He re-holstered his gun. “She loves those raggedy balls of fur.”

  “I can’t fault her for that.” Emma ran her finger along the stubble on his cheek. “There’s something very attractive about raggedy.”

  “Is that so?” He cocked an eyebrow. “Maybe I should forget to shave more often.”

  “It gives you a ruggedly handsome look with a little danger mixed in. I like it.”

  “Danger, huh?” He pulled her into a kiss, plunging his tongue into her mouth. He instantly pictured his tongue enjoying more than her mouth.

  She pulled back and smiled up at him. “Um…” She fingered his shirt buttons. “Do you want to, maybe, do it again?”


  “You know.” Her hand drifted down to his crotch. “Be together.”

  He stiffened and swallowed hard. “Oh, there’s no maybe about it, darlin’.” Before they went any further, his thoughts switched to her comfort. “Is it too soon? Are you sore?”

  “I feel fine. Truly. I’m ready.” Emma’s heart pounded fiercely as every nerve in her body came alive. Being with Joe, having him inside her body, had been more powerful and pleasurable than she’d ever imagined. She wanted that feeling again.

  Her fingers tugged on his gun belt until she got it undone. She let it drop to the straw. Then she made quick work of his shirt buttons and pulled the garment from his shoulders. She loved the feel of his muscled chest beneath her hands. So much strength and power.

  “What’s this scar?” she asked, again noticing the mark above one nipple that had caught her eye after they’d first arrived at the ranch. She leaned in and ran her tongue along the small line.

  “I fell against some barbed wire a few months back. Damn, your tongue feels good.” He yanked down the bodice of her dress, exposing her breasts.

  She gasped. But his aggressiveness—his need—further fueled her own. This was no time for shyness. Not if she wanted to experience her fantasies before going back to Boston. She wanted to voice her desire and let him know just how much she enjoyed being with him. She especially enjoyed his mouth on her. She looked up at him. “Suck my nipples. Like you did last night.”

  Joe hesitated, then swept her up into his arms. “Yes ma’am.” He laid her down on a pile of hay and kneeled beside her. The sexual energy in the loft heightened. “I’ll do anything you want me to.” He teased her nipples with his fingers, rubbing and pinching them. “You like that?”

  She nodded and arched her back. The ache in her pussy grew to an unbearable level. “Please.”

  He leaned over and licked one nipple, swirling his tongue around the nub. When he finally sucked it into his mouth, she grabbed handfuls of hay beneath her and squeezed tightly. He nibbled on the peak and she cried out in ecstasy. “Oh! It can’t be, but… I think I’m coming!”

  Joe squeezed her breast and continued torturing her nipple. Licking, sucking, biting.

  “Ah, ah, yes!” She couldn’t believe she was climaxing simply from his mouth on her breast. Every time his tongue touched her, her muscles twitched and pleasure flooded through her. Her moans filled the loft, sounding loud in the surrounding emptiness.

  As the feeling ebbed and she quieted, he licked her nipple one last time, then he lifted his head and smiled down at her. “You are incredible. So sensitive to every touch.”

  Before she could respond, voices from below reached her ears.

  “I know what I heard. Don’t be calling me loco. It was a shot. And I thought I heard a woman’s voice as we were walking over here.”

h. Emma looked over at Joe who put a finger to his lips.

  “A woman? I didn’t hear nothin’,” a man replied. They fell silent for several moments. “See. Nobody’s out here,” the man continued. “I saw Joe earlier but I imagine he went up to the high barn for his horse and to talk to the foreman. You probably just heard the cats fighting with each other.”

  Their voices faded as they walked out of the barn and across the yard.

  Struggling to right her dress, Emma sat up. She leaned in close to Joe and whispered, “Maybe we should—”

  “Ignore them.” He smiled and caressed her cheek. “They won’t be back. Trust me.”

  She chewed on her bottom lip a moment then returned his smile. He was probably right. She lay back down and relaxed in the hay. She did trust him and didn’t want their time together to end.

  He lay beside her and stroked her hair and shoulders. “You should always wear your hair down. It’s gorgeous.”

  “That wouldn’t be very practical.”

  “Maybe not. But I still like it down. It’s soft and makes me want to bury my hands in the thick strands.” The expression on his face turned thoughtful. “I’ve been wondering.”

  “About what?”

  “Do you enjoy your studies in Boston? The city is really a different life, from what I’ve been told.”

  “Yes,” she answered without hesitation, thinking his question odd, given what they were doing. But she appreciated his interest. “I love it. Being a doctor is something I’ve wanted my whole life. And Boston is quite nice. I’ve made several friends there.”

  He nodded and fell silent. She waited for him to comment further but he averted his eyes as if something in the straw had drawn his attention. She reached up and turned his chin back toward her. “What is it?”

  A weak smile crossed his face. “Nothing. It’s just, well, it’s a powerful thing to want something so badly.”


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