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Wanton Desire

Page 16

by Ruth D. Kerce

  After what seemed an eternity, a woman answered. The maid. “Sheriff Jackson? What can I do for you?”

  “I need to see Percy. It’s an emergency.”

  “What’s going on, Sarah?” a voice boomed from inside.

  Joe pushed past her. A potbellied man stood by the staircase in his nightclothes, looking disgruntled.

  “I need money,” Joe explained. “Fast. Willie and Emma have been kidnapped. I don’t have much time.”

  “Whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down, Joe. Now tell me again what’s going on? Kidnapped?”

  “I don’t have time to slow down.” He showed him the note. “I need money. I’ll get it back to you. You have my word on that.” He’d track the bastards who did this to the ends of the earth if he had to. And if Cora was indeed involved somehow, he’d show her no mercy.

  “I don’t have this kind of cash.” He handed back the note. “Not even half this. During the botched robbery, we lost a lot of money when the townsfolk starting going after the loose cash. Not everyone returned what they found. You know how things have been around here. Even Wade’s account is lower in funds than usual.”

  As Joe stuffed the note into his pocket, frustration rose up inside him and he almost lost all control. Wade. Wade would have money at the ranch. He had a wall safe and Joe knew where he kept the combination. But not knowing how much was out there, he feared it wouldn’t be enough. “Can I have whatever you’ve got in the bank?”

  “I can’t just turn over other folks’ money, Joe. What if you don’t get it back? I can’t take the chance.”

  “Damn it, Percy!” He took a deep breath, then let it out slowly. “All right. Just let me have whatever is in Wade’s account.”

  “I can’t do that without his authorization. I won’t. How do you know Willie and Emma are even still alive? You might be giving away money for no reason. The note doesn’t say where or when specifically they’re going to be released. They’re probably already dead.”

  Anger and fear exploded inside Joe. He grabbed the man around the collar. “They’re not dead.” He heard Sarah gasp behind them and he released the banker. Then he turned and rushed out. He had to get to the ranch.

  * * * * *

  Emma looked around for Willie but couldn’t see her. They needed to find a way out of here before things took a really bad turn. She’d heard Cora and Slim quite clearly. They were going to ransom them off, then kill them, so they couldn’t tell Joe who was behind their kidnapping.

  Montana had heard too. She’d seen the look on the man’s face. Somehow she didn’t think that he was a part of this. Or at least she felt he was their best chance of getting out of here. Especially since he’d already apologized to Willie. There was something more to their relationship, something that made him soft toward her.

  Cora sauntered across the floor and looked her over. “I don’t know what Joe sees in you. As far as I can tell, you’re not anything special. Just some uppity city lady who used to be the doctor’s daughter.”

  Slim came up behind her and slid his arms around her waist. “What do you care, honey? You got me now.”

  Emma saw the sour look on Cora’s face, though Slim couldn’t from his position. Cora was just using him to get what she wanted, which was money and probably retribution too, given that Slim had said this was all her idea.

  Slim’s hands slid up her body and he squeezed her breasts.

  Emma looked aside.

  Cora laughed. “You too good to watch? Make her watch, Slim. I want her to see why men flock to me, why Joe couldn’t wait for a taste of what I’ve got.”

  Her words made Emma nauseous.

  “Watch, lady. Or I’ll put my hands on you.”

  Her stomach churned at Slim’s threat. Slowly Emma turned her head back. She worked hard to keep any sign of emotion off her face.

  Cora’s breathing hastened as Slim’s fingers slid across her breasts. “Yes, honey. Just like that. Show her good.”

  “I’ll show her right good.” Slim removed the gun from Cora’s bodice and stuck it in his pants. His hands returned to her breasts and he tugged down the front of Cora’s dress. Her breasts popped out right in front of Emma’s face. “Ain’t these the prettiest titties you’ve ever seen?” He pinched her large nipples.

  Emma again looked down. She couldn’t watch this. She just couldn’t.

  “Look at them!” Slim ordered.

  Cora laughed. “Since she don’t want to see mine, let’s see hers, Slim. I’ll even let you do more than look if you rip her dress open.”

  Emma’s head snapped up and she sucked in a sharp breath. Her heart slammed against her ribs.

  “More than look?” Slim smiled. “You gonna let me taste the doc’s tits?”

  Cora grinned back at him. “We’ll both taste them. I bet she ain’t never had two mouths sucking on her at once.”

  No! Emma would scratch their eyes out before she’d let either of them touch her. If they took another step toward her, she’d bolt. She didn’t care if they caught her and beat her bloody for it.

  Montana came out of the darkness. “Can’t you two keep your hands to yourselves until we’ve got the money?”

  Emma breathed a sigh of relief. Thank you. She knew Montana wasn’t like them.

  Cora frowned at the man as she fixed her dress. “You got something against having fun? You weren’t complaining none when you stuffed your cock in my mouth and told me to suck it.”

  Shock vibrated through Emma. Oh no. Not Montana too. She looked up at him. His face turned beet red. Anger or shame? She wasn’t certain. Disappointment hit her hard. It looked as if Cora had both these men right where she wanted them. She and Willie couldn’t trust anyone but each other and they would have to figure out a way to save themselves.

  She glanced down at the medical bag. A scalpel and chloroform were inside. Formidable weapons if used correctly. Finding the opportunity to access them would be the problem. She’d stay alert and try to gain an advantage when she could.

  Slim stepped away from Cora and laughed. “Come on, Cora. You can suck my cock. We gotta do something to pass the time.”

  Cora stepped up to Montana and swiped his lips with her tongue.

  He grabbed her shoulders and pushed her back. “Stop it.”

  “Watch the women. We’ll be upstairs. Tie the doc up if you want to join us.”

  Emma’s heart pounded. They were leaving? She looked at Montana. Maybe she could still get through to him. It was obvious neither Cora nor Slim respected or truly cared for him. She could use that to convince him to do the right thing. She watched and waited until they disappeared up the stairs. As soon as the door closed, she looked up at the man beside her. “Montana—”

  “No.” He shook his head. “Don’t say nothin’ to me.”


  He grabbed her chin. “I said, don’t say nothin’.” His eyes flashed with emotion. “Do you understand?”

  Emma gulped and nodded. He wasn’t going to listen to reason.

  Montana released her and stomped off into the dark. “I can still see you, so don’t try anything stupid,” he said from the shadows.

  If she made a run for the stairs or the outer cellar doors, he’d be on top of her before she got three steps. Besides, she couldn’t leave Willie here alone with him.

  She casually stretched her arm down the side of the barrel and tried to touch the medical bag but she couldn’t reach it. She’d have to bend way over and that would be too obvious. Unless he wasn’t really watching her as he’d said.

  She bent and scratched her leg, then reached to the side and tried to open the bag. She could do this. She’d grab the scalpel and hide it in the side pocket of her dress.

  “What are you doing?” Montana asked, his voice coming out of the darkness.

  She jerked back upright. “Nothing.”

  He stepped into the light and circled around her. He looked down at the black bag. “You don’t have a pistol in there, do you?�

  “Of course not. Just medical supplies. Cough medicine and salves and such.”

  He reached down and grabbed the bag, then walked over to a table and set it down. “We’ll just keep it over here. To be safe.”

  Emma’s frustration grew, though she was relieved when he didn’t search the bag. And confused, given his suspicious nature. She tried to peer into the back of the cellar. “Where’s Willie?”

  “She’s all right. She’s asleep. I guess all this was too much for her.”

  “You know if you kill us that Joe will kill you in return.”

  “Yeah, I know.”

  His answer surprised her. “And you’re still going along with this plan? I know you don’t want to do this.”

  “You don’t know anything about me, lady.”

  “Then tell me.”

  * * * * *

  Joe raced his horse through the gate to the ranch, then pulled up hard on the reins, dismounting almost at the same time. A man on guard duty took his horse and asked what was wrong but Joe didn’t take the time to explain. He ran into the ranch house, slamming the door behind him.

  He headed directly into Wade’s study and removed the picture that covered the wall safe. He opened the left drawer of the desk and looked for the combination that Wade had scrawled on the back of an old envelope. The numbers wouldn’t be accurate, just a guide. The combination was actually one number higher on each turn. Wade had told him about it during the worst of the drought and cattle rustlings, in case the family wasn’t around and an emergency cropped up.

  The fact that Wade trusted him that much had meant a lot to him. This wasn’t the type of emergency Wade had been referring to. But he had to take the money. He’d pay Wade back with interest. Somehow.

  “Damn it.” He couldn’t find the envelope.

  Myrah hurried into the room, dressed in her nightclothes and looking out of sorts. “What’s going on, Mr. Joe? I heard the commotion all the way out in my cabin and came running. The men are all stirred up, wondering what’s wrong. It ain’t even sunrise yet.”

  “Emma and Willie have been kidnapped.” He rifled through another drawer.

  “Lord have mercy. Who took them?”

  “I don’t know. But they’re demanding money.” He slammed the drawer shut.

  “What are you looking for?”

  “The combination to the safe. Wade must have moved it. You wouldn’t happen to know where he keeps it, would you?” A long shot, but he had to ask.

  She looked at the wall where he’d removed the picture. “No sir. But if you let me at that safe, I can get it open.”

  Joe just looked at her, not knowing what to say. No way was anyone getting into that safe without the combination. What now? He’d shoot the damn tumbler off if he thought it would work.

  He glanced at the grandfather clock in the corner. Time was ticking away. If he didn’t get the money to the kidnappers…

  “My papa was a locksmith. I can get into anything.”

  “The safe doesn’t have a lock that a key will open, Myrah.”

  “Don’t matter none. My papa was also a bank robber and an expert with explosives. He taught me all his secrets before going to his grave. We’ll get it open, one way or another.”

  The shock he felt must have shown on his face because Myrah chuckled.

  “Outta my way.” She strode over to the safe, held her ear against the front of it, and slowly turned the tumbler.

  Joe paced. He had to come up with a plan. The note had told him to drop the money in one of the caves, then ride out. If the kidnapper was working alone, he could double back and the son of a bitch would never know it. If he wasn’t working alone, doing that could endanger Emma and Willie if he was spotted.

  He could organize the men and go to the caves in force. But that could endanger the women too. He couldn’t just drop the money and leave though. He needed some guarantee that the women would be set free.

  If it took him the rest of his life, the bastards who did this would be caught and severely punished. He’d do whatever was necessary to save Emma and Willie.

  Or avenge their deaths if it came to that.

  In the end, he doubted anyone would judge or even criticize him for his actions. And if they did…the hell with them.

  Chapter Eleven

  Emma woke with a start, catching herself right before she toppled off the barrel. “Ohh…” Every muscle in her body ached. Her plan to get on Montana’s soft side hadn’t worked. He didn’t have a soft side. He’d refused to talk to her, then tied her up and left. Probably to join Slim and Cora. Feeling defeated, she’d finally had to admit to herself that he was more like those two than she’d hoped.

  Somehow she had to come up with her own plan to get out of this mess. She looked around the dim basement. Montana had left a couple of lanterns lit so she and Willie weren’t completely in the dark. The doctor’s bag on the table several feet in front of her caught her eye. If she could get a hold of the scalpel inside, maybe she could cut herself or Willie loose. “Willie!”

  She heard something bang in the back but that was it. Willie must still be gagged. “I’m going to try to get the scalpel out of my doctor’s bag.” Her ankles were tied and her hands were bound behind her but she could probably still scoot along if she moved slowly enough.

  Tentatively she stood up, careful to keep her balance. “Hang on, Willie. I’ll be there to get you loose soon. Well, maybe not soon,” she muttered to herself. She briefly thought about screaming for help but Slim and Montana would hear her before anyone else. She doubted anyone was walking around the outside of the whorehouse this late. Not since it had closed down for business. Or was it morning now? She felt as if she’d been down here forever. Most likely it had only been a couple of hours though. Either way, stealth was the safer option.

  Slowly she toed forward. If she fell, she’d never be able to get back up on her own. The table looked so close but it seemed to take her forever to get to it. Every little noise—the popping of wood, a dog barking in the distance, an occasional rattle from upstairs—made her heart leap in her chest.

  When she reached the table, she turned around and struggled to open the bag. Finally she managed to get the clasp undone. She stuck her bound hands inside, carefully searching for the scalpel. “Where is it?” Her heart pounded painfully. “Ouch. I found it.” And cut her thumb in the process. Damn, it burned. Carefully she curled her fingers around the handle. She pulled the scalpel out and tried to cut her wrists loose. Her breath caught when she almost dropped the instrument. “Darn it. This isn’t working.” She couldn’t get the right angle. If she kept trying and dropped the knife…

  Maybe she’d better just try to get to Willie. “Where are you, Willie?”

  Another bang reached her ears. It sounded as if the girl was kicking a barrel. She headed toward the back.

  “I hear you. My feet are tied but I’m coming.” Finally she saw Willie sitting on the ground with her hands and legs tied and a gag in her mouth. She looked exhausted and her cheeks were streaked as if she’d been crying. Emma’s heart went out to her. “It’ll be all right, Willie.” She wasn’t certain of that but she wanted to give Willie hope. When she reached the girl, she turned her back and pulled down the kerchief around her mouth, careful to keep a grip on the scalpel with her other hand and not jab Willie in the face with it.

  Willie spit out the gag and took a deep breath. She let the breath out slowly and then swallowed several times. “Thank you,” she croaked. “My mouth is so dry.” She glanced toward the stairs. “Bastards.”

  Emma looked around for a canteen or anything with water in it but nothing seemed to be down here. “Can you stand up?” Maybe she could cut Willie loose.

  “No, darn it. Montana tied my knees before he left.”

  Her gaze went to Willie’s legs and, sure enough, they were tied together at the knees. “Drats! Well, I’m going to have to drop down onto my knees then. I’ll never be able to get back up
if this doesn’t work, and they’ll know we were trying to escape, so say a prayer.” She held the scalpel tightly and tried to sink gently to her knees. Instead she lost her balance and fell on her shoulder hard. “Oh!”

  “Miss Emma! Are you all right?”

  “Oh…” She lay still. “I don’t know.” Her breath hitched. “Give me a minute.” Every bone in her body had gotten jarred. After she caught her breath, she tried to push herself up. “Ah-ah!” Lightning bolts of pain shot through her shoulder.

  “You’re hurt!”

  “Yeah. A little.” It felt as if her arm might be sprained. “It’s not serious, I don’t think. Just painful.”

  “Can you move?”

  “I can’t right myself. I still have hold of the scalpel though.” She felt grateful for small favors. “Get behind me, on your shoulder, with your back toward me. I’ll see if I can cut you loose.”

  Willie toppled over to her side and scooted into position. “All right. I’m ready.”

  “I might accidentally cut you.”

  “I don’t care. Just do it.”

  Emma puffed out a tight breath. Her heart was racing and she felt a trickle of sweat roll down her back. Awkwardly she positioned the scalpel, using one of her fingers to make sure it was the rope she was about to cut and not Willie’s skin. She sawed back and forth. “I’m not cutting you, am I?”


  “This is harder than I thought, since I can’t see what I’m doing.” She went slowly, not wanting to slice Willie’s hand or fingers.

  “It feels looser. Keep going.” A moment later, Willie said, “Wait. Let me try.” She tugged at the ropes. “Yes! I’m free.”

  Emma felt Willie pull her hands loose.

  The girl pushed herself into a sitting position. “Let me get these ropes off my legs, so I can move easier.”

  In no time, Emma felt Willie’s hands working the ropes around her wrists. Her heart beat harder than ever now that they were so close. And then, before she knew it, she was free and a huge sense of relief washed over her. She pushed herself into a seated position and rubbed her shoulder and arm. It didn’t seem sprained after all, just extremely sore. She’d probably be terribly bruised by tomorrow. She quickly untied her ankles.


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