A Taste of Liberty: Task Force 125 Book 2

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A Taste of Liberty: Task Force 125 Book 2 Page 9

by Lisa Pietsch

  Carolina waved toward the French doors and they opened.

  Sarah watched the man who walked toward Carolina. His scuffed boots made hardly a sound as he crossed the patio. He wore a dark blue tee shirt and faded jeans. The tee shirt was tight and showed off muscles that were worked hard. His hair was dark brown and spikey, and he had a few days growth around his jaw line. He took the term ruggedly handsome to new heights. When he reached Carolina, he bent to kiss her on the lips.

  Carolina pulled away after a long minute and grinned. “Tesoro, this is Sarah. She'll be staying with us for a while.”

  He looked Sarah over. “Incantato, signorina.”

  Sarah’s breath caught in her throat when she looked in his eyes. They were the most mesmerizing light blue she'd ever seen. His tan only made them more spellbinding.

  How beautiful!

  Carolina handed him Sarah's room key. “Room Two-Twenty-Five. Will you be a dear and get her things?”

  “Si.” He whispered. “I'll put them in the room next to yours.”

  Sarah watched as he walked back into the house. Apparently, his butt had been worked quite a bit because it looked fantastic in those jeans.

  Carolina's voice interrupted Sarah's wholly unwholesome thoughts. “He's exquisite, isn't he?”

  Sarah turned back toward Carolina. “Yes, very handsome.”

  Carolina took a drink of her wine. “He likes you. Your room connects to mine.” She licked her lips as she leaned back on one elbow. “You should join us tonight.”

  They definitely didn't put this in the list of job benefits. It could be an interesting distraction.

  Carolina looked through the French doors Carlo had left open. “Oh, it looks like your beefcake is leaving already.” She stood. “Shall we go say goodbye?”

  Sarah's stomach sank at the words. The last thing she wanted to do right now was work. The scent of roses wafted on the breeze and the waves washing over the beach whispered in the night. She longed to be with Vince. Instead, she followed Carolina into the villa where they found Vince and Victor shaking hands.

  Victor glanced over at the two women and smiled like a cat about to eat two canaries. “Well, Carolina?”

  “Carlo is getting her things.” She wore a sly grin as she glanced at Sarah. “She'll be staying in the room adjoining mine.”

  Victor sighed. “Mmm. Perfect.” He took Carolina's hand and spoke to Sarah. “We'll be upstairs. Join us when you’re done.” He and Carolina made it to the first step before he turned around, almost as an afterthought. “Vince, it was a pleasure doing business with you.” He gave Carolina’s ass a quick slap, she giggled and they walked quickly upstairs.

  Sarah and Vince watched as Victor escorted Carolina up the stairs. When they reached the landing, Vince turned and nodded toward the front door.

  Sarah followed him as he stepped out into the warm night.

  Vince awkwardly shoved his hands in his pockets and looked down at his shoes. “Will you be alright?”

  She leaned in, took a deep breath of his aftershave and exhaled slowly as she looked into his eyes. Those soft, velvety brown eyes that always made her yearn for him. “I'll be fine. Apparently, he prefers coke to women.”

  Vince shook his head. “What a stupid, stupid man.”

  Vince reached out and ran his hand along her jawline and into her hair. He pulled her swiftly into a kiss, and she gave herself up to him.

  Oh, God. This is all I want. I don't give a damn if we end up poor as paupers. I just want you.

  When Vince finally pulled away, Sarah shivered and wrapped her arms around herself. The night was warm but she still felt a chill.

  Vince's face was stern. “You do everything you have to do to fit in. None of that changes who you are.”

  Can this guy be for real?

  “I've been doing this for a long time, Sarah. It's too dangerous to have moral reservations in this line of work. Do whatever you have to do. Just stay alive.”

  Sarah smiled and looked into his soft brown eyes one more time. “That, I can do.”

  The night seemed colder without him pressed against her. She took a deep breath and rubbed her arms as she watched him walk to the sleek, black Maserati.

  He gave her one last glance as he buckled his seat belt. “If you call, I’ll come running.”

  Sarah nodded. “I’m counting on it.”

  The Spyder purred out of the circular driveway and then he was gone.

  Sarah took a deep breath, mustered her nerve and walked back into the house. She looked up to see Carlo coming down the stairs.

  He spoke with only a slight accent. “May I show you to your room?”

  Sarah met him at the bottom of the stairs. “Yes, please.”

  Sarah followed a few paces behind him, admiring the view.

  Damn. That's just nice to look at.

  Much as she wanted Vince, she couldn't ignore the fact that this guy was put together nicely. After all, it was her job to notice.

  Carlo led her into a small but attractive room with a single bed. Sarah was slightly relieved and allowed a light sigh to escape her lips.

  Not likely to be any action here.

  Carlo turned to look at her. “Are you tired?”

  “Yes, a little. Where is the bathroom?”

  Carlo opened the door beside the dresser to reveal an en suite bath. A large double vanity to the left ran the width of the room. To Sarah's right was a large walk in shower encased in clear glass. There was a door at the opposite end of the bathroom.

  “Carolina’s room?”

  “Yes. I'll let you freshen up and relax.” Carlo walked through the bathroom door to Carolina's room and closed it behind him.


  Vince walked into the villa and grabbed a bottle of Scotch and a glass on his way through to the patio.

  Angelo walked outside as Vince took a seat in the dark and tossed a full glass of Scotch down his throat.

  “Where is Sarah?”

  “She's with the Ukrainian.” Vince poured himself another drink.

  “You are an idiot.” Angelo spat the words at him.

  Vince looked up at Angelo, eyes narrowed to slits. “Excuse me?”

  Angelo let rip with a force Vince hadn't yet seen from the normally quiet man. His voice deepened as he roared at Vince. “The way you use her makes me sick.” He spread his hands like a man who just didn’t understand. “That woman is a beautiful gem who should be adored and you treat her as though she is just another weapon you can toss at those bastards when the ammunition runs out.” He stood his ground and glared at Vince.

  Vince gulped his second drink, slammed the glass onto the nearby table and stood toe to toe with Angelo. “Look, pal, you may be good at what you do, but we know what we're doing here so just butt out.”

  Angelo squared his shoulders and seemed ready for a fight. “Do you? Do you know what you are doing, Vincenzo?”

  More than anything, Vince wanted to smash in Angelo’s face for telling him off the same way he’d been telling himself off. Going a few rounds with a guy who could take a beating was just what his fragged nerves needed. “Yeah, I do!”

  Make a move. Just make a move.

  Angelo shook his head and stretched his arms to emphasize the question. “Why do you fight this war? You are not a child anymore. You don't fight for the sake of fighting. Do you remember why you started fighting in the first place?”

  Vince tried to get control of his anger but all he could do was drown it with Scotch. He hated that he'd left Sarah with the Ukrainian. He hated that he was the one putting her in harm's way. He hated himself and all he wanted to do was kill someone right now. Anyone would do. He growled at the other man who loved Sarah, as much out of anger as to stake his claim. “I don't want to talk to you, Angelo.”

  Angelo leaned closer to Vince’s face and snarled back. “Nor I you, but know this - if she returns safely, I intend to do everything in my power to protect her, treasure her and treat her the
way she deserves to be treated. I haven't forgotten why I spent nearly thirty years of my life fighting. I fight for love. I fight for the dream of love, the dream of being able to keep those I love safe.”

  “Whoa, whoa! What the hell is going on out here?” Will shoved his way between Vince and Angelo and gently pushed his hand against Vince's chest to back him up. “I heard you two all the way upstairs.”

  Vince sat down and poured another drink. “I know we're guests here but if that guy doesn't back off, I'll punch him dead in the face.”

  Angelo shot Vince a dirty look. “You better hope she comes back safely.” He stormed back into the house.

  Will pulled up a chair near Vince. “You gonna drink that all by yourself?”

  Vince didn't look up from his glass. “That's the plan.”

  Will shook his head. “You're finished.”

  Vince drank the amber liquid in his glass and picked up the bottle. “Nope. Got half a bottle left.”

  “That's not what I'm talking about, man.”

  “What is it about you guys that makes you think I want to talk?”

  “You planted Sarah with the Ukrainian, didn't you?”

  “Yep.” Vince threw back another glass of Scotch.

  “Look, I don't want to get all Doctor Phil on you, man, but it ain't in you to do this anymore. You've lost your edge, and we both know why.” Will stood and picked up what was left of the bottle of Scotch. “You don't need this. You need to get your head on so we can bring Sarah back and wrap this up.”

  Will headed back into the house and left Vince alone with nothing but the guilt that haunted him. He had a bad feeling about this operation, and his heart didn't want to hear what his gut was saying.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Sarah woke early and surveyed her surroundings. The room was small but comfortable. A large window overlooked an enclosed garden area. From what she saw, there were walls on three sides of the property that tapered down to nothing as they met the beach. Within the walls were all the amenities one could want. There was a large patio, about ten yards long, leading to the full sized pool and then fifty yards from the pool to the beach. The swimming pool, cascading ponds and the corolla of tropical plants surrounding the main house made it appear to be more of a spa than a fortress. The stone wall surrounding the property stood nine feet high and was topped by three strands of what were probably electrified wires. Several armed guards with machine guns patrolled the grounds.

  The sooner we riddle this joint with bullets, the sooner I can go home.

  Sarah turned on some music in case Victor had any listening devices in the room. She was so accustomed to wearing the tiny, inserted earpiece she often had to put a finger to her ear to be sure it was still there.

  “Chris, are you listening?”

  “Good morning, sunshine. Everything alright behind the iron curtain?”

  “Yeah, just fine. I have a comfortable bed and a nice view. The only problem is there are three gorgeous women already lounging by the pool. Getting close to Victor won't be easy in this stable of talent.”

  “Trust me, Sarah. None of those women can hold a candle to you.”

  “How do you know?”

  “Would you believe satellite TV? When you go down there, I'll be able to see you blink.”

  “No way!”

  “You gotta love technology. It takes voyeurism to a whole new level.”


  “Now wear something skanky for Big Daddy. Have a good day, babe. I'll be here if you need me.”

  “You too, Chris.”

  She showered and dressed. The other women wore revealing bathing suits so she chose her white thong bikini to show off her assets. She had the other women as well as Victor’s attraction to cocaine to compete with so she steeled herself for a dynamite performance.

  Getting Hassan was a cakewalk compared to this job!

  Carlo startled her as she stepped outside her room. “Good morning, Sarah.”

  Sarah turned to see Carlo at Carolina’s door. “Good morning, Carlo. Have I missed any fun?”

  Carlo walked the last few steps to Sarah and put his arm around her waist in a semi hug. “I think I could bring you up to speed.”

  Damn. This guy is good.

  Sarah smiled, still unsure of Carlo's real role in the household and careful not to burn any bridges. “I'm sure if anyone could, it would be you.”

  “Victor will be down shortly for breakfast by the pool.”

  “Thank you, Carlo.” Sarah left Carlo in the hallway and walked downstairs to the patio.

  A tray with cups, coffee and juice waited on the patio table. As Sarah poured herself a cup of coffee, she felt someone approaching close behind her and took a slow, deep breath.

  “Good morning, Sarah. Did you sleep well?”

  She turned to see Victor standing behind her in an open, button down shirt and blue jeans. She eased closer to him and fingered his buttons. “Very well, thank you.”

  “Good. Perhaps tonight we can help you sleep even better?”

  Sarah raised an eyebrow and gently stroked Victor's arm. “Sounds intriguing.”

  Victor reached around her waist. “Good.” He whispered in her ear. “That was my intention.”

  In a moment, he turned to Carolina who was lying by the pool. “Carolina, my dear.”

  She didn’t even look up from where she was lying. “Yes, Victor.”

  “I think we should go shopping after breakfast. What do you think?”

  “Sounds lovely, Victor.”

  “Carlo, tell the driver we'll be going shopping after I've had my coffee.”

  “Yes, Victor.”

  Sarah took a sip of her coffee. “I think I’ll go get dressed.”

  Carolina looked up and smiled. “Let me know if you need any help.”

  Sarah heard Chris’ voice in her earpiece. “I think the redhead has a thing for you.”

  When Sarah returned to her room to change, Chris explained that she would pick up a “dead drop” during her shopping trip.

  A tiny panic overtook her. “Chris, I’ve never done a dead drop before. I have no idea how to do it.”

  Brian’s voice was the next she heard through the earpiece. “Don’t worry, baby. I know I’m your first. I’ll be gentle. Just leave everything to me.”

  Sarah chuckled. “Why do I feel kinda naughty now?”


  Even with Brian’s assurance, Sarah was still nervous about doing the drop with all the women around. She hadn't had a chance to gauge the dynamic in the household yet. Carolina seemed to be the harem keeper. She handled the women and seemed to act as Victor's number two while Carlo was the houseboy and all around gopher. One thing Sarah did know was Carlo and Carolina hooked up at every chance they got. She walked in on them having a quickie in the bathroom before the shopping trip. They invited her to join them but it looked as though they had things pretty well in hand. She begged off.

  The plan was for Brian to meet her in town and give her the bugs and cameras she'd need to wire the house. With so many people and such a large house in the mix, Vince felt it was better if she had enough bugs to plant in most rooms and cameras to hide in the important places, like Victor's office and bedroom.


  Sarah browsed through the handbags at the Louis Vuitton store while the other girls milled about and racked up Victor’s credit card bill.

  “Excuse me? I'm shopping for my girlfriend and could really use a woman's opinion.”

  The familiar voice with a slight Texan twang caused Sarah to smile as she turned around to see Brian impeccably dressed in a linen shirt and pants. He had a befuddled look on his face and Sarah had to hold back a snicker.

  This is one man who never shops for women.

  She smiled, tossed her hair over her shoulder and gave him a flirty response. “I suppose that qualifies me to give you an opinion.”

  “Do you like this bag?” Brian extended a $2,100 Louis Vuitton Alma ha
ndbag exactly like the one she'd loved and lost when Hassan's boat blew up in the Mediterranean.

  Sarah took a deep breath and fingered the embossed leather bag. “Yes, it is a beautiful bag. I had one like it myself once. Any woman would love it.”

  Brian bobbed his head in relief and sighed. “Great! Thank you so much. I really had no idea what to get for her.”

  A snicker sneaked out before Sarah could stop herself. She played along. “I’m sure she’ll like anything you give her.”

  He squared his shoulders, smiled a big Texas grin and dropped his sunglasses to look her in the eyes. “Yeah, you’re probably right.”

  Sarah watched as Brian walked over to the cashier and then busied herself looking at scarves. She couldn’t help but notice that the rest of Victor’s girls were watching Brian too. She laughed silently to herself.

  Sorry, girls. He doesn’t pay for it.

  She picked a scarf she liked and walked over to the cashier after Brian left.

  The clerk smiled. “Are you with Mr. Bolshoi?”


  The cashier wrapped the silk scarf in tissue and placed it into a shopping bag already sitting on the counter. She handed Sarah the bag. “Grazie. Buon giorno.”

  When Sarah stepped outside, she looked into the paper bag and saw the Alma handbag Brian asked her about in the store. A little thrill shot up her spine.

  Yay! I get to keep the three thousand dollar handbag!

  When she opened it, she saw all the electronics she would possibly need to completely wire the house and pool area.

  Oh, that man has style. You can bet those Cold War spies didn't get schwag like this.

  “Shall we have lunch, ladies?”

  Sarah quickly closed the shopping bag at the sound of Victor’s voice. She looked up to see Victor ushering her and the three other girls into a nearby restaurant. They were shown to a large circular booth with a back so high it was practically a private room.

  “Carolina and Laura, you sit on that side.” Victor slid into the center seat. “On my left, I want Sarah and then Anna.”

  Sarah sat next to Victor as instructed. She needed to warm up to him so she had an excuse to be in his room. Without access, she wouldn’t be able to plant the bugs or look for hard evidence.


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