A Taste of Liberty: Task Force 125 Book 2

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A Taste of Liberty: Task Force 125 Book 2 Page 10

by Lisa Pietsch

  Sarah sat as close to Victor as she could without being on top of him. She reached over, picked up his linen napkin from the table and whispered in his ear as she spread it over his lap. “Let me help you with that.”

  Victor nipped her earlobe. “It isn’t the napkin I need help with.” She had to separate personal feelings from work and this was work, plain and simple.

  She stroked his thigh and whispered back. “I can help you with that, too.”

  The only thing that matters is the task at hand. Do what I have to do and don’t worry about Vince. Time to charm the pants off this guy. Mojo don’t fail me now.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Victor had his driver drop him off at a business meeting and return the girls to the villa to wait for him. Sarah saw her chance and snuck into his office but after a complete search, found nothing she could use as evidence.

  This guy needs a better security consultant. I can’t believe he doesn’t have cameras in here.

  She decided to push her luck and go to his bedroom.

  There has to be some evidence here in the house.

  She checked the closet first and found a ghastly green suitcase.

  Why not?

  She opened the case and what she saw blew her mind. She held up one of the Russian documents and scanned it for information.

  I hope Chris has his earpiece in.

  “Chris, are you listening?”

  “Always, sweetheart.”

  “You won't believe this. I've got a suitcase here. Crappy quality. Green alligator. Repellent choice in luggage by the way. Anyway, no surprises. It wasn't even locked.”

  “Spare me the fashion commentary and get to the point, Sarah.”

  “I've got documents in here, probably hundreds.” Sarah rifled through them as she spoke. “English, Russian, French and I think this might be Dutch.”

  “Can you fire off some photos for me?”

  “Sure. Hold on a sec.” Sarah pulled her phone from her pocket and started snapping photos of the documents, sending them directly to Chris. “Have you got them?”

  “Sweet motherlode, Sarah.” Chris whistled. “This is unbelievable.”

  Sarah was jumping up and down inside. She never thought it would be this easy.

  “We've got him, don't we?”

  “You bet your sweet bippy we do. Okay, put it all back and stand by for instructions.”

  Sarah breathed a sigh of relief as she put the suitcase back in the closet and made sure everything was as she had found it.

  Last mission. Almost done.

  Sarah heard the door to Victor’s bedroom open. She threw the case back into the closet, spun around and flung herself onto the bed.

  To her surprise, it wasn't Victor but a tangle of bodies otherwise known as Carolina and Carlo. She’d stumbled across them having sex all over the house since she arrived. It took a moment before they noticed her there.

  “What are you doing in here?” Carolina seemed more curious than annoyed.

  “I was just waiting for Victor.” Sarah got off the bed and walked toward the door. “Please don't let me interrupt.”

  Carlo nudged Carolina and winked.

  Carolina grinned and turned toward Sarah. “You aren't interrupting at all. In fact, we could always use a third.”

  Oh, hell. I knew I'd probably have to have sex with Victor but I wasn't expecting this.

  “Well, I've never…”

  Carolina crossed behind Sarah and ran her hands over Sarah's shoulders. “Don't worry, Sarah, we'll show you what to do.”

  A thrill went through Sarah.

  These two are gorgeous and they want me?

  She rode the self-esteem wave for a moment but, as flattered as she was, she had way too much on her mind to play along.

  Carlo moved closer, facing Sarah. He trailed his fingers over her arms and down to her hands. He held her hands up to his mouth and gently kissed her palms while Carolina stroked her back.

  How am I going to get out of this? Just think of it as a spa treatment. Yeah, that’s it. A spa treatment.

  Carolina gently kissed the nape of Sarah’s neck while Carlo kissed her softly on the lips.

  Oh, that’s a hell of a spa.

  Carlo and Carolina sandwiched Sarah as they kissed each other.

  Carolina’s hands traveled down Sarah’s back and around her waist, reaching into her shorts while Carlo pulled them both closer, giving Sarah the benefit of feeling his solid erection up close.

  Sarah tried not to giggle as she thought about how the boys would react to seeing this scene.

  There’s your Black Betty video, Brian.

  With nowhere to move and pinned between two beautiful bodies, Sarah went with it. In moments, all three of them were on the bed.

  Listening to this will kill Chris.

  Soon Carlo turned his attentions to undressing Carolina.

  When Sarah looked up, she saw Victor, standing by the door, arms crossed over his blocky, muscular chest and a smile on his face.

  Sarah rolled from the bed and walked toward Victor.

  His chest rose and fell as he watched her cross the floor.

  She ran her hands around his waist and up his back while he snaked his hands around her back before bending to kiss her, hard.

  His lips and tongue were firm and demanding.

  His erection, restrained by his trousers, was no less demanding of her attention.

  She moved to unbuckle his belt but he stopped her.

  “I have a very brief meeting I must attend. We'll finish this tonight.” He turned and ducked out the door.

  Sarah looked back at Carlo and Carolina, saw her chance and ducked out as well.

  They won’t miss me.


  Vince pushed his chair away from the table and rubbed the back of his neck. He reached for the cigarette he'd left in the ashtray and took a long drag before snuffing it out in the small glass dish.

  “I gotta hand it to Victor for picking a great place to stay.”

  Jason paced the length of the table as he spun a 5.56mm round between his knuckles. “No kidding. Nine foot walls on three sides and open ocean on the fourth. I hate water insertions. I am not a friggin' duck.”

  Vince looked into his empty coffee mug willing it to refill itself. He hadn't had a good night's sleep since he left Sarah at that house three days ago. “No, we're going in the front gate. We'll be the entry team.”

  Angelo smiled at Jason. “I have four ducks who will take the beach and another team to go through the pedestrian door on the east side.” He turned back toward Vince. “It will be easy to defend.”

  Vince took a deep breath and then exhaled. “Yeah, but we've got four of us and eight of you guys. We'll blow the gate while you blow the pedestrian doors and enter from the ocean side simultaneously.” He pointed to each position on the map as he spoke. “One squad does a water insertion while the other two come in by truck. The explosions have to be coordinated perfectly so as to maximize the element of surprise. A violent entry coupled with speed will finish the package.”

  Angelo pointed to three positions in the compound. “Three armed guards on the outside are all we have to contend with and satellite surveillance will tell us where they were.”

  Vince lit another cigarette. “Once we're in, the GIS will secure the exterior while we enter and sweep the house.”

  Will stretched. “If Sarah can confirm she's gotten everyone out, the house will be a piece of cake.”

  Jason spoke up. “I hate to be a downer here, but I'm still not getting the warm fuzzies I like to get before an operation. Can we dead drop a weapon somewhere for Sarah?”

  “Too risky.” Vince took a drag off his cigarette.


  Vince didn't want her taken hostage again like what happened in their previous mission against Hassan. Her proximity to the guy made her an easy target but sending her in was the only way they could find the dirt they needed. It always put her at risk mor
e than the rest of them. He suppressed his anxiety with chain smoking.

  Just stay safe until we get there, baby, and then take cover. This is the last job.

  “Got company.” Brian stood by the door, waiting for the GIS guys to show for the final briefing before they took Victor's compound.

  Seven Italians walked in and while there was a little swagger, Vince saw these guys were seasoned operators. Angelo wasn't about to pick mediocre men to pull Sarah's ass out of the fire. Vince respected him for that.

  Vince and Angelo went over the plan with the ten other guys going in. Four of the GIS would swim in from a small yacht just off Victor's beach. Angelo's team would take the pedestrian door and Vince, Jason, Brian and Will would take the main gate, go in through the front door and clear the house.


  “Sarah, we need to brief you.” Sarah was beginning to grow used to Chris' whispering in her ear. “Are you alone?”

  Sarah sat up and looked at the other girls lying by the pool. “I'm going to take a shower. I think I might do some shopping today. Anybody else up for shopping?”

  The others smiled, nodded and perked up when she mentioned shopping. Sarah walked upstairs to her room, switched on her MP3 player and turned up the speakers. “Okay, Chris. Send it.”

  “Hey, you.”

  Sarah couldn't mistake Vince's deep voice and smiled as she felt a warm wave envelope her.


  “Well, isn't this a nice surprise? What's going on?”

  I never get tired of hearing your voice.

  “We'll be coming by for a visit in one hour. Victor is on his way back. The GIS guys are positioning their boat now. Can you clear the house?”

  Sarah closed her eyes and gave a small sigh. “Anything for you, baby.”

  And I do mean anything.

  “Mmm…that's what I like to hear.”

  Sarah's body tingled whenever his voice deepened into a low growl that way. She grinned wide. “Beats a punch in the gut, right?”

  Vince laughed. “You're not kiddin! See you soon, babe.”

  “Count on it.”

  Sarah slipped on a pair of shorts and stepped out into the hallway. Carlo was walking toward her with his ever-present smile.


  He stopped and touched her arm gently. “Yes, cara?”

  Sarah turned on the charm. “I'd like some time alone with Victor. Could you take the others out shopping or something?”

  I really don't want any of you in the crossfire.

  He moved closer and let his hand rest on her lower back. “If it means we'll have some time alone later.”

  Sorry, Charlie.

  Sarah had to admit this was one pretty boy toy. In another time or place, she'd be pulling him into the bedroom by his belt loops. But not today. She snaked her arms around his shoulders and let her breasts rub against his chest as she spoke in a breathy whisper. “Absolutely.”

  He kissed her with a promise she knew would never be fulfilled. She returned the kiss, grateful Carlo would be able to get the other girls out of the house before the fireworks began.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Sarah watched from her room as Carlo and the girls got into the long black Mercedes.

  Ten minutes to go time. Jesus. Don't give me much time or anything.

  Sarah walked down the hall and knocked lightly on the door to Victor's suite before opening it. “Victor?”

  Sarah heard water draining from the bathtub. “Yes, come in.” Victor walked out into the bedroom with a towel around his waist. His lips spread into a smile when he saw Sarah.

  With a body like that, I'm thinking the coke issue was a bit overstated in the dossier. You don't do blow and keep that much muscle.

  Sarah turned on the charm. “Hi. I was wondering if you had a little time.”

  “I'm all yours for…” He stopped to pick up his Rolex from the dresser and slipped it on. “Forty-five minutes and then I have to leave for an appointment with a business associate.”

  Sarah pouted. “Only forty-five minutes?”

  He shrugged. “What is on your mind, Sarah?”

  “Well…” She walked toward him and allowed herself to be attracted to the hard body in front of her. “I've been here for two days now, and I thought maybe it was time we got to know each other a little better.”

  He ran a hand through his wet hair, leaving it spiky and standing up in front. “I'm all for that. How do you propose we do it?” A slight lift of his eyebrow and the smile on his face told Sarah she had a green light for seduction.

  Sarah ran her hands over his solid chest and rippled abs then fingered the towel at his waist. “Well, Victor, I had no idea you were so shy. My first impression of you was a man who took whatever or whomever he wanted. Should I assume you aren't interested in me?” She pouted her lips and stared up at him with doe eyes.

  He removed the towel. “Does this look like disinterest to you?” His massive erection was hard to miss.

  If it's disinterest, it's pretty damned impressive. He’s ready to rock.

  Sarah took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. “No, not at all.” She pressed herself against Victor and ran her hands from his ribs to his shoulders. “In fact, it is much more than I was hoping for.”

  Victor smiled as he bent to kiss Sarah.

  How long can I keep this guy busy with foreplay?

  She wrapped her arms around him and ran her fingers through the wet hair behind his ears.

  His hands moved down to cup her buttocks and lift her up against his fully erect shaft.

  That doesn't feel like it will be put off for long.

  She squirmed enough to give him a taste of things to come as he carried her to the bed and lay on top of her.

  She wrapped her legs around him and pulled him close as he removed her bathing suit top and began caressing her breasts.

  Yeah, that's it. Fondle away.

  She did all she could to not appear nervous about the impending siege.

  Just keep him busy, Sarah.

  He reached down and crept his hand into Sarah's shorts, lightly fingering the wet spot between her legs.

  She moaned and pushed her hips upward. “Oh, Victor.”

  Sarah heard the shots fired. The rat-tat-tat of automatic weapons was unmistakable. Adrenaline kicked her heart rate up a notch. Victor jumped out of the bed and ran to a painting hanging on the opposite wall. He pulled it away to reveal a .38 and pointed the gun at Sarah. “You stay right there.”

  I hate when they point their guns at me.

  Sarah tried to play dumb and frantic but she watched carefully as he pulled the suitcase out of its hiding place. “What's going on? Why are the guards shooting? What are you doing?”

  “You know damned well why they're shooting. Who do you work for?”

  Time for a tap dance.

  Sarah's face dropped as part of the act. She'd have to do whatever she could to distract him until the entry team came in and took him down.

  “I told you I'm a student. The only work I do is on this body.” She stood up from the bed and put her bathing suit top back on. “Look, I figured you did some questionable business, but I never thought it was any of my business. And I sure as hell didn't think it would be coming home with you. I was invited here for a good time, but it looks to me like the good time ended about thirty seconds ago. Now please tell me how I can get the hell out of this place!”

  “Don't worry, you'll be coming with me.” He grabbed for her arm but she dodged him.

  Her blood started pumping double-time. Somebody was running up the stairs and they sounded heavy. “I don't think so!” She positioned herself behind a chair to block his reach and had a clear view of the window that perfectly reflected the doorway. “Those bullets aren't looking for me, sweetie!”

  If I can just keep his eyes on me instead of the doorway, they can drop him when they come in.

  He reached for her again but she pushed the chair into his shins. “Aarg

  Sarah's eyes became two angry slits and she assumed a fighting stance. “Don't touch me!”

  She saw the reflection of a shadow passing the doorway.

  Yes, they're here!

  Victor must have seen it too and turned toward the doorway with his handgun leveled.

  Sarah pushed the chair at him one more time. This time it made his knees buckle.

  Something stung Sarah's shoulder and she stumbled slightly. As she spun around to look at Victor, she saw his eyes open so wide there was white all the way around. Then a dot appeared at the top of his nose, right between his eyes, and a huge red shadow appeared on the wall behind him. He fell like a wet rag.

  Nice shot.

  Sarah turned to see who fired. Vince and Brian were just inside the doorway with smoking guns. Will and Jason were behind them, guns drawn on the dead heap that used to be Victor.

  Vince's voice was clear as he stood. “Jesus, Sarah!”

  His stare and a burning sensation in Sarah's shoulder made her look down. The left side of her body was covered in blood from the shoulder down. Everything seemed to happen in slow motion after that. She touched the hole from where the blood was flowing. She felt the warm, silky, crimson fluid between her fingers.

  She looked into Vince's brown eyes. “Oh, shit.” Her knees fell out from under her.

  Vince lunged to catch Sarah and gently lowered her to the floor, resting her head on his thigh. “Will!”

  So, this is what a gunshot wound feels like? I'll be damned.

  All Sarah could see were Vince's soft, kind eyes looking down at her.

  “Stay with me, Sarah.”

  Of course.

  She half smiled. “All you had to do was ask.” She wondered how bad the exit wound was and the scars she'd have.

  Oh, vanity, thy name is woman.

  “You're gonna fix me up nice, right Will? No scars.”

  Will was ripping bandages open with his teeth. “Real nice, baby. Just relax and keep talking.”

  Everything in her peripheral vision started to fade out.


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