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Hell to Pay: The Life and Violent Times of Eli Gault

Page 18

by J. Lee Butts

  Stupid bastard was dead before he hit the floor. I had the door open, retrieved my pistols, found my horse, and was headed for Elephant Butte in less than two minutes. Ella had told me she would wait for my arrival at the base of the butte every night till I made my getaway.

  Gal was good for her word. Soon as I dismounted, she grabbed me like she was drowning, and the only person in the world who could save her was a feller named Henry Moon. Kissed me so hard, I thought the ammo in my cartridge belt would fire off. Really got my attention upon realization that I could taste the hot, salty tears on her lips.

  She broke the passionate kiss, placed her head on my chest, and said, "Take me with you." I held her chin up with my finger. Light from a moon the size of a dinner plate caused her tears to sparkle like crystal. Altogether, on that terrible night of more death and parting, Ella Farnsworth was the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen.

  "I can't, darlin'. In a few hours, men will set out to find me. Should they be successful, I'll spill a river of blood to keep from being taken. You could get hurt, Ella. Maybe killed. Of all the terrible acts on my head right now, I just couldn't live with that one. You do understand, don't you?"

  She placed another tender kiss on my cheek, leaned away, and said, "Yes, I understand. Where will you go?"

  "Been north, south, and east already. Suppose I'll go west this time. Maybe El Paso. Still pretty wild and woolly out that way. Good chance I could disappear again. Get away from all the running and killing. Sure enjoyed my stay here with you. Could've kept right on with it if ole Bruno hadn't ruined everything."

  She coughed and said, "Yes, if only Bruno hadn't come back."

  Put off my leave-taking for as long as I could. A final embrace, and I was on my way. Turned once to see if she'd left. Didn't seem to matter how far away I got. Ella still waved. Do hate to admit it, but of all the women I'd known in my riotous life up till then, think I actually loved Ella Farnsworth. I know for certain leavin' her that way sure hurt my heart. Don't think I ever really got over it.


  Well, ran like a scalded-assed dog till I found Turkey Mountain. Got myself all nested up just a few minutes ago. Weapons, food, and such are all laid out for a fight. Hid the horse in an easily accessible cave not far away, just in case I have to make another hasty getaway. She's safe enough.

  Pretty sure Texas Ranger Tiger Jim Becker's back behind me somewhere with a whiskey-stoked posse hot on my trail. Crazy son of a bitch has been after me so long, I doubt he'll give up the chase this time till one or the other of us is dead. Figured I'd just put up here for a spell, wait till he comes by, and kill him. Pretty sure if I put the Tiger Man down, the rest of them bastards will head back for Uvalde like scared kids.

  Soon as that little task is out of the way, think I'll head on to El Paso just like I told Ella. Swear 'fore Jesus, I'm going to try my best to go straight. No more drinking, gambling, or indiscriminate killing. Do just like in Uvalde. Find me a church. Be a good boy for a spell. Hope I can meet up with another woman like Ella. Guess I'll have to find myself a new moniker, too. Looks like I've gone and worn Eli Gault and Henry Moon damned near completely out. After I shot Deputy Russ Stutts in the Uvalde jail, bet every lawman in this part of the country knows one or the other of me.

  Well, I can see their dust off to the south. Still some distance away, though. Maybe as much as five miles. Gonna take those boys a bit to get here. Almost feel sorry for them, 'cause there's not a damned one of those silly ignoramuses ready for what's waiting on him up here in these rocks.

  Think I'll stretch out and build my self a hand-rolled 'fore this gunsmoke promenade gets started in earnest. Might as well enjoy myself while I can. Truth is a man just never knows how these kinds of dustups will work themselves out once hot lead starts flying.

  Just be kiss my own ass. Couple of them snaky bastards must have been tracking me out ahead of the others. Sure as hell showed up a lot quicker than I expected. Didn't even get to finish my smoke.

  Well, shit, here the sons of bitches come. Guess you'll have to excuse me for a stretch. Gotta have to kill some folks in a few minutes. Already have a bead on the one up front. Damn, looks like ole Tiger Jim.




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