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Beach House Reunion

Page 31

by Mary Alice Monroe

  “Just a bit farther,” Cara said, clasping her hands tight. She saw the renewed urgency when Big Girl pushed forward, feeling the familiar salt water of the Atlantic. Onward she pushed into deeper water until, with one final push of her powerful flippers, she was swimming.

  The crowd surged forward in jubilation, cheering her on, clapping their hands, and rejoicing in Big Girl’s return to the sea. Cara stood at the water’s edge and felt the warm water swirl around her ankles. She brought her fingers to her mouth to still the gush of emotion rushing through her like a wave. She watched as Big Girl swam farther out, her great head visible in the murky water.

  Cara felt an arm slide around her shoulders, and looking up, she saw David standing beside her holding Hope in his arms. They stood together until the turtle had vanished from sight and the crowd gradually dispersed. Linnea came running from her spot a bit deeper in the sea, squealing like a girl, to hug Cara with joy at seeing her again.

  Soon everyone in the Rutledge family had gathered together at the water’s edge. They laughed and hugged, buoyed by Linnea and John’s presence. Toy moved slowly from the water, her belly preceding her, to join her children and Ethan. Bo and Heather approached with Rory in arms. Finally, Emmi and Flo found their way into the circle.

  Cara stood back and watched this glorious reunion of family and friends, all the people she loved most in the world. She captured the singular moment in her mind, with the sun shining on their faces, knowing she’d keep it in her memory forever like a treasured photograph. To remind her of how blessed her life was.

  Suddenly Linnea grabbed her hand. “Come on!” she shouted, laughing. Julia was holding Linnea’s hand as well. Emmi rushed forward to grab Julia’s other hand, then Flo, then Heather, finally Toy and Little Lovie. They stood in one long line, hand in hand, facing the sea.

  “Ready?” Linnea shouted. “On the count of three. One . . . two . . . three!”

  In a chorus of squeals, laughs, shouts, and giggles, the women rushed forward as one, hands held, heads high, eyes glistening, into the sea. Cara felt the warm water swirl around her as she ran through the oncoming waves in a baptism of sisterhood.

  Inevitably they reached the point where they could walk no farther. Beyond was Big Girl’s world. Shouting their farewells to the sister turtle, laughing, hugging, they released hands and turned back toward the beach.

  Cara was soaked through, her hair plastered against her head, her mascara running, and she’d never felt more beautiful. She looked ahead and saw the line of men waiting on the shore. They were laughing too, no doubt at the antics of the women they loved. Cooper and Palmer were daring each other to run into the surf. Ethan was holding back a crying Danny from running in. Bo hoisted Rory to sit high on his shoulders and search for Heather.

  Cara caught sight of David standing at the tide line with Hope in his arms. In his eyes she felt welcomed. Loved. She saw the possibility for her second chance. She felt pulled forward by a compelling magnetism. Brett had been her sun, but David was her moon. Moving toward him, her steps were sure, one foot after the other, and her fingers gliding above the water. He was smiling now, waving. Hope spotted her and began kicking her legs in excitement. Cara laughed, enjoying the sound of it.

  Cara Rutledge was coming home.


  THIS BOOK MARKS a return to my beloved sea turtles. Every year I’ve marveled at the new information gathered by experts in the field. And too, I’ve wept at the continuing degradation of our oceans and nesting habitats. Hope springs eternal. Over the course of these twenty years, I’ve been blessed with great mentors and friends. I send great love and gratitude to my fellow Island Turtle Team members: Barbara Bergwerf, Mary Pringle, Tee Johannes, Beverly Ballow, Barb Gobien, Linda Rumph, Jo Durham, Cindy Moore, and Christel Cothran.

  I am especially grateful to Sally Murphy, SCDNR Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries Division, retired—my mentor and friend—for reading the manuscript and fact-checking all my turtle-related information, and for catching those pesky grammar errors, too. I’m truly grateful to all at the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources for great work on land and sea, especially Michelle Pate and Charlotte Hope.

  I am eternally grateful to the South Carolina Aquarium for years of support and dedication, especially my friends and leaders in conservation Kelly Thorvalson and Kevin Mills. I hope I did this fabulous institution justice.

  Sincere thanks to The Leatherback Trust for continuing inspiration and education on the great leatherbacks, in particular friends Jim Spotila, Maggie Kruesi, and Frank Paladino.

  Hugs and a humble bow of gratitude to Cynthia Boyle, Patti Callahan Henry, and Gretta Kruesi for inspiration, plot ideas, and helping me through difficult stages of the book. Your wisdom and support mean the world to me.

  Love and thanks to Andie MacDowell for her friendship and support of sea turtles and my novel The Beach House. Thanks, too, to Hallmark for creating with Andie the beautiful film for Hallmark Hall of Fame which illuminates not only the story of a mother and daughter reconciliation but the plight of our beloved sea turtles.

  My heartfelt love to my dear friends Linda Plunkett, Leah Greenberg, Marjory Wentworth, Signe Pike, Cassandra King, Patti Morrison, Lindy Carter, Kate Pittman, and Hope Rechea for moral support, wise advice, encouragement when I needed it, and cheers when I deserved them, and for gathering when the call went out.

  A special thanks to my incredible Advance Readers Team. I’m especially grateful this year to those who convinced me that I needed to write a follow-up in the Beach House series—immediately. I hope you enjoy seeing your ideas come alive in this book!

  How many ways can I thank my wonderful editor Lauren McKenna for guiding me with her critical eye and her editor’s ear, and for asking the insightful questions that helped shape my characters and storyline? The story sings because of you! And to Sara Quaranta and Joal Hetherington for sharp-eyed line editing and follow-through on all the details of getting a book to publication. At Gallery Books I’m so fortunate to have Jennifer Bergstrom as my publisher and a dream team of support—Jennifer Long, Abby Zidle, Michelle Podberezniak, Jennifer Robinson, and Diana Velasquez, and all. And a respectful bow to Carolyn Reidy.

  I am beyond lucky to have my incomparable Home Team. My love and heartfelt thanks to Angela May, without whose friendship and brilliance I don’t think I could function. At Magic Time Literary, Kathie Bennett and Susan Zurenda; at Tandem Literary, Meg Walker; at Authorbytes, Steve Bennett and the team; and for keeping me afloat, Lisa Minnick, Max Glenn, and Mary Steele.

  With this book I begin a marvelous journey with my agent Faye Bender of The Book Group. Thank you for your wise guidance, thoughtful support, and warm smile. I’m also very grateful to Jerry Kalajian at IPG.

  And the last is always first in my heart—Markus. You know I couldn’t continue without you.

  A Gallery Books Reading Group Guide

  Beach House Reunion

  Mary Alice Monroe

  This reading group guide for Beach House Reunion includes an introduction, discussion questions, and ideas for enhancing your book club. The suggested questions are intended to help your reading group find new and interesting angles and topics for your discussion. We hope that these ideas will enrich your conversation and increase your enjoyment of the book.


  Home is where the heart is. Returning to the idyllic Isle of Palms three years after losing her husband, Cara Rutledge is ready to embark on a fresh start.

  Moving into the beach house once owned by her mother, Cara finds everything and everyone on the island to be comforting and familiar. Yet at the same time, heartbreaking memories often resurface. Only through reconnecting with friends, family, and the beauty of the lowcountry does Cara find the strength to release her painful ties to the past and welcome the opportunity for a new love, career, and hope for the future.

  Meanwhile, Cara’s niece, Linnea, is a recent college graduate unsure of
where her life will take her. Rather than live with her parents in their historic Charleston home, filled with entitlement and expectations, Linnea heads to her aunt’s beach house for the summer. At the house, the presence of her grandmother Lovie, the original “turtle lady,” can be felt all around her. Linnea remembers the lessons her beloved grandmother taught her as a child, which encourages her to rediscover her passions and pursue new possibilities. Rejoining the turtle team, learning to surf, and falling in love, Linnea finds the strength to break from tradition and find her own purpose.

  In this heartwarming novel, three generations of the Rutledge family come together to break destructive family patterns, resulting in new bonds that will last far beyond one summer reunion.

  Topics & Questions for Discussion

  1. Each chapter of Beach House Reunion opens with a fact about sea turtles. Discuss how the information increases awareness of the species. How do they relate to either Cara’s or Linnea’s story?

  2. Cara moves back to Isle of Palms after making significant changes in both her personal and professional life. What’s the motivation behind her return? Do you find too much change at once to be overwhelming, or exhilarating? Discuss the role of family support in the life of a new mother. How do friends fill the role of family? Do you agree with Flo that “it takes a village”?

  3. “Make do” is a phrase that Cara’s mother, Lovie, used to say. What does it mean? How does this expression relate to Cara’s life? Do you incorporate a similar mantra into your life?

  4. What traditional roles in Charleston society do Palmer and Julia expect their children to follow? Do you think their convictions of how young men and women should present themselves are outdated or sexist? Discuss how Cooper and Linnea break from their parents’ conventional values? How are traditions and values changing for the young in your area?

  5. Motherhood came as a surprise to Cara: “This opportunity to be a mother came out of nowhere. I was speechless. A deer caught in the headlights. I swear I couldn’t breathe for days while I agonized over the decision” (p. 34). Consider the unique challenges she faces as a single parent in her fifties? What advantages might she enjoy?

  6. Lovie has a significant presence in this novel. How does she help navigate the choices of the Rutledge women—Cara, Linnea, Julia? And her son, Palmer?

  7. For Cara, Capers Island holds precious memories that tie her to Brett. Describe the pivotal moment when Cara buries her wedding band in a sand dune. How was this act transformative for her? Why do you think she felt it imperative in order to move on?

  8. Consider the dichotomy between Cara and Linnea’s feeling of home. Cara relocates her life to move back to her mother’s beach house for a sense of ease and belonging, while Linnea is eager to leave Charleston for a chance of possibility and hope. How can home feel protective for some, and obstructive for others? What symbolizes home to you?

  9. Cara begins to accept that her “divided heart” (p. 279) is normal, and admits she is ready to fall in love again. “The love I have for David is different than the love I had for Brett. But I’m different, too. And it doesn’t mean there can’t be love after love” (pp. 279-280). What’s so enlightening about Cara’s breakthrough? How does she come to this place of understanding? Do you think a person can feel different kinds of love?

  10. Explore the significance of the rescue and rehabilitation of Big Girl. What does Big Girl symbolize for the Rutledge women, and for Toy? How is she a pillar of strength and resilience? Is Big Girl’s rehabilitation a metaphor for what the women are each experiencing in their lives? The final release?

  11. Discuss the impact of the water/ocean in this novel on the Rutledge women, even the baby. Cara goes to the sea “to relieve stress, to gather her thoughts, to recharge her batteries” (p. 98). And Linnea finds joy riding the waves. “The ocean awakened her, leaving her feeling invigorated, confident, like she belonged here” (p. 180). Do you believe in the healing power of nature?

  12. Discuss how surfing (and being near the ocean) changed Linnea. What is your favorite body of water—the ocean, a lake, a pool, a bath?

  13. Cara is torn about accepting a full-time position at the aquarium, until Flo put things into perspective for her: “Life is a long series of choices. All we can do is make the best decision we can at every turn, hope for the best and deal with the consequences” (p. 310). How does Flo’s advice help Cara? Do you find that her words can guide you in your own life?

  14. The issue of destructive family patterns is revealed through Palmer’s alcohol abuse and trend toward domestic violence. In this book he follows the same trajectory as his father, Stratton. And in turn, the pattern is repeated in his son, Cooper. How has Palmer’s drinking affected his family? To what degree are he, Julia, and in a lesser respect, Linnea, contributing to Cooper’s drug use? And how do Palmer—and Julia—ultimately break the destructive family cycle that began with Stratton and Lovie?

  15. In Beach House Reunion the character Palmer Rutledge completes a five-book character arc that began in The Beach House. He relentlessly pushed, even bullied, his mother, then his sister to sell the beach house. In The Beach House, Palmer laments, “I never got to say goodbye” after his mother’s death. Discuss how his character grew in each subsequent novel. How did brother and sister persevere, heal and finally unite in the novel? In the series?

  Enhance Your Book Club

  1. In this novel, readers learn so much about sea turtles and the importance of protecting their habitat. Check out the following resources for more information on conservation efforts, and how you, too, can help. information on sea turtles the mission of this organization is to ensure the survival of sea turtles learn about South Carolina Aquarium’s conservation initiatives learn how the World Wildlife Fund is helping to protect sea turtles’ habitat

  2. Research reveals how our brains are hardwired to react positively to water. Being near the ocean can be calming, inspire us to be creative, connected. Take a walk, go for a hike, visit the water, spend some significant time outdoors—even just for a few minutes each day. Do you feel differently? Is being outdoors particularly nurturing or peaceful? Consider having a water feature at your book club meeting or hosting at a lake or beach house.

  3. Linnea discovers her passion for surfing—a hobby she’s always wanted to learn. Do you have any interests that you haven’t yet pursued? Take a class, learn a new skill, try something you’ve never done before. It’s never too late!

  4. Friendship and family is the heart of this novel and unfortunately; many of us don't take enough time to express our appreciation to our loved ones. Show your friends or family how you care about them. Consider writing cards, inviting them over for dinner, giving them a phone call, or, better yet, organizing a trip.

  5. Beach House Reunion can be read alone, but it is also the fifth book in the Beach House series. To go back and read more about the Rutledge family of Charleston read Mary Alice Monroe’s The Beach House, Beach House Memories, Swimming Lessons, and Beach House For Rent.

  About the Author


  MARY ALICE MONROE is the New York Times bestselling author of more than twenty-two books, including The Summer Girls, The Summer Wind, The Summer’s End, Last Light over Carolina, Time Is a River, Sweetgrass, Skyward, The Beach House, Beach House Memories, Swimming Lessons, The Four Seasons, The Book Club, and Beach House for Rent. She is a 2018 Inductee into the South Carolina Academy of Authors’ Hall of Fame, and her books have received numerous awards, including the 2008 South Carolina Center for the Book Award for Writing, the 2014 South Carolina Award for Literary Excellence, the 2015 SW Florida Author of Distinction Award, the RT Lifetime Achievement Award, and the International Book Award for Green Fiction. An active conservationist, she
lives in the lowcountry of South Carolina. Visit her at and at




  Also by Mary Alice Monroe

  Beach House Memories

  Beach House for Rent


  The Summer Girls

  The Summer Wind

  The Summer’s End

  A Lowcountry Wedding

  A Lowcountry Christmas

  The Butterfly’s Daughter

  Last Light over Carolina

  Time Is a River

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