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The Healer's Kiss: Book Four of the Forced To Serve Series

Page 6

by Donna McDonald

  “I swear by the Creators,” Malachi answered, his voice ringing with assurance.

  Dorian looked at the female and saw only a respectful peer gazing at him in confusion, no doubt wondering about his and Malachi’s odd exchange.

  She bowed her head, and then raised it to him again.

  “Lieutenant Seta Trax. And you are?” she asked, wondering why the frowning male’s eyes were glowing red.

  Since hers had a tendency to glow with her own unleashed energy when she was stressed, Seta chose to overlook his odd reaction. Not wanting to insult a new crew mate without more provocation, she turned her attention to the more peaceful of the two males. “Is my appearance so surprising? I have been told my pointed ears are not attractive but have chosen to wear them because they mark me as Ethosian. I respectfully inquire—which of you is Lieutenant Zade?”

  “That would be me,” Dorian answered, letting go of Malachi and bowing his head to the female. Seta repeated her head bow and turned her attention to the still glaring male.

  “And you are, angry sire?” Seta asked, her tone dry as she lifted her chin. Both males were much taller than her, so she was forced to look up at them.

  “This is Senior Medic, Malachi Synar,” Dorian interjected before Malachi could open his mouth and declare himself a demon in a host body just like her. “Forgive my crew mate. This is Malachi’s first visit to a Guardian level vessel. He’s been a bit nervous and out of sorts since we got here. The Paladin is a bit overwhelming after serving on the Liberator for a long time.”

  “I regret I cannot offer you a tour of the ship,” Seta said politely, attempting to be friendly. “My captain, as you saw, is not pleased with my decision to join your crew. To reduce his consternation, he wishes me to make all haste in departing.”

  “A tour is unnecessary,” Dorian announced. “But we do need to pay a visit to your Medical area and collect a stasis unit that was arranged to be received from your ship. It shouldn’t take long. Do you need to make further preparations to take your leave?”

  “Lieutenant Zade, I must insist you reconsider. . .” Malachi began in earnest, but before he could finish the sentence, he saw Zade’s actions slow and freeze until he stopped moving and speaking.

  As did the female demon host calling herself Seta Trax.

  Malachi stepped away from the two of them who were now standing still as statutes, trying to determine what kind of energy bound them in place and time so completely, but the signature was beyond his experience. Putting out a hand he felt for evidence of the life force in Zade and found it to be normal. He was about to check the female as well when a voice stopped him.

  Chapter 5

  “Do not touch her. There is no need, and Seta has an aversion to male touch,” a voice said from the doorway.

  Malachi turned to see an incredibly alluring female dressed in layers of sheer fabric walk quietly into the room. She glided like a professional dancer across the floor to where he stood. It did not escape Malachi’s notice that the new female was almost an exact duplicate of Seta Trax, and yet—not the same. No, not the same at all. Her energy was dramatically different.

  He let his gaze rake over her, trying to determine her origin, which Malachi realized he was being blocked from seeing. Discovering an energy shield he could not penetrate around the second female, Malachi lifted one brow in defiance and glared. “I guess since Zade still lives, that you also would not harm the creature who is a mirror of yourself.”

  “Greetings Malachi, Demon of Synar. I see you have adapted well to a physical form not your own,” Rena said sharply, walking slowly towards him until she stopped a short distance away. “Your habitation of an empty shell is better managed than I imagined. It doesn’t quite suit the size of your energy, but I suppose that matters less than having the organics all to yourself.”

  “How do you know my sacred name? You seem very familiar. Have I tried to kill you before?” Malachi asked, looking her over again.

  “So many questions,” Rena commented with a small, uneasy laugh. “Unfortunately, I am not inclined to answer them today.”

  “Was I wrong about the demon being in Seta Trax? Is it in you instead?” Malachi demanded.

  “No. A demon is indeed in Seta, though she is unaware of the entity that lends her its life,” Rena said calmly. “And she will remain unaware of it. This is my will. Though I am not her demon’s master, the one within her obeys my every intent—as will you.”

  “Sounds very ominous. You exert power over those around you and call it your will. So who are you exactly? Better yet, what are you?” Malachi demanded, letting his eyes glow so much he felt the face of his host body suffuse with heat.

  Rena waved a hand in front of Malachi, smiling kindly as he immediately grabbed his middle and sank to the floor. “You have a very disrespectful tongue, even after almost two millennia in mist form. Will you never learn respect?”

  Malachi’s head spun and his stomach churned from feeling extreme sensations of pain, which he hadn’t felt in a couple millennia. “Normally my torturers can’t wait to give me their names. Am I to guess yours? You are not Rena Trax, I take it.”

  “What is in a name? The only aspect of me that concerns you is that I am a being who can choose to end what remains of your life unless you cooperate with me,” Rena said softly. “That is the most important piece of information you need to know right now. Well, perhaps that and how very much I sincerely mean what I say.”

  Malachi called out in pain again, shocked at his inability to stop it or ignore it. “How is this possible? I do not feel pain as a demon. And why can I not lift my mist form out of this body?”

  “Consider this painful reminder a lesson about the limitations of the physical world you have longed to rejoin,” Rena said sharply, looking down into Malachi’s shocked expression. “No permanent harm is being done to your host body. I just wanted to make sure you understood that I have the power to bind you to it so well that when the host dies—you will die too. Poof. Just like that. No more Malachi, not even a whisper of mist. Sadly, your master would have to find another host body for his brother’s demon form. Sometimes sacrifices are unavoidable.”

  “You sound like Ania Looren, but how can you know what has come to pass? What are you?” Malachi demanded again, instinct saying it was critical for him to know the answer.

  “As far as you are concerned, I am Rena Trax, a dual birth sibling of the Liberator’s new lieutenant. And though not your sacred master either, I am someone who still has great power over you, demon. Do we now have an agreement on this fact?”

  At Malachi’s renewed glare, Rena lifted one hand and made a fist, watching while Malachi clutched his stomach, calling out in more pain than ever. When she finally saw him nod his agreement to her words, she opened her hand slowly and let the pain ease away.

  “Good,” she praised. “Now I want you to tell the very attractive Lieutenant Zade that you were wrong about Seta being a demon host. Claim a distressing head ailment of some sort as a ruse. As a medic, you should be able to make the story believable. Then once Seta and I are properly installed on the Liberator, you and I will further discuss our situational alliance. Do not consider betraying me, demon. It would not be wise.”

  When the pain eased enough for him to breathe normally, Malachi dragged himself to his feet, trying not to empty his digestive system on the floor in front of his torturer. He had all but forgotten what it was like to hurt physically. It was a wonder physical beings ever did anything to endanger such fragile forms.

  “To do as you ask would be to defy the Creators and my contract with them. Why should I help you deceive those I serve?” He tried as hard as he could not to sound resentful or angry, no matter how difficult it was not to reach out and try to kill his tormentor’s host body.

  “Seta and I have to get off the Paladin and onto the Liberator. It is our destiny to serve on Liam Synar’s ship, as much as it is yours. In looking at your resistance, I chose to demonstr
ate my power because it was so much faster than trying to talk you into cooperating. Plus, it serves as a life lesson for you to know what it’s like to be totally in someone’s control.”

  “Even if I go along today, I will find out what you are, and then I will help defeat you,” Malachi warned. “This is not over.”

  “Of course not,” Rena said casually, walking to the door. “How can it be over when we are just beginning? Do try to be surprised in a few moments when you have to meet me again. I have no wish to harm you further at this time.”

  Malachi heard the click of the conference room door and turned to see Zade and Seta Trax slowly come out of whatever trance state they had been in and start conversing normally as if nothing unusual had happened.

  “Yes. Your Captain Synar said you would be picking up a stasis unit. I’d be happy to go to Medical with you. When I last checked, my sister assured me that we were packed and ready to leave,” Seta said.

  “Your offer to escort us is most kind,” Dorian said, bowing back.

  Malachi looked between the two of them. Truly neither knew what they had gone through. Whoever or whatever Rena Trax was inside her skin, the entity was obviously very powerful to be able to cloak her actions from all those around her.

  For the moment, Malachi decided, he had no choice but to go along. Luckily, lying came easily to him, and like Zade suggested, he didn’t have to veer far from the truth.

  “Lieutenant?” Malachi said, turning a gaze to him that he hoped showed at least a small amount of apology. “I believe I might have misread something earlier because nothing seems amiss now. I’m sorry to have caused you alarm over my strange senses. I suggest we head to Medical as soon as possible if Lieutenant Trax wishes to leave.

  The conference room door opened, and Malachi watched the being calling herself Rena Trax walk through it again looking as innocent as a child who had never committed an evil act.

  “Ah, Rena. . .sorry for the delay,” Seta said. “Captain Warro summoned me to one last meeting and demanded I come alone.”

  “So did you say a regretful good-bye to the heartbroken Captain Warro?” Rena asked, teasing as she feigned interest and concern for Seta’s exchange with the pompous Siren male.

  “Yes. I also declined the offer of our own separate rooms if we stayed. I’m hoping you will forgive me for that later,” Seta said, smiling for the first time since Warro had summoned her. “The accommodations on the Liberator might be a bit tighter.”

  “Your regret over such trivial matters is unnecessary. So long as we have someplace for me to place my bedroll to sleep, I will be fine,” Rena declared, waving a hand nonchalantly in the air. “It is not like we are being forced to transfer. My place is by my dedicated sister’s side wherever she chooses to serve. Will you introduce me to your new crewmates, Seta?”

  “Yes, of course. This is Lieutenant Dorian Zade and Senior Medic Malachi Synar.”

  “Pleasure to meet you both,” Rena said, bowing her head to each of the males, before turning to meet Malachi’s still angry, questioning gaze. “On the Paladin we have several doctors. What exactly does a Senior Medic do?”

  “We have a doctor on the Liberator as well. My current focus is on preventive measures,” Malachi answered, never looking away from her gaze. “I do everything in my power to keep crew members from getting hurt.”

  “Really? How very admirable of you,” Rena said, bowing her head to hide a small, satisfied smile. “I was trained in the healing arts myself. Perhaps I might be of service.”

  “Our Doctor is a short-tempered Greggor and often not pleasant,” Malachi said flatly. “Which is why I am most anxious to collect the stasis machine and return to my duties.”

  “You require a stasis machine on the Liberator?” Rena asked, her gaze holding a challenge for Malachi to admit the truth that the stasis unit was for his host body.

  “Yes. It was helpful that the Paladin had two and could spare one,” Malachi said as innocently as possible.

  “Let us go then and collect the unit,” Seta said, holding out a hand towards the conference room door. “Rena, I left orders for our belongings to be loaded into the Liberator’s shuttle as soon as it arrived. Is there anything else you need from the Paladin before we depart?”

  “You are most kind to ask, Seta. But I am as anxious to leave the Paladin as you are,” Rena said, dropping behind the group. “It feels like we are reaching the end of a very long journey to meet our destiny. My intuition is indicating very positive things in this move.”

  “Let us hope you are correct,” Seta said to her often caustic sibling, stepping around Zade to pick up the pace. “This way please.”


  With the full-size stasis unit taking up most of the space, Malachi insisted that the mostly reserved Lieutenant Trax sit up front with Lieutenant Zade. He sat in the back on one side of the unit, glaring at a gently smiling Rena Trax over the top of it.

  Once on the Liberator, Malachi activated the transport and pulled the unit off the shuttle. At the bottom of the ramp, he addressed Zade. “With your permission, I’d like to head directly to Medical, Lieutenant.”

  “Certainly,” Zade said, pondering the reason for Malachi’s abnormal deference. “I’ll drop Lieutenant Trax off at the conference room for her meeting with Captain Synar. Ensign Tor will escort Rena to their quarters. They are moving into Commander Jet’s old room. We’ll see if the bursar has an extra cot until other arrangements can be made to swap out the larger bed for two smaller ones.”

  Malachi nodded and headed off to the elevator with the machine floating ahead of him.

  “Malachi,” Zade called, wondering at the hurry the demon was showing to be free of female company. It wasn’t like him. Normally, Malachi courted the favor of any being of that gender, regardless of species. Did he have an aversion to Ethosians? How odd would that be?

  “Yes, Lieutenant?” Malachi replied politely, stopping and turning his gaze back.

  “There’s a welcome reception and evening meal being served in the main conference room later. Your presence is welcome,” Zade said.

  “Thank you, Lieutenant. I wouldn’t miss it,” Malachi said, forcing a smile before turning to push the unit into the waiting elevator.

  “Your medic seems a bit anxious to leave us,” Seta remarked thoughtfully, walking beside Lieutenant Zade to the elevator, trying not to show how shocked she was at the size of the Liberator. It was barely larger than the Paladin’s largest shuttle.

  “Really? I hadn’t noticed much amiss,” Zade said calmly. “Malachi often acts strangely and without provocation.”

  “Indeed,” Rena said, following behind Seta and their escort. “Even with so short a time spent in his presence, I can see that is a profound truth.”

  Zade raised his eyebrows as he heard his new crew mate release a musical laugh at her sibling’s mocking joke at his and Malachi’s expense.


  In the training room, Boca stood on the mat, weaving back and forth. When she looked over, she saw Chiang’s strong fingers bending the metal of the seat beneath him. Knowing he was watching her for any sign of harm, she drew in a breath and steadied herself.

  Next to him sat Ania, who had worked her in self-defense for most of the day until she had nearly dropped. There had barely been time to recover any strength at all before the ensigns had come to spar. Shortly after they’d started, Chiang had come to watch. Surprisingly, it hadn’t bothered her.

  On the mat, three young males were climbing slowly to their feet. Boca smiled and each bowed their head as they stood and hobbled off. Trouble was, she had no idea how she had found the energy to defeat them. Some of Ania’s training had helped with moves, but now she was all done. There was no more motivation within her. She told herself that even the best of warriors ran out of strength.

  “The doctor is on the bench if anyone needs medical help,” Gwen said loudly, stalking across the mat and lowering her voice as she loomed over her tiny charge
. “It’s about damn time, Boca. I knew you could do this.”

  “That makes one of us, but I am glad for your faith. Am I still going on the mission?”

  “Yes, damn it, yes. Now stop worrying. I won’t let anyone change that fact since you’re so determined. I’m just glad to see you might have a chance of surviving if you get in a tight spot,” Gwen said, clamping a hand on the exhausted female’s shoulder, lending her some strength to hold herself up.

  Boca nodded at the approval she felt coming off her commander and closed her eyes in relief.

  Glancing over her shoulder, Gwen noticed Chiang had left fingerprints in the edge of the bench. But to his credit, he had not made a single move to interfere. She could only guess what kind of struggle he’d had with stifling his urge to protect the tiny Sumerian warrior. The thought of Chiang suffering made her want to laugh—and sigh with regret for knowing it.

  “Doctor?” Gwen yelled, smiling as she saw Chiang lift Ania and the bench when he stood in haste, at least until he remembered to let go of his grip. The bench thumped back to the floor with the clang of metal hitting metal.

  “Sorry,” Chiang murmured to Ania, who waved him away as she laughed.

  “I think Ensign Ador needs something for her pain and bruises. Can you assist?” Gwen demanded. The words hadn’t finished being said before Chiang was standing next to Boca.

  “Do not pick me up,” Boca ordered through gritted teeth. “I see the intention in your gaze. I have no wish to be carried out of the training room after defeating three males a fraction of my age. I would think nothing right now of injuring you if you take this moment of victory from me.”

  “Noted,” Chiang said, biting back a snarl. “I have no wish to spoil your victory. I’m just here to assist you if needed.”


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