Delight (Legacies, #1)

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Delight (Legacies, #1) Page 7

by Erin Osborne

  “Do you want to stop?” he grits out.

  I can tell it’s taking every ounce of his self-control to talk to me right now. Or go as slow as he is. Sweat is already breaking out across his forehead and I can see it on the skin of his neck.

  “Don’t. Stop,” I tell him.

  I begin to move my body up and down him. Bounce takes his hands from my hips and lets me move at my own pace. I can already feel an orgasm building within my body. Even if I haven’t ever experienced an orgasm, Santana has gone into great detail about what happens. I move faster and faster. Bounce places his hands back on my hips to help guide my movements as he leans down and takes my mouth with his. This kiss is full of sorrow and domination.

  Breaking free of his mouth, I yell out as my release rips through my body. My head drops back, my eyes close of their own volition, and I arch my back as my body goes rigid. Bounce keeps me sliding up and down his length, the piercings hitting a spot inside me that seems to make my orgasm last forever. Stars fill my eyes as my breathing comes out in harsh pants.

  It doesn’t take long before Bounce is yelling out my name as he finds his own release. He slowly guides my hips up and down a few more times before stilling me on his cock. We’re locked together as I bury my head in his neck. Bounce runs his hands up and down my back as we wait for our breathing to return to normal.

  As soon as I can breathe normally again, I slide off him with a groan at the slight pain I feel. There’s no way I can look at him right now. So, I quickly scoop up my clothes from the floor, murmur my apology, and run toward the bathroom Heaven pointed out as she left the room earlier.

  There’s something wet sliding between my legs and I shudder at the feeling. What the hell is going on? I know Bounce used a condom so this shouldn’t be happening. Even with my cum between my legs it shouldn’t be like this. Should it? Shaking my head, I shake off the thoughts filling my head. There’s so many I have no idea what’s going on and what I need to do. I’ll process everything alone when I’m at home alone. I’m not even going to tell Santana about this shit. She won’t understand.

  Once the door is shut behind me, I let the tears fall freely. While I know I’ll never have a guy in my life, I never thought I’d lose my virginity like that. Yes, there’s a connection I feel toward Bounce, but he never once expected me to be a virgin. My pussy hurts as I sit on the toilet to take care of business and quickly throw my clothes on. It’s hard as hell to get them on when my body is covered in a fine sheen of sweat.

  I can hear him moving around in the other room. There’s a slight knock on the door.

  “You okay, Sydney?” he asks through the door.

  “Um, yeah, I’m fine. I’m sorry, Bounce,” I answer.

  “Sorry about what?” he asks.

  “Nothing. Just forget it,” I tell him, not wanting to talk to him. “Um, I’ll see you around.”

  Bounce doesn’t say anything back. He doesn’t move from the door either; not at first. Finally, I hear him sigh and then his footsteps leave the room. I hear the outer door slam shut and release the breath I was holding. As soon as I’m dressed, I leave the bathroom, grab my lighter duffle bag, and make my way out of the club. I don’t make eye contact with anyone as I walk through the main room of the club and out into the sunshine.

  What the fuck just happened?

  Chapter Seven


  WHAT THE FUCK was I thinking?

  That’s been the one thought to go through my head since I was with Sydney. She deserves more than a quick fuck in the dressing room at the club. And then to find out she was a virgin when I slammed my cock into her? I feel like a complete piece of shit. That’s what she was trying to tell me when I kept interrupting her. If I had known, things would’ve been different. The main thing being I wouldn’t have fucked her at all.

  I don’t fuck virgins; they tend to get feelings I don’t want to mess with. Those bitches want the happily ever after with the kids, house, and white picket fence. Entanglements I don’t want or need in my life. The club comes first and always will. With Sydney I want more; not the relationship or any of that shit, but more. Now, I know it’s never going to happen. I broke her and hurt her in ways you can’t come back from.

  When she all but ran to the bathroom, I knew I had to try to fix it. She wouldn’t come out to me though. Not when I called her name, or just stood in the room for a few minutes after she dismissed me. So, I slammed my way out of the room, and left the club. I made my way to the clubhouse where I could get drunk and forget all about her. I’d like to say that’s what happened at any rate.

  On top of having to fix the situation with Sydney, I have to let her know the condom fucking broke. I’ve never once had one break on me; that’s not to say I haven’t heard of it happening though. But I make sure my stock is new and there’s nothing wrong with them before I wrap my junk. I don’t know what the hell happened with Sydney, but I need to make sure she’s on birth control so we don’t have to worry about any unwanted kids.

  The reality of the situation is I couldn’t get the tears streaming down her face out of my mind. Pain was etched in her normally bright, cornflower blue eyes. They turned a stormy grey almost as she fought not to scramble off my cock. I’m not bragging by any means, but not only is my cock long, it’s thick as fuck. Add in the piercings going down the length and it hurts most women I’m with. I can’t imagine the pain Sydney must have been feeling when I slammed her down on me.

  These thoughts keep plaguing me as I try to drink away the memory of what I did to this beautiful woman. Sydney is the kind of beauty you don’t find very often. She’s sexy, gorgeous, but it’s more than just the outside. Syd doesn’t know how beautiful she truly is. She’s soft-spoken, kindhearted, and determined. I can tell that just from the few times I’ve seen her around.

  The first time I saw her, she was walking with a baby in her arms. My first thought was how gorgeous she was. Then it immediately turned to wondering where her man was. Not only was she carrying the baby, there were bags loading down her arms because she had walked to the store. I’m not sure why she didn’t have a stroller, but I wanted to pull over and offer her my assistance. Unfortunately, on a bike there was no way I could help her.

  After that first sighting of her, I found myself riding through town just to get a glimpse of her. Sometimes it worked and other times it was a moot point. She looked at me when I was in town too. It was like a force would draw us to one another and no matter what we do it keeps pulling us to one another. I’m not sure what to do about everything, but I know I want to make up what I did to Sydney. Someway I have to fix the hurt I put on her.

  Waking up, I feel as if I’ve been hit by a Mack truck. My head is pounding, I smell of the Jack I consumed last night, and suddenly I have to run to the bathroom. Thankfully I have one attached to my room and rush to the toilet at the end of the small room. I lose the alcohol I consumed last night and everything else in my stomach. Not that it’s much because I didn’t eat at all yesterday. From the time I left Legacies until I passed out in my bed, I drank from the bottle of Jack I grabbed at the bar as soon as I walked in the clubhouse.

  Everyone left me alone because when I get in my moods, they know not to fuck with me. I’m always ready for a fight and it’s worse when I’m feeling guilty or pissed off about something. Breaker told me he’d get in the ring with me, but with the mood I was in I declined his offer. There was no way I was going to put that kind of beating on a friend and brother. Instead, I found the bottom of a bottle and drank my sorrows away.

  After losing the contents of my stomach, I get up and make my way over to the sink to wash my mouth out and brush my teeth. I pull my phone from my pocket and see it’s almost time for Sydney to get to Legacies and begin her practice with Heaven. A small smile covers my face at the thought of seeing her. Of fixing the epic fuck up I created yesterday.

  Turning around, I turn on the shower and let the water warm up. At the same time I strip do
wn and leave the clothes in a heap on the floor. Stepping in the shower, I yell out at the cold water. There’s no way I can take a hot shower with the thoughts of Sydney practicing her stripper routines to an empty club.

  Taking my cock in hand, I imagine her bent over in front of me. This time, I take her slowly and carefully as she leans over the dressing table she’ll be using at the club. As she rests her arms on the table, her tits hang below her, tight to her body. Instead of pain and fear lacing her beautiful eyes, I see nothing but pure pleasure and lust staring back at me in the mirror. My hand moves faster on my length as I remember the feeling of her tight as fuck pussy gripping my cock. Before too long, I’m cumming over my hand and watching it wash away in the water to swirl down the drain of the tub. Fuck! I need to get Sydney out of my head.

  Getting out of the shower, I quickly dry off not giving a shit if I get all the water off my body. I walk in my room and pull out a clean pair of jeans, a black tank top, and a pair of socks. After getting dressed, I walk to the bathroom and make sure I have my wallet, keys, phone, and everything else I’ll need for the day. Once I’m sure of everything, I head out and lock my door behind me. I don’t trust the sweetbutts in the club as far as I can throw them. They’re all scheming bitches who want nothing more than to land the title of ol’ lady to a member. Especially to one of the officers of the club. I don’t trust any of them and after one round with them, I go searching for pussy elsewhere.

  Walking in the common room, I see Ledger, Carver, Breaker, and Blood sitting at the bar. They’ve got steaming hot coffee in front of them and plates piled high with food. They all look at me and Blood raises and eyebrow in question.

  “Heading to Legacies,” I mutter.

  “Got someone on your mind?” my President asks.

  “Something like that. I fucked up,” I answer.

  “You look like shit, Bounce,” Breaker tells me. “Eat something greasy as fuck before you head there. She’ll be there a while.”

  Nodding my head, I sit down and one of the sweetbutts, Tempest, sets a plate down in front of me along with a cup of coffee. I shovel the food in my mouth and don’t taste a single bite. Hell, I barely register I’m eating eggs hash browns, and bacon. The grease coats my stomach and takes away any remaining queasiness that remained.

  The second I’m done eating and gulping down my coffee, I stand up and nod my goodbye at the guys. Breaker gets up and follows me from the clubhouse. I’m not sure why he feels the need to go to Legacies with me, but I’m not going to question it either. He’s having a rough time with Crave. They tend to share women and something is going on there. It’s not my business though and I’m not gonna crawl in the middle of it.

  We ride hard and fast to Legacies. I want to take the long way there to see if I can find Sydney walking to work again. I can’t believe she doesn’t have a fucking car. Who doesn’t have a damn car these days? There’s dealers and those buy here, pay here places all over the fucking place. Or is her situation so dire, Sydney can’t afford a damn car? One way or another I’ll find out and we’ll get it taken care of. She will have a fucking car if I have to go buy it for her myself. Where I usually see her walking to the club is well over two miles and she doesn’t need to be doing that once she starts working the late shift.

  None of the guys will put her on the back of their bikes either. The only women who can go on the bike is an ol’ lady. If she’s not yours, you don’t put her on your bike. It saves a lot of drama with the sweetbutts because they’ll be making every excuse possible to get on the back of a bike and rub it in everyone else’s face. Like I said, they’re a whole lot of drama I don’t want, or need, in my fucking life.

  Pulling up to the club, I park in the back and walk around to the front. We keep the back door locked until the dancers start showing up. I don’t even bother to wait for Breaker to catch up to me. My only goal is getting inside and seeing Sydney. The need to make sure she’s okay is vital and I need to see her with my own eyes to prove she’s okay. Plus, for some reason, I can’t stay the fuck away from her.

  Stepping just inside the door, I stop to let my eyes adjust to the darkness of the interior of the club. Then the thought of Sydney not being here hits me. Maybe I scared her to the point she decided she didn’t need the job here that bad and called Heaven or Tonya. I’d say Blood, but he would’ve mentioned it while we were eating breakfast. Since he didn’t chew me a new ass or fuck me up, I can only guess she didn’t call him or hadn’t called Tonya yet. If she quits, it’ll be my ass on the line for the epic fuck-up I caused.

  As my eyes adjust, I see Sydney up on stage with Heaven. There’s a chair sitting in the middle of the stage. Heaven is sitting in it and I know she’s explaining the art of lap dances to Syd. The thought of her dancing for anyone, especially in one of the private rooms, makes me want to throw down and slit a fucker’s throat. No one has the right to see any part of her up close and personal. I’m the only one that’s seen her bare skin and it needs to remain that way. There’s not a fucker alive who deserves to see her flesh bared to them. I don’t, but I’m a selfish bastard and I’m going to take everything Sydney is willing to give me.

  “Bounce, so glad you’re here,” Heaven calls out as Breaker walks through the door.

  “What’s goin’ on, babe?” I ask her, sliding my glasses up on my head and pulling the bandana from the bottom of my face.

  “Need you up here to help me out,” she says.

  Fuck! This is the last thing I need right now.

  “Yeah, sure,” I respond.

  Walking up to the stage, I catch Breaker’s eye and he knows how I’m feeling right now. Hell, my cock is already at half-mast because I know Syd’s going to be close as fuck to me. I groan internally as I get closer to the stage and see Sydney’s skin glistening with sweat already. Her hair is thrown in a messy bun and she’s fanning herself. Her eyes don’t meet mine as I climb the few steps and get to her side.

  Heaven gets up from the chair and I take her place. She uses me to show Sydney what to do. My cock instantly deflates as Heaven grinds on me and shows Syd exactly what to do during a lap dance. It’s not just about grinding up on the man sitting before you, it’s about enticing them and making sure they want you more than anyone else ever. Heaven has it down pat and is offering all her wisdom to my woman.

  Shit! Where the hell did that thought come from?

  Love Me Harder by Ariana Grande pours from the speakers. Sydney starts dancing her way over to me. Her hips and body swaying to the music immediately captivates me. It would even if it wasn’t Sydney dancing. I’m not looking at her face while she moves closer to me, I’m looking at her toned, flat stomach and her hips. Once she’s in reaching distance, I almost have to sit on my damn hands to keep from reaching out and touching her. I’m not supposed to; none of the customers are. I don’t want to scare her away more than I already have.

  Sydney straddles my lap and gets her body as close to mine as she can. She’s writhing and undulating her body in ways that have me picturing us having sex. I’ve never encountered a lap dance quite like the one I’m experiencing right now. It’s erotic, sexy, innocent, and the best thing I’ve ever witnessed in my life. Sydney keeps her body moving to the music and her eyes are closed when I finally look up into her face. There’s a red tint to her cheeks while her mouth barely hangs open. The look just adds to the innocence and sexiness of the vixen in front of me.

  There’s no way I can hide the length of my cock bulging in my jeans from her. When her eyes pop open suddenly and she falters, I know she feels it. Still, I keep my hands to myself and lock my body tight so I don’t try to assist her in any way. Sydney looks at me with so many emotions flitting through her eyes; panic, fear, pain, longing, lust, and something I can’t quite describe.

  Before she can get back into the dance, the song ends and she practically jumps from my lap. I watch as she walks over to Heaven and they bend their heads together. Breaker catches my eye from the bar and g
ives me a look like he wants to be where I’m at right now. Fuck him! He’s not getting his hands on Sydney. Even for a damn dance.

  “Bounce, we’re good for today. Thanks for the help,” Heaven tells me.

  I’ve been dismissed and I don’t waste time on the stage when I’m clearly not wanted. For fuck’s sake, I should be thankful Syd isn’t like the rest of the women who want more than I’m willing to give them. Instead, she’s stuck in my damn head and I can’t stop thinking about her, picturing her, or wondering if she’s thinking about me. I want to know if she’s reliving the time between us as much as I am. Well, once it finally stopped hurting her.

  The rest of the morning flies by as Heaven watches Sydney dance and teaches her more and more to put together a routine of her own. It’s not going to be long before Sydney’s on stage on a daily basis. Then, it won’t be long before she’s working the nights. Our girls always start with the day shift. The money and tips aren’t as good, but if they’re good and work their ass off, it’s not long before they find themselves working at night.

  Sydney never once comes near me. She gets her waters from Colt when he takes them to the stage for Heaven and her. As I sit with Breaker at the bar, my eyes never leave her. There’s not a single second she turns her eyes toward me. I’m getting pissed because I’m watching her laugh with Heaven as they dance and talk. I should be making her laugh and have a good time. Instead my dumb ass fucked up and took her virginity with the finesse of a bull in a china shop. Fuck my life!

  Chapter Eight

  Sydney a.k.a Delight

  HEAVEN AND I have finished practice for the day. We’re walking past the bar when she stops and looks at me.

  “Syd, some of us are going out to grab a late lunch. It’s some of the girls from here so you could get to meet them. You want to join us?” Heaven asks me.


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