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Delight (Legacies, #1)

Page 12

by Erin Osborne

  “You got that man wound tighter than fuck. He’s gonna snap and I don’t want to be there when it happens,” Tonya tells me. “You’re hot as fuck, Delight. I’ll be out there to watch the show. Most of the guys in the club are here tonight for your debut. And, we’ve got your tips from yesterday too. You didn’t take them when you left.”

  “Thank you,” I utter.

  “Delight, you’re going to kill it tonight. Just let the music guide your movements and you’ll do just fine. You know what you’re doing and I know you’ll be dancing for Bounce. Close your eyes and do what we practiced. The guys in the crowd will eat it the fuck up,” Heaven tells me.

  I nod my head and wait on stage for the current dancer to walk off the stage. As I pass her and walk up the steps, it’s dark. There’s barely enough light for me to see to get in place, but I manage to do it. After a few beats, I hear the first beats of Love Me Harder by Ariana Grande fill the main room of the club.

  My eyes remain closed and I picture Bounce being the only man in the crowd. I can hear the catcalls and whistles and it all turns to his voice in my mind. I gyrate, dance, and use the pole as the song blares through the club and fills my body from head to toe. Bounce fills my mind until the last beats of the music fade away into nothing.

  I don’t even register that I’m practically naked. It’s not until Bounce wraps a robe around me that my nakedness hits me. I can feel the blush creeping up my face and the heat builds in my already hot body. I’m sweaty and in desperate need of a shower; something I plan to rectify as soon as possible.

  “You didn’t collect any of your money on stage?” Bounce asks me, his voice low and husky.

  “Oh, I didn’t even know there was money there,” I answer, my own voice sounding weak and lust filled.

  “I’ll get it for you. Just get to the dressin’ room,” he tells me.

  I make my way to the dressing room and get inside the door. As soon as it’s shut behind me, I can feel my body start to shake and I know the adrenaline from being on stage is leaving my body. I’m ready to crash but I can’t because I still have one more dance tonight. And I have to mingle between dances. So, I take off my wig, pop out the contacts, and jump in a quick shower.

  Once I’m dressed in a dress similar to the waitresses, my wig and contacts are back in, and I make my way back out to the main room of Legacies. The men in the crowd are already three sheets to the wind and getting handsy. I don’t want to be out here, but it’s part of the job.

  “You were on the stage tonight. I want a lap dance,” the drunk man from last night says as I make my way to Heaven.

  “I’m sorry, sir. I don’t do lap dances,” I tell him politely, a fake smile plastered on my face.

  “I pay good money to be here and I want a fucking lap dance,” he says, his face turning red in anger.

  “We got a fuckin’ problem here?” Bounce asks, coming up behind me.

  I can feel his body heat at my back and I start to tremble. His smell, leather, wind, oil, and something uniquely Bounce, invades my senses as I almost lean back into him. But I can’t do that. It’s not what either one of us need or want in our lives.

  “This bitch won’t give me a fucking lap dance,” the man says, not taking in the pissed off look on Bounce’s face.

  “She doesn’t have to. It’s up to our girls whether or not they do lap dances and Delight doesn’t do them. I believe you were in here last night and got aggressive with her as well. So, I’m tellin’ you now to get the fuck outta here. We don’t want your business or kind in here,” Bounce tells him.

  “You can’t tell me to get out of here,” the man says.

  “Yeah, I can,” Bounce tells him.

  Bounce gently moves me out of the way before picking the man up and moving him to the door. Heaven is instantly at my side as we watch Bounce literally throw the man from the club. I can hear words being exchanged between the men as the door closes behind them. Hell, you can hear a pin drop in the club because no one’s saying a word and the music has stopped.

  As I turn around, I see Tonya and Blood standing there. Blood’s arms are folded over his chest and a pissed off look is on his face. I can feel the blood drain from my own face as I fear I’m about to be fired from here before I even really got a chance to do anything. Now I’ll have to go out and try to find a different job. Fuck!

  I walk over to the owners of Legacies so we can get this over with. Tonya immediately pulls me into her arms as Blood stands back and watches us and keeps anyone else from coming near us. Tears fill my eyes and I know they’re just making sure I’m okay before I get terminated.

  “Tonya, I’m so sorry. Blood, I get it if you have to fire me,” I cry out, my voice muffled in Tonya’s chest.

  Her overwhelming perfume engulfs me and in a weird way comforts me.

  “Honey, you’re not gettin’ fired,” Blood tells me. “We only want to make sure you’re okay and nothin’ happened before Bounce could get to you.”

  “I’m okay. He was just trying to get me to give him a lap dance. I just don’t want to get that close to the men. I’m sorry,” I tell them.

  “You got nothing to be sorry about, sweetheart,” Tonya tells me. “We don’t make our girls do anything they don’t want to. You don’t want to do them; you don’t do them. There are other girls willing to do them.”

  “Thank you,” I tell them. “I’m going to go get ready for my last dance.”

  “Okay, honey. Bounce will be back to get you when it’s your time. He’ll be right at the stage too. Then, he’ll take you home.”

  I nod my head and go to the dressing room. Once I’m in the outfit for my last dance of the night, I make sure my wig and contacts are in place so I can get out on stage. Bounce sticks his head in the door and lets me know it’s time for me to head out to the stage.

  We walk to the stage and he takes the robe from my shoulders as the lights go out.

  “I’ll be gettin’ your money from the stage again while you get dressed to go home,” he tells me. “You okay?”

  “I’m okay. Thank you, Bounce,” I tell him before walking out on stage.

  In no time at all it seems the dance is over with. I walk to Bounce who places my robe on my shoulders so I can put my arms through the holes and make my way back to the dressing room. Taking a quick shower, I don’t bother washing my hair, just the sweat from my body and get dressed in the clothes I came to work in.

  Bounce meets me in the hallway and we make our way out to his bike. With my backpack on my shoulders and his helmet on my head, I climb on behind him. Just before he starts the bike, I tap him on the shoulder.

  “You wanna come in for dinner when we get to my house?” I ask him, completely out of my comfort zone.

  “Yeah,” he answers, his voice a low growl.

  What the hell did I get myself into with that question? Maybe one more night with Bounce. I know he certainly hasn’t left my head since taking my virginity. Brushing the thoughts aside, I wrap my arms around the man in front of me and he takes off for my house. I relish the feelings flowing through me and forget about the man he threw out of the club because he didn’t want to listen to me about not doing lap dances.

  Chapter Thirteen


  DINNER WITH SYDNEY last night was the last thing I expected. I figured she’d want to be rid of me as soon as possible after the asshole I was to her. But she surprised me and invited me in. We didn’t have much of a meal, basically just subs she made and some chips on the side. I had beer with mine while she had water with hers.

  After eating the quick dinner, I sent her to bed and went with her. There was no way I couldn’t sample another taste of Sydney. This time I made sure to worship every single inch of her body. I listened to her moans and soft noises as I kissed, licked, and nipped her body so I knew what she liked and what she doesn’t. With her, at least I know it’s real and the noises she produces aren’t fake as fuck.

  Sydney is the first woman in
a long time I’ve gone down on because I know I don’t have to worry about which one of my brothers got in there before me. Sydney has only been with one man; me. A fact I’m trying not to analyze because of the way it makes me feel. Along with the fact she’s the only woman I’ve ever gone back to more than once. There’s something about her that’s addicting and if I’m not careful, I’m going to become addicted and not be able to walk away from her.

  By the time we’re done, both of us are covered in sweat, panting, and tangled in a mass of arms and legs. She’s laying on my chest as she falls asleep and I’m rubbing her back as we both try to get our breathing back under control. I’ve never done this shit either. It’s usually I get off and they get the hell out if we’re in my room at the club. If I’m out somewhere, I walk away before my cock is even put back in my pants.

  I wait until Sydney falls asleep before I slide carefully out from under her body and look down at her for a few minutes. After taking my fill of looking at the sleeping angel, I pull her tips from my pocket and place them in her purse that’s lying on the floor next to the bed. Grabbing my clothes, I get dressed and make my way out of the house quietly so I don’t wake anyone up. Once outside, I walk my bike out of the make-shift driveway and I don’t start it until I’m in the road.

  Riding back to the clubhouse does nothing to take the edge off as I think about Sydney and everything she’s had to overcome. I may not know her past in detail, but I know enough to know she’s been through a lot in her short life. She’s not the only one who’s been through some shit, I have my own demons I fight on a daily basis. Ones only the guys in the club know about from doing a background check on me.

  Thoughts of Syd are never far from my mind these days. I shouldn’t have taken her to bed again, but I couldn’t help myself. She looked so sweet and innocent after cleaning up our dinner dishes. For some reason, instead of walking out the door and leaving, I walked in her room as she was stripping for bed. That was my undoing.

  Now, I regret the decision more than I regret how I took her virginity. That’s saying something because I was rough when she needed soft and sweet; something I’m definitely not. Sydney is going to get thoughts of a future in her head and that’s something I can’t let her do. There is no future for us or for me with anyone. Sydney deserves a man with a nine to five job, who can give her the house with the white picket fence and two point five kids. I’ll never be able to give her those things no matter how much I want to. Having an ol’ lady is not for me.

  I think about having Breaker or one of the other guys pick Sydney up for work today, but the thought of her being on another guy’s bike or wrapping herself around a brother makes me angry. I’m not sure why I’m so damn mad about those thoughts, but I’ll get over it. For now, I’ll pick her up and take her home until we can get her car fixed.

  I’ll have to call the garage and find out how long it’s gonna be to get her car back. I told Grunt I want it in perfect working order and I don’t give a fuck what it’s going to take to get it there. Sydney doesn’t need to break down again. Especially if she has Karson with her. So, I’ll take care of the cost for her and she’ll have a better running car when everything is said and done.

  Walking in the clubhouse, I stop at the bar and Logan hands me over my beer of choice. As I look around the room, I see Tempest giving Grunt a blow job on the couch while he talks to Greek. Ginger is fucking with Digger, and Needa is getting fingered by Carver. Instead of getting hard like I normally would, especially with Carrie walking straight for me, my cock doesn’t even stir beneath the denim of my jeans.

  There’s a few other guys sitting around the room or playing pool. But most everyone is in bed for the night. It’s late as hell and we all have jobs to do. That’s where I’m heading as soon as I’m done with this beer.

  “Baby, you look like you could use some company tonight,” Carrie purrs, trying to look sexy.

  “Not in the mood,” I growl out at her.

  “Don’t be like that,” she says, placing her hand on my cock and trying to get me hard.

  “I don’t want your hands on me. And I sure as fuck didn’t ask you to touch me. You know the fuckin’ rules, Carrie. Back the fuck off,” I tell her.

  The room has gone silent as I yell at Carrie. I may brush the sweet butts off, but I never lose my cool with them like this. Shaking my head, I stand up, leave my half full beer bottle and make my way to my room. Maybe I need sleep and then I’ll feel better.

  It’s not likely though considering I’ve been all twisted up since first sinking my cock into Sydney’s tight pussy. She consumes my thoughts, my dreams, and I can’t wait to get to Legacies so I can see her. When another man gets too close to her, I want to rip them apart limb from limb. I’ve never felt this way about a woman and Sydney isn’t going to capture me by the balls and become my ol’ lady.

  Unlocking my door, I slam it shut behind me as soon as I enter and make sure to lock it. I fall into bed without undressing or bothering to take a shower. Sydney’s scent still lingers on my skin and the smell of sex permeates the air slightly too. I should want to rid myself of the smells infiltrating my brain, but I don’t. I don’t worry about covering up as I let sleep claim me with dreams of Sydney filling me.

  Waking up, I grab my phone from my pants and check to see if I have any messages or missed calls. Seeing that I have nothing there, I head to my bathroom and take a quick shower. It’s late morning now so I know I’ll have to leave soon so I can get Sydney to work. She has a practice session with Heaven and there’s a meeting today. We all have to attend those and Tonya made sure to remind us all about it yesterday.

  I try to tell myself it’s not that I want to see Sydney as I walk into the kitchen and see a little bit of breakfast left and coffee in the pot still. After making a plate and grabbing some coffee, I sit at the table and don’t make eye contact with the sweet butts who are now cleaning the kitchen up. Carrie even avoids me to the point she leaves the room and stomps away. Guess I pissed her off and I don’t give a flying fuck about it.

  As soon as I’m done eating, I thank the women for cooking and hand over my dirty dishes. Leaving the clubhouse, I climb on my bike and see very few bikes sitting in the parking lot still. They’re all off to work or whatever else they had planned for the day. So, I start my bike and head to Sydney’s house. I even cleaned out my saddle bags so I could place her duffle bag in there. This way she doesn’t have to wear the backpack.

  Honestly, I don’t know why she just doesn’t leave her things at the club in her locker. It’s not like all the women will take them from her. But maybe she’ll explain it to me one of these days. Even if I don’t want a relationship with her, Sydney deserves a friend other than Santana and I can try to be that for her.

  Cruising through town, I don’t notice anything out of the ordinary. As a member of the Kings Vengeance MC, I always look out for lurking danger. We never know when we’ve pissed someone off or have a rival trying to take territory from us. If they think we’re vulnerable and see one of us out alone, they’ll make sure to take us out. Permanently.

  That changes when I get close to Syd’s house though. I see a man looking around her yard and house. He’s dirty, his clothes are hanging loosely from his body, the man’s hair is plastered to his head it’s so greasy, and I don’t have a good feeling about him being around her house. I know she’s not with anyone and Santana would never be with a man like this one.

  As my bike gets closer, he turns to face me. His face is scarred and I can make out his rotting teeth from my bike. Instead of parking in the make-shift driveway, I pull right up to the man as he stands close to one of the windows, a screwdriver or something in his hand. The closer I get to him; I can see his eyes are lifeless and a cold chill runs down my spine. This is not anyone I want around Sydney and Karson. Or Santana.

  “Who the fuck are you?” I growl out as I turn my bike off, put the kickstand down, and climb off before stalking toward him.

; “It doesn’t matter who I am. You don’t fucking belong here. Get gone before I call the fucking cops,” the man tells me.

  “The fuck I don’t. You’re the one who doesn’t belong here. Especially sneakin’ around in the middle of the fuckin’ day. Tells me you don’t belong here and you’re tryin’ to scare someone,” I tell him, not wanting to hear his voice anymore.

  I jab out my arm and land a punch to his temple effectively knocking him out.

  Pulling out my phone, I call Blood and let him know what’s going on. He tells me he’ll send Logan and Breaker over to pick him up. I’m not to leave until he’s gone.

  “Um, Santana and Karson will be at the house while Syd’s at work. I don’t know if anyone else is gonna show up. Can we put someone on them?” I ask my President.

  “Yeah. I’ll send Levi over there. Give the guys ten minutes and try not to let the women or Karson see him,” Blood says before hanging up.

  The guys must be at Legacies already if it’s only going to take them ten minutes to get here. It takes longer than that to get from the clubhouse to Sydney’s side of town let alone her house. I know it takes me about twenty minutes to get here and that’s when I’m alone.

  True to his word, Breaker and Logan arrive within ten minutes. They pick the man up and I snap a picture of him so I can show it to Sydney to find out who it is. As soon as they leave, I walk around the house and knock on the door before opening it.

  Sydney and Santana are sitting on the couch hanging onto one another. Karson is sitting in the middle of them and I can see the worried look on his face. They all face me and I can see Sydney is pale as a ghost while she looks up to me. I’m sure they heard the fucker and didn’t know what to do. Well, that’s going to be changing by the time we’re done talking.

  “Santana, Levi will be here in a few minutes. He’s goin’ to stay here while Sydney’s at work. No one will get to you guys while he’s here. You good with that?” I ask her.

  “Y-yeah. We’ll just stay here and watch movies. Are we going to be okay while he’s here?” she asks.


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