Delight (Legacies, #1)

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Delight (Legacies, #1) Page 20

by Erin Osborne

  Tears fall from my eyes. This time they’re from relief and not because I’m scared or in pain. It has to do with knowing soon, I’ll have my brother back in my arms and be home. Well, not home. I have to figure out where we can stay and what our next step in this life is going to be. Karson needs a stable roof over his head and this new baby is going to need the same thing. I don’t have nearly enough money saved up to rent someplace new or buy all new things to replace what was damaged by Lloyd.

  There’s so much to do and I don’t have nearly enough time to think about it as the man continues to drive me farther away from the house I’ve been held in and closer to my freedom. I’m happy, exhausted, tearful, and fearful of what I’m walking into back home all at the same time. It’s even more exhausting as my feelings continue to rush about my body and bombard me. Now, I want sleep to take me and it won’t this time.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Sydney a.k.a Delight

  WE’VE BEEN ON the road for almost three hours now. The man, who I still don’t know his name, and I haven’t exchanged a single word since leaving the house. Our last words were of him telling me about the club sending him in to get me. Honestly, I’m fine with not talking. I’m too weak and it hurts to talk. Or breathe, or anything else right now.

  I can feel the truck slowing down and I hear a ton of traffic surrounding us. Still lying down on the back seat, I can’t see a damn thing around us. I’m not sure of what’s going on or anything else. The only thing I’m sure of right now is the fact the man hasn’t taken his eyes off of me for very long other than to watch the road in front of us as we travel.

  “Darlin’, we’re almost here. I’m going to have to leave you here at this truck stop. Blood knows where you are and they’ll be here soon. I’m gonna hand over some money so you can get a prepaid phone and something to eat while you’re waiting for them to get here,” the man tells me.

  “O-okay,” I answer because there’s nothing else for me to say.

  Now I understand what all the noise from the traffic is; tractor trailers and people travelling. Fear fills me at the knowledge I’m going to be left alone and who knows who’s going to be the next one to come after me. I seem to have a target on my back for some reason and I’m not sure being alone is the right move at this point in time.

  “Are you sure you can’t stay with me until they get here?” I ask him.

  “I would if I could. Unfortunately, I have other plans that have been delayed and I have to get back,” he tells me. “Don’t worry, you won’t have to wait very long. The men have been on the road for a while now. It’s been more than enough time for them to almost be here already.”

  I don’t say anything at all. If this man thinks the men will be here soon, then I have to believe him. He’s the one who rescued me after all. So, I lay back in the seat and wait for him to park and let me out of the truck. I’m at his mercy for now after all.

  Finally, the truck slows even more and comes to a stop. I struggle to sit up and finally give up when I realize I’m unable to do this simple task on my own. The man quickly gets out of the driver’s side of the truck and makes his way to the passenger side door. He leans in and helps me up to a sitting position. I take a few minutes to catch my breath before I start to get out of the vehicle. Because it’s up higher than I’m used to, the man in front of me helps me get down and makes sure I’m steady on my feet.

  He pulls a wad of money from his pocket and presses it into my hand. From here, I’m on my own. The man waits only long enough for me to get inside the truck stop. And I have to admit, it’s a lot longer than normal because of the damage done to my body. Plus, my previously injured ankle hasn’t had a chance to heal, it’s gotten worse because of the shackles and then the beatings from Lloyd.

  Walking in the truck stop, I make my way into the store area and straight to the cell phone section.

  “Can I help you?” an employee asks walking up to me, and giving me an odd look at the sight of me.

  Yeah, I know I look like shit. I feel like it and as if I’ve been run over by a Mack truck. Again. Or maybe a tractor trailer this time.

  “Yes. I need a prepaid phone please. And some airtime to put on it,” I answer.

  “Any particular one?” she asks.

  “No. Um, just the cheapest one,” I tell her.

  She picks out a cell phone and then hands me over the cheapest airtime card to go with it. Once I’ve cashed out, I make my way out of the store and to the bathroom. I don’t want to be sitting in the dining area of the truck stop where anyone can see me. If I’m in the bathroom, I can hide out and not let anyone in the stall I’m in. At least that’s my train of thought as I carefully make my way there so I can turn the phone on and activate it.

  There’s no one in the bathroom when I limp in there. Choosing the last stall, I lock the door behind me and sit down on the closed toilet seat. Ripping the box open, I pull the phone out and everything I need to activate it. The process doesn’t take me very long. As soon as the phone is activated, I shut it off and turn it back on.

  I only remember one number and I punch it in once it’s back on again. Unfortunately, I’m sure it’s the last person who wants to talk to me right now.

  “Yeah,” I hear Bounce’s voice come over the line.

  “B-b-bounce?” I ask, even knowing it’s him.

  “Who’s this?” he asks, the wind whipping in the background and the sound of bikes growling in the background.

  “It’s Sydney,” I breathe out.

  “Syd, where the fuck are you?” he asks, his voice sounding frantic and relived all at the same time.

  “I’m in the bathroom at a truck stop. I’ve locked myself in the last stall in here so no one can get to me,” I tell him.

  “Good, baby. You stay there until we get there. I’ll call you back on this number as soon as we’re there. Don’t come out for any reason, you hear me?” he asks.

  “Yeah, I hear you,” I tell him.

  Bounce hangs up the phone and I’m surrounded by silence. It sounds as if I can hear myself breathing heavier and harder than normal. My heart feels as if it’s beating out of my chest. I can’t catch my breath and I feel as if I’m on the verge of passing out. There’s no way I can allow that to happen. So, I begin to breathe slowly and concentrate on controlling my racing heart with taking deep breaths and breathing out slowly again.

  After what feels like hours but is more than likely only minutes, I feel myself calmed down and I take another deep breath. The ringing of my phone makes me jump as I’m not used to hearing one ring anymore.

  “H-h-hello?” I ask, answering the phone and praying it’s Bounce calling me back.

  “Syd, we’re here. Can you come out of the bathroom?” he asks.

  “Yes, I can,” I respond. “Stay on the phone with me. Please?”

  “I will,” he assures me. “Come on out now, baby.”

  Opening the stall, I carefully make my way through the large bathroom and out to the hallway leading to the different areas of the truck stop. As soon as I’m in the hallway and clear of the bathroom, I turn to the side and see Bounce and the other members of the club. I’m not sure if it’s because of being so weak and exhausted or the fact I’m so happy to see familiar faces, but I find myself collapsing. Bounce catches me just before I hit the floor and gently lays me down.

  The darkness consumes me once more and I hope it’s the last time. Period.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  AS SOON AS I got the call from Syd, I kicked the bike into gear and flew past everyone. Blood is probably going to have my ass once we’re back home, but I don’t give a fuck. She sounded so desperate, weak, and afraid I had to get to her. The rest of the guys followed me and I’m surprised we didn’t get pulled over the last twenty miles to the rest stop.

  I called her back as soon as we were in the parking lot and she asked me to stay on the phone with her, and I don’t have a problem doing that. Anythi
ng to make her feel comfortable about leaving the sanctuary she made herself. Not much of one if you ask me but I didn’t just go through hell the way she did.

  Sydney walked out of the bathroom and as soon as she saw us, she began to collapse. I caught her just in time before she slammed into the floor. Laying her down on the floor, the guys surrounded us so no one else could get close while I pulled my phone out. There’s no way in hell anyone else is going to make a spectacle of this woman. Syd’s been through too much and I’ll do what I can to make sure she doesn’t go through anything else.

  I call 9-1-1 and have them send out an ambulance to the rest stop. They assure me one is on the way and I hang up. I don’t need to stay on the phone with one. The only thing I need to do right now is to make sure no one moves her or touches her. There isn’t an inch of her body that’s unharmed and I don’t want anyone to inadvertently hurt her more than she already is.

  “Half of you leave and head to the house to pick up our cargo,” Blood says as we wait for the ambulance to get here. “Colt, take the truck and make sure he’s bound and gagged for the trip. I don’t want him to escape or have anyone help him if you happen to stop for gas or food on the way back. Keep the truck surrounded with your bikes on the way back and don’t let him stop for anything unnecessary.”

  Breaker, Colt, and a few other men head out to pick up the cargo Blood’s friend left for us. Hopefully he didn’t already have a chance to escape. I want to get my hands on him more than I want to make sure Sydney is safe and healing. That’s saying a lot because she’s so damaged and hurting right now. Her passing out as soon as she saw us tells me that. We’re her safe space; I’m her safe space.

  Before I know it, I’m being pushed away from Sydney and I turn with my fist raised because I’m going to knock anyone out trying to take me away from her. Instead, I lower my fist and stand back from Sydney as the EMTs move in to work on her and get her loaded on the gurney to get her to the hospital.

  “You riding in back?” I’m asked once they have her strapped to the gurney and ready for transport.

  “No. We’ll follow on our bikes to the hospital,” I respond.

  We all follow Sydney out of the rest stop and wait until they load her in the back of the ambulance. I straddle my bike as Blood stands close by them loading her in the ambulance. He’s keeping an eye on her and I’m thankful because there’s no way in hell I’m going to be able to stand back and hold my shit together right now. Not when she’s so close.

  I crank my bike on because I know they’re not going to wait for us to get ready before they head out. Blood walks back from the ambulance and lets me know he told the EMTs she’s pregnant. I nod my head in thanks so they know they have to take precautions when they’re treating her.

  Blood sticks his finger in the air and puts in a circular motion so we know to pull out with the ambulance. I’m already ready and I’m the first one to leave. We’re not riding in formation this time because Blood knows I need to be close to her right now. While she’s out, I’ll be by her side. Once she’s awake, I’ll leave and not let her know I’ve been with her. I can’t stand to do this to her because she can never know how I truly feel about her. I want Sydney as my own and I’ll never take her.

  It takes us minutes to get to the hospital. We all park our bikes and I rush inside while the guys stand outside and stretch and take a smoke break, instead of wanting a cigarette for myself or to take a few minutes to stretch out. Even knowing I won’t be able to see her right now; I want to be close; I need to be close to her. If something happens, I’ll be the first person in the room and no one will kick me out. Anyone who tries will get their asses handed to them.

  Finally, the guys start trickling in and we sit in the waiting room to wait. I can feel the lingering looks resting on us from everyone in the waiting room. Other looks are coming our way from nurses and other females in the room; they want us and I know more than one of the men will take them up on their silent offers once we know how Sydney is doing.

  Blood sends one of the guys out for coffee while we wait. I’ll take one just to have something to do with my hands. As it is now, I’m pacing the room and I can’t make myself stop. When Digger gets back and hands out the nasty hospital coffee, I accept mine and don’t stop pacing the waiting room. Everyone that’s not a member of my club is eyeing me warily, but I don’t give a fuck. They don’t know how torn up I am inside right now.

  After a few hours, a doctor finally comes out.

  “Family of Miss Thompson?” he asks.

  “I’m her father,” Blood says, standing up and walking to the man while I’m hot on his heels.

  “Mr. Thompson,” the doctor begins and none of us correct him. “Miss Thompson is extremely lucky. She has a concussion, broken ribs, her wrists are badly cut from whatever was restraining her, and bruises cover her entire body. The baby is fine, we’ve done an ultrasound to ensure nothing has happened to the baby. Though, we’re going to keep her for a few days at least to make sure nothing happens. I’d rather be safe than sorry. We’ll move her to a different room soon and then you can go see her.”

  “Thank you. My wife will be here soon and I’ll give her the news,” Blood responds.

  I release the breath I didn’t realize I was holding and want to slump to the floor. Instead, I turn my focus on the next task at hand; removing Lloyd from the world and making it a safer place for everyone. I look at Blood and he knows where my head’s at. He nods his head at me and I turn on my heel to leave the hospital and Sydney behind.

  “Vanish, go with him,” Blood says. “Don’t want him ridin’ alone right now.”

  Vanish rushes to follow me out the doors of the hospital so we can head home. I stop long enough to wait for him to get on his bike and put his helmet on before we take off. I’ll go with Blood’s wishes and I won’t lose Vanish in my need to exact revenge for Syd.

  We made it back in record time and I walk in the clubhouse to find the men milling about the common room. Breaker is the first one to notice me as I stride straight through and toward the basement door. I’m not waiting to get my hands on this fucker and Blood realizes that.

  “Tonya, Santana, and Karson are on their way to Syd. They left a few hours ago and should be there within about five hours or so,” Breaker tells me, following me down to the basement where we hold our prisoners.

  I open the door and find Lloyd strung up. His hands are handcuffed from chains hanging from the ceiling and his toes barely touch the floor. He’s been stripped to his boxers and someone has already gotten a few hits in on his body as I see bruising. Turning my face to Breaker, he just gives me a smile.

  “So, Lloyd, you didn’t think our last meetin’ was a good one? You had to go out of your way to ensure you ended up back here to meet my fists,” I ask him.

  “Don’t know what you’re talking about,” he growls out. “I have nothing that belongs to you.”

  “You’re right, you don’t anymore. She’s back in the hospital. If she loses our baby, I’ll bring you back from the dead and kill you again,” I growl out at him, finally lashing out and securely landing several punches to his ribs.

  I don’t stop hitting him until I hear several of his ribs crack under my fists. He screams out in pain like the bitch he is before pissing himself. Stepping back, there’s one more thing I have to know before I torture and kill him.

  “Have you already sold her? Or did we find her in time?” I ask him.

  “She’s not sold yet. The auction is still going on. It will until I close it down. If she’s not sold, these men will come after her. She’ll never live life safe and free,” Lloyd taunts me.

  “See, I don’t need to worry about that. We have a guy who can shut down the site and he’ll make it known the rat who started it is dead and there’s no one here to hand her over,” I inform him.

  “They won’t care. They’ll still come after her. A lot of men want her. They’ll wait until she has that bastard of a child and then
they’ll kill her. If they can be patient that is,” Lloyd tells me, spitting on the ground at my feet as his breathing comes out ragged with the pain from his ribs.

  “No one will touch a hair on her fuckin’ head. I’ll die before I let anyone hurt her,” I yell out, grabbing a knife from the stand we have down here loaded with tools.

  “You can’t touch me. Sydney will die and I’ll be laughing my ass off from the depths of hell because of it. Your attempt to save her will be futile,” Lloyd tells me.

  He’s trying to anger me so I lose my shit and kill him faster. This is not going to work out for him. I’ll take my time and kill him slowly. He’ll feel every single thing I do to him and he’ll feel just as bad as Sydney does right now.

  Taking the knife, I place several cuts and slices along his body. They’re deep enough to bleed a lot, but not deep enough to kill him swiftly. This isn’t my first time doing this; none of us in this room are ‘first timers,’ not by a longshot.

  Once I’m done with the knife and have cuts all over his body, I grab the bottle of lemon juice. I start at his head and make sure it seeps into every single one of the cuts I placed on his body. Lloyd squirms and screams as his cuts burn. I’m not done though. I grab the salt container and pour a liberal amount in my hand. Taking the salt, I rub it in every one of the wounds I’ve inflicted on his body.

  “He’s goin’ to pass out,” Breaker warns me.

  I grab the bucket of ice-cold water and toss it at him before Logan takes it and fills it once again in case I need it.

  Lighting up a cigarette, I take a few drags while Lloyd spits and sputters from the water. When he’s calmed down, I take the cigarette and put it out on his skin. He screams and pisses himself again. I jump back; I’m not going to be tainted by the piss from this scumbag of a twat waffle.


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