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On Fire: A Steamy Older Man Younger Woman Romance

Page 7

by Mia Madison

  “Your bossy ways and all.”

  “Yes, even those. You've seen all of me.”

  “Yes, every inch including your large...ego.”

  He smirks at me. “Yes, that too.”

  “What happens now?” I ask him.

  “I take you to bed.”

  I should have known he'd come out with something like that. “I mean about Natalie.”

  “The police will examine the CCTV footage from the area. Also, your gran's friend along the street seems to enjoy keeping an eye on everyone coming and going. Arson is pretty serious but I don't think she'll get a custodial sentence if it turns out she set the shed on fire, just some proper help this time.”

  “I hope so, for the twins' sake.” Those poor little things with a crazy mother. Maybe they'll never know their father.

  “So, what about bed?” he asks.

  “I have a lawn to seed for your friend Tony.” I'm already wearing my gardening clothes. I was wavering between waiting for Rory to come by or going out and avoiding him.

  “I can't believe I told him about your gardening service. Bad mistake.”

  “Good mistake. A few more jobs like that, and I can stop worrying about having to return to London.”

  “You were thinking of leaving?”

  “It's always been my backup plan.”

  “In that case, I'd better tell everyone I know about your service. I'd hate you to go. I want to get to know you better.”

  I think he really means it. I go all gooey inside. “You can get to know me better anytime. It must be your turn to ask the questions.”

  “I'll be sure to think of some especially tricky ones.” He laughs. “Anyway, you've been taking calls from Tony and not me? Was it only my calls you were avoiding?”

  “That's what caller ID is for.”

  “Do you know there's a punishment for believing bad things about me?”

  I roll my eyes. “I can imagine, but it didn't feel like playtime. Far from it.”

  “We might just have to pretend it was.”

  “Is that so, Bossy?”

  “Call Tony and tell him you'll do his grass tomorrow.”

  “Nope. I can't let my customers down.” I look at my watch. “I'll be turning up to do his grass in an hour, maybe an hour and a half at the latest. I still have Gran's friend's garden to do this afternoon.”

  “In that case, we don't have a moment to spare. Are you going to keep me in the hall?”



  Anna takes my hand and pulls me into her bedroom.

  “Better than the hall?” she asks.

  “Much better.”

  I hold her in my arms and kiss her. I want to kiss the hell out of her and take away the upset of the past couple of days.

  I kiss her until a little mewl of pleasure escapes her lips.

  “Definitely better than the hall,” she says.

  “So, you believe me now, do you, about Natalie?” I tuck her hair behind her ears. I have to be sure.

  “Yes. I do. Are you going to punish me for doubting you?”

  “No. I have other things in mind right now other than punishment.”

  She pouts.

  “You want to be punished?”

  She doesn't say anything. But a hot blush creeps up her cheeks.

  “All right then, if that's what you want...” I wasn't expecting this but I sit down on her bed and pull her over my lap.

  She giggles—an uncertain giggle.

  “You won't be laughing soon, Lady.” But she giggles again. I pull down her sweatpants and lacy boy shorts, and she wriggles on my lap, her body torturing my cock as she moves. I smooth my hand over the beautiful globes of her bottom, imagining the flesh turning rosy pink.

  “How many?” she asks.

  “Oh, I don't know. How about I spank you until you beg me to fuck you. How would that be?”

  She gasps and squirms some more. “What if I hate it?”

  “Then, I'll stop. Just say the word. Just say...let's then I'll know you hate it.”

  “But you know I love ice-cream.”

  “What don't you love?”

  “Leylandii hedges.”

  “Then just say 'hedges' if you want me to stop.”

  I give her a smack, not hard.

  “Ow!” she says. “That hurt!”

  “You want to stop already?”

  “No. I didn't say hedges.”

  So, I smack her some more, feeling the sting of my hand on her bare ass, the sound of hard, crisp spanks and her moans filling the air. I massage the pain away every few slaps. I want to touch her more than slap her. Hell! I want to do everything with her.

  She wriggles and twists around on my lap each time my hand comes down, no doubt anticipating the sting, feeling it, but not saying 'hedges' and driving me crazy with need.

  I stop before she begs. I want to think it's because I don't want her to be too sore her first time. But it's not just that. It's because I'll be the one begging if I don't stop right there.



  I'm just about to beg him to make me come when he stops, with a groan and lays me on my back.

  “You didn't say 'hedges.'” His eyes, looking down at me, glitter, but they're crinkling at the corners too. He's not mad. “So, I'm saying it for you.”

  My bottom is stinging against the bed cover. I felt every sharp slap. I expected pain. What I didn't expect was how incredibly, disturbingly wet I'd get.

  Every strike sent a river of sensation through my body that had nothing to do with the sting of the slap, the blood and heat rising in my skin, and everything to do with need and desire.

  It seems as if every time with Rory, the rewards are worth the risk. I just need to remember that and still keep my head firmly on my shoulders. That will be easier said than done.

  His fingers trail down between my legs. I feel my face redden again. He'll find out how wet and swollen I am, how much that spanking affected me. But he just beams at me. “You liked it,” he says. “You really did!”

  I nod and bite my lip.

  “I love that you liked it. We are going to have such fun playing.”

  But I don't care about future playtimes right now because his fingers are toying with my folds, driving me insane. The sounds coming out of my mouth are not making much sense.

  He plants a trail of kisses down my neck that sends yet another message to my core and he pulls off my sweatpants and underwear so he can move between my thighs pushing them apart.

  I'm open to his gaze, to his fingers and his mouth, oh his mouth. His hot mouth is on me now slowly licking around, nibbling gently, tormenting me, his tongue flicking over me. And then he takes the hard, sensitive bud of my clit between his lips and sucks, running his tongue over it, forward and back, and I unravel completely.

  I swear the room disappears and I'm in another dimension for a time. And when I come back to earth, he is there looking at me, smiling, rolling on a condom, ready for me.

  I'm more than ready for him.

  I reach out to touch his length.

  “So eager,” he says. “I love that.”

  “I want you now!” I plead.

  “One of these days I'm going to teach you patience,” he says, “but not right now,” and he pushes into me hard. “So hot, so tight, so fucking perfect” and he groans. And then he moves in and out of me, slowly a couple of times, and then faster and faster, hard and relentless.

  How could I forget how good it feels with him deep and hard and full inside me, his hard cock ramming into me, the heat of his body over me, his eyes on mine? But it feels like this is the first time all over again.

  I feel his body tense as he gets closer. “Come for me,” he orders.

  I can do nothing else, whatever he says. The pressure of his body pounding against my already sensitive clit has me coming whether I want to or not, my hips and legs shuddering below him at the same time as his c
ock jerks again and again deep inside me and he calls out as an orgasm rips through his body.

  When we catch our breath. I'm lying in his arms wishing I could stay there all day. “You came,” he says and smiles.

  “I did.”

  “We could do that again.”

  “I'll have to take a rain check on that. I have a lawn to seed, remember.”

  “Fucking Tony. He's right off my Christmas card list. Do you have to go? It's my day off.”

  “Yes, I do. Sorry.” I get out of bed and start looking for my clothes to put on. “Don't you have to sleep anyway?”

  “Sometimes sleep is highly overrated. I hope Tony appreciates you. I'm sure he won't appreciate you as much as I do.”

  “Not in the same way you do anyway. He'll like his beautiful green lawn, though.”

  “Oh, I love your gardening skills, as well as all your other skills.” He winks at me from the bed.

  “You mean my ability to ask awkward questions.”

  “Yes, that. Everything.” He frowns for a moment. “I love everything about you. I'm sorry you believed for even a second that I was the kind of guy you wouldn't want loving you.”

  I look at him. I want to ask all kinds of awkward questions right now. Is he saying he loves me in some roundabout way? I can't ask that.

  “Yes,” he says. “The answer is yes. Whatever you're going to ask.”

  “That's risky. You don't know what I was going to say.”

  “I'm all about risk. You know that. Diving straight in with both feet and hoping I come out smiling. But this kind of risk, it's a new one on me. I always ran away from this kind of risk, until now, until you. So, there it is, diving right in. I'm pretty sure I love you.”

  My heart skips a beat. I want to go over and hug him to bits but I need to keep my head and not scare him off by going all gaga on him. “Only pretty sure?”

  “Well, I'm absolutely fucking certain but I didn't know whether you would believe that so soon and I don't want to rush you.” He laughs. “We can keep checking, though. A daily test to make sure we're still good together. That no weeds turn up on my porch, that kind of thing.”

  “If any weeds grow, I'll root them right out,” I say, “And I'm pretty sure those daily tests will work out.”

  “Only pretty sure?”

  “Absolutely fucking certain then,” and I take the risk and throw my hands around his neck and kiss him because there's nothing I want to do more. And here, in his arms, I know that everything will work out somehow. It's only the beginning but I've never been more certain that it's the beginning of something perfect.



  Rory's garden is looking beautiful. I couldn't have it any other way especially as I'm living at his place now. I thought Gran might disapprove, but she was all for it. “Best to try them out for size,” she said with a twinkle in her eye when I told her I was moving in next door when I'd only known Rory a couple of months.

  I should just shut up but I can't help poking at things like picking at a scab “and you don't mind about the age difference. I mean he's thirty-nine and I'm twenty-three.”

  “You know, Anna,” she said, “it hardly means a thing to me at my age. Thirty-nine seems like a spring chicken to me and from what I've seen, there are some in their thirties and forties who act like they're in their eighties and some seventy-year-olds who would give some forty-year-olds a run for their money. Age is just a number. It's all in your head.”

  When I told my parents, the age difference didn't worry them either. They don't bother about much these days. At that time, I was getting postcards from them with pictures of Mauritius. It's like their life is series of second honeymoons. Maybe it's a good way to live. They seem to like it, but it's not for me. There's no way you could have a garden living like that. A garden needs roots.

  I wanted them to meet Rory but I didn't see how. They had plans for Madagascar after Mauritius and who knew when they'd be back. But that all changed on Valentine's Day.

  That day, Rory and I went for a walk along the beach where we first took Sam and we were asking questions as usual. We’ve always made a game of posing questions and making them as tricky as possible, right from our first date. After a couple of rounds, Rory said he had another question to ask me and that there was a prize for getting it right.

  There was nothing difficult about his “Will you marry me?” question and only one possible answer I could give—Yes! The prize was a beautiful ring—a sapphire, he says matches my eyes, surrounded by diamonds.

  So, my parents are pausing their travels for a few days this summer to attend my wedding. It's just two weeks away now. I'm so excited.

  My friend, Jenny, is delighted for me. She did eventually get herself down here and she and Rory got on like a house on fire. He wore a cardigan as a joke. I'm sure it helped her look at my new situation favorably when a couple of Rory's work mates came across us in the pub and she thought they were equally hot. I don't know how she could think that, though. None of them are as hot as Rory, in my opinion. She'll be able to see the ones who are off duty again when she's chief bridesmaid at my wedding.

  The police apprehended Natalie over the shed incident. The courts were lenient with her but she is now getting proper help at least and thankfully no one was hurt and no real damage was done to the garden or nearby houses. Rory built a beautiful summer house in the garden to replace the shed for Gran and when I liked it so much he built one in our garden too.

  Sam and Sadie are frequent visitors to our house and I love Sadie like a friend and the sister I never had. A month or so ago, Sadie whispered to me that she had met someone. We've been babysitting Sam a few times to let her go out with her new guy Pete, and he's coming to our wedding. I’m so happy for her.

  I'm getting in a bit of a panic right now with all the last-minute stuff to do. But Rory, typical man, is cool as a cucumber about it all.

  “When we come back from our honeymoon,” he tells Sadie, “we'll have Sam stay for a few days and give you a break.”

  “I'd love that,” she says. “Are you sure you don't mind, Anna? You'll still be in just-married mode.”

  “No, we'd love to babysit.” I look at Rory and he nods before I go on. “Because we need all the practice we can get...”

  I leave the sentence hanging, and her eyes grow wide. “You mean you're expecting?”

  Rory laughs. “Yes, you're going to be an aunt.”

  Sadie hugs us both and offers her congratulations.

  And then Rory gathers me up in his arms and makes me feel, as he always does, that I'm the happiest woman in the world.


  Continue on for news of other stories and special deals by Mia…


  More standalone stories in the Fireman Series:

  My Filthy Fireman

  "I can't wait to taste you."

  Olivia - Being carried out of a burning building and yelled at by a fireman – could there be a worse end to a party? Except that the fireman doing the shouting is big, hard, and the sexiest guy ever to hold me in his arms. And when he appears not just in my dreams but right next door, there's no fighting it. He's older and much more experienced, but I have to make him mine -- even if I don't have a clue what I'm doing.

  Luke - I can't believe I moved in next door to the girl from the fire. She's young, beautiful and hot enough to melt the ice cap. With all the ways she tempts me, I don't realize how innocent she is until it's too late and I can't resist. But how can I keep her in my arms and my bed where she belongs when her parents keep trying to break us up?

  Playing with Fire

  “You know what I do to dirty girls...”

  Madilyn - Catching Dad's best friend, Jack, naked in our hall should have been a shock, but it only added fuel to the fire I had for him. Now he's free, I'm free and he's here at my parents' silver anniversary party, looking as hot as the fires he fights. I know Dad won't like it but how can I resist t
he scorching heat between me and my fireman crush? I just hope I don't get burned.

  Jack - You might say I'm playing with fire when I take my best friend's daughter to my room and my bed, but it turns out to be the kind of raging inferno between us that you want to last a lifetime. When her Dad finds out, he'll be mad as all hell fire at me. I have to have her, but how can I fight him for her when I owe him my life?

  Burning for You

  "That's not your real punishment. That comes later. If you're good.”

  Gemma - I think I'm in safe hands when my best friend Katie's dad, firefighter Ben Clark, pulls me out of a car wreck. But when I see him later out of his uniform, and later still out of his clothes, safe is the last thing he is. He's hot, he's single and he wants me. And I want him right back. The passion and heat between us is enough to melt the snow at Christmas. But Katie and her mother are set on bringing back the past and I'm standing right in their way.

  Ben - I should stay far away from my daughter Katie's friend, Gemma, but one touch at a family party and I can't resist. I want to kiss her, hold her, love her, and make her mine. And when I do, there's no turning back. But how can I convince her that her future is with me when her family and mine are against everything we have?

  More from Mia – the recent releases you may have missed:

  Vexing Victor (The Adamos Book 4)

  A Day and Forever

  Bossy Valentine

  Check out Mia’s Amazon author page for the complete list of titles


  In the mood for something decadent, delicious, and provocative? Meet Mia Madison, purveyor of Forbidden Fantasies Romance. Come in, sit back, and relax. The candles are lit, and the dancing shadows on the wall promise sexy, seductive tales of spine-tingling love, leading to a pleasure-drenched happy-ever-after.


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