A Change For the Light
Page 2
Ang was walking slowly, almost at the Inn, not really wanting to go inside when chaos erupted around him "get down boy!"
The Bard had appeared out of nowhere and had shoved him to the ground, he was just going to get up and ask what was happening when something sizzled past him and the Bard sang a song in full voice, her rich tones producing vibrations that shook Ang.
Suddenly her sword discharged a bolt of light that shot down the street.
Rolling over he saw what the Bard had shot at, a man on horseback, who seemed to be reeling as if hurt; no not a man, a creature on something that looked like a horse.
"Get behind me!" Sera shouted, Ang jumped up and moved quickly behind the Bard. For some reason Ang couldn’t fathom he wasn’t terrified, scared yes, but not about to bolt.
Sera started singing and moving her sword in a circle, suddenly she stopped, her voice silent, but something had happened and she pointed at the creature with her sword, lightning shot from the sky and after the glare had cleared from Ang's eyes he saw the creature had been destroyed.
Sera sagged to the ground totally exhausted just as people realising it was over came out of the Inn to see what the commotion was. On any other occasion, Sera would have been amused if she were not so tired. Seeing these men in oddments of armour and carrying a variety of weapons and kitchen implements was a remarkable sight.
Singing a quick prayer of healing and thanks which restored some energy to her Sera got up and turned to see the Innkeeper advancing on his son with murder in his eyes "This is your fault you good for nothing!"
Sera walked over to the Innkeeper and swung him around "What do you think you are doing?" she demanded. This time the Innkeeper, who looked as if he drank some of his stock did not back down "this is none of your business Bard!" he spat "I will deal with my son how I feel fit!"
Sera grabbed him by the apron. "Now listen to me fool" she said in a quiet and deadly voice "that was a Red Hunter I just killed, you know what that means?" the Innkeeper blanched.
Sera felt a perverse satisfaction. "I see you do. I will tell you something else as well you stupid man, for some inescapable reason your son has been chosen to serve the Goddess, so he's hers now!"
Now confusion showed on his face. "My son? He cannot serve the Goddess he's a man."
"Are you questioning the will of the Goddess?" He shook his head vehemently. "No, it's just," Sera turned to Ang and said in a different voice, "you'd better come with me, we have to talk."
Ang followed Sera into the Inn and upstairs to her room.
"Sit down. Now I had not planned to tell you this way but events forced my hand. A Red Hunter has not been seen this far north for centuries, so obviously you've gained the attention of the Unnamed one. It was thought the few Red Hunters who survived were unfocused but this one was obviously after you, you create even more puzzles to solve.
Whatever your destiny is, someone or something must fear you and I must get you to the Temple of Light as quickly as possible for your own and the Light's safety."
Ang sat there, thoughts racing through his mind, "why me? I thought only girls were nominated by the Goddess."
Sera got up and looked out of the window.
"That is what I thought too, but evidently you are special, the Goddess doesn't make mistakes. Enough musing we cannot delay any longer here, we must be off, luckily we are only a days ride from the Temple so if we ride hard we can be there by dawn tomorrow, OK?"
Ang stood up and broke out in a cheeky grin, "OK."
Sera went downstairs and walked over to the Innkeeper.
"We need a horse for Ang," the Innkeeper looked up, "a horse, I do not have a horse to spare he will have to ride sat behind you."
This was beginning to pall, she gave the Innkeeper a disgusted look. "Never mind, I will see to it myself, at least Ang will have a better life coming with me than living here with a bully like you! Come along Ang."
She had regretted losing her temper, but that man, well; words failed her.
Once outside the Inn Sera took a deep breath. "Where's the Blacksmith?"
Ang pointed down the street. "Down there, old Horace is a good man."
It did not take long to purchase a serviceable horse and within the hour they were flying down roads farther than Ang had ever been before, with the wind whipping in their faces talking was not possible without shouting so Ang just clung on, following Sera's lead.
They stopped once to give the horses a rest, Sera had called in at the baker's and while a small fire was started they shared sweet pastries, it made Ang feel a lot better as he had never rode so hard before. Looking at the Bard, he could see her staring at him.
"I suppose I must be a problem for you."
Sera was not expecting him to talk as he seemed so timid, she jumped slightly when he did. "No, not at all, you are just a surprise, that's all, it never happened before."
From the dejected look of Ang she thought he was on the receiving end of a lot of mental cruelty, she was glad whatever happened she had gotten him out of there.
"Do not worry" a smile lightning her face in the firelight. "It will be fine, now, we will kill the fire and be on our way again."
Chapter 2
By dawn they could see a large town in the distance, Ang was surprised when they turned off about half a mile from the town down a broad leafy lane which twisted and turned for the better part of an hour before Sera suddenly pulled up.
"The temple is around the next bend I want you to wait here for me, I will not be long."
Before Ang could say anything to Sera she had spurred her horse and was gone, Ang got down to stretch and have a good look around.
Sera shot through the temple gate and dismounted quickly, she headed straight for the office of the Abbess of the temple and after first saying her devotions at the altar knocked on the Abbesses door.
"Come in."
The Abbess was in charge of all aspects of the temple including training of the newly chosen, but Sera looked on her as an elder sister as she was the one who'd found her on search.
"Ah, Sera, so you've come back to us, did you find any Nominated?"
Sera took a deep breath, "yes Mother Abbess I did,” the Abbess frowned, "well where is she, you did not leave her outside did you daughter?"
Sera looked the Abbess in the eye, "yes Mother I did, I left HIM just at the last bend on the road." The Abbesses eyes widened,
"Him! are you telling me the chosen you have brought is a man?” Sera took a calming breath.
"Yes Mother I am, I thought it wise not to bring him straight in until you had a chance to see him".
The Abbess crossed round her desk, “yes Daughter by all means lets go to him."
They left the office and walked out of the temple and up the road; Ang was sitting on the verge looking into the trees.
"Ang? this is the Mother Abbess."
Ang turned round to see a grey haired woman dressed similar to Sara staring at him, "well, well, well, so this is our latest Nominated one, stand up young man let me look at you."
Ang stood up and tried to look the Abbess in the eye, he thought he caught an approving gleam in her eyes, but no, it was probably just his imagination.
"Well Ang, I am pleased to meet you but you do present a problem.”
Ang sighed, "yes I can see that."
The Abbess shook herself; the complex harmonies definitely showed his calling.
"No matter, the Goddess chose you and that is enough for me, you aren't the only new Nominated, two girls came over the past week so you can all do your initiation together."
"My initiation? What does that entail?"
Sera turned round to look at Ang.
"You will be told at the appropriate time, just because your not female doesn't mean any difference in treatment novice! We will now go to the temple."
The Abbess and Sera started walking down the road; Ang took the reins of his horse and walked behind them.
Once round the
last stand of trees Ang saw the temple for the first time, it was the biggest building Ang had ever seen, although in real terms it was not out of the ordinary.
He had heard stories about how big the temple was and was slightly surprised it was not bigger, they walked through the gate and nodded to the sentry who was on duty.
Silently Ang followed but the sentry barred his path.
"Where do you think you are going?"
The Abbess turned, "it's alright, let him through this is our latest Nominated."
Ang walked past the dumbstruck guard and into the main courtyard. "Come with me Ang" Sera said gently "and we will get you settled in."
Ang followed Sera down a flight of stairs, which obviously made the rooms underground. "Excuse me, are the dormitories underground?"
"Yes, most of the temple is underground for safety and other reasons."
Ang did not press it further he was still smarting from the stinging rebuke over his last question and simply followed Sera into a dormitory where two girls were sat chatting on their bunks.
The dormitory consisted of rows of bunk beds down each side, being underground there was a slightly smoky tinge to the air from the torches on the walls but Ang could see the holes in the ceiling which he presumed carried most of the smoke away. Sera walked up to them, "you must be Allia and Bria, I am one of your sponsors my name is Sera, this is Ang, also a newly nominated."
The girls looked shocked for a moment but managed to mumble hello.
"Ang we will put you at the far end of the dormitory for tonight, you will all get your own rooms tomorrow after your initiation."
Ang put his pack down on a far bunk and turned to see Sera walking out of the door, he walked over to the two girls who were staring at him.
"Hello" he said, a quiver in his voice.
"Hi, I did not think men were nominated for the Goddess's service,” said the girl Sera had addressed as Allia.
Ang shrugged "I did not either but Sera told me I was."
Allia stood up, "Well it's almost time for evening prayers and the night meal, and you had better wash up."
With a nod he went in the direction they pointed and had a good wash, he came out just as they were leaving and followed them down a corridor to a small chapel, it's walls lined with statues of what Ang presumed to be former Bards and at the far end an altar and lectern, behind the altar an image of the Goddess in crystal, lit from behind showing a myriad of colours.
The prayers were led by a Bard Ang did not know, and then they all went to a room further down the corridor that had tables of different sizes and shapes.
Allia indicated a seat next to her at a small table and Ang stood behind it.
The Abbess entered from another door and went to the high table at the far end, five Bards joined her, and other people took their places at tables in between.
The Abbess called the blessings of the Goddess on their meal and sat down followed by everyone else. Ang tucked into his meal not realising how hungry he was, A thick vegetable soup was followed by slices of meat in a rich dark gravy with green roots and wild succulent mushrooms, a desert of apple cobbler followed but as he ate he noticed that a lot of people were staring at him.
At the end of the meal the Abbess stood up and rapped on the table, "I know a lot of you have been staring at the young man at the novices table, and yes he has been nominated by the Goddess as you can see, I know this has never happened before but I ask you to treat him the same of any of our Sisters, he has been called the same as we were."
Sera walked over to the novices and spoke to all of them. "Tomorrow you will undergo your rite of initiation so off to bed with you, in the morning I will come for you, to help you prepare and tell you what the rite will be."
Ang sat on his bed and waited for the two girls to finish in the washroom getting ready for bed, when they came out as they passed in front of a torch their bodies were silhouetted under their nightshifts, Ang felt a moment of envy, what is happening to me?
Getting to sleep that night was not easy, but Ang eventually fell asleep, his dreams were filled with strange creatures battling with him, but not him at the same time, he awoke feeling calm but puzzled.
After washing and dressing Sera appeared and led the three of them to a small room, another Bard was waiting for them, "This is Illia, and she is also one of your sponsors. Allia already knows her, as she was the one who found her on search. Now the rite you are about to take part in is really a joining between you and the Goddess, she will indicate what type of Bard you will be.
There are four possible outcomes and when you come out of the rite you will be marked between your breasts or in Ang case, chest with the goddess's star."
Sera unbuttoned her tunic and showed them the blue star between her breasts, Ang blushed.
"I am a Blue Bard, the Blue Bards are the foot soldiers of the Goddess, and we stand ready to fight any creature of Evil."
Illia undid her tunic and showed them the green star there.
"I am a Green Bard, we are the healers who tend to others in wars with evil." Sera fastened her tunic. "There are also two other types of Bard Grey Bards who watch for any movement of Evil in the land and White Bards who weald the high magics to confront the evil deities like the Unnamed One himself."
The nervous look on the faces of the three novices brought a chuckle from Sera.
"There has not been a White Bard for over a thousand years so do not start worrying, whatever the Goddess reveals, and you know you can trust that she is never wrong. Now put these robes on that are on the pegs behind you and go through the door over there."
The three of them got changed into the simple white robes quickly and quietly and went through the door.
Through the door was a spiral staircase, they descended it carefully as the few torches on the wall did not light the stairs well once they had descended they were met by Sera, Illia and a Bard Ang did not recognise.
They were dressed in formal Bard uniform and the grey everyday uniform they had seen did not contain all the silver and gold thread which seemed to make these clothes shimmer in the torch light. They went through a door and Ang could hear the rush of water, when his eyes had gotten used to the dim light given off by two torches on each wall he could see it was a sort of tunnel with what seemed like a waterfall right at the end.
The water ran into the ground and patterns of light swirled within giving off small rainbows as they got nearer to it.
The Bard who had not introduced herself and Bria approached the waterfall. Then she put one hand on Bria's shoulder and whispered in Bria's ear, Bria walked into the waterfall.
Illia and Allia did the same then Sera Guided Ang to the edge of the waterfall.
Ang noticed the waterfall made a complex weaving of harmonies and he was transfixed for a moment by the sound, Sera put a hand on his shoulder and whispered in his ear
"Within this waterfall lies your destiny, go forward and meet your Goddess."
Ang seemed surrounded by a power as he walked into the waterfall, he was enveloped by a light warm feeling and a voice said "be welcome my child, know that I have awaited your birth for a thousand years, take from me now my gift of your true life as it was meant to be, go forward and take your place among my beloved daughters as it was meant to be."
Ang was filled with a power and felt tremendous peace, things were happening to his body as he looked down he could see his robe had disappeared he could see his body reshaping itself his hips widened he could feel his Manhood disappear and two ample but perfect breasts start to grow, then a blinding white light obliterated all sight and sound, except the musical harmonies deep within his mind and soul.
He stepped forward and out of the waterfall to the other side.
As soon as he got his bearings he realised the three of them were standing together clothed in Bard dress uniform.
Ang felt strange a sort of calm had descended on him, everything felt right as if something that was out of joint had
snapped back into place, he could have shouted at the top of his voice how happy he was, everything was as it should be.
The Mother Abbess called them forward one at a time.
"You have been chosen by the Goddess, declare your star for all your sisters to see."
Bria stood forward turned and undid her tunic, between her breasts was a little Green Star, a Bard walked forward and embraced Bria.
"Be welcome to the order of the Green, I am Illia the senior sister in charge of the Greens, welcome."
Next, Allia stood forward, Ang noticed that there seemed to be a light in the space where Allia stood making everything visible.
Ang was stood still in the half gloom of a single torch and no one was really looking at him.
The Mother Abbess repeated what she had said and Allia undid her tunic, in between her breasts was a little Blue Star.
Sera walked forward and hugged her.
"Be welcome to the order of the Blue, I am Sera the senior sister in charge of the Blues, welcome."
Ang walked forward and noticed the Mother Abbess and Sera looking intently at him, the Mother Abbess looked at him.
"This is the first time in our history a man has been nominated, declare your star for all your sisters to see."
Ang undid his tunic and stopped, he look down and there was a little White Star between his two perfect breasts, it all came back to him what had happened, there was a gasp from the Mother Abbess and assembled Bards.
The Mother Abbess and Sera guided Ang by the hand to a little room; Illia followed them in and closed the door.
"My child, I know this is confusing to you, I want Illia to examine you, Sera and I will wait outside."
Illia approached Ang. "Do not worry, lets just check a few things shall we? Lets see what the Goddess gave you" and with a reassuring smile helped Ang take off his clothes.
During the examination Ang was bursting with questions, he finally got up the courage to speak.
"Am I totally Female? Inside as well as out?"
Illia gave him a measured look, "Internally, I shall have to use magic, do you consent?”