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Set Desire

Page 3

by April Fire

  “Is that her…?” I was sure I heard in the gossipy din.

  “Can we talk?” he asked me in a low voice that I could barely hear above the music as he leaned in to whisper into my ear.

  “You’re the last person I want to talk to right now,” I told him as I pulled away from him so I could glare into his face. From the look of shock on his handsome features I could tell that he wasn’t used to being turned down by women. He opened his mouth to speak, yet he clearly had no idea what to say and I slipped past him, shoving him out of the way with my shoulder.

  “I am so sorry about her, Mr. Hollywood,” I heard Carlie apologize behind me. If I hadn’t been so determined to get away from him I might have turned on her and demanded that she not fight my battles for me. I didn’t need my best friend to smooth things over for me, especially when I didn’t want things to be smoothed over between me and the biggest ass I’d met in a long time.

  I barged my way into the restroom and the door clattered shut behind me. I was sure that would give everyone even more to gossip about, but the truth was I didn’t care. I just wanted to be away from the hum of their chatter and the burning sensation their eyes caused on my skin as I could feel them all watching me.

  I knew they were waiting for me to have another slip up, to see first-hand the kind of thing that had happened on the set that afternoon, but I wasn’t going to give them the satisfaction, and I certainly wasn’t going to let that sort of thing get back to Fred. My career would surely be done for then.

  I headed for the safety of one of the cubicles and locked the door behind me, knowing that in a few moments Carlie, would surely follow me in. She always followed me when she knew I was upset.

  When I heard the restroom door open I was shocked to hear a male voice hit my ears, “Julia, you in here?”

  Of course you know I’m in here, I thought angrily to myself, You just saw me damn well come in here!

  I remained silent as I heard Dean’s feet slapping on the tiles around the restroom. Damn, even his footsteps were annoying. I gritted my teeth and dropped down onto the toilet, lifting my feet up off the floor, knowing that he was probably looking under the stall doors.

  When he stopped outside my stall, I could see his shadow coming under the door and I held my breath.

  “I know you’re in there, Julia,” he told me and I bit the inside of my cheek a little too hard.

  “You shouldn’t be in here! Get out!” I yelled at him, “I need to use the bathroom and I can’t do that with you in here!”

  “You don’t need to use the bathroom, Julia,” Dean said in such a pointed way that I wanted to slap the knowing look right off his face. I couldn’t see him but I knew it was there. I knew the smugness would be spread all over his face.

  “How the hell would you know?” I asked as I stood and stormed out of the stall, shoving Dean back with the door.

  I’ll have to admit, I was quite proud of the shocked look that spread across Dean’s face when he saw me coming right at him. It was only there for a moment though, before he slipped back into his mask of charm. I’d managed to break his facade though, and that was good enough for me.

  “You were staring at me for about five minutes before you decided to storm in here,” he shrugged, “You know… It’s hard for me to handle all the gossip too. I’d love to be able to just come and hide in here until things blew over, but I’d probably be followed in.”

  “Nobody has followed you in now,” I pointed, gesturing to the door.

  “That’s because I asked Eddie to stand watch for me,” he told me.

  “Who the hell is Eddie?”

  “Eddie Grange. You know, big shot film actor. Some might even say he’s bigger than me, but I beg to differ,” Dean laughed. The way he pulled at the front of his shirt with the last part of the sentence made me want to puke.

  “You know being so big headed really isn’t attractive,” I told him with a shake of my head. I was trying not to think about the fact that everybody in the bar had probably just seen him follow me into the bathroom, not to mention the fact that his buddy was standing like a guard dog on the other side of the door barring anyone from entering. I could only imagine the kind of wild-fire gossip that would spread now. I knew from experience that my best friend would be doing her best at damage control, but something like this couldn’t be put out by one woman.

  “What the hell is your problem?” Dean asked. He looked taken aback, clearly not used to being called unattractive. A part of me wanted to say that I was sorry and that I hadn’t meant it. Of course he was seriously attractive. All he had to do was raise one eyebrow and my insides melted away, but I was just too angry about what happened on set. He wasn’t going to change my opinion of him so easily.

  “My problem? What the hell is your problem? You think just because you’re some big-shot you can talk down to me like I’m six inches tall? Make me feel like the biggest failure in the business? I’m sure you had plenty of fuck ups when you first started,” I snapped at him. His lips twitched uncomfortably; I’d clearly hit a nerve. I suddenly found myself wondering what kind of things he’d gone through when he first started out in the business. Of course I knew what the press had leaked, but there was always more to the story. I knew that from personal experience.

  “So, because you’re new to the business you’re expecting me to put in all the work so you can build your career off my back?”

  That was the last thing anybody should have said to somebody like me. I would never use somebody else to further my own career. I worked damn hard.

  “How dare you?” I yelled at him. I couldn’t control the anger then. If I had been a more violent woman I might have slapped him. I was sure that he’d gotten a few of those. I’d seen the article ‘21 Times Dean Hollywood’s Dates Backfired’. Each one had been highlighted with a picture of a slap or a drink being thrown. He certainly got around a lot. Maybe that was another thing I just didn’t like about him, “You’re just like all the rest of them!”

  I’d met his kind before. The kind that thought because they were good looking and had made it to the top of the ladder that they could treat everyone else like shit. I wasn’t afraid to tell him what he was, “You’re a pompous, arrogant jerk and I’ve had enough of this conversation.”

  With that, I turned and stormed from the room only to find myself slamming right into a brick wall of a man. I bounced right off his back and found myself flying backwards uncontrollably. A moment later I felt arms wrap under my armpits and glanced up to see Dean staring down at me, “At least let me buy you a drink?” he asked.

  I knew his game. He wanted to liquor me up and take me back to his trailer to see if he could butter me up and turn me into another of his mindless drones.

  No thank you, buddy! I thought as I pulled myself out of his arms and shoved his friend out of the way.

  “Come on, Julia, don’t be such a spoil sport!” he called after me as I headed to exit the club. I heard Charlie’s heels clicking on the floor behind me but I didn’t slow down, I raced for the door until the cool air outside hit me.


  Chapter Six


  My god, that woman infuriated me. Eddie chuckled to himself - he could clearly see from my face that it had not gone well. I’d love to smack that smug smirk right off his face right now. I was already wound up and the last thing I needed was for him to start.

  “I take it that it didn’t go too well?” Eddie asked as he handed me the drink I’d shoved into his hand before following Julia into the bathroom. I could feel everyone around us already watching me. Their eyes had turned on me the moment I caught Julia in the doorway. I knew what they were talking about. They were talking about me arguing with my latest lover. Of course that would be fine, had their information been correct, but the truth was Julia and I would never be lovers. She was far too difficult for that.

  Yet, as she stormed out of the building, I couldn’t help but watch her go. The way her bu
tt bounced as she walked with such determination… I couldn’t help but feel my cock harden. Even angry she was beautiful, anyone could see that.

  “What do you think?” I glared at Eddie before upending my drink down my throat. I winced and gagged at the way the hard liquor hit the back of my throat but I swallowed anyway. I needed to forget today’s events and there was only one thing for that. Marie hadn’t been enough to calm my mind, so alcohol would have to take over. “Let’s go to the VIP area. I’m tired of mingling.”

  Before Eddie could say a word, I turned and began to head to the part of the club that was cordoned off for men and women like myself. A security guard unhooked the velvet rope that separated those who had ‘made it’ from those that hadn’t. The moment I slipped through that gap in the rope I began to feel a little more like myself. I dropped down into one of the leather chairs and closed my eyes for a moment.

  I realized I could still see Julia’s angry eyes blazing back at me. For the life of me I couldn’t think of what I had done to get under her skin. That was until I thought of how I’d acted on set. I instantly regretted being the kind of man who was so used to keeping people at arm’s length. I remembered how I’d snapped at her and told Fred that I needed a new co-star and I suddenly thought of the first movie I’d worked on and how the lead in that film had treated me just the same.

  I still hated him to this day. Of course I’d gotten back at him a few years later when we’d auditioned for the same role and I’d stolen it out from under him. I smiled for a moment at that memory, until I suddenly realized something - I am expendable.

  If I didn’t manage to fix things between me and Julia, sure I was the star of the show, but they might just like her more. Even with all the money I had in the bank I couldn’t afford to risk ending my entire career over a new actress.

  I guess it’s time to turn the charm up a notch, I thought to myself as I felt Eddie slip another drink into my hand.

  “Those two hotties have been eyeing us up since the minute we walked in,” Eddie told me as he dropped down into the chair beside me and gestured towards the bar, “Maybe we should invite them over here.”

  “Sure, you go ahead, I think I’m fine alone for the rest of the night,” I replied. I was met with silence and a gaping look of shock on Eddie’s face.

  “Dean Hollywood turning down the company of a beautiful woman?” he gasped with obvious shock, “I never thought I’d see the day. What the hell did that girl do to you in there? Did she castrate you or something? Do you need medical attention?”

  “I’m fine,” I assured my friend with a shake of my head, “I’m just not really in the mood for giggling, screaming women right now.”

  “My god man, I need to find you your balls!” Eddie jumped up from his seat again and waved over the two women he’d been talking about. They giggled as they wandered over to the security guard and, with a nod from Eddie, they were let through the rope.

  “Now ladies,” Eddie wrapped his arms around both their shoulders and pulled them in tight, “I was hoping that the two of you might be able to help me cheer my friend up. He’s had a bit of a rough day. Trouble with the ladies, you see.”

  God damn it Eddie! I thought as I gritted my teeth. One of the women was more than glad to come and slip onto the arm of my chair and wrap her arms around my neck. I had to admit, she was attractive, although her face was caked in makeup and I simply didn’t like that.

  “What’s wrong, sweetheart?” she asked me, the scent of alcohol lingering on her breath.

  “Nothing,” I told her as I unwrapped her arms from around my neck and slid out from the chair to stand up, “I’m sure that Eddie could do with just as much attention as me. Why don’t the two of you share him. I’m sure that would make a good story for your friends.”

  “Where are you going?” Eddie asked as he gripped hold of my forearm, barring me from leaving the VIP area.

  “I think I’m just going to head home,” I told him, “I’ve got an early start tomorrow, especially with the schedule being set back after the mishap today. I’m going to need my beauty sleep.”

  “That’s what hair and makeup are for,” Eddie gawked at me as though he couldn’t believe what he was hearing. I almost couldn’t believe myself either. I’d never left a party early before.

  Eddie’s right. She’s fucked me the hell up.


  Chapter Seven


  Warm hands slipped over my tender flesh and I felt fingers grip my breasts until my nipples began to harden into his palms. I laid back in bed with my eyes closed as the hard, muscular masculine body leaned over my own and I felt lips press firmly against mine. The heat of his body against my own was enough to send a buzzing desire burning through my body and I reached up to take his face in my hands.

  When he pulled away slightly I opened my eyes to see the gray irises of Dean staring back at me. My heart fluttered into my throat and I gaped in amazement. I wasn’t sure how I’d gotten into Dean’s bed but I wasn’t going to knock it. The way my entire body tingled in reaction to his touch was enough to wipe away the anger of yesterday and I found myself pulling his face back down to my own as he slipped between my thighs. I opened my legs willingly to him and gasped as he entered me. His size overwhelmed me and I felt myself melting into him.

  I gasped as I suddenly sat bolt upright in bed. It was still dark and I found it hard to see but I was definitely alone in my king sized bed. I glanced around wondering whether I had missed something. As far as I knew I hadn’t drunk enough alcohol to completely wipe my brain of how the hell I’d fallen into bed.

  The last thing I remember was storming out of the club and climbing into a cab. I had no recollection of actually getting back to the hotel, or climbing into bed. It must have been the anger that led me to forget everything after that, or perhaps the fact that I couldn’t get Dean’s smug face off my mind.

  But when I flicked on the bedside lamp I saw instantly that I was alone and a little part of me was disappointed. Perhaps if I had fallen into bed with Dean last night things on set might have been a little easier this morning.

  I can’t believe you’re even considering sleeping with a co-star just to make filming less awkward! I thought to myself as I slipped from my bed and hobbled toward the mini-fridge to grab myself a bottle of water. My throat was as dry as the Sahara desert.

  There was a knock on the door. It was a quiet knock, but it still startled me, and I almost dropped the bottle onto the floor. Leaning against the wall, I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and steadied my nerves before I headed over to the door and pulled it open.

  I gaped in amazement as I found Dean standing on the other side. “What are you doing here?”

  “Couldn’t sleep. I’ve been pacing up and down the hallway for an hour. I saw the light on under the door. I was hoping maybe we could talk. Are you alone?” Dean explained and I instantly felt my hackles go up again.

  “Of course I’m alone. I don’t just fall into bed with anybody,” I snapped back. I felt my cheeks redden as the dream I’d just had about him slid back into my head. I bit the inside of my lip, determined never to utter a word about that dream to anyone. I could never let that one slip. Dean’s head would only swell another inch or two if he knew.

  “That wasn’t what I was saying,” Dean shook his head. The way his face tensed told me he was trying his hardest not to snap back at me. “Can I come in or not?”

  “Just as long as you don’t go trying anything!”

  “You made it perfectly clear in the club that you aren’t like any of the other women I’ve worked with,” Dean assured me, “besides, I make it a rule not sleep with co-stars.”

  I suddenly remembered something a couple of years ago in the newspapers - something about how he’d been caught in bed with an older co-star. I couldn’t help but ask, “so, what was Carol?”

  “She was the mistake that led me to make that rule,” Dean replied. He slipped into my room
, causing me to step backwards as he clicked the door shut behind him. I was suddenly all too aware of just how small my room really was as I found myself stumbling backwards onto the sofa just to put a little distance between us.


  Chapter Eight


  “So… what are we going to do about all this?” I asked as Julia stood in front of me with her arms crossed over her chest. I couldn’t help but notice the skimpy silk number she was wearing. She clearly liked to be comfortable in bed, yet I couldn’t help but wonder why anybody would wear such racy lingerie with nobody to share it with.

  “What are we going to do about what?” she scowled at me and the way her eyes burrowed into me made me frustrated, “You’re the one with the problem.”

  “How am I the one with the problem? You’re the one who doesn’t know how to...” I bit back on what I had been about to say. I had been about to tell her that she was the one who couldn’t act - but I knew that wasn’t true. I made a rule of watching the movies of my co-stars and, although she was still fairly new to the business, Julia was definitely a decent actress. Granted, she wasn’t anywhere near my level yet but she was getting there.

  “I’m the one that what?” her eyes darkened further. Damn, she was hot when she got angry. I found myself imagining what it would be like to have sex with her. She brought an obvious passion to everything she did on set, and I’m sure she was a hellcat in the sack. I got lost in my mind, imagining her fiery-red hair flinging across my face…

  “Nothing,” I shook my head. I could already imagine how pissed she’d be if she knew what I had been about to say.

  “Tell me!” she yelled. I struggled to keep my cool as my hands trembled slightly at my sides. I really didn’t like being yelled at, not at the best of times, and definitely not now, not while I was feeling so drawn towards her. I found myself glancing at her plush, red lips and the way the corner of her mouth twitched with frustration. I imagined grabbing hold of her and planting a kiss on those fleshy cushions. My cock hardened as I suddenly wondered what it would be like to kiss her other lips. I closed my eyes for a second as I imagined just how sweet a rose like her would taste.


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