The Pirate Queen
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My friends in Tromsø, Norway, Ragnhild Nilstun and Øystein Aspaas, were convivial hosts and Ragnhild has been a keen reader as well. I thank her especially for first pointing me in the direction of Trouser-Beret. Gerd Brantenberg opened her home to me with good humor and kindness. Lars Børge Myklevoll of the Arran Center in Drag, Norway contributed to my knowledge of Trouser-Beret and her place in Sami history. But for Hilgunn Pedersen and her help, I would never have been able to write about her ancestor. I would also like to thank Norwegian Coastal Steamer, Inc.
The Seattle Arts Commission helped jump-start this project and I thank them. I am also grateful to the trustees of Brisons Veor, the writers’ retreat at Cape Cornwell where I first read about women pirates and began dreaming about Grace O’Malley. Parts of this book were written at Soapstone, a writers’ retreat in Oregon, and at the Baltic Writers and Translators Centre in Visby, Gotland. I am grateful for the time and space they offered.
Nancy Pollak, the Canadian friend with whom I almost met a watery end in the Inside Passage, encouraged me greatly in her readings of the manuscript in different stages. I also appreciate the support and comments of Jeanne Barrett, Judith Barrington, Betsy Howell, Rachel Lodge, Brenda Peterson, Louise Quayle, and Anna Wingfield. Tere Carranza contributed in many essential ways to the journey that was the basis for this book. Katherine Hanson was a resource, as always, regarding Scandinavia, and I thank her for many interesting conversations regarding Norns and the Norse pantheon of gods and goddesses.
I’d also like to thank Jennie Goode for graceful copyediting and heroic fact-checking, and Jenna Land Free for assistance with tracking down illustration permissions. I’m grateful to Suzanne Service for her maps and Patrick David Barber for book design and cover. To my niece, Jennifer Wilson, many thanks for designing the website To Ingrid Emerick, my editor at Seal, great thanks for enthusiasm and vision.
BARBARA SJOHOLM is the editor of the anthology Steady As She Goes: Women’s Adventures at Sea. Her essays and travel narratives have appeared in the American Scholar, the New York Times, Smithsonian, and As Barbara Wilson, she is the author of numerous books, including the award-winning memoir Blue Windows: A Christian Science Childhood, and Gaudí Afternoon, which won a British Crime Writers Award for best thriller set in Europe, and was filmed in Barcelona by Susan Seidelman. She has translated several books from Norwegian and was awarded a Columbia Translation Prize for her work on Cora Sandel’s short stories. She lives in Seattle.
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