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Dear Gabby

Page 4

by Mary Suzanne

  "I won't keep you__” Her words trailed off into silence as she watched him walk away.

  She made her way toward her office, suddenly feeling sad at the tenseness Marty felt around her. Gabby had a feeling her words hurt him. As long as he hadn't known what her feelings were toward him, she figured this gave him hope that someday she may care for him. Shrugging her shoulders, she entered her office.

  Emma followed close behind her, all bubbly and talkative over what she had done over the weekend. "I see by your smile, you've fixed everything with Cole Powers,” she said, watching Gabby's features.

  "Yes, he's dropping the lawsuit, so that's a load off my mind.”

  "Did he make a pass at you after dinner?" She grinned mischievously. "The evening wouldn't be complete if that handsome devil didn't try something."

  Gabby didn't know what to say to the inquisitive Emma. She didn't feel like going into her personal affairs with her, but she hated to lie to her. She quickly decided one white lie wouldn't hurt anyone. "No, we had a pleasant evening and he took me home."

  "What a shame he wasted an entire night,” she clucked. “If I had been in your place, I'd have made the first pass." She chuckled and Gabby couldn't help laughing along with her.

  "I believe you would have, too.”

  The phone rang on Emma's desk, ending her third degree on Gabby's weekend. Gabby sighed softly and picked up her mail that needed answering by that evening. As she sorted through each letter, her thoughts drifted to Cole, wondering what he was doing. Shaking her head to rid it of thoughts of Cole, she concentrated on the answers for her column that day.


  Right after lunch, she returned to the office and the first thing she saw were flowers propped up on her desk. Gabby walked over and lifted a card from the green tissue paper surrounding the long stemmed red roses. The only thing on the card was a vague note stating the blooms were for someone special.

  She wondered if Marty had sent them, but on his budget, the possibility wasn't likely. Cole might have, but what would his reason be?

  She sat at her desk, with the card still clutched in her hand. Looking at it again, she made sure it was her name on the front of the card. They had put her entire name on the small, white envelope, instead of addressing it to Gabby.

  Emma walked through the door and caught the confused expression lining Gabby's face. "Who are those from?" Leaning down, she breathed in the sweet smell of the petals.

  "I don't really know." Gabby lifted her shoulders with a slight shrug.

  "What does the card say?" Emma reached for the card. "They're certainly for you, and it looks as if someone thinks you're really special. Do you have any idea what a dozen red roses sell for at the florist? A pretty penny these days."

  "I know Marty couldn't afford them on his budget, so that leaves me in the dark over the sender.”

  "It could be Cole Powers. There isn’t anyone else in the city that you know.”

  Gabby knew in her heart that Emma had to be right. She didn't know anyone in the city, besides the people she worked with at the office. In fact, she didn't even know her next-door neighbor and she had been living near the elderly woman for six months. She must have made some kind of impression on him if he had taken the time to order such a lovely bouquet.

  "Oh, well, whoever it was, I'm sure not going to find out today.”

  Gabby pulled open the bottom drawer of her desk, removed a vase, and filled it with water. She arranged the sweet scented blooms before deciding she had to get busy with her work.

  "Before I forget, Emma, I may have to be off next week.”

  "Oh, what's up?" Emma glanced across at Gabby curiously.

  "I'm going on a special assignment for Joe and it may require a few extra days. He said you could handle my column until I get back."

  "What sort of assignment?" Gabby expected Emma's next question before she asked it. Emma always felt she needed to know everything happening at the newspaper.

  "Joe wants to keep this assignment hush-hush," she explained, dropping her gaze to the papers in front of her, feeling guilty at having to lie to Emma.

  "Well, it must be an important one,” she said frowning, with a look of disappointment covering her features over not being let in on it.

  "It is," she answered, dropping the subject and getting back to her work.


  Later that evening, Gabby phoned her mother and asked how she was feeling. After her mother reassuring her that she was fine and didn't need anything, Gabby explained she would be out of town the following weekend and possibly the next week.

  "Be careful, dear. You know how I worry about you living alone in that big city and now you have to make a trip. There are so many things that could happen to a young woman."

  "I'm always careful, Mom, so you don't have to worry. I’ll drive home to visit in about two or three weeks."

  "I can't wait to see you. Call me when you get back from your trip. I want to make sure you made it safe. Oh, by the way, where are you going?"

  "I’m flying to California to help Joe out," Gabby didn’t go into any further explanation. “I’ll be sure and call you later in the week.” Gabby gently replaced the receiver.

  She headed for the shower and after finishing, she slipped on her pajamas and walked into the living room. She picked up a magazine to read and heard the doorbell ring. Padding across the room in her bare feet, she couldn’t believe who was on her doorstep.

  "Cole? I didn't expect anyone to stop by tonight." She glanced down at her frilly pajamas that made her look like a little girl. Gabby realized he was still standing in the hallway gazing in at her.

  "Come in.” She quickly moved backward across the hall. "I'll be back as soon as I get my robe."

  Before she could put any distance between them, he placed his hand on her arm, stopping her. "You don't have to do that for me.” His glance took in every inch of the silky nightwear.

  "Did you come by to tell me when our flight is scheduled?" She dropped her gaze to his suit and made the loosened tie her focal point of interest. It looked as if he had just been out to dinner, judging by how he was dressed. Visions of the blonde-haired woman filled her thoughts and Gabby suddenly felt an unexplained anger rise in her.

  "No, I came by to see if you wanted to grab a bite to eat with me.”

  Her spirits lifted at his words. He hadn't been with the blonde to dinner, and a smile formed across her lips. "I'm not dressed to go anywhere."

  "Why don't you put on a pair of jeans and a sweater?" He moved into the living room.

  Gabby closed the door and leaned against it. "But you're dressed in a suit and tie. Shouldn't I wear something a little dressier?"

  "Oh, this suit,” he chuckled, filling the hallway with the pleasing sound. "I just came from the paper and forgot I had it on. We'll stop by my place on the way and I'll change."

  "Make yourself comfortable and I'll be right back.” She quickly made her way through the hallway. It didn’t take her long to change before heading for the living room.

  "I'm ready,” she said, pulling her coat across her shoulders as she rounded the doorway. "I was going to fix something to eat after I read the newspaper, but I'm glad you showed up and saved me from my own cooking."

  "You couldn't be that bad a cook,” he murmured in an uneven tone. As she listened to him, he didn’t sound his usual confident self.

  “Maybe I’m exaggerating a little,” she laughed with a throaty sound, the huskiness of it causing a strange expression to dance across his face.

  “Someday you can cook me a meal and I’ll be the judge.” Giving her a smile, he cocked his eyebrow.

  When they reached his car, Gabby waited until he opened her door, before sliding onto the seat. She couldn’t take her eyes off him walking around the car. Her heart began pounding loudly against the wall of her chest over the virile sight. She didn't know if it was just a physical attraction, or something more she felt. She only knew that the sight of
him sent her pulse racing and her heart throbbing. Quickly masking her features, she looked away when he got in next to her.

  It didn’t take long to drive across town to his apartment. He pulled onto the lot and got out. She expected to wait in the car for him, but that wasn’t his intention. He walked around and opened her door.

  "Come in with me while I change,” he suggested, glancing into the open door at her.

  She nodded and got out. Walking toward the entrance of the building, Cole reached over and linked his arm through hers. She felt the warmth of his fingertips lightly caressing her smooth skin. His thumb made a circular motion, rubbing across the small blue veins that appeared along her wrist. A self-conscious sensation enveloped her, but she didn't try to pull away. When they reached the entrance, he had to release her to open the door.

  While they walked toward the elevator, Gabby’s gaze traveled around the plush surroundings of the lobby. If the lobby was this expensive and elegant looking, she silently wondered what the apartments looked like. They must surely be exquisite.

  When they reached his apartment, he unlocked the door and ushered her into a hallway. Entering the living room, she studied the oyster white walls, decorated with different paintings to add color to the starkness. Light blue velour furniture was a perfect contrast for the even darker blue carpeting. A gray brick fireplace crackled with dying embers.

  "I'll be right back." Cole released her arm, but before leaving the room, he glanced over his shoulder. "Make yourself a drink while I'm gone."

  She nodded and watched him disappear into the hallway. Glancing at the liquor cabinet, she decided to take him up on his offer. She walked over and removed a glass from the shelf. Gabby didn’t know much about wines, but she selected a deep red one. Pouring out a small amount of the cherry colored liquid, she lifted the drink to her lips. Hearing a noise behind her, she turned too quickly and bumped into Cole.

  "I'm sorry." She loved the feel of his hands holding her shoulders securely.

  Cole didn't say anything. He slowly took the glass from her hand and placed it on the liquor cabinet. His other hand didn't move from its gentle hold on her shoulder. She gazed up at him and noticed how he watched her with an intense look. The burning look felt like a heated brand causing her to tremble inside.

  Gabby didn’t know how much time passed, but suddenly their eyes locked and she felt something drawing her closer to him. A compelling force so powerful pulled at her and she couldn't begin to understand it. She tilted her face to his. The boldness of her actions should have registered with her, but they didn’t at the potent moment in time. The only thing that mattered to her was to be close to Cole and feel his warmth.

  Her gaze slowly drifted to his smooth lips, wanting to feel them covering hers. Desire mounted in her to a high peak fantasizing about her lips crushed beneath his. He stared down into her eyes searching for something.

  Chapter Six

  Cole's lips-covered Gabby's in a kiss that made her head swim with a torrent of emotions she hadn’t known existed. His mouth slowly made a trail moving down to her small chin. When it reached its target, his tongue flicked back and forth across the indented cleft in a tantalizing motion. The sensations dancing through her were maddening. She’d never experienced anything like this before. It didn’t take him long to move from her chin and back to her mouth, devouring her full lips beneath his again. Gabby thought his actions were staking out a claim in trying to own every inch of her mouth, not giving her a chance to come up for air.

  She delighted in the feel of the enticing strokes on her chin and wanted more. She raised her arms to circle his shoulders. Moving her fingertips slowly across his neck, she caressed his smooth jaw line. The feather light brush of her fingers brought a spasm through Cole's body that Gabby felt the instant it happened.

  He lifted his face only inches away from hers. That's all it took for Gabby to see the desire blazing from his narrowed eyes. Excitement started bubbling inside her until she nearly burst with the feeling.

  His mouth moved to hers again; his tongue invading her parted lips with the mission of conquering in mind. The erotic exploration had her legs trembling from the euphoric sensation traveling at rapid speed through her body. A ringing sound went off in her head and all sensible thought escaped her.

  An ultimate excitement rushed through her, doubling ffrom the first time.. Gabby found she could no longer control her feelings. The need raced through her to get closer to him, erupting inside her in giant waves. Cuddling closer to him, she felt the heady sensation of his warmth and body nestling hers.

  She craved every precious second of his fiery lovemaking. Pushing her body into his body, she felt his cock jutting out and pressing against her stomach.

  Cole loosened her arms from his neck and reached down, gently picking her up. With no effort at all, he had her cradled close against him. While he carried her, he continued to rain kisses across her face, ending at the cleft on her small chin. The licking of the cleft by his warm tongue continued.

  .With half closed eyes, she watched his progress across the room until reaching the carpet near the crackling fire. When he placed her own the thick rug, he joined her and he took up where he had left off by reclaiming her mouth and ravaging hers with searing kisses, designed to excite her. Cole's fascination with the indented cleft on her chin had her mesmerized and wanting more.

  Arching her body toward him, she could feel his cock pressed against her body. All thoughts of normalcy drifted away from her. She snuggled closer against his hard length. Gabby needed him to fulfill the raging desire tearing her apart with wanting. The need in her was so great for Cole to put out the blazing inferno that a moaning sigh escaped her lips.

  Another loud sound filled the room and she shook her head slightly to make it go away. But it wouldn't go away, sounding again. She didn’t want anything interfering in what she felt. Again, the noise sounded and she realized in her numbed state that it was the doorbell. Gabby shook her head trying to clear it and put her hands against Cole's chest. Whoever was at the door, wasn’t about to leave.

  Gabby saw the confused expression covering his face. "What's wrong?" He asked huskily, his voice low and sensuous, still filled with his unsatisfied need.

  "Your doorbell is ringing,” Gabby said raggedly, barely able to push the words out because of her excited state. She sat up, her body shaking at the simple effort in trying to straighten her sweater.

  “I don’t know who that can be,” he mumbled, almost incoherently, rolling away from her and standing. His face changed from desire filled, to one filled with a look of irritation over their unexpected visitor.

  She watched him walk through the hallway and open the door. By this time, Gabby had gotten up and made her way over to the couch, presenting a picture of calmness, which she was far from feeling. She only hoped she gave this appearance to whoever was at the door.

  Gabby could hear a woman’s voice echoing into the room. She glanced over her shoulder. The blonde from the newspaper article stood gazing across at her.

  "Gabby, I'd like you to meet my friend, Carol Taylor,” he introduced her in what Gabby thought sounded like a strained tone. "This is Gabby Fallon."

  The woman nodded her head at Gabby, but soon lost interest. She turned to Cole. "I thought I'd come by to see if you wanted to have dinner tonight. When I called your office, they said you'd already gone."

  Gabby gritted her teeth. Her voice had a squeaky quality and grated on her ears. She didn’t like this woman at all, and she didn’t know her. Maybe, it was something else that caused this reaction in her. Could it be jealousy over Cole? She'd never believed anyone could fall in love at first sight, but now she knew her attraction was stronger than it should have been to Cole. For the first time in her life, she was in love. The sensation was an emotional high Gabby both feared and felt exhilarated by. Cole could just be physically attracted to her. She knew he felt something for her by his actions moments ago, but love was another

  Gabby decided that from this point on, her relationship with Cole would be on a platonic scale, if that were at all possible. She didn't want to be another statistic in the long line of women he dated and no doubt discarded after tiring of them. She wanted to be something more important to him. Someone he could care about in the future. Making all these promises was one thing, but keeping them would take some doing.

  Lifting her head, she saw Cole walking his visitor to the door. His hand rested familiarly on her waistline and this made Gabby wonder how well they knew each other. She quickly stood and walked over near the dying fire in the fireplace.

  She didn’t hear Cole walking across the room to stand behind her, but she felt the heat of his body. Instead of turning, she continued to stare into the sparkling coals in the fireplace. She felt his hand touch her shoulder and he slowly turned her toward him.

  "Are you ready to eat dinner?"

  Gabby knew from the sound that he had other things in mind and wanted to take up where they had left off. She nodded her head. The look of disappointment suddenly appeared across his face, but she steeled her heart, ignoring it.

  He didn’t say anything to her on the elevator ride down. Reaching the parking lot, Gabby glanced to her left and saw that Carol Taylor hadn't left yet. She sat in her car watching the two of them leave the building. Gabby turned her head and looked straight ahead.

  "Carol is nothing more than a friend." He made the explanation in a casual tone starting the car.

  "You don’t have to explain your personal life to me.” She refused to let him see how much his visitor had disturbed her. Disturbed would have been putting it mildly. Jealousy raged through her, ripping her insides apart.

  He glanced at her curiously. Another look of disappointment filled his expression over her answer, but he dropped the subject. It looked to Gabby as if he tried figuring out what she was thinking. Other women may have been easy to read, but she wasn’t one of them. By his look, he told her that she was a mystery to him.


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