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In Love with the Alpha (Full Moon Series Book 1)

Page 18

by Mia Rose

  As I get to the kitchen Rhys is making himself some bacon and eggs.

  “Sorry, Amelia he’s coming with us back to Earth for this trip. The cylinders need replacing, and we need to get them from home. I guess you’re stuck with your new alien friend for a while,” he says cheekily.

  I stick out my tongue and slap his back, thinking of my revenge when I will raid his closet for clothes. We have been friends for many years, and I know he thinks the whole mistake is hilarious. Although, I know that I have to look after the alien all the way home, so that will definitely be an interesting journey. I continue down the short hall of the hull to find some clothes, as the soup and bread warms up for our new, Zorg friend.

  As I walk back to the lab, the alien is seated at the table, in the center of the room. He seems calmer now, and I know from reading that they are not known to be violent, so I open the door and place the food and clothes down gently on the table.

  “There you go, I will come and see you in a little while,” I say smiling and a slight bit nervous.

  I could smell the mustiness of his breath.

  “Thank you, Melia, I will see you soon,” he says as he puts on the tracksuit pants and gray sweater.

  I go to Allen to see how everything is going on the bridge, and he gives me a smirk. I can see that Rhys and Allen will be laughing the whole way home about the attraction from our new male. I think it is a bit sexy myself. A very muscular alien having an animalistic attraction to me. It is surprisingly, a unique turn on, and the eyes, they melt me away. They look like lizard’s eyes with eyelids that sweep across them sideways as he blinks. The pupils get incredibly large as he gets a hard on. Oh dear, I must stop thinking about it. I find the whole thing very strange, and exciting.

  I turn to my comms screen at my computer on the bridge. I sift through the checklist to make sure all the geological samples are there. I then swap pages and look at the Zorg information we have on our database.

  I read, “Green alien life forms with a heightened ability to perceive intuitive feelings from other species. Intellectually, they are clever and maintain a natural way of life to help them live longer. Feeding on plant based foods, and living in a democratic society. Economically they are agriculturalists, who trade with the Terrons, the Synes and the Fariguns on the neighbouring planets. The total population in 2109 was three billion. The species can also heal themselves through nutrition and meditation of a shamanic nature. The technology is mainstream air dynamics for farming and healing solaruiums for health.”

  “Damn that bloody cooker, it always burns my eggs!” says Rhys as he sits next to me at his computer.

  Allen looks at me and we laugh a great belly laugh together. We both know that Rhys is a bad cook, even with all the amazing technology. We all continue looking at our computers, now. There is a definite bond between the three of us, as we’ve spent months together, living in close quarters on The Specimenion, our large space craft. Allen continues his research searches on macro engineering, and Rhys is still looking at alien females on his computer. He is such a dag!

  I decide to see how my new friend is doing behind the glass wall of the science lab. I walk slowly toward the paned glass to see him. He is lying on the small sofa in the right corner of the room. Asleep soundly after eating his food.

  He lays on his side with large eyelids closing over the bright yellow eyes. The green skin is creamy as the tight clothes hug his muscular features. His oval green head is moving slightly up and down, and his tongue flicks out of his mouth as he breathes calmly. He is definitely one of the more pleasing looking aliens. He looks kind and peaceful as he sleeps. I really hope I can learn more about him in the coming days, because there is something about him that I find very interesting, but I can’t put my finger on what that is, just yet. Maybe it is a chemical thing, I am not sure.

  “This should be fun!”

  Chapter 3


  “Friends are forever.”

  “We will have a fine crop this year my dear friend,” says Chollo as he looks over the seeds in the greenery shed.

  “Yes, we will. The trade will be significantly higher for our exports too,” I say as I pot them into germinating cups.

  I have worked with Chollo on these fields for ten pion years. He is my dearest friend, and together we own a parcel of land that is about sixty ariums wide and eighty long. It is a beautiful sun filled day as we share it together preparing the seeds and the soil. We were both fighters before, but now we enjoy our business trade.

  We take our freshly planted cups outside to enjoy the sun, and we have a semi-flat crop to plant over the next few days. Chollo is an irrigation specialist and he now walks over to check the pump and the organic matter sprays. I am planting the cups I have prepared for many days, and it is a very calm day, without wind and in a sky of aqua-marine, with orange sunlight to light our crop. I place my germination spray down on the soil and then the siren blurts out.

  “wheeeeeeeee, wheeeeeeeeeeee, wheeeeeeeeeeeee,” it sounds loudly over the entire planet.

  “Take cover Chollo, it must be the Darenoids attacking again.” We run to our shuttle and zoom over the fields quickly. The beams of red laser light are penetrating the ground from above. I am flicking the thrusters hard - to shuttle us to the safety sanction. A camoflauged underground tunnel was built for Zorg’s to hide in, and it is what we race to right now. Damn those Darenoids they have spoiled our crops too many times.

  We enter the large tunnel with about ten other shuttles who are already stationed on the holo pads. The other Zorg’s are talking loudly about the attack, and some Zorg fighters are getting ready for battle in the wider end of the tunnel. They have their tasers and are waiting for instructions from the Chief of Battle, named Kumlin Zorg. There is a massive berth of more than forty fighting ships armed and ready for battle. My ship was number 3109 and is still used in the fleet, and probably will if there is a big battle today.

  “That was close,” I say, looking at Chollo who has turned a lighter shade of green.

  “They keep attacking our planet because they are not happy with the trade agreement,” he says as we shut down the shuttle and make our way to the congregation, for a hot cup of mardana.

  As we sit and listen to the Zorg’s mutter about the raids, there is talk of war amongst the fighters. I can hear them saying that the Chief of Battle is organizing a huge attack in the skies above our planet. They will be recruiting as many Zorg’s as they can to gain control, including farmers and engineers. I used to be a fighter and battle the Darenoids, so they may be getting me to help them soon. Chollo will help with the space craft down in the tunnel, and with his passion for peace he also understands that squashing these barbarian aliens is important for our survival.

  The Darenoids are pirates that steal from other species and sell their spoils in the black market. They want our healing technology and our seeds. They will kill to get it, and take no prisoners. Their species is barbaric, violent and unbelievably rude.

  I make my way to the line for one more… a hot cup of mardana, and I can see that many females are also wanting to join the cause. They have congregated together to discuss their availability to let the Chief know. I can hear that some will remain behind and some will stay here to keep the trade crops going. The females are great warriors and they have the same strength as us males. Their green head of fur can sense danger before it comes. Making them great assets in times of battle.

  Chollo is talking to the fighters and loudly sharing his viewpoint, and I now make my way to a solitary table to gain some peace in my mind. I do not wish to fight but if I am called I will need to rest now. My hot cup of mardana is making me feel tired, so I walk to the shuttle to get some rest. The shuttle is very warm and I find myself falling to sleep easily, now…

  I am suddenly in a strange room with a glass window, and I see a female and a male species looking at me through the glass pane. My body is cool and I notice that I am naked, and my m
anhood falls squarely between my limbs. All of a sudden, I feel electrified and start feeling an intense lust that I cannot control. She, the female, is intoxicating. I can smell her through the small holes in the glass…Where am I? I know I am in a spaceship but, oh, oh my cock is getting very hard. I can’t explain what is happening.

  The female is looking at me and her top limb moves up and is waving, and all I can smell is her intense body scent. She has a creamy milk face and a head full of fur. Black, long fur. She smells like the rain after the showers on our crop. I want her. I can’t control it. I have to give her my manhood.

  I am moving closer to the glass and my cock is so hard for this strange, creamy female. I want her like I have never wanted anything before. Oh, I now find myself pressed up against this glass and she stares at me while I lick my lips. I must have her, Oh! I can’t stand the intensity. My equipment is throbbing and my eyes lock on. I close my eyes and calm my mind as she starts speaking to me in English. That must be her native tongue. My cock is still hard but I can make sense of her introduction.

  Her voice is sweet with a musical tone. She is trying to help me, so I ask for food and clothes. She scurries away to get my requests. I am glad she is gone so I can try and contain my lust for her. I think she does not know that I can see under her garments. My x-ray vision is very accurate and I also see body warmth and heat placement.

  Her bottom limbs had a hot spot that was increasing in temperature and moisture placement, as I was sprawled so lustfully against the window, wanting her. I think that must be her weakness, that space between her legs. I want her to show it to me when I finish eating my soup. I would like to touch it and see what it does. Maybe she does not know that she is leaking.

  I am glad that the female one saw me act like that. I had no control over my body, and there was a feeling of complete intensity that I have not felt before from such an attraction. The females on our planet do not make me feel such a desired lust, to the point where I can’t stop myself. She must think me very strong and highly attractive. It is a compliment to her that I acted in such a lustful way.

  I can only explain my being here as an abduction, where they will obviously want to do experiments on me and my species. I must try to reason with the female one called Amelia, who will send me home if I ask. Maybe they are helping the Darenoids to attack us. Mmmm, I will let them take a few samples of my purple blood, and some of my biological DNA if they want, but that is all. I have eight crops of spirinta and twelve of rayana waiting to be planted. The harvest will be plentiful this coming year. I might also need to fight if asked.

  The human female now brings clothes and soup. I’m very hungry and I’ll eat now, Yes, I will put human clothes on and eat before I ask if she wants to mate with me. I want to put my cock in her before I leave, because that would be good manners. When you like a female Zorg on Zunov, you mate with her, as long as she is not sanctioned to another partner for life. That could be a problem. I’ll make sure she is without a partner, and that she wants me too. The females on Zunov take the males to mate, and never the other way around.

  The female is now leaving to let me eat. I watch her walk away from me with that fur on her head and creamy skin. It is not green like mine. I wonder if she thinks my green is good. Zorg’s have powerful healing powers in their skin which allows us to grow big and strong, and maintain our health for a hundred and eighty years. We can touch anything at all and heal it very quickly. I want to heal her wet spots for her. I would just need to touch them for a small time underneath her garments. Then she can have my manhood, and I can leave.

  This soup tastes amazing, and I can see it has a salty taste and the white “bread” is very filling to my needs. I’m still feeling tired from when I pressed myself up against the wall of the glass. I was acting completely out of lust. As long as she is not helping the Darenoids, it will be fine.

  I must try to figure out what happened. I was in the field looking at the sandy soil. I had my germination spray ready to use and then the laser intercom was ringing from the outbuilding. I put my germination spray on the field soil and then we got attacked. So, me and Chollo race to the shuttle and get to the tunnel Then we are in the tunnel and I drink two cups of mardana. I go to the shuttle to lie down, and then I get zapped here by the transporter beam. But why? Why am I here?

  My poor green head is tired from all of the thinking. I will take a big rest now and figure it all out later. Maybe the female one will help me figure it out. If she is not a fighter for the Darenoids then we can be friends, and she may have my manhood. I will think no more. That squishy long chair over there looks comfortable, so I will lay there now and see the female Melia, soon. It has been an interesting day.

  “Friends are forever.”

  Chapter 4


  “You can’t help what you’re attracted to!”

  I’m wondering if Tulloc has finished sleeping yet. I can’t shake this weird feeling that I get when I am near him. It’s like my whole body electrifies when I get close to him. Damn this computer screen. It always does this.

  “Shit,” I say, as the computer flashes it’s warning for cleaning shutdown maintenance.

  The stupid thing always does it after we get our specimens. I suppose I shouldn’t complain about it. It did beam up every sample including a green alien male! I just can’t seem to stop thinking about his green body, splatted all over our laboratory wall in a lustful presentation.

  Seriously, it’s like he’s never seen a girl before. Plus, I don’t consider myself to be “hot,” apart from my long black hair and firm boobs, I am fairly plain looking really. I know the aliens can sometimes smell our chemical pheromones, but how could he smell me through the tiny holes in the glass? I don’t know, I just hope he realizes that he has to come with us for a while. Without the parts to fix the ship, we can’t send him or us anywhere. I better go and see him to explain. Earth will be glad to have a green visitor. Usually they are blue or gray, but this species is a light, bright green.

  Oh God, what if he gets frisky again? Do I act calm, or tell him off?

  I had better tell him off for being too forward, but he might take offense. Oh, crap I better go and see him. Ugh! Why can’t I just be a scientist today? The plants and rocks don’t need conversation. I am twenty-nine, and I am not a big talker.

  I’m walking quickly down to the lab where Tulloc is sitting quietly on the sofa, and he is holding one of the rocks we brought up from the planet. As I go through the door I feel my body zapping as I sit across from him at the small lab table. He sits leaning forward just a meter away, on the sofa.

  “Tulloc, how are you? I hope the soup was okay,” I say, noticing my flushed body getting warmer.

  “Melia, you are great sending me clothes and soup. I must know why I am here, though. Are you fighting with the Darenoids?” he says, blinking the lizard eyes.

  “We accidentally locked onto you when we were getting the natural specimens. We can’t send you back because a part of our ship is broken. I don’t know who the Darenoids are,” I say feeling my body temperature increase, more and more.

  “I must go back and help my friends. We are under attack from the Darenoid’s and they must be stopped. I will heal your wet spots and give you my manhood before I go, whenever you like. But we mustn’t be too long,” says Tulloc candidly with a generous smile.

  “Um, okay. What?! You will fix my wet spots and let me have your cock!” I say in utter disbelief.

  I don’t really know if there is a miscommunication between us regarding our language. The wet spot term leaves me wondering, and I am hoping cock is a word that he thinks means something else. Like a chicken or rooster or something similar. My temperature increases more now as I get up and have a glass of water from the nearby tap in the lab.

  “You also have a wet spot in between your bottom limbs…your legs I think they are called,” he says firmly. “Before you send me home, I will fix it for you, then you may do what you
wish with my large, green equipment. It will get hard if you look at it,” he says calmly.

  I’m finishing my water, and nearly choke on it as it flies out from my mouth and into the sink. He’s talking about my body sweat, and how I get turned on by him. Shit. My clothes are now wet from the spitting out of water, and I am slightly amused by his connotations.

  “Okay Mr. Zorg, or alien Tulloc, if that’s your real name. I don’t know what you are playing at here, but what goes on in between my limbs is really none of your concern. For Heaven’s sake, why would I want your green cock? Are you flirting with me,” I say angrily?

  “Melia. You are getting very warm which is not good for your health. I must fix your wet spots to stop the leaks. On your forehead, under your arms and around your perineum. Then nothing can get in and make you sick. Plus, it is customary for Zorg’s to offer their manhood for friendship with a female,” he says informatively.

  Tulloc is pulling his equipment out from the pants to show me, and I can’t help but look at it as his green hands play and fondle it in front of me. It grows very large and is obviously pulsating.

  My face has become warmer, and I am turned on by him very much. I can feel myself getting aroused more as I look at his cock.

  “Your wet spots are getting worse Melia. We will have to fix it first, before you have my manhood,” says Tulloc with a concerned look.

  His bright yellow eyes are turning a burnt orange as the large green lids flick over them. He leans forward quickly to feel my vagina and the “wet spot,” like a scientist touching a new specimen for the first time.

  His hand touches the outside of my pants and I let him keep it there for a moment before speaking. It feels unbelievably good. His firm hand tickles to manouver the area.

  “Tulloc don’t put your hand there,” I say not believing myself at all.


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