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The Virgin Actress: A Billionaire and Virgin Romance

Page 8

by Virginia Sexton

  “I knew who he was because I worked in the same building. I’m going to college and I was working part-time as a security guard. I used to see Blake all the time, leaving work late. To tell the truth, I had a crush on him for months!”

  This is news to me, but I smile and lean over and give her a kiss on her cheek.

  “And then, one night, well,” her eyes cloud over. “Well, let’s just say I had a bad day. Blake happened to be there exactly when I needed someone to talk to, and then whisked me away and took me out for a nice dinner. Everything just fell into place and I just knew. I knew he was the one.”

  “That is so sweet,” Yvette gushes, picking up her wine glass and lifting it towards Camellia and me. “To the two of you, for finding love in an unexpected way.”

  “Thank you,” I say, lifting my glass and clinking it. “Camellia is definitely one of a kind and special. I’m never going to let her go.”

  The thing is, I mean it. Never has another woman inspired a fraction of what Camellia inspires in me. She’s genuine and honest and giving, not to mention that she has that unnamable quality that is like a drug to me. I can’t get enough of her. Saying no to her the other night on the roof? That was one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do – even harder than wooing these investors we’re here with tonight.

  “And I’m never going to let you go, either, sweetheart,” Camellia says. She reaches out and touches my cheek, then kisses my lips tenderly. When she quickly flicks her tongue on my lip, my mind blazes with desire for her tongue to be flicking over my cock.

  Fuck. The playful and tender look Camellia gives me pierces me to my core. I want to abandon this dinner right now and take her home and to bed. I need to have all of Camellia and dammit, I want to get her to scream when she comes.

  “Look at you two lovebirds!” Yvette coos, placing her hand over her chest. “You two are a sight to behold.”

  “You really do have a fine woman there, Blake,” Wendell says, slapping me on the back. “Gotta say, I’d heard about your reputation and you know it was a bit of a sticking point. Hearing that you were settling down almost seemed more than we could believe, right Ellis?”

  Ellis wipes his mouth with his napkin and places it next to his plate. “That is the God’s honest truth, right there. I told Wendell, I did, that there was no way we could consider a business deal with a man that had a tainted reputation.”

  “I understand,” I say, even though I’m seething with resentment at their backward way of approaching business. I lower my voice, even though Yvette and Camellia are once again deep in a discussion of their own. “I’d just never met the right woman, so it was easier to just… enjoy myself, not let myself be tied down. It didn’t seem like I was ever going to meet the right woman, before I met Camellia. She sure has knocked me for a loop.”

  Even though neither of them would admit it, I see a glimmer of recognition in Wendell and Ellis as I talk about not wanting to be with a woman that isn’t perfect. Before Camellia, I would have had to settle with another woman and settling is not something I’ve ever done. I pursue the best and I only claim the best, whether it’s in business or relationships. Camellia is the best and I thank God every day that Raymond came up with this hare-brained scheme of auditioning girls to play the part of my fiancée. Because if there’s one thing that’s true now, is that I will make Camellia mine and she will be my wife.

  “We sure are glad you came to see the light, aren’t we Wendell?” Ellis asks, adjusting his tie over his rotund stomach.

  “That’s for sure.”

  “I’m pleased to hear that,” I say, very truthfully. “I know I could have bought another company and built it up, instead of working with the two of you. Yet you two have an infrastructure and track record that I respect – and that is not something I could have built up quickly. It has always been my goal to work with you, not be your competitor. Together, we can build a stronger alliance and do more than we could on our own.”

  Wendell and Ellis look at each other for a long moment and I can see them communicating the way that long-term business partners do. Ellis nods at Wendell, and then they both turn their faces back to me.

  “That’s what we like to hear,” Wendell says, draining his wine and wiping his mouth. “I’ll be honest with you. Like Ellis said, we had some serious reservations about working with you. However, you have continued to surprise us, in no part,” he pauses, turning his head toward Camellia and Yvette, who are deep in a conversation of their own, “to your charming fiancée. We need to talk with our board, but I for one am in favor of us making this deal. This partnership would be beneficial for everyone involved.”

  I control my excitement as I continue listening to Wendell’s rah-rah ‘things are looking good’ speech. This is exactly what I’ve worked towards and waited for them to say. I’m nearly jumping out of my skin with the victory they are all but assuring me is mine.

  “This is wonderful news, Ellis, Wendell. When do you expect your board to make a final decision? Of course, if you need anything from me, don’t hesitate to get in touch. I’ll clear my schedule to address any final concerns or questions you may have.”

  Ellis chuckles as he rubs his stomach. “We should be fine, Blake.”

  “Good. You don’t know how pleased I am about this. I deeply look forward to hearing from you soon.”

  “As do we, Blake. As do we. This is an exciting time,” Wendell says.

  The rest of the dinner goes by in a blur. With the deal all-but-done, I focus my attention on watching Camellia and counting the minutes until I can have her alone.

  Camellia is more natural at this dinner, less stiff and more sure of herself. Her blue eyes glitter with happiness and playfulness. She’s brought magic to my life and these past few weeks have given me an irresistible taste of what’s been missing.


  “You were wonderful tonight, Camellia,” I say, draping my arm around her as Toby navigates the limo through busy streets.

  “Was I? I’ve almost forgotten this is really supposed to be a job for me. Everyone is so nice – it’s a pleasure to spend time with them. I thought the dinners were going to be dull and mind-numbing, but I’ve really enjoyed them.”

  I’ve never thought I needed anyone by my side, especially a woman, but Camellia is showing me how wrong I’ve been.

  “That’s good to hear.” I turn to face her and her face is transformed with a bold smile.

  As the limo pauses at a traffic light, she shifts in her seat and straddles my lap, a wicked smile on her face.

  “My, my, Camellia,” I tease, my hands sliding up under her dress.

  Camellia runs her hands along my jaw and lowers her mouth to mine, her lips demanding a passionate kiss. I pull her closer to me, desperate to feel her skin again, taste her mouth and body, feel her mouth all over my body. My skin pricks with untamed desire for her.

  “Maybe we should go back to my place,” I say, pulling away from her. Camellia’s cheeks are deeply flushed and her breathing is uneven.

  “God,” she says, trying to move off my lap, though I hold her tightly. “You have no idea how much I ache for that! But I have an exam in the morning, and then I promised I’d see Felicia tomorrow afternoon. She has some big news and she’s been upset that I haven’t spent enough time with her lately. Besides,” she says, lowering her lips to mine again, this time trailing a gentle line of kisses along my jaw and down my neck, “I can wait a little longer. I’m not going anywhere.”

  “I should hope not,” I say, quashing the disappointment I feel. No one says ‘no’ to me and I’ve never let them. But I can’t bring myself to bulldoze her until I get my way. I respect her. For the first time in my adult life, I respect a woman. If this is what it means to be in love, then I embrace it.

  I instruct Toby to drop Camellia off, despite how she is teasing me, gently rocking on my lap. The amused glint in her blue eyes tells me she knows exactly what she’s doing to me, and the way her breath
ing is still rapid, I can tell she’s teasing herself, too. I can only imagine how she’s going to react when I’m stuffing her with my big cock and she’s screaming my name. I slide my finger under the edge of her panties and trace my finger on her skin. Her eyes roll back in her head as she shudders in my lap. Goddamn. Fucking her is going to be like detonating TNT on my dick. This girl is ready to let herself experience pure pleasure.

  Toby pulls up to Camellia’s apartment building and it makes me wish she lived in the next city over, so we could tease each other for that much longer.

  “Are you sure I can’t tempt you to stay with me tonight?”

  “You know the answer to that,” Camellia says, wrapping her arms around me and pulling me into a long hug and giving me an exceptionally thorough kiss. “Let me know when you hear back about the deal, alright? I know you’ve got this.”

  I signal to Toby to open her door, which he’s been standing outside of for a few minutes now. Rubbing my raging hard-on through my pants, I watch as Camellia skips up the sidewalk to her apartment, and then climbs the stairs. The light from her entryway catches her blonde hair, making it glow. Turning, she looks back at me and blows me a kiss, like an actress from a 1950s romantic comedy.

  The door to her apartment shuts and Toby begins driving me home. Home, where Camellia won’t be.

  Goddamn. I can’t get enough of her.

  “Oh my God! I’ve missed you so much!” I throw my arms around Felicia and hug her tightly. It’s only been a week, but it seems like so much longer since I’ve actually seen her!

  “Me, too! Oh, wow! Look at you and that outfit! You look stunning!”

  “Do you think?” I say, looking down at the red, yellow, and white-printed Kate Spade sundress that was part of the clothes delivery that Blake sent me. At first, I only wanted to wear the new clothes if I was going out with him, so that I wouldn’t risk damaging them. After a couple of days though, I just couldn’t resist!

  “Is that one of the—”

  “Yeah,” I smile. I really love this dress, especially the way the straps tie behind my neck. Part of me feels a bit embarrassed that I’ve gotten so lucky, with this job and with Blake. I honestly think there’s the chance of something between us. The physical chemistry is sizzling hot, but I know now that there’s something more between us, too. I’ve shared a few things with him that I haven’t even told Felicia, like what it was like to go through the sudden loss of my parents. I’d never tell Felicia that I’d told Blake something she didn’t know! Even though I love Felicia more than words can say, there are some serious things we just don’t talk about, which is fine. But with Blake, I want to tell him everything and I feel like I can. It’s so different than with Felicia.

  “But how are you?” We’re walking to the library, so we can get some studying in. Finals are coming up and neither of us are as prepared as we should be.

  “Well,” she says, grinning at me. “I have some news.”

  “Oooh! Do tell!”

  “Turns out you’re not the only one spending time with one of this city’s most eligible, wealthy bachelors…”

  “Shut up!” I nearly scream. I stop walking and grab her arm. “Who is it? How did you meet him? How come you haven’t told me yet?!”

  Felicia wiggles her arm out of my grasp and laughs. “First, remember the hot delivery guy? He’s a Pearson.”

  “You mean Pearson Foods?” I say, stunned. Pearson Foods is only the biggest grocery store chain for five states. Plus, they have other businesses, too. “Holy shit!”

  “Holy shit is right! Joshua, the delivery guy, is working his way through college. His family will pay for everything, but he wants to know what it’s like to be in the trenches. He’s so down to earth!”

  “Oh my God! I’m so happy for you! You really like him?”

  “Yeah, he’s really great. It feels… different with him, you know?” Felicia smiles and it’s unlike any other smile she’s had when talking about a guy. And considering she’s seen Joshua more than a couple of times, she must definitely like him a lot.

  I smile and think of Blake, and how he’s so much different than I ever imagined and how much I genuinely like him.

  “I know exactly what you mean. Blake is like that, too. Soooo not what I expected!”

  “Really?” Felicia glances at her phone for what seems like the millionth time.

  “Yeah, really. What’s up with you and your phone?”

  Felicia’s face suddenly goes bashful, like I’ve caught her at something forbidden. “It’s Joshua. He texts me a lot. It’s kind of addicting, you know?”

  “What kind of texts?”

  “Well,” she says, lowering her voice and leaning toward me. “Sometimes it’s just chatty stuff, sometimes it’s more sexy stuff.”

  “Get out! I didn’t realize guys did stuff like that!”

  “Oh, yeah,” she says, a dreamy look coming over her face. “And it’s not just dick pics, either. I probably shouldn’t show you, but… Just never, ever mention it, okay?”

  I hold up two fingers like a Girl Scout. “Cross my heart and swear to die!”

  Felicia swipes through a bunch of pictures on her phone, then holds it up. It’s a picture of Joshua with his shirt off and his pants slung so low it’s like they’re barely on his hips. With his chiseled abs and muscular arms, he looks like one of the models they use on the romance novels that Felicia reads.

  “Wow. Who knew that was under his uniform?”

  “I know, right? And let me tell, he knows what to do with that body!” Felicia giggles, fanning herself rapidly with her hands. “Doesn’t Blake send you stuff like this?”

  “Not really, no,” I say, wondering why not. He clearly likes me, at least a little. “We mostly just text about when I have to be ready for an event or something like that.”

  “You should totally send him a sexy picture! I bet he’d go bonkers over it.”

  I think back to how I now feel more confident when I’m around Blake, more sexy. A smile spreads across my mouth and I nod at Felicia. “Let’s do it! But I don’t know how…”

  “Girl, it’s not too hard. Let’s get inside the library and go back to the bathroom. I’ll show you. We can each take one and send it to our men!”

  I grin at Felicia. Finally, this kind of girl talk is something I can share with her. She’s talked to me about boys and sex stuff before, but now? Now it means something different to me, because I’m starting to understand what it means to be with a man, to understand what it means to want to open yourself up to a man.

  We giggle non-stop as we make our way through the library and back to the first-floor bathroom.

  “Oh my God! I can’t believe I’m going to do this!” I barely even take selfies, so to take a sexy one? And then send it to someone? This is so not like me!

  “Dontcha know?” Felicia winks at me, teasing. “It’s what all the cool kids are doing these days!”

  I roll my eyes, but I’m laughing, now. Felicia locks the bathroom door behind us and then drops her big purse on the counter.

  “First, we need to do up your makeup a little. Make it more dramatic and sexy.”

  “What? I think I look nice,” I say, confused. I look at my reflection and wonder if I’m making a mistake with my makeup.

  “Oh, honey. You do. Look nice,” she says, pulling her makeup bag out of her purse and taking various sticks and tubes out. “But for a good sexy selfie, you need to look sexylicious and downright fuckable.”

  “If you say so…”

  Felicia motions for me to come stand in front of her, a tube of mascara in her hand.

  “Yes, I do say so. This Blake won’t be able to walk because he’s going to get a raging hard-on when he sees your picture. Just you wait and tell me if I’m wrong.”


  “Stay still.” I do my best to stop fidgeting and Felicia goes to work. I can feel her put mascara and eyeliner on me, add a little bit of blush or something to my cheeks,
and then she puts on what feels like a zillion coats of lipstick on my lips. I hope I don’t look too over-the-top! “Okay, done. Don’t turn around yet. I want to do myself up, too.”

  “Oh, Felicia. Please?”

  “No. You can wait a couple of minutes. Now, talk to me. How’s school going?”

  I groan and slump a little.

  “I don’t know, Felicia. Everything is so hard right now. If feels like I’m supposed to have everything figured out, but I don’t. I have no idea what I want to do or what I should be studying. And that makes it so hard to study well, you know? My grades are fine, but I’m just not feeling it at all. I’ve been wanting to take some time off, but I have no idea what I’d do.”

  “Oh, honey. That’s totally normal.”

  “Maybe. But when I look around in my classes, it seems like everyone else has everything figured out, like they’ve opened the secret door that revealed what they’re good at and what their career should be. I can’t help but feel a little lost and like there’s something wrong with me. Like I’m stupid or something.”

  Felicia stops what she’s doing and looks at me, an angry look in her eyes.

  “Camellia White! You are not dumb. You know that, right? Right!”

  I look at the ground. Felicia is my friend, but I’m not confident whether she really thinks I’m smart or if she’s just saying so to try and make me feel better.

  “Maybe? I don’t feel very smart. Oh! And you know what wasn’t smart? Quitting my job.”

  “Oh my God, finally! What the hell happened?”

  Felicia goes back to finishing her makeup while I tell her about that night with Slimy Boss and how Blake was there and took me out to dinner.

  “Oooh,” she says, smacking her lips to even out her lipstick. “That sounds super romantic!”

  “Gotta admit, it kinda was,” I say, smiling at the memory of Rossa and how nice that little Italian restaurant was.

  “Alrighty then. You can turn around now.”

  I turn around and nearly fall over when I see my reflection. I look smoking hot, but not too trashy or like my makeup is caked on and super obvious.


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