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Keeping Her (The Lexington Series Book 2)

Page 11

by Belle Winters

  I nodded and smiled. “Yes, and Max… Erica and Mel too. Of course my dad and Sam…” I trailed off and tapped my chin as if I were thinking.

  “That’s it?” he asked in a whisper.

  I kissed him softly. “Oh I don’t know. You think I’m forgetting someone?” I asked him.

  He nodded. “Maybe I should refresh your memory?” he asked. When I nodded he really kissed me. When he pulled back I had to fan myself. “You ready?” he asked and I nodded. I’d go anywhere with him right about now.

  The trees were thick and it was a little scary. It was dark out and I was afraid a bear or something was going to jump out and bite my head off. I was clutching onto Landon so hard I know it had to hurt him, but he didn’t complain. After walking for a few minutes the trees started to thin out leading to an open field. There were a bunch of different colored flowers all around. In the center were a basket and a blanket.

  I looked up at him, “you planned a picnic for after dinner? I know you’re greedy and all but don’t you think that’s a tad excessive?”

  He laughed and tugged on me to keep walking. He led me to the blanket and sat down pulling me with him. “It’s not dinner, its desert. Now stop complaining and enjoy it girl.” I smiled and settled myself in between his legs. He grabbed the basket and pulled it closer. He took out a container of strawberries and I moaned. “Now who’s greedy?” he murmured and I laughed. He picked up a second blanket that was underneath the basket and covered us with it. I was grateful because let’s be real, it is not summer time. I wouldn’t have complained given that this is the most romantic thing he’s done… but I was cold.

  He fed me strawberries and opened another bottle of champagne. There was chocolate and cheesecake also. I ate until I felt like I was going to explode. When I was done I relaxed all my weight against Landon and just let him hold me. The night was quiet and still and we were all alone. I looked up at him. “Thanks Landon. Tonight was perfect.” I whispered.

  He smiled and placed a soft kiss on my nose. “I’d do anything for you baby.” I snuggled deeper into him. He grabbed my chin and tipped my head back so that he could meet my eyes. “I mean it.”

  He gave me a soft kiss then grabbed my left arm. He toyed with the bracelet on my wrist then trailed his hands down to mine. He started playing with my fingers and I felt something metal on my finger. I frowned and looked down to see him slipping a ring on me. I gasped and looked up at him. “Landon what are you doing?” I asked him in a shaky voice.

  “Putting on your engagement ring.” He told me matter of factly.

  I frowned. “This is not the way this works. You’re supposed to ask, and when you do I’m going to say no. we’re not ready for this.” I told him.

  He smiled. “That’s why I didn’t ask you Lucy. I’m not giving you a chance to say no anyway I already asked your father.”

  “You did what?!” I nearly screamed.

  “I asked your father. I didn’t stutter Lucy.” He told me.

  I scowled. “And what did he say?” I asked.


  “No?” I asked him confused.

  He shrugged. “I asked him, he said no.”

  This is making no sense at all. “So you just did it anyway? Why ask?”

  He shrugs again. “I asked him because it was the right thing to do. He told me no but knew I was going to do it anyway. He gave me the same argument as you just did and I told him I’m not going to force you to jump the broom today. Eventually he relented because he knew that you are going to get married some day and I’m the only person you can marry.”

  I sighed. “Landon you can’t just decide that we’re engaged. Whatever happened to proposing and giving a person an option? I’m not ok with this.”

  “Lucy. I’m not going to force you to do something like that. But I don’t want you getting into your head and trying to use ridiculous logic and thinking about what’s conventional to dictate your decision. Now I’m asking you, but when you answer I want you to answer with your heart. Tell me what you feel not what you think. Now Lucy, will you marry me… someday? Will you wear my ring baby?” he asked me.

  I stared into his eyes and I could see nothing but love. I felt it in my heart and I did what he said. I let the thoughts of what if and my fears and let my heart choose. I knew I wanted him forever. I needed him forever, and this ring is a promise of forever. I smiled at him and nodded. “Yes Landon. Not today or tomorrow so don’t pull any bullshit on me later… but someday yes.” I told him. He gave me a bright genuine smile and kissed me. It wasn’t urgent or sexual but it was full of emotions. We stayed there for a little while longer before heading home. Nick was waiting in the kitchen.

  “So…?” he prompted before the door was even closed.

  “She said yes!” Landon squealed imitating a girl. I laughed because this is a side of him he doesn’t really show. Sure he’s playful but not nearly as silly as Nick.

  Nick jumped up and down. “Yayy! Now show me the ring. Let me see it!” he exclaimed and ran over to me snatching my hand. I rolled my eyes as he inspected it. He frowned and turned to Landon. “Sure you could’ve afforded something larger. You know that would’ve covered at least 3 fingers.” He shook his head. “There’s still so much to teach you. Don’t be surprised when she leaves you for a larger rock.” Landon punched him in the arm and snatched my hand leading me to the stairs.

  “You’ve had your fun Lucy. It’s my turn now babe.” He told me and threw me over his shoulder.

  I laughed loud. “What are you talking about?” I asked him.

  “Its sexy time” he whispered and took me to our room.


  I went back into my room and called Mel to give her the news. While I was happy for Landon and Lucy it also made me pretty sad. It was getting harder and harder for Mel and I, and a small part of me can’t deny that I’m jealous of them. They get to see each other on a regular basis and they’re so close. They’re fucking getting married. It’s both distracting and depressing to have her but not really have her. Truth is there’s been some strain in our relationship. I can’t put my finger on it but sometimes it feels like she’s not on the same page as I am. Something is up with her and I don’t know what it is. I’ve wanted to ask, but I’m afraid of what the answer would be.

  Her face filled the screen on the third ring. “Hey Nick.”

  “Hey babe. What you up to?” I asked.

  “Homework of course. It’s insane the amount of work that I have to get done. I feel like I barely have time to think.” She told me. I took a look at her, a good look at her and I could see the exhaustion in her face.

  “It’s worth it babe. You’ll be fine.” I encouraged her and she gave me a small smile. “By the way, Landon proposed to Lucy today.” I told her. Her eyes went wide and her mouth dropped open. I cracked up laughing. “Close your mouth before you catch flies.”

  “They’re engaged? That’s insane. I mean if you would’ve asked me if this was even possible a few years ago I would’ve said fuck no. It’s shocking, but I’m not surprised if that makes any sense. WOW.” She scowled. “Why the hell didn’t she call me?” she asked angrily.

  I laughed. “Well they were on a romantic date and all. Then when they got in a few minutes ago I heard something about sexy time so I doubt you’ll be hearing from her anytime soon.”

  She scrunched up her face. “That’s my best friend and I love the girl but there are some things I just don’t need to know. Thanks for that Nick.” She laughed.

  I studied her face as her smile widened and her eyes sparkled and I sighed. “What’s wrong?” she asked.

  I shook my head. “I just miss you.”

  Her face became sad and… guilty. It instantly put me on alert. I knew something wasn’t right and here it is. That feeling of dread I’ve been feeling and hiding. “I know Nick. I miss you too… it’s just like we don’t have any time for each other. We talk like 5 minutes a week… what are we doing? I feel like
this distance is just making us more miserable. The more time that passes I love and hate our relationship more. It’s like fate is teasing me. It’s driving me absolutely nuts. Do you think we’re doing the right thing? Or are we making things worse?” she asked with tears lining her eyes.

  “I know what you mean. What is it that you want Mel? It sounds like you’ve already made a choice.” I told her reluctantly.

  She sighed and the first tear fell. “Nick, I don’t want to end us. I really don’t but I think it would be better for the both of us.”

  I felt my heart constrict and I let out a shaky breath. “You want to breakup?” I asked even though I knew the answer.

  She shook her head. “No, but I’m going to. It’s what’s best for both of us.”

  I shook my head. “No it’s not. We can make it work. I think it’s worth it. In the end when we’re done with all of this we’ll have nothing but time left. I can endure a little sadness.”

  “But I can’t. It hurts too much Nick. I love you and I want to be with you but I just can’t take it anymore. The wanting and longing is suffocating me.” She confessed.

  I shook my head. “Now you tell me you love me, when you’re leaving me. I fucking love you and you’re just leaving me like this… is there someone else?” I asked.

  Her lower lip wobbled but she didn’t respond. It felt like someone stabbed me in the heart. “There’s someone else.” I asked again but this time it was more of a statement.

  “No… I mean yes. I mean… maybe.” She fell all over her words. “I mean there are people here. I’m not dating anyone or cheating on you but I think it’s better if we explore relationships we can actually be a part of. Where we have a chance to actually be with people we can spend time with and grow together.”

  I felt my eyes sting, this shit hurt like a bitch. “You know what Mel. I love you enough to give you what you want.” I replied in defeat. I could see it in her eyes; she was sure of her decision and there was no changing it.

  “I still want to be friends Nick. I don’t want to lose you. Maybe we’ll have a future…” she began but I cut her off.

  “I don’t want to be your fucking friend Mel. I want to be with you. But I can’t. I don’t want you in my life half ass. Go do what you need to and take care.” With that I clicked off and buried my head into my pillow. I couldn’t believe she’d do this to us. I’m never again going through this type of pain again… and I fucking trusted her. It might sound bitter but no one is worth this feeling.



  I was fucking tired. I kept Lucy up all night and my last class was the longest one of my life. To top it off I have football practice today and I wouldn’t be surprised if I got my ass kicked. I walked into the locker room to get suited up when coach called me over.

  “What’s up coach?” I asked.

  “Can I have a word with you in my office for a minute?” he asked.

  I looked at him warily. The look on his face wasn’t good, but I haven’t done anything to fuck up. I went inside and took a seat. He closed the door behind me and leaned against his desk. “Landon, I’ve received information that you are currently taking steroids?” he stated more as a question.

  My eyebrows flew up. “What do you mean? I’m not taking steroids. Who the hell said that?” I asked. I could feel my anger rising. “I’ve never taken drugs before.”

  He sighed. “Look, between the two of us I don’t believe it. However as protocol I will need to suspend you pending investigation. We will need to have you take a drug test to confirm the truth. Once that’s done given you’re all clear you will be let back on the team without any issues. The accusation will not be recorded to be used against you since there’s no actual evidence.”

  “Coach you can’t be serious?! I’m not taking any types of drugs. You can test me right now.” I argued.

  He nodded. “I get it Landon I do. Unfortunately I am not able to do it right now nor can I. it will go through the medical office. I can schedule an appointment for you sometime this week hopefully and get this all sorted out. I’m really sorry Landon. Worst case is you’ll miss one game but it’s not an important one.”

  I sighed. “Really coach? You’re just going to take someone’s word for it without any proof?”

  He nodded. “I have to take every allegation seriously. It’s the rules.”

  I got up. “So I guess I’m excused from practice today then?” I asked.

  He nodded. “Yes, I’ll contact you later today with an appointment. It’ll be fine Landon.” He told me and tapped my shoulder.

  I shook my head and left the office. I grabbed my stuff and stormed out of the locker room ignoring my teammate’s curious stares. Son of a bitch I am going to hurt someone. This is total bullshit… steroids, really? I needed to blow off steam. I couldn’t go home angry like this. I decided to go to the pizza joint on campus. I ordered a slice and a soda and found an empty booth. The food just sat there untouched as I thought about what just happened. I was totally zoned out when I heard a chair scrape.

  “Hey Landon, what’s going on man?” I looked up to see Dylan sitting across from me.

  “What do you want? You got a lot of balls coming to me, you know that right?” I sneered at him.

  “I don’t know what you mean.” He told me with a smug smile.

  My hands balled into fists. I felt my temperature rising and the urge to knock him the fuck out was way too tempting. “Did you fucking touch Lucy?” I asked him. This has been killing me. I know her and knew she wouldn’t admit it to me if she thought I would get in trouble unless I really pushed her. I let it go yesterday because I wanted her to have a good day.

  “I didn’t touch her. Why would I touch her?” he asked feigning innocence.

  Ok so the fucker wants to play with me? “Dylan, you don’t know me. You don’t want to fucking know me. Take this as your only warning. Lucy is mine and I’m not a person to fuck with. I don’t give a fuck how you feel about me. That shit doesn’t faze me, but if you do something stupid I will make you beg for mercy. You get me?” I asked standing up.

  He stood too. “Understood Landon, there’s no problems man.” Just as I walked past him I heard him ask, “So how is suspension?”

  I spun around and looked at him with a laugh. “Ah. I see. So this is war?”

  He gave me a smug smile. “It would be if my competition knew how to fight.”

  I smiled back. “Game on bitch.” With that I turned and left. This fucker wants to play? Then we can fucking play. This little pussy doesn’t have a clue what he’s getting himself into.

  I went home and found Nick in his room. I knocked on the door and let myself in. “Yo Nick.”

  “What’s going on… and why are you super pissed? I can smell your tension.” Nick told me with a worried look.

  I sighed. “That dick Dylan. First it was the shit with Lucy and the son of a bitch is lucky I didn’t knock his fucking head off. Then today I got suspended from the team because of an anonymous tip that I was using steroids. I stopped at the pizza shop and that douche approached me. He practically told me that he’s the one that reported that shit. It’s time for payback.”

  Nick nodded. “I’m down. I need to let out some frustration myself.”

  I gave him a hard look and I could see some underlying sadness in him. I sat down next to him. “What’s going on with you Nick?” I asked.

  He ran a hand through his hair. “Mel broke up with me. Some shit about finding relationships with people in the same area. Truth be told I’m sure she already has someone in mind. Whatever I’m over that shit, she can have whoever the fuck she wants. I’m done with her.” He told me in frustration. I just nodded, it was a fresh wound and I don’t want to push him. I made a note to circle back to this in a few days. He met my eyes and gave me a smug smile. “So what do you have in mind? We haven’t had any action in a long time.”

  I rubbed my hands together. “Well he does seem quit
e fond of that little car of his. Want to redecorate it?” I asked.

  Nick smiled and we agreed to wait until after midnight to go out. That way Lucy will be sleep and there will be a slim chance of us getting caught. I exhausted Lucy out in bed until she passed out then went to the living room until it was time to leave. We knew we were both taking a huge risk here. With us being on the teams, this is enough to get us kicked off of them permanently. Dylan hadn’t moved out of the football dorms yet so I knew his car would be in that area. It was cold and deserted out which was perfect. I’m just hoping he has a shitty alarm or none at all. It’s going to put a real damper on my plan if it goes off and wakes up the entire campus. It took us a while but we finally found his car. We took two of those heavy thick ass curtain rods that Lucy bought with us. I went around to the driver’s side to bust that window, so if an alarm goes off I can try to disable it. Sure enough, an alarm sounded and I fit the upper half of my body through the window. Thankfully Erica is into cars, so I learned a thing or two from her. I had the alarm off within 30 seconds she would be so fucking proud right now. Nick had already taken out both windows on the passenger side and the back window. I knocked off the side view mirror and busted the back window on my side. I pulled out my pocket knife and slashed the tires on my side. Nick was putting all types of dents all over the car. I thought about him fucking with Lucy and I reared back the rod and slammed it down into the front window hard and the entire thing shattered in. I looked up at Nick to see he was slashing the interior seats, so I wasn’t the only one that needed to release some pent up aggression. I snapped my fingers and caught his attention to motion we needed to get out of there. We had made a lot of noise while damaging the car and I’m sure someone had to have heard by now. They probably already called the cops. Thankfully we wore all black and hoods. Our faces weren’t visible even if it were on camera. We learned a long time ago how to go unnoticed when we need to fuck shit up. We taught Erica everything she knows. We had our wild day’s way back when. This was like old times. We took off and went back home.


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