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Keeping Her (The Lexington Series Book 2)

Page 28

by Belle Winters

  “Yes, you were pretty gross.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Well you remember how the day I woke up feeling better you pounced on me like a crazed animal.”

  He laughed. “Yes, I had to go three days without you I was desperate.”

  “You’re just a hornball Landon. Anyway, I had my suspicions but I waited until yesterday to find out.”

  He frowned in confusion. “What are you talking about Luce?”

  I picked my head up and looked into his eyes. “I’m pregnant.” His face broke out into a huge grin. “Apparently with all the medicine you were giving me you forgot my birth control pills.”

  He laughed. “Best decision I ever made.”

  I arched my eyebrow. “Excuse me?”

  He shrugged. “Lucy you expect me to apologize for not giving you your birth control pills? I knew I didn’t give it to you I didn’t forget. I was going to tell you to stop taking them starting today and I already threw them all away as an incentive. I want more kid’s baby and I’m tired of waiting. I understood we already had Max and Dean and we were finishing school then just beginning our careers so we were careful and avoided conceiving. I didn’t want you to have to sacrifice another year of your education and we already had enough on our plates. But we’re both established now and comfortable. I mean surely after your next painting sells you’re going to hit a hundred million in profits from your work. And I don’t think it will interfere with your work, you started this career while you were home with Dean. I’m ready to expand our family and I love seeing you pregnant with our child. I’m hard right now thinking about you having my baby in you but I have to wait until this is all over. Are you ok with more kids? I don’t want you to do something if I’m the only one that wants it.”

  I smiled and shook my head. “I should’ve known your sneaky ass. Landon I would love more kids and I already knew you wanted more. You ask about knocking me up at least once a week you haven’t really kept it a secret. I stopped taking them a week ago when I was sure I was pregnant I just waited to take the test because I wanted to tell you today. If I knew for sure earlier I wouldn’t have been able to keep it a secret from you.”

  He gripped the back of my head and kissed me hard. When cheers erupted we broke away and I needed a few seconds to compose myself. He dropped his forehead down to mine. “This is the best fucking wedding gift you could ever give me.” He seemed to think about it before he shook his head. “Well it could be better if you told me you were having twins?” he said more of a question.

  I rolled my eyes. “You’re so twisted. You might be the only guy that wants his wife to be as big as possible you know that? And I wouldn’t know I took a store bought test I haven’t been to the doctor yet.”

  He nodded. “I’ll setup an appointment for tomorrow before we leave for our honeymoon. Just to make sure because if you’re not already pregnant you damn sure will be by the time we come back.”

  I shook my head. “You’re a caveman.”

  “So.” He smiled and began dancing again.

  When the song finished people filtered onto the dance floor with us. “May I cut in?” I looked up to see James. Landon nodded and handed me off as he grabbed Erica from the side for a dance.

  “Lucy I’m so proud of you.” James began as soon as we started dancing.

  I smiled. “Thanks James. It meant a lot to me that you agreed to walk me down the aisle. If Dean was still here I would’ve wanted you both flanking either side of me.” I admitted.

  “Are you kidding me? I was hopeful that you would ask, do you know how happy I was when you did? I still wish that I had known you your entire life. You’re such an amazing girl and I’m lucky to say that I had a part in creating you.”

  I shook my head. “James you’re more family to me than my mother ever was. I can’t say that I wish I had you in my life forever. Everything that I’ve been through has helped make me who I am today. If it wasn’t for my mother and Landon’s sadistic shit when I was younger I might’ve never gotten into art the way I did. That was my escape and it helped me a lot. My mother’s craziness is what brought Landon and I together and I also got Max, Nick, Erica, you, and Sam out of this whole thing. We all got each other. I don’t want you to be sorry dad I love you and what you have done for me, for all of us since you came into my life means more to all us than you ever know.”

  James eyes were misted with tears. “I love you too Lucy.” He kissed my forehead and let me go I guess to compose himself.

  Landon came over and put his arm around my waist. “What was that about?”

  I shook my head. “Nothing… just talking.” I told him with a smile.

  He nodded and let it go. “Hey there hot stuff, you want to dance with me?”

  I looked behind Landon to see Nick standing there with his puppy dog face on. “Sure Nick come on.”

  He broke out into a grin and extended his hand. “Keep your hands in the safe zones Nick or I’ll break them.” Landon warned him.

  He rolled his eyes. “You are no fun at all anymore. You know how much I love groping Lucy.”

  “Yea I know that’s why I’m telling you now to expect my fist if you pull any shit.” Landon tossed at him over his shoulder as he walked away.

  “You should’ve married me Lucy, I’m the fun one and besides I’m sexier than him.” Nick joked to me.

  I laughed. “Sure thing Nick. Maybe we can have a secret romance and I’ll marry you when you propose.”

  His eyebrows shot up. “Are you serious because we can start our love affair right now. I saw a dark corner right on the other side no one will see us I promise.”

  I laughed. “There is something terribly wrong with you, you know that right?”

  He shrugged. “That’s what makes me special Luce. Just accept this awesomeness for what it is.”

  I scoffed. “Oh you’re special alright.”

  I felt him tense and I looked up. He was looking at something over my head and I turned around. He was watching Mel dance with her fiancé Roger and I sighed. Things had never really become normal between them. When she began having Roger around Nick made his self even more scarce. To be honest I was really concerned about him. I mean he comes back home all the time and spends time with us but I read the magazines and such. Different woman every night, and he’s been indulging in a lot of drinking and partying. This is not the Nick I know sure he could party and stuff but there’s more going on with him. Over the past few years there’s been a change in him that I wasn’t at all comfortable with.

  “Nick?” I said trying to get his attention.

  He sighed. “Yea?”

  “I’m worried about you Nick. I need you to talk to me about what’s going on.” I prodded.

  He shook his head. “This is your day Luce. It’s not the time to talk about me and any of my bullshit.”

  “Nick anytime is the best time. I don’t care if I was in the middle of giving birth we would talk about it then. I’m so worried about you and it’s driving me crazy you won’t let me in. You have this bitterness to you now that both scares and worries me. I’m not a total idiot and I know when it started but I have no clue what happened.” I told him.

  “It’s not about Mel. I got over her a long time ago she’s just a friend of the family. I’m not bitter either I just like doing what I want. Most of the time I’m on the road and now that I’m with the Lakers and I’m living in all that nice weather I have no choice but to enjoy it. Stop worrying I’m fine.”

  I sighed but didn’t comment anymore. He wasn’t going to open up about it and no matter what he says I don’t think that he’s totally over her. Sure he might have gotten over his feelings for her but whatever happened between them did something to him. After the song finished I went to find Landon because I was starving.

  “I’m hangry Landon.” I fussed.

  He laughed. “When aren’t you and I think that term is stupid. You’re so hungry you’re angry you can just say that you know? The food
is about ready now come on.” He said grabbing my hand and taking me towards the food. As we got closer the scents started to bombard me and my stomach growled in answer. Landon must’ve heard because he turned towards me and raised an eyebrow. I only shrugged in response. We didn’t do any of that fancy shit. You know where they have all of these dainty plates and servers and everyone still leaves starving. We got a buffet because I knew majority of our guests actually eat like Landon and Nick do. Max has also developed their ridiculous appetite and knowing there would be other players I couldn’t have a bunch of huge hungry men running around. We grabbed plates and loaded up as they made the announcement to everyone that the food was out and ready. We took our plates to the table designated for the wedding party and sat in the middle. I made a plate for Dean and summoned him over to eat. He took the seat next to me and Nick was next with Max. Max took the seat on Landon’s other side and Nick sat beside him. As we ate and chatted everyone else made their ways over to the table with their food.


  When the majority of people were done eating the cleaning crew came around to clear out plates while servers brought out champagne. I knew that was my cue to prepare to give my toast. Someone brought over a microphone as the servers exited and I stood. I picked up my glass like I’ve seen in movies and began tapping it with a fork to get everyone’s attention. When people continued talking I tapped it even harder which caused me to accidentally break the glass and my champagne spilled on the table and floor. Ironically that got everyone’s attention and the room quieted down.

  “I would like everyone’s attention.” Landon handed me Lucy’s glass of champagne and I lifted and eyebrow in question to which he only shrugged. My gaze flew to Lucy and she smiled and shrugged but I noted her hand resting on her stomach. My mouth dropped open and I mouthed ‘really’ and she nodded. These horny bastards were pregnant again. I started to feel the jealousy within me rise but I tamped it down, today wasn’t about me. “Landon and Lucy are the two most stubborn people I think I have ever met. These two can make anybody crazy when they start their shit, but it’s all because they love each other. There was a time when I thought that their stubbornness and downright stupidity would prevent them from ever really being happy because I believe the only way they could be truly happy is with each other. I’ve watched them go through a lot but they somehow still made it. It took some time and unfortunate experiences for them to discover who they were and truly allow themselves to be together happily. These are two of the greatest people that I know, however I do question Lucy’s common sense. I mean come on she lived with the both of us and I don’t see how she could possibly choose Landon over me, I’m hot. In any event, I wish you both the best for the rest of your lives because let’s face it there’s no option of divorce here. They would kill each other before either of them let’s that happen. I remember having to endure living with these two rabbits, you people wouldn’t believe what I went through if I told you. These guys are my family and I love them more than anything and Landon is the biggest pussy when it comes to Luce. She could probably get the man to wear a dress. On the other hand Landon is a lucky bastard because her cooking is enough to make me want to quit my job and live in their basement forever. You couldn’t ask for better people in your lives and we’re all lucky to have them. These poor kids are lucky that Lucy finally married this guy because he has been a mad man waiting for this day. Here’s to the future and I’m sure these two will be giving us all plenty more opportunities to come together.” We all raised our glasses and as I took a sip I met Lucy’s smiling face and winked.

  “That was pretty tame for you.” James joked and we all laughed.

  I shrugged. “I try to act normal occasionally.”

  Landon and Lucy got up and went to cut the cake. It was red velvet so I’ll be having me a good three or four slices. I licked my lips in anticipation. After they cut the first slice I slid up behind Lucy. She just looked at me and shook her head before cutting off a huge chunk for me and I gave her a kiss in thanks. I stood on the side as I ate my cake and watched everyone mingle. When I was done I went to throw away my plate and passed Lucy. She was lifting the fork to her mouth and I bent down and stole it. She growled at me like a fucking angry ass animal, pregnant people are crazy. The DJ began playing some dancing music and people went back onto the dance floor. I got myself a few shots before deciding to look for someone that I could take home tonight.


  I spun around and saw Mel standing behind me with her hands folded in front of her. I let my eyes trail over her red curls and her beautiful face. She had minimal makeup on just the way I’ve always liked her. Since she had stopped running she filled out a bit more in all the right places, she looked amazing. I let my eyes trail down her body to her bare legs and I felt my body react. I let out a sigh, you would think with only seeing her a handful of times these last years that she wouldn’t still have this effect on me. I tried everything to forget her but I could never get her out of my head completely. Lately the partying and drinking has been helping to keep myself distracted. I looked down at her hand to see her engagement ring and my body instantly cooled off.


  “How you been? It’s been a while since I saw you. You look great.”

  “Three years.” I told her coldly. It was more my fault than hers about me not seeing her but I didn’t even want to see her again when I heard she got engaged to that douche. I had met him before and there’s just something about him that’s always been a little bit off to me. I can’t quite put my finger on it but he comes off as this kind of shy but nice guy but the way he looked at me when he didn’t think anyone was watching told me otherwise. He must know I was the guy that she was dating when they began but I wouldn’t know for sure. I have no idea what she told him about me or us so it was hard to figure out. When we broke up she got knocked up by him shortly after that was the second strike against her, the first being her breaking up with me to begin with. It felt like a punch to my heart when I heard because it hadn’t been any time at all. It was almost as though she didn’t have any problem leaving our life behind. Of course the final strike was the engagement and I assume that she knows I won’t attend so I haven’t been told anything about their wedding plans.

  She nodded. “That’s right. I saw you shortly after I had my daughter and that was the last time.”

  “Yea, you have a kid. Congrats and all that… on your engagement too.” The words felt like shit coming out of my mouth and it probably sounded like it too. I guess she just has to accept that it’s the thought that counts.

  “Right, thanks. Do you want to um… dance?” she asked.

  I wanted to say no, I should say no but I didn’t. Instead I nodded and followed behind her onto the dance floor. I reached for her hesitantly it’s been a long time since I’ve touched her. The moment that our fingers connected I was instantly brought back to the last time we were together, when we said goodbye. I linked our fingers together and rocked to the music. It was an upbeat song but I couldn’t bring myself to jump around or even pull her close to me. We were dancing like two old ass idiots with this huge gap in between us. I’m sure we looked as ridiculous as I felt. She sighed and shook her head. She let go of one of my hands and wrapped it around my bicep and moved my arm so I had no choice but to wrap it around her back. She took small steps at a time until we were almost touching and she looked up at me. She swallowed hard and held my eyes. She was looking for me to close the gap. I couldn’t help myself and took the final step towards her and I could feel her body lightly pressed against mine. Her head came up to my chin and she gently laid her head down on my chest and sighed. Her breath blew across my neck and I felt a shudder run through my body.

  After a minute I felt her shift her head and she whispered close to my ear. “I know this doesn’t matter any but I miss you.”

  I sighed. “You always say you miss me but missing me had never meant much of anything. It doesn’
t help change or fix things, it’s not important enough. Let’s just dance and not speak I can handle that. I can’t handle talking about us and anything that could’ve or should’ve been. We can’t change the past or us.”

  I felt her nod. “I know Nick. Trust me, I know.” We continued dancing together until the song ended and right before I let her go she tightened her grip around me almost as if she was hugging me goodbye. It seems like every time we cross paths all we do is say goodbye, it’s weird because it’s not like we ever say hello. We said goodbye a long time ago but it seems to be the only thing we can do anymore. When is it going to be final? I watched her ass as she walked away and when I looked up that dick Roger was standing off to the side with a drink watching. His face was expressionless but I knew he had watched the entire dance.


  “I’m ready for everyone to leave Lucy.” I complained. The reception has been going on forever and I was getting aggravated. We wouldn’t be leaving for our honeymoon until tomorrow night and most of our guests will be staying at close by hotels except for family.

  “Stop fussing you big baby I’m sure it’s almost over you will survive.”

  I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her back so that her back was against my chest. I placed a kiss behind her ear as I softly grinded against her. “I’m ready for sexy time Luce. You look damn good in this dress but I’m dying to see all that sexy marital lingerie you have on.”

  She laughed. “How do you know I don’t have on some granny panties and an old ass bra?”

  I shrugged. “That’s still sexy on you baby.”

  “You’re just a fucking rabbit Landon. It’s like your mind is always focused on one thing and you don’t see anything else.” She scolded me.

  “It’s not me, it’s you. You make me horny all the time how can you blame me for the things you make my body do. That’s pretty selfish Lucy. Now throw those damn flowers already and tell everyone to get the hell out.” I demanded.


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