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Outlaw Revenge

Page 2

by London Casey

Blaine slapped Gaige in the face. “Such a tough guy. I remember when you were just a punk kid roaming the streets.”

  “That was probably right around the time you took your last shower,” Gaige quipped.

  Blaine sniffed his jacket and shrugged. “That’s years of pussy, brother. I can’t wash that away.” He winked and took a sip of his beer.

  “Oh, come on!” Nate yelled. “Hit someone. Fuck.”

  “What’s up with Nate?” Blaine asked.

  “He’s fired up,” Gaige said. “I think he wants in.”

  “I’ll put money on it,” Blaine said.

  “I told him I’d put a grand on him fighting the two fucks in there now.”

  “Thousand?” Blaine asked. “I’m in.”

  Blaine turned and whistled. A short man with a notebook hustled to him. He collected money, gave the odds, and took care of the payouts. With him were two big men with sawed off shotguns, just to make sure nobody got out of line.

  “We have some action for you,” Blaine said.

  Gaige punched Nate in the leg. “Blaine’s betting on you.”

  “About fucking time,” Nate said. He stood up and whistled. It was like a freight train, calling attention to everyone, including the fight in the circle. “You two are fucking pussies!”

  “Fuck you,” the men yelled.

  “How ‘bout you two fight a real man?” Nate offered. “Two on one. Just like my buddy and I tag teamed your fucking mother last night.”

  One of the men jumped up on the cinder blocks and threw the middle finger. “Come on. Come on, asshole. Get in here.”

  Nate slowly took his rings off while staring down the two men in the circle.

  “Bro, you getting in?” Gaige asked.

  Nate handed Gaige his rings. He cracked his knuckles and smiled. “I’m going to fucking kill these two.”

  Gaige whistled as Nate jumped down to the ground. The crowd parted as Nate unclipped the chain off his jeans and rolled it up. He handed that to Gaige too. He removed his leather cut, leaving him in a black t-shirt.

  Nate walked to the circle as another man jumped into the middle. This guy was more or less the referee of the fights. He made sure the fights started fair and ended when they needed to. After all, this was a bunch of bikers, they could beat someone to death because it was fun to do.

  Once in the circle, Nate stood with his hands balled into fists. Gaige stood on the picnic table and Blaine joined him.

  “Think he can do this?” Blaine asked.

  “I hope so,” Gaige said. “He’s pissed because I let that third guy live. He’s hungry for a fight. Me too.”

  “Oh yeah? You jumping in next?” Blaine asked.

  “I’d like to. Still haven’t found someone to fight though.”

  “Eh, I’m sure you will. This place is crawling with fucking losers. Right?” Blaine swatted the back of the head of the person in front of him. The guy looked back and up at Blaine.

  “What the fuck?” the guy asked.

  “Fuck you,” Blaine said. He kicked the guy in the mouth. The guy stumbled and Blaine laughed.

  “Christ, man,” Gaige said. “Relax.”

  The referee gave some rules and then backed away. The rules were a formality and if they weren’t followed, it would be open season on the guy breaking the rules. There was a certain respect that came with fighting. Even if it was mostly about setting grudges or getting revenge.

  Nate was massive compared to the two guys. His shoulders were a mile wide. His face cut like stone. The other guys looked like scrawny wannabe bikers.

  “He’s going to fucking rock them,” Gaige said. He started to clap. His heart was racing for this.

  “Take your best shot,” Nate said. “Each of you.”

  “Yeah? That’s what you want?” one of the men taunted.

  Nate spit in the guy’s face and then laughed. The man came forward and socked Nate in the face. Nate took a step back and then spit a chunk of blood to the ground. He nodded.

  “That was weak. Pussy.” He looked at the other man. “Your turn.”

  “Come on, fight me,” the man said.

  “I’m tired from bending your mother over last night.”

  “My mother’s dead,” the man said.

  “Then it must have been your old lady. Man, did she stink…”

  The man screamed and ran at Nate. Nate threw a fist and connected with the guy’s face. His head snapped back and he collapsed to the ground. He was out cold. The entire crowd let out a cheer.

  “Holy fuck,” Blaine said.

  The other man took a step back.

  “Running?” Nate asked.

  Nate moved at him and threw a left fist. It hit the guy in the face, leaving him in shock. Nate then unleashed a hellish fury of fists. He started with the guy’s gut and pounded his way up. Fist after hard fist, Nate grunting each time. Finally, with the guy rocking back and forth Nate made a big fist and held it up.

  “Get him!” Blaine screamed.

  “He’ll kill him,” Gaige said. He almost felt bad for the guy. Almost.

  Nate swung one last fist, a wicked uppercut that took the guy off his feet for a couple seconds. The guy came down hard on one of the cinderblocks and as the crowd ooohhh’d and cheered, two guys rushed to the guy’s aid.

  Just like that, the fight was over.

  Nate turned, spit more blood on the ground and then raised his fists. The crowed erupted in cheers as Nate walked back to the picnic table.

  “We just cleaned up nice,” Blaine said.

  “Yeah, we did,” Gaige said. He jumped from the table and hugged Nate. “Fucking sick, brother. They didn’t stand a chance.”

  “Nope,” Nate said. He licked his teeth and spit more blood.

  “Take my beer,” Blaine said. “You made some money for me. I think I’ll hit the strip tonight.”

  “Renting pussy?” Gaige asked.

  “Best kind,” Blaine said. “Unless my little friend shows up…”

  Gaige handed Nate back his chain and rings. There was already a small gathering of women lurking, all wanting to take part of licking the wounds of the winners of the fights.

  “I think you just secured your night, bro,” Gaige said and laughed.

  “Yeah. Now it’s your turn.”

  “Yeah,” Gaige said.

  He turned and saw a tall, thick biker standing like some kind of statue. He had a black leather cut with IDD written across the back of it, tattoos all over his arms, a wide stance, and his thumbs in his pockets. It pissed Gaige off.

  “Push me,” Gaige said to Nate.

  He smiled and Nate nodded. Nate tossed Gaige into the biker.

  “What the fuck, asshole,” the biker said as he caught his balance.

  “Fuck you,” Gaige said.

  The man made a fist and punched Gaige in the face, rings and all. The searing pain of the punch forced Gaige a few steps back.

  “Whoa,” Nate said.

  “It’s good,” Gaige said. “Really good.” He touched his bloody lip and smiled. “Want to do that again?” he asked the biker.

  The biker showed his fist and the smear of blood on one of his rings. “Yeah. Let’s do this.”

  “Perfect,” Gaige said. He turned and faced Nate. Now it was Gaige’s turn to take off his rings, his chain, his leather cut, and even his t-shirt.

  “Looks like you’ve got your fight now,” Nate said. “Could you have picked someone a little bigger?”

  Gaige smiled. “He better fucking kill me, bro. If not, I’m going to keep getting back up until he’s down.”

  Gaige didn’t need to be cocky or confident… he was that crazy and that tough.


  “I can’t believe we’re doing this,” Emily said as she sat shotgun in Rachel’s sports car.

  The windows were down and the cool, salty air felt good against her skin. Emily’s hair danced all over the place and she had given up trying to fix it a few miles ago.

’s fun,” Rachel said. “Tough bikers duking it out. Plus, you need to get laid, girl.”


  “I’m sorry, but you do. You haven’t had a date in months. I mean, when was the last time you had sex?”

  “Two nights ago.”

  “Without battery operated assistance?” Rachel winked.

  Emily turned her head as her cheeks flushed. “I’m not answering that question.”

  “Yeah, it was probably that dumb baseball player a few months ago, wasn’t it? Mr. Big League with the small baseball bat…”

  Emily burst out laughing. “It wasn’t that small.”

  “Yeah, sure. You didn’t even come from him I bet. So it’s been longer. You really need tonight.”

  “Rachel, I am not going to hook up with some biker tonight,” Emily said.

  Been there, done that before…

  “Just go with whatever happens, please?”

  Emily didn’t respond. She looked out the window and in the distance she could see the beach. There was still the faintest sight of daylight as night came upon the town. People would still be on the beach, beginning their nightly festivities. The parties. The fires. Cooking. Drinking. Music. Laughing. People hooking up. Enjoying life.

  “Are you listening to me?” Rachel asked.

  “Actually, I’m not,” Emily said.

  “Well, perk up, we’re here.”

  Emily looked as Rachel turned down an alley and stopped the car. At the end of the alley was a large metal gate with two men standing at the entrance.

  “We’re going in there?” Emily asked.

  “Yeah. That’s where they do it. It’s an old junkyard.”

  “What about the cops?”

  “I don’t know,” Rachel said. “I’m not the one fighting. I’m just an innocent girl who got lost here. Oh, maybe if the cops bust it up, I can jump on the back of Blaine’s bike.”

  “So he can… nevermind,” Emily said as she shook her head.

  “Come on, Em, please,” Rachel said. “Just have some fun for once. Promise me you’ll have fun.”

  “Okay. I promise.”

  Emily climbed out of the car and walked next to Rachel to the large gate. The two men eyed them up.

  “Something wrong?” Rachel asked.

  Emily had seen this scene before in a different life. These guys were given a kickback from the fights to police the alley. If the cops showed up, they knew what to say and how to handle the situation. Chances were, the cops roaming around this part of town were already well aware of the fights and were paid to keep their distance.

  “Can I help you ladies?” one of the men asked.

  “I’m looking for a junker,” Emily said. “I drive hard and fast.”

  “Em!” Rachel cried out and punched her arm. “What is wrong with you?”

  The two men laughed.

  “I’m here to see Blaine. He’s in a motorcycle group.”

  “Club,” Emily said.

  “What?” Rachel asked.


  Emily had to bite her tongue. She couldn’t act like she knew what was going on or that she had any knowledge of all this motorcycle club business.

  “Enjoy the night,” one of the men said and then he opened the gate.

  As Emily walked into the junkyard compound she could hear the yells and screams from the fights. She hated to admit it, but it excited her. She smiled and grabbed Rachel by the hand.

  The fights were held in the center of the judgement. The large crowds of people and lines upon lines of motorcycles were pretty awesome to see. The different crews lined up, their guys in leather, everyone segregated by club. There was a circled platform that was empty right now.

  “I bet that’s where they fight,” Rachel said.

  “Let’s get close and find out,” Emily said.

  They got to the back of the crowd and stopped. All around them was the smell of smoke… cigarettes and pot for sure. Everyone had a beer bottle in their hand. Women were huddled together, talking and laughing, probably all waiting to find someone to go home with. It was both raunchy and sexy.

  “I wish we could find Blaine,” Rachel said. “There’s so many people here.”

  Emily pointed to an empty picnic table and they ran to it. The climbed up on top and scanned the crowd. To Emily it was just bikers on top of bikers. A mass of guys who wanted to ride, fight, drink, and fuck. It was intense.

  “I don’t know what to do,” Rachel said.

  A small cheer kicked up and Rachel pointed. There were a few men pushing and shoving each other. A small circle broke open and the two guys looked ready to fight.

  “Holy shit,” Rachel said.

  One of the men took a swing. The other grabbed him by the back of his leather and pulled him in as he kneed the guy in the face. The guy fell back and then pulled a gun out. The demeanor of the crowd suddenly changed and the fight was quickly broken up.

  “He had a gun,” Rachel said.

  “Yeah, that happens,” Emily said. “I guess.”

  “This is real stuff.”

  Emily nodded.

  Sometimes she wondered what went through Rachel’s head. This wasn’t just some after school hangout. This was serious stuff. These motorcycle clubs took their business seriously, because it wasn’t just about money, it was about life and death.

  Emily turned her head, ready to make the offer to leave when Rachel then let out a squeal and started to wave her hands as she jumped up and down.

  “What is wrong with you?” Emily asked.

  “I see Blaine!”

  Emily looked and saw a guy waving back at them. He had black hair, black scruff on his face, and he looked dirty. He quickly dove off the table he stood on and began to push through the crowd.

  “He’s so fucking sexy,” Rachel said.

  Blaine made it to them and looked up, smiling. Emily eyed him up and down. he was tall, strong, and definitely a real biker. There were a few scars on his face and his eyes were pure evil. She could tell her was the kind of guy that would blow someone’s head off first and then worry about it later.

  “There you are,” Blaine said.

  “I told you I would I come,” Rachel said.

  “Aw, baby, you haven’t come yet.”

  Rachel giggled.

  Blaine put his hand out and Rachel took it. He pulled her from the table and caught her. He spun around once and then cupped her ass with strength. Rachel cried out and Blaine bent his knees and thrust at her.

  “Shit,” Emily whispered.

  This guy was dangerous. Ironically, Emily suddenly felt both out of place and right at home.

  “And I see you’ve brought me a present,” Blaine said. He put Rachel down and offered a hand to Emily. “Come on, baby, I don’t bite hard.”

  “She’s not for you,” Rachel said. “I don’t share.”

  “Like fuck you don’t,” Blaine said. “I ain’t a one pussy guy. Unless of course it’s the greatest pussy in the world.”

  Blaine licked his lips and smiled.

  Emily took his hand and stepped down from the table. Blaine pulled her close and sniffed her.

  “You have some wild eyes,” Blaine said. “This ain’t your first go in these kinds of parts, is it?”

  Emily simply smiled. Sometimes it was best to keep silent.

  Blaine let her go and reached for Rachel. “Let’s move. I’ve got us a front row seat for the best fight of the night.”

  “What’s that?” Rachel asked.

  “One of our guys picked a fight with this huge dude. It’s going to be a bloodbath.”

  They walked through the crowd to the table where Blaine had been standing. Emily saw another guy standing on the table. He looked at Emily and nodded. There was blood on the side of his mouth.

  “This is Nate,” Blaine said. “Nate, this is my dessert.”

  Rachel laughed, but Emily wondered if her friend had any clue how serious these guys were. Emily stood up on the
table and looked to the circle. Now there were two guys in the middle, eyeing each other up. One was crazy tall and strong. His arms were covered in tattoos and even still the definition of his arms was scary. The other guy was shorter, but had a ton of muscle too. Across his chiseled back read Back Down Devil.

  “That’s our boy,” Blaine said. “That’s Gaige.”


  The name alone turned Emily on. When Gaige turned to the side, she saw the outline of his body. Pure muscle. The kind that would leave a woman’s fingers tingling so much her body wouldn’t be able to control itself.

  “This is so crazy,” Rachel squealed.

  Blaine laughed and put an arm around her. “Sweetheart, you don’t know crazy yet. Wait until I get you on my bike.”

  Emily crossed her arms and couldn’t take her eyes off the circle.

  A man in the middle was saying something to the two guys. The big guy stood still and Gaige had his hands in fists. She could sense the anger and tension coming from Gaige.

  The man then backed away and the fight was underway. The crowd clapped and cheered.

  “I put five hundred on this one,” Blaine said.

  “Dollars?” Rachel asked. “Seriously?”

  “Fuck yeah. Gaige is going to take this pussy down. Just like I’m going to take your pussy later, baby.”

  Rachel giggled again.

  Emily looked to her left at Nate. He turned his head and looked down at her.

  “Problem?” he asked.



  Emily set her sights back to the fight. The two men were circling each other. Gaige’s eyes looked fierce.. The big guy took a step forward and Gaige acted fast. He threw a fist and hit the guy in the face. The guy stepped back and then lunged at Gaige.

  The big guy came down at Gaige with a series of punches, landing them on his head and back. He put a hand to Gaige’s neck and forced him down, beating at his back.

  “What a fucking pussy,” Blaine said. “Fighting like that. Come on! Someone call this shit!”

  Gaige took the beating and then grabbed the big guy’s ankles and pulled them. He crashed to the ground and Blaine started whistling. Gaige hurried on top of him and unleashed a fury of punches. Each one sounded heavier and more wet than the other. Each punch produced more and more blood. The big guy tried to swing at Gaige, but Gaige was too quick.


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