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Desire Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  “Tiffany wants to see the place. She’s big on the clubs and drinking.”

  “They’re not part of what you like to do?” he asked.

  “I like going out with friends, but I’m not much for dancing or drinking.”

  He noticed the way she rubbed her hands down her thighs. Each time she moved her hands up her legs, she exposed a little bit of thigh. His driver pulled up outside a little French café.

  “I thought we were having coffee,” she said, frowning at him.

  “We’re having coffee, but I hate the crap they serve in the shops. I think France has the best coffee. Others prefer Italian while I like mine from here,” he said.

  “And to think I prefer mine instant and from a jar I pick up at the supermarket.” She smiled at him, and Evan lost himself.

  Her smile lit up her entire face. She looked like she had a glow that would rival any pregnant woman’s glow.

  Clearing his throat, he took hold of the door handle then climbed out. The sharp burst of cold air helped settle his nerves. She moved across, and he offered her his hand.

  Wendy surprised him when she took his offered hand. He gave instructions to the driver then made his way to the café.

  Evan found a corner booth so they’d be able to drink their coffee in privacy. A woman immediately came over to take their order. He ordered a coffee with a croissant. He needed to do something with his hands to stop himself from reaching out to her.

  “I’ll have the same.”

  Seconds later they were alone. He reached out to take her hand. She tried to pull out of his grasp before settling down. He stroked her knuckles enjoying the feel of her soft skin.

  “I don’t get you,” she said. Her voice sounded breathless as she spoke.

  What is there to get?

  “And why is that?” he asked.

  “From the way you’ve looked at me I know Drake told you what happened, and yet, you’re here, giving me coffee and staring at me like there is something more.”

  He waited for the waitress to place their coffee in front of them before leaving them alone in peace. Taking a quick sip of the aromatic brew he stared at the woman who was turning him in knots.

  She sat opposite nibbling her croissant.

  When he reached for her hand she gave it to him without question.

  Evan wanted those hands and lips all over him. He shifted in his seat to relieve the ache in his groin.

  Biting into his croissant he waited for the sweet pastry to go down before talking. “I want you,” he said. There was nothing subtle in his feelings for her, and he didn’t intend to sugar-coat what he wanted either.

  “You want me?”


  She sipped her coffee before responding. “In what way? I’m not a stupid woman, Evan. Be blunt with me,” she said.

  “I want to fuck you, but if you need me to go into more detail I will. The moment I saw you at the club I wanted you. I wanted you to come up to my office overlooking the main floor of club and fuck you across my desk. Drake talked about tasting your pussy, but that is tame in comparison to what I want to do to you.” Evan sipped his coffee giving her a moment to collect her thoughts. Her cheeks were flushed with arousal, the arousal that he’d built inside her. He’d sensed her attraction for him the instant she’d bumped into him. Her body had gone from tense to liquid when she’d looked at him.

  “What else?” she asked. Her voice was so quiet he’d barely heard her speak.

  “I want to watch my brother love your body. We share our women, Wendy. I want to see you come apart in his arms and then turn toward me because you know I can give you just as much pleasure as he can.”

  Her gaze dropped to her cup resting on the table. “I don’t know what to say.”

  Taking her hand in his, he squeezed it in an attempt to offer her comfort.

  “When you go home tonight I want you to think about how it could be between us. I’ll make sure Drake doesn’t pester you before Friday.”

  She frowned. “Why are you saying all this? Before we got here you looked tongue tied.”

  “I know I’ve got no choice but to be blunt with you. I want you, and I know you want me. I bet your pussy is soaking wet to feel my dick, tongue, or fingers.”

  Her gaze moved around them.

  “No one can hear me. We’re perfectly alone.”

  “What do you want me to say?” she asked.

  “I want you to consider what I’ve said.”

  “You want me to consider you and your brother sharing me?”

  She sounded shocked and aroused. He could work with that. Raising an eyebrow, Evan didn’t say a word. There was no need for him to speak.

  “I can’t believe this is happening,” she said.

  Evan signalled to the waitress. He placed the money for their bill along with a tip on the tray. Easing out of her chair, he went to her side then helped her out of her chair.

  When they were back in the car Evan gave the driver directions to her house before turning back to her.

  “Friday, I want an answer.”

  “You want an answer to what? You’ve not said anything other than what you desire.”

  He clicked the button giving them much needed privacy.

  “I want you to consider a relationship between Drake and me. We share women, and we both want you.”

  Within minutes they were outside her apartment. The drive seemed to have gone nowhere.

  “I can’t believe this is happening.”

  “I’m offering, and Drake is offering, you immeasurable pleasure. We can make all your fantasies come true. Think about it, and give me your answer when you come to Desire on Friday.”

  He helped her out of the limo. Evan stayed next to the door as she made her way up to the door. She turned back to wave before leaving him on the sidewalk.

  Chapter Six

  “He’s promising you immeasurable pleasure, and you didn’t jump at the chance?” Tiffany asked.

  It was her friend’s day off from the restaurant, and Tiffany had come through with the ice-cream. Wendy had taken a long bath, and her hair was wrapped up in a towel on top of her head. She eased down on the sofa grabbing the nail polish off the coffee table.

  “They’re brothers as in two men.”

  “It sounds kinky and fun. I can’t believe you didn’t jump at the chance.” Tiffany blew on her fingernails making the polish dry faster.

  “They want my answer on Friday.”

  “You’ve got to say yes. I won’t allow you to give a different answer.”

  “I barely know these men.” Wendy kept protesting even though her body hummed at the appeal of being with both Evan and Drake.

  “Oh, please. Do you really think every woman fucks a man they’ve known for a long time? There is a lot of fun to be had in just experiencing pleasure.” Tiffany snatched the polish out of her hands. “Let me finish your nails. They look like they’ve been in a lame ass horror movie.”

  Wendy eased back rubbing her throbbing temple as Tiffany sorted her toe nails. She loved their girly nights. Since college had finished nights like these had been few and far between. They were either working or recovering from work.

  She felt sorry for Tiffany. At least she got to sit at a desk for most of the day while Tiffany spent a great deal of time on her feet.

  “Wendy, you’ve got to jump at this chance.”

  “I’ve got to jump at a chance of being screwed by two men?” Wendy wouldn’t dream of telling anyone other than Tiffany the proposition she’d been given. There was no one else in the world she could trust. Her father would hit the roof if he ever found out she’d been to Desire.

  Pushing the guilt aside she watched her friend work.

  “Not just screwing two men but finally having the experience of being desired. You’ve told me your ex never even gave you an orgasm. Drake has given you an orgasm, and Evan sets your pulse burning. Maybe it is time for you to let go for a little bit.”

sp; Wendy listened to her friend talk. Her ex had been a waste of space in the sex department. No man had ever left her feeling as hungry for sex as Evan and Drake.

  “I see you’re thinking about it,” Tiffany said, smirking.

  “Of course I’m thinking about it. I’d be a fool not to think about it.”

  “I can’t wait to meet this Evan. I think I’m going to have fantasies about what those men are doing to you.” Tiffany handed her the ice-cream. Wendy took the carton grateful for the coolness against her hot skin. Pressing the carton to her cheeks she used the other to fan Tiffany.

  “That’s my girl,” Tiffany said. “You’re getting all hot and flustered over your men.”

  “My men?” Wendy asked, confused.

  “Yes. Until Drake and Evan say otherwise, they are your men. I hope you can handle two men.”

  For the remainder of the night Wendy listened to her friend talk about the troubles at work. The head chef kept asking her out, and Tiffany was put off by the fact she’d heard so many bad rumours about him. She offered Tiffany advice when she could and kept her mouth closed when she couldn’t. Her thoughts kept returning to Drake and Evan. Especially Evan’s proposition. The way he’d described what he wanted to do to her left her yearning for exactly what he promised.

  After Tiffany went to bed Wendy stayed up cleaning around the apartment. The small space wasn’t luxurious, but it was comfortable. She loved sharing a place with her friend. She’d lived with her father throughout college, and she’d needed to get away from his cynical outlook. Wendy adored him, but he’d never gotten over his feelings about the shop. She plumped up the pillows then made her way through to her room. Closing the door behind her, Wendy climbed under the covers. The night was cold, and she wished for something more than her blanket to keep her warm. Rolling over she looked at the empty spot next to her on the bed.

  What Evan offered was a chance to explore her fantasies. She wasn’t an innocent, and her desires ranged far and wide.

  Sighing in frustration, Wendy thumped her pillow to try to get comfortable.

  “Stop thinking about them,” she said.

  Lying on her back she stared at the ceiling.

  Friday felt so long away, and yet it was only a couple of days away. Running her fingers through her hair she closed her eyes in an effort to go to sleep. Sleep refused to claim her.

  Getting out of bed after twenty minutes passed, she grabbed the bottle of milk from the fridge. Opening the cupboard she pulled down a glass. Tiffany stood glaring at her on the other side.

  “Fuck, Tiffany, you scared me.”

  “You’re drinking milk at two in the morning.”

  “So, I’m thirsty.”

  “Honey, I’ve known you a long time. What’s plaguing you?” Tiffany sat down on the stool. She looked exhausted with her head resting on her hand.

  “Go to bed.”

  “I’m not leaving until you talk about your worries. You never struggle to get to sleep. I’ve been listening to you tossing and turning. What’s the matter?” Tiffany waited for her to answer.

  Rolling her eyes, Wendy swirled her milk in the glass. “I’m nervous about this Friday. I don’t know what to do.”

  “Get me a glass of milk. You should have told me before I started talking about myself. I figured you’d decided on an answer.”

  Wendy poured another glass then stood waiting for Tiffany to finish her glass.

  “Now, what is the problem?” Tiffany asked. Her hands were locked in front of her. With her hair mussed she looked like a very sexy counsellor waiting to give advice.

  “Two men and that proposition I’ve been given. You can’t tell me you wouldn’t be losing sleep over it?”

  “I wouldn’t. If it had been me I’d have jumped at the chance, and you know that, but you’re not me.” Tiffany rolled her shoulders.

  “So what am I supposed to do?” Wendy asked.

  “I can’t give you that answer. I can talk it out with you and work out the kinks, but anything else comes from you.”

  Wendy glared at her. “That’s not an answer.”

  Her friend held up her hands. “I’m your friend. If this goes sour I’m not going to be the one you point the finger at. I’ll be the one wiping away the tears. I love you, Wendy, and I want you to be happy.”

  Pacing the length of the kitchen Wendy waited to speak. Tiffany yawned, and she felt bad for keeping the other woman awake. Her indecisions shouldn’t affect her friend.

  “You can go to bed.”

  “No. I’m not leaving you with this indecision. You’ve spent a great deal of time losing sleep over me. I’m here to help you talk it out with yourself.”

  Leaning on the counter Wendy glanced around the apartment.

  “What about their connection to my dad?” Wendy asked.

  “That doesn’t matter. Your dad shouldn’t be the deciding factor. If you want to be with them even for sex then that is the decision you’re going to have to make.”

  “What about me being labelled a slut?”

  “I’m your best friend, and I’m telling you to go for it. I don’t think it should matter what others think. Anyway, I’d kick anyone who tried to call you that. I’ll always have your back.”

  Wendy nibbled her lip trying to think of more to say.

  “That’s it? All of your doubts come down to two things, or three if you count the two brother thing you said earlier.” Tiffany laughed. She got off her stool to wash the used glass in the sink.

  “All of those points are pretty big,” Wendy said.

  “No, they’re not. I think you know your answer, but you’re too afraid to trust it.” Tiffany kissed her cheek. “I’m going to bed. I love you no matter what you choose.”

  Washing out her glass Wendy went back to bed. She stared back up at the ceiling thinking about what her friend had to say.

  The desire she felt for Drake and Evan couldn’t be denied. The moment she’d met Drake she’d been drawn to him. That kind of attraction couldn’t be explained away in a nice, neat package.

  Then there was Evan. He was the darker of the two men, and her body responded to him with the same potency as Drake.

  She closed her eyes thinking about the two men. Drake wasn’t as large as Evan, but he was lighter. His humour trickled over her constantly giving her cause to smile. Evan was serious, and the way he stared at her left her gasping for breath.

  Each man had their appeal to her.

  In the last five years since she’d started going to college she’d had three boyfriends. Sex with each of them had been boring. All three boyfriends had been concerned with their own release rather than helping her receive any satisfaction.

  “Stop thinking so loudly.” Tiffany shouted through the walls.

  Wendy chuckled then got comfortable for a final time. She stared across her bed at the nightstand where a picture of her and Tiffany stood. That day had been amazing to her. All the studying she’d done had paid off. After an amazing summer she’d gone to college with her future ahead of her.

  The plans she’d made with the thought of her business degree filled her mind. Those plans changed when the economy went downhill.

  She stared at her smiling face and saw happiness. The future was unpredictable and untried. Her father spent a great deal of time warning her about not planning for the future. In the picture her life was mapped out without any chance of change.

  Was that what her future would be about? Constantly planning for the future? She’d planned for the future with such fine precision, and look at what happened—she was working in a beauty salon. Out of all of her plans she’d never considered working in a beauty salon. When she didn’t have to fill in the books Claire got her to clean down surfaces and brush away hair. Tiffany got tips from groping customers and was being stalked by the head chef. None of those plans were part of her future, and here she was living them. She understood what her father was trying to do, but his words no longer applied to her. She and
Tiffany were surviving together, which she was thankful for.

  Letting out a sigh she shut out the memories of the past. If she didn’t accept Evan’s proposition she’d regret it for the rest of her life. The instant he’d driven away from her, she’d regretted the decision not to tell him. The thought of Drake and Evan touching her at the same time or making love to her turned her on.

  What would she do if in ten years she thought back to this moment and wished she’d agreed? Not many women got the chance to have their sexual fantasies handed to them. Evan wasn’t offering her the world, but he was offering her pleasure.

  What did she have to lose? She wasn’t seeing anyone, and it wasn’t like anyone else would ever find out about them. Grabbing her head she let out a frustrated noise.

  The only answer she could come up with was yes.

  That was what she was going to do. She was going to tell him yes.

  Lying back on the pillows she allowed herself to relax at her decision. Her body hummed with fresh arousal as her acceptance swept through her.

  Closing her eyes for one final time she let sleep claim her. For the first time since meeting Drake her dreams were peaceful.

  Chapter Seven

  Drake stood with a drink of whiskey in hand. Evan was behind his desk going over some figures while he kept his gaze on the floor. It was still early for a Friday, but he couldn’t wait to see Wendy once again. When Evan told him about the proposition he’d given Wendy, Drake was shocked. His brother rarely acted without consulting him.

  Sipping the whiskey he waited for the burn at the back of his throat. He was drinking too much and needed to stop in order to keep a clear head for the coming night.

  “You don’t need to keep staring at the floor. Wendy will come,” Evan said, moving to stand beside him.

  “I want to be ready when she is.”

  “If you pounce on her at the first available minute you’ll frighten her away. She’ll know her decision.”

  “I can’t believe you told her that. What happened to close seduction and waiting?” “She asked what I wanted with her, and I told her.”


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