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Desire Page 5

by Sam Crescent

  Drake placed the half-empty glass on the first available counter. He put a hand in one pocket while the other stayed by his side.

  On the outside he probably looked composed and in control when the truth was he was tied up in nerves. Tonight could go wrong for both of them. Since he’d tasted her in the back of the limo, he’d been dying for another taste of her.

  “I invited Mason for the friend. He wanted to get out, and he was more than interested in getting to know Tiffany.”

  Drake listened with half an ear as he looked over at the floor below them. He saw her the moment she walked onto the main dance floor. Her black hair contrasted with the tight red dress she wore. His cock thickened at the sight of her. She was the most beautiful woman in the room. Tiffany, the blonde, followed behind her. Her friend wore a bikini style top with a short miniskirt. Both women were beautiful, but Drake only had eyes for one.

  “There’s Mason at the bar. I think we should go and introduce ourselves to the ladies,” Evan said, buttoning up his jacket.

  Drake followed behind him. Several people stopped them on their way to the bar. Wendy was ordering a drink when they got to her side.

  “Dave, get these ladies whatever they want for the rest of the night. Put it on my tab,” Evan said to the barman.

  Drake saw Mason had spotted them and headed in their direction.

  “I can pay for my own drinks,” Wendy said, putting her cash into her purse.

  “So you must be the lovely Evan while you’re the tongue tasting Drake,” Tiffany said.

  Drake chuckled when he saw Wendy’s cheeks bloom red. “It’s a pleasure to see you again, Tiffany.” He took her hand and kissed her knuckles.

  “Tiffany, this is Evan. Evan, this is my friend and roommate, Tiffany.” Wendy gave the introductions.

  Drake ignored what Evan said as he took her in. She was so fucking gorgeous. He couldn’t wait to get a taste of her plump lips. Dave brought their drinks back before leaving them to serve another customer.

  “Tiffany, I’d like to introduce you to our friend, Mason,” Drake said. He didn’t look up as he was enjoying the sight of his woman.

  My woman, where did that come from?

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you.” Mason worked his charm on Tiffany.

  His brother took control herding them all to their exclusive booth. Drake shook hands with some men but ignored the women giving him the eye. The woman he wanted was next to him. Wendy sat between him and Evan.

  “Is it okay if I leave my drink here? Wendy has something she wants to say, and she needs privacy. Come on, Mason. Show me how you move,” Tiffany said, dragging the other man off to the dance floor.

  “She’s subtle, isn’t she?” Wendy said, mocking her friend.

  Chuckling, Drake placed his arm along the back of the chair. He played with the few curls escaping the clip that held her hair on the top of her head. She moaned leaning back against his arm. “This is too much,” she said.

  “Do you have an answer for us?” Evan asked, getting straight to it.

  She tensed. Shooting a glare at his brother, Drake settled her back against him.

  “Ignore him. You can take all the time you like.”

  Wendy smiled up at him. “I can see who is the bossier of the two.” She snuggled against him. “I don’t need more time. My answer is yes, but I’ve got a few conditions.”

  Evan sipped his drink while Drake continued to stroke her hair. The length was soft, and her floral scent invaded his senses. Her scent was not as good as the scent of her pussy.

  Having her next to him soothed him. The last few days without catching a glimpse of her were worth it in face of what he was feeling with her.

  “I don’t want my father to know.”

  Drake almost spat his drink back into his glass. “You think we’d tell your father we were fucking you?” he asked, amazed.

  She flushed, glancing down at her drink. “No, I didn’t think that, but I don’t want him to know at all. This is about us. The only one I’ve told is Tiffany. She wouldn’t advertise our sex life to the world.”

  “We’re not that popular, baby,” Evan said.

  “It’s not that I’m ashamed. When this is over I don’t want people staring at me and pointing.”

  Drake tensed. She didn’t see this as anything other than a bit of fun. He wanted to tell her otherwise and was about to until Evan shook his head. Gritting his teeth together Drake let it go. For all of Evan’s faults, he knew what to do most of the time. Still, if this plan risked his chance with Wendy then Drake would fucking kill him. Brother or not, he wasn’t coming between him and happiness.


  Evan stopped his brother from saying otherwise because he sensed the struggle inside the woman they wanted. She’d agreed to be with them even as she held herself back. He understood the point of her father not knowing. Ronald Peterson would do nothing but cause them problems. Problems Wendy didn’t deserve. Sipping his drink he placed his hand on her knee and started to stroke her soft flesh.

  She looked sexy as sin tonight. He couldn’t wait to see what she had on underneath the dress.

  “We can deal with those requests. Anything else?” he asked.

  “Yes, you’re going to have to wear condoms because I’m not on any birth control. That’s all I’ve got. If you don’t like them I understand.”

  Drake caught her chin in his hand. His brother didn’t kiss her, but the intent shone in his eyes. “I would do anything for another taste of you.”

  She turned to him. “What about you?”

  “I’ve yet to taste your pussy, baby. I’m looking forward to what you have to offer.”

  Before Wendy got chance to say anything more Tiffany came back to the table. Mason followed behind her looking far too pleased. She took a drink and then pulled Wendy onto the dance floor.

  Evan sat back watching his woman move her body to the music.

  “She’s a sexy woman,” Mason said, sitting down.

  Evan glared at the man.

  “Not Wendy. I’m talking about Tiffany. She’s hot and moves like a dream.”

  “Don’t hurt her, Mason. She’s Wendy’s closest friend, and that makes her important to us.”

  Mason nodded. “I figured it was serious when Evan asked for detailed info on her. She’s the one you guys have been looking for?”

  Evan jerked his head confirming it. His gaze moved towards her on the floor. The dress she wore didn’t cover enough skin as far as he was concerned.

  “I’m going to join our lady.” Drake moved out of the booth. Evan stayed and watched. He got turned on enough by watching, and that was what he would do. Drake pulled Wendy against him. She tensed at first clearly getting used to his attentions.

  Tiffany laughed swinging her hips along with the beat of the music.

  “You can’t keep your eyes off her,” Mason said.

  “She’s the one.”

  “You don’t know her, and you’re already convinced she’s the one.”

  He turned to Mason in time to see the other man shake his head. “I don’t need to know her. I know how I feel, and she’s here.” Pressing a palm to his heart he rubbed the spot.

  “I think you’re insane.”

  “Then it’s a good job you’re not the one who’s doing this.”

  Turning his gaze back to the dance floor, Evan saw Tiffany walking over to him.

  “I think you should go and dance with her.”

  “I can’t. It’s part of her rules.”

  She blew a raspberry. “Screw her rules, Evan. Go and dance with her.” Tiffany pulled him out of the booth and shoved him in the direction of Wendy.

  He didn’t know what the others did as he made his way onto the dance floor. Wendy’s arm was curled around the back of Drake’s neck as her back pressed against his front.

  As he walked up to her Evan got a good view of her full curves. The dress moulded to every delightful curve. Her waist nipped in and then fille
d out to wide hips. He couldn’t wait to get his hands on her hips as he fucked her hard and fast. Her eyes opened. The flush in her cheeks deepened as he moved close.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  Wrapping an arm around her waist he pulled her close. She let go of Drake to wrap her arm around his neck. She let out a gasp followed by a moan.

  “I’m dancing with my woman.”

  She whimpered when Drake laid a kiss to her neck. With her hair off her neck it left a great deal of flesh uncovered, and his brother went in.

  Her grip tightened around his neck.

  “That feels so good.”

  The crowd faded around them until they were the only three people stood in the room. Evan only had eyes for one woman.

  “You’re making me forget myself,” she said.

  “That’s the point.” He whispered the words against her ear.

  She stared up at him through drooping eyes.

  Evan witnessed the need in her gaze. Her lips were full and ripe. Her nipples poked against the front of her dress inviting him to taste her.

  “What do you want?” Evan asked.

  Drake rested his fingers on her neck. His touch made her close her eyes before answering.

  “I want you and Drake.”

  When the dance ended Evan escorted her back to the table. He ordered her a drink, which was non-alcoholic. He didn’t want to have to deal with a drunken woman tonight. Tonight he wanted to enjoy the pleasure of fucking her and getting to know every inch of her glorious body.

  Mason and Tiffany were muttering to each other as they sat down.

  “This club is amazing,” Tiffany said.

  “Thank you. This was a dream of ours for some time.”

  “I think it’s time Wendy and I went and powdered our noses.” Tiffany took the lead, grabbing her hand and leading her out of the booth.

  Evan watched them go.

  “They’ll be fine going to the ladies’ room. They’re probably talking about you and what’s going to happen tonight,” Mason said.

  “Will you be taking Tiffany home?” Evan asked.

  “No. She said it was nice to meet me, but she didn’t want to be anything other than an acquaintance. She’s here to make sure Wendy doesn’t chicken out.” Mason placed his arms out on the back of the booth. “She’s a great gal.”

  Evan saw Tiffany’s brush off had upset his friend. Mason rarely got turned down. Drake chuckled by his side. Smirking, Evan sipped his drink wondering what the two women were talking about. He couldn’t wait to get her alone. He already had the driver on standby.

  Chapter Eight

  The ladies’ room was full. They waited for their space at the mirrors before talking. Tiffany ignored the girls who glared at her. Wendy chuckled as she touched up her lipstick. She didn’t wear anything else but lipstick while her friend applied it all.

  “Your men are hot. You’re one lucky girl.”

  Taking a deep breath Wendy glanced at their reflection in the mirror.

  “No, don’t tell me you’re having doubts?” Tiffany asked.

  “I’m not having doubts. Well, I guess I’m having small doubts but nothing out of the ordinary. This is my first relationship in a year. I’m nervous, and it’s not really a proper relationship. It’s just sex.”

  “Sex is a good place to start. You need to rid your mind of all those crappy boyfriends you’ve had.”

  “All of those? How many guys do you think I’ve dated?” Wendy chuckled as Tiffany adjusted her breasts.

  “Not enough.”

  Wendy shivered thinking about their touch on her body. They were both powerful in their own way. She didn’t know how she was going to survive the night with them, let alone the next couple of weeks.

  They made their way out of the ladies’ room, and she touched Tiffany’s arm. “I don’t want to go back there yet. I need to get my head together.”

  “You can’t back out.”

  “I’m not going to. I need a minute. This is the first time I’ve ever been any kind of seductress.”

  Leaning against the wall Wendy took several deep breaths. Her body was primed and ready for sex. Since she’d seen the two brothers together she’d been ready for them.

  “You’re hot and ready for them. We need to go back there. I know you, Wendy. You’re getting ready to back out.”

  “I’m not.” She lied easily.

  Tiffany raised her brow then tugged Wendy along until they were at the table.

  “It’s getting late, and I think it’s time for me to go home. I’ve got to work tomorrow,” Tiffany said.

  “That’s my cue to leave.” Mason placed some cash on the counter then stood. “I’ll be seeing you later.” He spoke to the Johnson brothers before he placed a hand at her friend’s back. Wendy watched her best friend leave.

  “I think it’s time we go as well,” Drake said. In one swift move he stood in front of her. His fingers grazed the skin of her arm. She shivered from his small touch.

  “I’m ready to go.”

  Evan downed his drink then stood. “Let’s go. I’ve organised the safety of the club.” She watched as he flicked open his cell phone. He spoke quickly as they made their way out of the club.

  By the time she walked outside, the limo she associated with them was waiting by the kerb. Drake got the door for her. He helped her inside. She slid into the far corner. Drake got in next followed by Evan. Both men were large. The seats should easily fit three people, but with their width there was only enough room for the two of them.

  The older brother took control, giving instructions to the driver, and then pushing up the partition separating them from the driver. They were in absolute privacy, or as private as they could get in the back of the limo.

  Her pulse raced as Drake removed his jacket.

  “Isn’t that dangerous?” she asked as Drake moved toward her.

  “Not for me. I’ll be careful.” His hand landed on her knee pushing up the fabric of her dress.

  Fighting would be useless. She wanted this desperately.

  Sinking down in her seat she stared up into his gaze. His eyes held so much promise. She licked her lips.

  “You need to stop doing that,” he said.

  Wendy licked her lips wanting to see what his reaction would be.

  He groaned. Drake pushed her skirt up to her waist exposing her naked flesh.

  “Shit, she wasn’t wearing any panties, Evan.”

  Staring over his shoulder she met the smouldering look of the older brother.

  “Touch her pussy, Drake, but don’t let her come.”

  Opening her legs wide Wendy gripped Drake’s hair. Within seconds his tongue was sliding through her slit. The touch to her clit made her jump. She’d been wired since meeting each of them. Her body was on fire for what they could do to her.

  She watched Evan move to her side. He sat next to her. His hand on her cheek felt gentle and delicate. Evan was anything but gentle and delicate.

  Drake pressed two fingers into her pussy. She thrust up to meet his strokes while Evan pressed his thumb between her lips.

  “You look so fucking sexy,” Evan said.

  Leaving Drake’s hair, she turned her touch to Evan. She pulled him down smashing his lips against hers. The intense need that enthralled her scared her. She’d never been one to allow her feelings to influence a decision.

  Her body was the one speaking tonight. Refusing their touch would be stupid.

  Evan moved her forward even as he kissed her. The zipper on her dress was pulled down exposing her back. She’d worn a bra. Her breasts were too large not to. The top of the dress was pushed past her chest. Breaking from the kiss, she stared into Evan’s eyes to see the same fire blazing in his gaze. He looked half possessed as he stared at her. Pushing her nerves aside, Wendy reached for the clasp of her bra. In the next instant her breasts sprang free for them to look at and touch.

  Taking his hand she pressed his palm to her breast.

  “Touch me,” she said.

  “I’m going to do more than touch them.” Evan caught her chin in his hand brushing her lips with his. The possessive feel to his touch shocked her.

  “What are you going to do?” she asked, intrigued.

  “While Drake tastes that delicious pussy, I’m going to suck your nipples until they’re rock hard. I want to know how sensitive you are to my touch.” He flicked her nipple. The effect went straight ‘round her body.

  Her stomach tightened as her clit swelled with renewed need. Evan made quick work of her clothing. Wendy was shocked to find she was completely naked in the back of the limo when Evan and Drake were still dressed.

  “I love this,” Evan said.


  “You’re naked and at our mercy.” His hand grazed down her body dipping to where Drake was licking. Drake immediately stopped letting Evan touch her.

  Evan grabbed her attention as he swirled his finger around her clit. She gasped arching up to him. He dropped down to finger her entrance. The heat building inside her made her think of a blazing fire that couldn’t be stopped.

  “Keep licking her, Drake.” Evan pressed the finger to his lips. She watched him suck the digit into his mouth licking off her cream like it was a lollipop. “You taste exquisite.”

  Her gaze dropped down to his throbbing erection. She saw the outline of his cock through his clothing. His cock was pressed against his zipper. To Wendy, it looked like it wanted to break free.

  Evan’s head leaned in as Drake sucked her clit into his mouth. She cried out. The dual sensation of Evan biting her nipple and Drake licking her pussy was too much. Within seconds she exploded around their expert mouths.

  She cried out. Her body shuddered, replete and satisfied with her orgasm.

  “I didn’t give you permission to come,” Evan said. He was smiling.

  “I couldn’t help it. I’m not used to this.”

  He stroked her cheek. “You’ll get used to our desires.”

  Turning her attention to Drake, she was shocked to find him with his trousers around his ankles and his cock covered in a condom. For a split second she was speechless. He looked so beautiful. The size of him reminded her of a Greek god with the powerful presence he possessed.


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