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Desire Page 6

by Sam Crescent

  She wondered if they’d ever modelled for a sculpture. The question ran through her mind, but she ignored it.

  “Go to him,” Evan said.

  “You don’t mind?”

  He shook his head. “I love to watch.” Evan eased back on the seat.

  “Come here, baby. He likes to watch, and there will be plenty of time for me to watch you with him.”

  This was unchartered territory for her. She’d never known any men like them. They were possessive and yet were willing to share her with each other. None of it made any sense to her.

  “We’d never hurt you,” Drake said, capturing her hand. He eased her over his lap. His fingers brushed her pussy before he aligned his cock to her slit. “Are you ready for me?” he asked.

  She nodded. The excitement she felt was causing her to shake.

  “Good.” He guided her over his thick erection. She’d never known a man could be that wide. His presence was known the moment he started pushing inside.

  His grip tightened on her waist. She’d have bruises when he was done.

  Wendy kept her words to herself. She imagined women told him regularly about his size, and she didn’t need to help stroke his ego.

  “Shit, she’s fucking tight, Evan. Tight and perfect.”

  Both hands went to her hips, and then he slammed her down the last few inches onto his cock. She cried out no longer caring if the driver could hear her or not.

  Thrusting her chest up, she felt him hitting deep inside her. No number of orgasms could have prepared her for the sheer size of him.

  “Fuck!” He kept cursing.

  When she grew accustomed to his length being inside her, she started to move on his cock.

  “She looks so good riding your cock,” Evan said.

  Looking behind her, Evan had his cock in his fist. He pumped the hard shaft, and his gaze watched Drake fucking her.

  Drake tugged her hair to gain her attention.

  “Keep your gaze on me. He’s content to fuck his fist. I’m going to fuck you.” He pulled her down for a kiss. She nibbled on his lip plunging her tongue into his mouth.

  She rode his cock as he plunged inside her. Closing her eyes, Wendy arched her back pressing her breasts to his face. Drake took the invitation, biting one of her nipples. She cried out as the sensation went straight to her clit.

  “Open your eyes,” Drake said.

  Wendy did as he commanded but then licked her fingers before pressing them to her clit.

  “That’s it, baby. I want to feel you come around my cock. Stroke your clit. Give me your fingers,” Drake said.

  His words fired her blood. She pressed her cum soaked finger to his lips. He licked her cream off, and then she placed her finger to her clit. At this rate she wouldn’t last. Between his dirty talk and knowing Evan was getting off from watching them was too much. After she gave Drake her fingers for the third time, she came apart in his arms. The pleasure and the heady scent of sex were unbearable. She climaxed with a scream.

  Drake’s grip tightened as he slammed inside her hard. Her tits bounced with each hard thrust. All Wendy could do was hold on as Drake sought his release. His cock tensed inside her then jerked as his seed pulsed.

  When he collapsed back on the seat, Wendy turned to see how Evan was doing. He was folding up some fabric. His cock was now flaccid.

  “He has found his release, Wendy. Watching you come apart is such a fucking turn-on,” Drake said. He stroked her back with soothing touches. She snuggled in deep wanting the comfort he offered.

  Evan’s gaze never once left hers. He tucked his cock back into his pants and winked at her.

  The driver’s voice came over the intercom. Drake kept stroking her back as Evan spoke. She closed her eyes inhaling his masculine scent. The leather of the seats was also comforting to her.

  Evan touched her shoulder. Glancing at him she waited for him to speak.

  “We’ve got five minutes and then we need to leave.”

  Together, they helped her into her dress. The fabric was wrinkled, but she’d let the dry cleaners fix it.

  Her hair was no longer in her clip but tumbled around her face. She could only imagine what she must look like.

  Chapter Nine

  Watching Wendy come apart and being inside her tight heat was the best experience of Drake’s life. He helped her out of the limo then followed her up the steps to the door to their place. Evan thanked the driver while he threw the keys onto the counter. Wendy stood clutching her purse in her hands. She looked nervous and so damn tasty.

  Unable to stop himself, Drake pressed her against the wall sinking his tongue into her mouth. Her taste was delicious and addictive.

  “You’re starting without me?” Evan asked, closing the door.

  Drake broke the kiss only to go to her neck.

  “You can join us at any time.”

  “You two confuse me,” Wendy said, breathlessly.

  Her body shook as he pressed against her. His cock was hard for her once again. There was no way he’d ever be satisfied with one quick fuck. He wanted her desperately.

  “How about a drink?” Evan said.

  Wendy nodded. “I need a drink.”

  Letting her go, Drake followed them through to the sitting room. Evan poured three small glasses of brandy. He watched Wendy gulp hers down. Her face looked pinched as she gasped. She handed her glass back asking for another.

  Drake and Evan hadn’t even got their first drink.

  With her second glass in hand his brother raised his. “I want to toast to new relationships.”

  “And to great fucking,” Wendy said. The image was lost when her cheeks blossomed at her words. Drake chuckled while Evan raised his brow.

  Their glasses clinked together.

  “I think it’s time we took this upstairs.”

  Drake took the lead by escorting Wendy up the staircase. He went straight for Evan’s room because he owned the bigger of the two beds. Placing his glass on the bed-side table Drake took Wendy’s glass from her.

  Her fingers ran up his shirt front pushing the jacket off his shoulders.

  “I think it’s time I got to see you naked.”

  His gaze skittered to Evan. His older brother was already undressing. The time for watching was long past. The look in Evan’s eye couldn’t be mistaken for anything other than need. He walked into the room and up behind Wendy. Evan moved her hair aside laying little kisses along her neck. Just watching was enough to get Drake’s cock hard.

  When it came to Wendy he was always hard, especially when she licked her luscious lips. He wanted to see those lips wrapped around his cock. Her fingers eased the buttons of his shirt free. He wrapped her hair around his fist, tilting her head back to claim those lips. For the rest of his life he was going to be having fantasies about those lips. His shirt fell to the floor, followed by Evan’s. His older brother was undressing himself.

  Drake smirked. He loved having all the attention when his brother had to wait.

  In the next instant he gasped as Wendy went to her knees before him. She tugged on the belt then unzipped his trousers. His cock sprang free when she pulled the trousers down. Drake stepped out of them. Her gaze landed on his thick cock.

  “You’re hard already?” she asked.

  “Only because of you, baby.” Stroking her jaw, Drake pressed his thumb between her lips. “Suck my cock, beautiful.”

  She took him deep into her mouth. Her moans vibrated along the length of him.

  Evan took over holding her hair as he watched his length sinking into her mouth. He was bare as she sucked him. Wendy pulled off his cock to lick the slit at the top. Her tongue was coated with his seed, and she swallowed it down.


  If he wasn’t careful he’d blow down her throat, and he didn’t want to do that. He’d already come once, and he didn’t know if he’d survive a second time.

  His brother saved him by tapping her head. She immediately released him.
br />   “Up. I think it’s time I get to explore this lush body.” To emphasise his point, Evan smacked her ass.

  Wendy moaned pressing her body against Evan.

  Drake took the time to unzip the back of her dress. Her pale flesh was revealed with each inch. The dress fell down on the floor around them. All that was left was Evan’s trousers.

  Evan opened his pants and dropped them to the floor.

  She reached for Evan pumping his cock. Drake followed the couple as Evan walked her back to the bed. She slid back with a smile on her lips.

  “I’m ready for you.” She crooked her finger at them.

  Accepting the invitation, Drake caught her face in his hands and loved her mouth. She moaned opening up to him.

  Evan opened her legs wide. Breaking the kiss, he watched Evan go down on her.

  His brother devoured her pussy. Her slick juices glistened in the light of the room.

  Her fingers sank into Evan’s hair. His length was not as long as Drake’s but still enough to grab hold on.

  “How does it feel?” Drake asked.

  “So good,” she said, gasping.

  When Evan brought her to the edge he left her there. Evan pulled away, wiping his mouth of her juices.

  “The lube and cock are in the nightstand.”

  Drake got what his brother requested.

  “Get on your knees.”

  Wendy went to her knees with only the slightest hesitation. “Why do you need lube and a cock?” she asked.

  “Have you ever had anal?” Drake asked. He handed the two items to his brother.

  She shook her head. “An ex tried, but I didn’t want to.”

  “Do you want to try it with me and Drake?” Evan asked.

  “I’m on my knees. What do you think?”

  Evan rewarded her attitude with a smack to the ass. Wendy yelped and stuck her ass out for more. Their woman was kinky, and Drake liked it. He didn’t want to think about what they would have done if she hadn’t walked into Desire when she had.

  Running his hand down her back, he shut off the thought. He wasn’t letting Wendy get away from them. The moment she’d agreed to become theirs, she’d signed her future away as far as he was concerned.


  Her taste lingered on his tongue tempting him to take another taste. Evan licked his lips. He stared down at her exposed slit. Her pussy was red and swollen with her cream leaking out of the slit. The sight was so fucking addictive, almost as addictive as her pussy.

  Gazing at her asshole Evan grabbed the lube and cock he’d placed on the bed. He applied a generous amount of lube to the fake cock. The device wasn’t as big as he was, or as wide, but it would do to prepare her little ass for their possession.

  When the cock was covered her pressed the tube to her ass and squirted more on that forbidden entrance.

  “It’s cold.”

  He chuckled. Handing the tube back to his brother, Evan smeared the lube over that puckered entrance. Her anal muscles were incredibly tight. Pressing a single finger to her entrance, Evan gave her time to accept him. He pressed on her ass and waited.

  When the tip of his finger slid past that tight ring of muscles, he eased a second finger. After she’d taken his two fingers Evan started to press the cock to her ass. She pushed back on the cock with a moan. He smacked her ass, and he saw Drake kissed her lips.

  “Please, it feels so good,” she said.

  Evan took his time. He refused to hurt her.

  Only when the whole thing was inside her ass did he pump it a bit faster. She moaned. The flow of her cream was constant out of her pussy. With his free hand that he hadn’t used on her ass, he teased her clit.

  “What do you think, baby? Do you think you can take Drake?”

  “Yes, God, yes,” she said.

  Removing the cock from her ass, Evan picked her up in his arms. With her wriggling in his lap, he placed a condom over his raging erection. Before she could argue he pressed his shaft inside her. Her arms wrapped his neck. For a split second he got the chance to enjoy the feel of her around him.

  She bit his neck. Wrapping her hair around his fist Evan pulled her head back. She smiled back at him sweetly.

  Drake stood behind her with his hand wrapped around his cock.

  “Are you ready to take us both, baby?” Evan asked.


  In that instant, he knew this meant more to him and Drake than it meant to her. She didn’t see this as anything other than sex. He’d show her. This thing between them was more than just sex.

  He saw the same emotion reflected in Drake’s eyes. His brother was taken with the little raven haired devil. Her eyes widened when Drake started to press his cock into her ass.

  Evan stroked her back soothing her.

  “He’s bigger than what you stuck in me,” she said, complaining.

  “I’ll take that as a compliment,” Drake said.

  “Push out.”

  She did as he instructed, and Drake forged inside her.

  The thin membrane between them wasn’t enough to stop him feeling his woman fully. Her eyes had dilated, and she looked ready to explode. He’d purposefully brought her to the edge and refused her release because of this moment. For her first time of taking both of them, she’d need to be close to losing her mind.

  Drake sucked on her neck as Evan pulled out of her pussy only to thrust inside her as Drake eased out. They set up a rhythm between them and her body.

  She thrashed between them. Her glorious tits bounced with each pulse of their bodies. His cock felt like it was going to explode from the pleasure of her tight, snug heat. He didn’t want to be anywhere else but inside her body.

  Moving his hand to her breast, he captured one mound and sucked on the beaded tip. He tasted her sweat as he licked her nipple. She cried out. Her sounds echoed off the walls. Biting on her nipple Evan turned his attention to her other free nipple.

  “Please, let me come,” she said.

  Drake was the one who pressed his fingers against her clit. Evan was happy to let her beg some more.

  Her eyes had drooped, and her lips looked swollen from their kisses. Not caring if his brother struggled to stroke her clit, Evan grabbed her head in a rough grasp and slammed her lips down on his.

  She clawed at his back as he fucked her pussy hard.

  Kissing down her jaw, he sucked on the flesh of her neck. His release was close, and from the flutters of her cunt, so was Wendy.

  “Please,” she said.

  “Let it come, baby. Come for us,” Evan said.

  She screamed. Her pussy tightened as did her ass from the look on Drake’s face. His brother looked ready to blow.

  Plunging his tongue into her mouth, Evan picked up his pace. His only need was to seek the pleasure he wanted inside her body. Wendy hung on as with two quick thrusts he came with a growl. Drake growled his own release. The sounds filled the room along with the scent of sweat.

  Wendy collapsed around him. Her arms wrapped around his neck. The strength was no longer there where she held on.

  He pushed her slick hair off her face. Her face was flushed, which only came with good, hot sex.

  “I think it’s time for a bath,” Drake said.

  She winced when his brother eased out of her ass. Evan didn’t want to leave the snug fit of her pussy. It felt to him like he was supposed to be inside her.

  Locking down his thoughts, Evan picked her up in his arms. He walked through to the bathroom refusing to pull out of her tight heat even though he was now flaccid.

  He couldn’t believe that he’d been taken over by her.

  Chapter Ten

  Wendy couldn’t fault them on their aftercare. Between Evan and Drake, they bathed her, fed her, and pretty much made sure she wanted for nothing. Waking up the following morning was like a kick to the gut. She heard them wandering around downstairs, and the memories of the night came flooding back to her.

  Her sex life had been far from exc
iting. Usually, the guys rubbed against her, squeezed her breasts, and then got on top thinking that was all it took to make her come. Evan and Drake were under no illusions about what made her come. It was almost frightening what they knew about the female body.

  She moved into a sitting position and felt the pleasurable aches in her pussy and ass. Pushing her hair off her face, Wendy felt her face flame. Last night she’d finally broken her anal cherry. She’d loved every second of their attention to her ass.

  Shaking her head, she moved toward the end of the bed. Picking up her purse, which she found on the floor close to the bed, she searched for her phone. There was one missed call from Tiffany but nothing else.

  With a hand on her head she dialled her friend’s number. Tiffany answered immediately.

  “It’s about time you called me, hussy. Why didn’t you call the main phone?”

  “I thought you were supposed to be working,” Wendy said.

  “Oops, busted. I just said that to get out of there. The sexual chemistry was killing me. Evan and Drake were looking at you like they wanted to fuck you right there on the spot. I think I broke my vibrator last night.”

  Wendy chuckled even though she tried to stop herself. Her friend really did mean well.

  “So, was it any good?” Tiffany asked.

  “It was the best night of my life.” She admitted the truth. Even without the sex, Evan and Drake were attentive and kind. She enjoyed being the centre of their little world.

  “See, I told you. All those losers you dated were wrong for you. See, I’m a genius.”

  “You’re a matchmaker.”

  “I wonder if I can make a career out of getting couples together.”

  “I don’t know. I’m just one person, and all we’ve got going is sex.” Wendy stood up stretching out her muscles.

  “Stop being such a bore. What are you going to do when they want more?” Tiffany asked.

  “Who says they want more?” Wendy rummaged through the clothes to find her dress. Going down in the revealing dress wasn’t suited to breakfast.

  “They’ll want more because you’re a sweetheart. What are you doing?”


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